A Different Shade of Violet? (42 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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I sit on the back veranda of my home with Hudson. It’s a Saturday afternoon so Hudson and I are home on the weekend from our day job, working at the Stone’s Bike Shop in the city. It’s an awesome place to work, and I love being with Hudson every day because I need to be around him. It might be my insecurities because I guess we never truly know if we’re safe from the Rebel Dog members. It’s been six years and we haven’t had any problems so far, so I doubt we will now. Plus, they were all arrested and their sentences ranged from two years to life imprisonment depending on the severity of their crimes. The cops went into the club house and they seized everything and there was nothing left for the Dogs to go back to even if they wanted to start the club up again. So even though I have a small part of me that worries, I feel safe most of the time. But a small nagging in my brain is always there that I will one day lose Hudson or my girls, but I push it to the back, trying hard not to think about how I would cope if my life was ripped away from me again.

As I sit here watching a shirtless Hudson roll around on the back lawn with our two girls Ariel and Adeline who are now five and six years old. I love how my life has turned out.

Midas leisurely walks over to Hudson and lays down next to him, poor pup is nine now and I’m sure he won’t be with us much longer as heartbreaking as that is.

Zany, however, runs up and jumps all over the girls as they jump all over Hudson. It’s great to watch my family all playing happily on the grass. The laughter of my girls, and of Hudson, is filling me with a strange belief that this time everything is going to work out just fine. I won’t lose them, and nothing bad is going to happen. It’s just going to be me, Hudson and my girls for the rest of time as one big happy family.

Holden finally proposed to Lucy and they’re getting married in September, right around my birthday. I know that a cousin for the girls won’t be far away, Lucy has already told me they’re trying. And I couldn’t be happier for them.

Flynn met some girl online, she seems nice and it’s great that he finally wants to settle down with someone.

Brige is now seventeen and has had a long term relationship with James, the boy she met in school. She has grown up to be an amazing woman. I am so honoured to call her my sister. She is in her final year of high school and her grades are very impressive. She wants to be a social worker when she leaves school, and she’ll be great at it because she’s such a loving and loyal woman. She doesn’t judge anyone for the way they live their life. Which is what I love most about her.

Angel and Thor are working happily away at Cupiditas. It’s still going really well, but Thor is working in security now and not an escort, which I know made Angel very happy. When I spoke to Angel yesterday, she said that Thor asked her to marry him, finally, and I couldn’t be more ecstatic about it if I tried.

Star and Papi are still together and going strong. Star is studying acting even though she is thirty-two now, I’m still happy she’s giving it a go. And as for Papi, he wants to open his own pizzeria and I know they are both looking to get out of Cupiditas, and I don’t blame them. Working as an escort is a hard job and I know I got sick of it, so I’m sure they have too.

Shiela is the only one who has left Cupiditas. She left not long after I did and went to live with her brother back in Port Augusta. She helps him run the sheep station out there and she couldn’t be happier. When I last spoke to her, she had met a nice farmer and they were taking things slow.

Rosie is the one who has shocked me the most, she still works at Cupiditas, but is strictly servicing only Chief Justice Ronald Jamerson or as we called him ‘The Old Fart’ from now on, and she seems fine with it. I would even go as far to say that she is happy about it. I think secretly, she actually really likes the old fart, God knows why though.

So it seems everyone and everything is falling into its rightful place. My life right now is an endless stream of love and joy, and nothing could make me happier than to be living in the same home with my family.

Hudson finally gets up from the grass and looks over at me smiling brightly. He’s thirty-nine now. His birthday is around the corner and I have a weekend trip planned for us where we can go and just be together, not to mention the hot sex we will have. It’s so hard to fuck when you have two tiny girls that always want to be with you.

He walks over to me as the girls continue to run around the back yard playing with Zany. Midas walks with his dad leisurely up the stairs and over to me.

“Hey baby enjoying the sun?” Hudson asks leaning down and kissing my forehead.

I smile back up at him as he sits down next to me.

“Enjoying the view more like it,” I say and he laughs.

“Even though I’m an old man you still like perving on me?”

“Even though you’re old, your body still looks like a Greek God. So yes, I enjoy looking at you.”

“Muuum, Addy took my ball!” Ariel yells out as she crosses her hands over her chest and huffs stomping her foot. I try my hardest not to laugh at her, she’s so cute when she doesn’t get her own way.

“Well then Ariel, maybe you should share with your sister more often then, hey?” I say and Hudson chuckles as Ariel huffs and storms over to the other side of the yard seeming very displeased that I didn’t side with her.

“Oh, you’re going to be in trouble for that one Mumma bear,” he says and I chuckle and nod my head.

“Yep, I’ll be ignored for at least the next hour,” I say and he wraps his arm around my shoulders and I nuzzle into his side. There’s no place I feel safer than in Hudson’s arms. I lean back and look at him and he smiles at me so brightly, the spark between us has never ebbed, it hasn’t even dulled, and just being here with him gently stroking my arm is setting me on fire. I lean up and kiss him softly and he kisses me back with a little more passion. I bring my hand up to his cheek and caress his face as we kiss on the back veranda of our home.

I think back to my life just after Danny and Caiden died… I was alone… I had no life… no friends and no family. And I look out at the family I have now – my girls, my pets and, of course, my rock, and now I know that through the heartache and pain, through the darkness and the rain, the sun eventually shines through and right now the sun is shining so bright.

My life is perfect, and I couldn’t wish for a better family - my family - a family that has made this Violet Widow whole again. I don’t have to hurt anymore because all the hurt has been replaced with pure love – love I receive from my family.

My family – me, my two girls, our pets and none other than my safe place, my sanctuary, my home… my Rock!



First-time Australian author K E Osborn was born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia. Having worked in the optical industry for some time, K E Osborn decided it was time to leave the optical world behind and start on something new. With a background in graphic design and a flair for all things creative, she tried her hand at writing.

K E Osborn hid the fact that she was writing from her family, as she believed the story was simply something she had to get on paper first and then judge if it was good enough for others to read. It wasn’t until her mother found a printed version of the manuscript that her secret came out. She was a writer, and she loved it. Writing gives her life purpose. It makes her feel, laugh, cry, and get completely enveloped with the characters and their storylines. She feels at home when writing.

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