Authors: Giles MacDonogh
Klimov, Gregory
Kling, Alfred
Knappertsbusch, Hans
Knoechlein, Fritz
Knott, Otto
Koch, Gauleiter Erich Koch, Ilse
Koch, Karl
Koeltz, General Louis Marie
Koenig, General Pierre
Koeppler, Heinz
Kogon, Eugen;
Der SS-Staat
Kokorin (Stalin’s nephew)
Koller, Karl
Komotau, Czechoslovakia
Koniev, General Ivan
Königsberg (Kaliningrad)
Konrad, Father Joachim
Kopelev, Lev
Kopf, Maximilian
Koplenig, Johann
Korean War (1950-3)
Körner, Paul
Körner, General Theodor
Košice Statutes (Czechoslovakia, 1945)
Kotikov, Major-General A. G.
Kouril, Jan
Kovner, Abba
Kozeluhová, Helena
Kraemer, Fritz
Kraft, Walter
Kramer, Josef
Krauland, Peter
Krauss, Klemens
Krebs, General Hans
Krebs, Willi
Kreisau Circle
Kremen, Ottokar
Krenek, Ernst
Krockow family
Krockow, Libussa von
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Alfried
Krupps works, Essen
Kubuschok, Dr (Breslau lawyer)
Kuckhoff, Adam and Greta
Kuhn, Richard
Kühnemann, Eugen
Kulturbund zur demokratischen Erneuerung Deutschlands
Külz (of CDU)
Kumm, Otto
Kundt, Ernst
Kunschak, Leopold
Künstner, Willi
Kurasov, Vladimir
Lafferanz, Bodo
Laffon, Emile
Lahousen, General-Major Erwin von Lais, Dr
Lammers, Hans
Lamsdorf (Lambinowice) camp, Silesia
Landsberg, Bavaria
Langham, Lieutenant Richard
Langoth, Franz
Langwasser, Nuremberg
La Rocque, Colonel de
Lasch, General Otto
Lasche, Siegfried
Lasky, Lieutenant-Colonel Wolf
Laternser, Dr H.
Lattre de Tassigny, Marshal Jean de
Latzel, Alfred
Laue, Max von
Laval, Pierre
Lawrence, Sir Geoffrey (
Baron Trevethin and Oaksey)
Lazarev, Viktor
Leahy, Admiral William D.
Lease-Lend Agreement (US-British): ends (1945)
Leber, Annedore
Leclerc, General Jacques Philippe, vicomte de Hauteclocque
Le Corbusier (Charles Edouard Jeanneret)
Ledenfels (musician)
Lederer, Captain
Leeb, Field Marshal Wilhelm, Ritter von
Legge, Walter
Lehndorff, Graf Hans
Lehndorff, Graf Heinrich
Lehndorff, Mausi
Leonhard, Wolfgang
Lepman, Yella
Lerchenfeld concentration camp, Czechoslovakia
l’Estrange, Captain de
Lettau, Reinhold
Leudesdorff, René
Leuschner, Wilhelm
Leverkühn, Dr Paul
Levin, Mayer
Levin, Sub-lieutenant
Ley, Robert
Liberal Democratic Party (LPD)
libraries: in American zone
Lidice massacre
Limpächer, Franz
Lincke, Paul
Lindbergh, Charles
Linford, Major
Linz, Austria
Lippmann, Walter
List, Eugene
List, Field Marshal Wilhelm
literature: in American zone; revival in Germany
Litvinov, Maxim
Livonius, Herr von (of Grumbkow)
Lloyd, Colonel Glynn
Lloyd George, David
Lockwenz, Dr
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Lods, Marcel
Loeser, Ewald
Loewenstein, Dr Karl
Löhr, Colonel-General Alexander
London Agreements: 1944 June 1948
London Statute (1945)
Longfordh Earl of
Pakenhamt Baron
Lorbeer, Hans
Lothar, Ernst
Louis Ferdinand, Prince of Prussia
Löwenstein, Prince Hubertus zu
Löwenthal, Fritz
Lower Saxony
Ludin, Hanns
Ludshuveit, Lieutenant Yevgeny
Ludwig, Leopold
Lukács, Georg
Lundwall, Dr Erich
Lurçat, Jean
Lusset, Félix
Luxembourg: POW deaths in
Lynch, Pat
Lyndon, Major
Lyne, Major-General Lewis Owen
M., Christel
M., Doris von
Maasburg, Nikolaus von
McCloy, Ellen
McCloy, John
McClure, General Robert
McCreery, General Sir Richard
Machold, Reinhold
Mack, Sir Henry
Maclean, Donald
Macmillan, Harold (
1st Earl of Stockton)
McNarney, General Joseph T.
McNeil, Hector
Mader, Helene
Mafalda, Princess of Hesse
Mahr, Franz
Mainz; university
Mair, John
Maisky, Ivan
Makins, Roger
Malenkov, Georgy
Malmédy massacre and trial
Maltheuren concentration camp, Czechoslovakia
Malzacher, Hans
Mander, Sir Geoffrey
Mann, Erika
Mann, Golo
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Klaus;
Auf der Suche nach einem Weg
Mann, Thomas
Manstein, Field Marshal Fritz Erich von
Marcuse, Herbert
Marek, Police Captain Anton
Marek, Max
Margarétha, Eugen: on arrival of Russians in Vienna; on looting; on American advance; dismissed from job; hears rumour of Schuschnigg’s poisoning; on Vlasov’s approach; on judging Nazis; on Viennese self-interest; accommodates English troops; on Austrian elections (1945); on Soviet occupation of eastern Styria
Markgraf, Paul; police force
Maron, Karl
Maršálek, Hans
Marshall, General George S.
Marshall Plan (1947): Soviet reaction to; anti-communist aims; initiated; supported by London conference
Marwitz, family von der
Mary, Princess of Hesse
Masaryk, Jan
Mastny, Vojtech
Matchbox, Operation
Matzkowski, Hermann
Mautern bridge, Austria
Mauthausen concentration camp
Maxwell, Robert
Mayer, Milton
Mayer, René
Meissner, Otto
Mendelssohn, Felix
Mendelssohn, Peter de
Mengele, Josef
Menne, Bernhard
Mensdorff, Graf Albert
Menuhin, Yehudi
Merton, Richard
Merz von Quirnheim, Colonel
Metternich, Prince Paul von
Metternich, Princess Tatiana von
Meyer, Kurt
Meyer, Oskar
Michel, Heinrich
Mielke, Erich
Mierendorff, Carlo
Mikesch, Stanislaus
Miklos, Béla
Mikoyan, Anastas
Milch, Field Marshal Erhardt
Mitscherlich, Alexander
Mohapl, Major
Mohnke, SS-Brigadeführer Wilhelm
Molkenthin (reporter)
Molo, Walter von
Molotov, Vyacheslav M.: and Sudeten Germans; criticises Western Allies’ policy on Germany; on number of German prisoners in Russia; and Potsdam Agreement; at Potsdam Conference; and French demands; favours East-West cooperation; Bevin challenges; breaks off talks with West (June 1947); and Soviet hostility to West; demands control of exports from Western Berlin; and government of East Germany
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939)
Moltke, Helmuth James von
Mondwurf, Friedhelm
Monnet, Jean
Mons, Belgium
Monte Cassino abbey, Italy
Montgomery, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Lawt Viscount: accepts German surrender; orders non-destruction of German weapons; Churchill protests to over treatment of Germans; as first military governor; promises to restore party politics; keeps Ruhr coal in Germany; broadcast speech on imprisoning General Staff officers; and food rationing; and ban on fraternising; disapproves of Nuremberg trials; Himmler requests meeting with; Josef Kramer appeals to; favours attacking Russians; and settlement of Berlin
Monticault, Alain de
Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives (MFAA; American)
Morgan, Lieutenant-General Sir Frederick
Morgenthau, Henry: ‘pastoralisation’ plan for Germany; de Gaulle rejects plan; proposes separation of Austria from Germany; Clay rejects proposals; and denazification; and violence against German prisoners; resigns; and Polish territorial demands;
Germany is our Problem
Moroccan troops
Moscow: Conference of Foreign Ministers: (December 1946); (March 1947)
Moscow Declaration (30 October 1943)
Mosely, Leonard
Müller (German clockmaker)
Müller, Heinrich ‘Gestapo’
Müller, Josef (‘Ochsensepp’)
Mumm, Brat von
Munich Agreement (1938)
Mürau bei Hohenstadt, Czechoslovakia
Murphy, Colonel Michael
Murphy, Robert
Muscovites (German communists)
music: in Soviet zone; in American zone; in British zone; in Austria; denazification of composers
Mussolini, Benito
Nabokov, Nicolas
Nagel, Otto
Naimark, Norman M.:
The Russians in Germany
Napoleon I (Bonaparte), Emperor of the French
National Democratic Party of Germany (NDPD)
Natzwiller concentration camp
Nazis: employed in Russian zone; opposition to; and
; tried and sentenced;
see also
Neave, Major Airey
Neisse, Silesia
Nerwig, Klaus and Frau
Neudörfl, Rudolf
Neues Österreich
Neumann, Franz Leopold
Neumann, Günter
Neurath, Constantin von
Neuss, Silesia
Neustadt, Upper Silesia
Neveu, Ginette
Newman (US governor of Hessen)
newspaper press; Jewish
Nicholls, Jack
Nicols, Philip
Nicolson, Nigel
Niehoff, General Hermann
Niekisch, Ernst
Niemöller, Martin
Nieusela, Hans-Günther
Night of the Long Knives (1934)
Nikitchenko, General Iona
Nikolsburg, Czechoslovakia
Noiret, General Roger
Nolde, Emil
Normann, Käthe von
Normann, Philipp von
North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)
Nüll, Edwin von der
Nuremberg Laws
Nuremberg trials: Paul Schmidt at; Göring and; and executions; established and constituted; treatment of accused; conduct of; sentences; lesser trials; and severe winter (1946-7)
O5 (Austrian resistance group)
Occupation Marks (currency)
Ochab, Edward
Ödenburg (Sopron)
Oelssner, Fred
Ohlendorf, Otto
Ohrdruf labour camp
Olbricht, General Friedrich
Oldenburg-Januschau, Elard von
O’Neill, Con
opera: in Soviet zone; in American zone
Opfer der Fascismus (OdF)
Oppenhoff, Franz
Oradour-sur-Glane, France
Oran: French fleet sunk by British
Osberger family
Oscar, Prince of Prussia
Ottilinger, Frau
Oulman, Gaston
Padover, Saul
Paget, Reginald
Pakenham, Francis Aungier Pakenham t Baron (
7th Earl of Longford)
Pal, Rahabinode
Palestine: Jewish refugees emigrate to
Palmer, Rex
Pałucki, Władysław
Pancrác (Pankratz), Czechoslovakia
Pannwitz, General Helmuth von
Papagos, Field Marshal Alexander
Papen, Franz von: arrested, tried and acquitted; and Schwerin von Krosigk; retried and sentenced after Nuremberg acquittal; membership of Berlin Herrenklub; claims US guards offer suicide means; attends mass
Paris peace conference (1946)
Parker, John J.
Patton, General George S.: visits concentration camp; army in Czechoslovakia; attitude to Germans; character and manner; reputation; on Jewish DPs; relieved of command for comment on Nazis; and treatment of German POWs; orders killing of POWs at Biscari; hostility to Soviet Russia; on results of war settlement
Patzak, Julius
Paulus, Field Marshal Friedrich
Pauly, Max
Pavlov (interpreter)
Pawlowsky, Dr
Payne Best, Captain Sigismund
Pearson, Lieutenant-Colonel
Pechtel, Ursula
Peiper, Jochen
Pelican, Fred (born Friedrich Pelikan)
People’s Congress for Unity and Just Peace
Perl, William
Pétain, Marshal Philippe Peters, Dr Theofil
Petersen, Rudolf
Petznek, Frau (
Archduchess Elisabeth)
Pfitzner, Hans
Pfitzner, Josef
Philby, Kim
Philip, Prince of Hesse
Picht, Georg
Pieck, Wilhelm
Pierrepoint, Albert
Pillau, East Prussia
Pinson (French ex-Jesuit)
Piquet, Gabriel, Bishop of Clermont-Ferrand
Pirchegger, Anton
Pirzio-Biroli, Fey
Plattling camp
Plattner (anti-Nazi Tyrolean)
Pleiger, Paul
Pless family
Plettenberg, Graf
Pliever, Theodor;
Podewils, Sophie Dorothea
Podhragy, Baron Leopold Popper von
Pohl, Gerhart
Pohl, Oswald
Pohrlitz camp, Czechoslovakia
Poland: Nazi death camps; border disputes and agreements; Stalin’s policy on; territorial claims; soldiers liberate Teschen; allocated former Teutonic regions at Yalta; General Gouvernement; resettlement programme; claims Breslau; Miliz (organisation); partition; treatment of Germans; racial minorities in& n; religion in; German disdain for; and deportation of Germans; anti-semitism in; German POWs in; trial and punishment of war criminals; Lublin government; Churchill attempts to settle; occupies Silesia; discussed at Potsdam Conference; as buffer for Soviet Union; effects of peace settlement on