A Different Shade of Violet? (36 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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“Spoil sport.”

“I’d rather have a break in between sex and still have you around, than keep fornicating and have you end up back in the hospital, wouldn’t you?” I tease.

He chuckles and nods against my head as I move my hand to rest on his chest. “Yes dear,” he jokes and I slap his chest softly in response.

“Hey, don’t you start that ‘yes dear’ shit with me Mr. Stone or I’ll divorce you,” I berate.

He laughs and wraps his arms around me tightly. “You have to marry me first, Ms. Dyson,” he says and kisses my head again. “Hey, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about too.”

I look up and nod.

“Well, I was wondering if you wanted to hyphenate your name after we get married?” he asks and I smirk and raise an eyebrow.

“Hyphenate to what?”

“Violet Dyson-Stone?” he asks as he caresses my hair.

I furrow my brows at him. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Sorry, I just thought maybe you would like to have my last name as well, but it’s okay if you don’t want to,” he says looking away from me.

“You think I don’t want your last name?”

He looks back at me. “I just know what the name Dyson means to you. So I just thought you might like to add my name to it,” he says sounding distant.

“Hudson, don’t be ridiculous,” I say and he frowns.

“Sorry, I just thought—”

“No, you’re not thinking,” I say and he exhales strongly.

“I understand, I just hate coming second to Danny you know that.”

He’s not getting it at all.

“No, you idiot, I’m not hyphenating my name. I’m not having Dyson as my name at all. I want to be Violet Stone. I want the world to know I belong to you and only you.
You aren't sharing me with anyone anymore. I loved my past, but I look forward to our future. I want to be the same as you and baby bean! I don't need to hyphenate my name Hudson,
I’m yours completely and I can’t wait to be Mrs. Stone.”

His eyes search mine. “Wait, so you don’t want to have Dyson at all?” he asks and I shake my head leaning my forehead against his.

“No, not at all. I’m yours, Hudson, only yours,” I reiterate.

“Are you sure though? I don’t want you to feel pressured or anything?”

“I love that you would think about hyphenating my name. That shows how much you really care about me. But I want to show you how much I love you and want to be with only you. So I’m changing my name as soon as we say ‘I do’ and honestly that day can’t come soon enough for me.”

He smiles and shakes his head. “I don’t deserve you, you know that?” he says and I shake my head in disagreement. “No Hudson, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you,” I say and he rolls his eyes.

“How’s baby bean? I didn’t hurt her did I?”

“She is fine, and you think bean is a girl now too?”

He smiles and caresses my tummy. “I have a feeling, and if Caiden says she’s a girl, then I believe him.”

My eyes well up that he’s supporting me in my dream. Rubbing my tummy he leans in and gently kisses me. It’s funny how sometimes the one thing you thought you didn’t want, turns out to be the very thing you need to feel utterly complete. That’s how I feel about baby bean right now. Her and Hudson, they complete me.

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For just being you. For giving me another chance at being happy. For giving me baby bean and for wanting to be my husband. I honestly can’t think of a better way to spend my life than with you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too, Vee, always,” he says and cuddles into me tightly. “But I feel like I’ve waited long enough. Can I please be inside you again?”

I laugh at him. “Okay fine, but the minute you feel out of breath or weak we’ll have a break.”

“I always feel out of breath and weak around you, Vee. You take my breath away.”

“You’re a real sweetheart when you want to be, you know that?”

He smiles and shakes his head. “No way I’m a tough biker remember, nothing sweet about me.”

I smile remembering back to the time when we first met and I thought he was a biker.

How wrong was I?

“Okay, tough guy, get on your back and let me ride you like a bike,” I say and he smiles brightly.


We spent most of the night making very slow and passionate love. I was always on top because I didn’t want him to strain himself, not yet anyway. But today he wants to take me out somewhere for a surprise and we’re taking Brige with us. I have no idea where we’re going, but we’re heading to his parent’s house, first to tell them of our engagement and then we’re taking Brige wherever it is we’re going.

Hudson seems so excited as we get dressed and head toward the front door to make our way to his parents’ house. Brige and Flynn still live there, but Holden lives with Lucy, who I’m still yet to meet, but they have been together forever.

We get in the taxi and Hudson closes the door behind him. He gives the address to the driver and we’re off. I’m nervous for some reason. I’m not sure how his parents will take the news of our engagement, especially Fran. She likes me now, and I’m pretty sure she thinks I’m good enough for her son, but I guess I’ll find out soon enough. Hudson takes my hand in his and cuddles into my side in the back of the taxi.

“Don’t be nervous, Vee. I can tell you are. My family love you and only the men know about your past, so don’t worry about Mum being over the top. She will probably just scream or something knowing her. We always thought Holden and Lucy would be engaged first seeing as they’ve been together for so long.”

“You sure your dad or Holden won’t let slip to your mum about me? I’m just scared she knows and is going to chase me out of the door with a butcher’s knife or something?”

He laughs. “Baby, they love you. But more importantly, I love you, and that’s all that matters.”

Biting my bottom lip, I just nod.

We arrive at his parents’ house and it’s gorgeous. A two story… mansion is more like it, located in the upper part of Rose Park in Adelaide – which is like the third most expensive suburb behind Medindie and Unley Park. Let’s just say I feel way out of my depth. Even with the money I’ve saved from Cupiditas, I could easily buy a house in these suburbs, I’ve never felt like I would suit the neighbourhood. I’ve never felt good enough, and I was never interested in buying or living anywhere other than with the memory of Danny and Caiden. I’m not saying I’m judging Hudson’s parents by living here, not at all... I’m just saying I don’t belong in this rich lifestyle. Even though I’m actually quite well off, actually a bit more than quite, which is something I should really discuss with Hudson. I actually have a lot of money put away – you could say I’m quite wealthy.

Hudson pays the taxi driver as I get out of the car and straighten out my summer dress. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I’m a tough bitch and something like announcing an engagement should be a happy time. I guess Hudson’s parents’ approval does mean a lot to me and even though I know Bill will be fine, I just don’t know how Fran is going to react. I never, ever want her to find out about what I did in my past. It’s in my past now and that’s where it should stay… no, that’s where it needs to stay.

Hudson gets out of the taxi as the front door to his parents’ home opens and Brige runs out. I smile at her and she runs right up and slams her body into mine embracing me around my waist. I have to actually take a step back to balance from the force of her hug. I laugh and wrap my arms around her.

“Hey Brige.”

“Hey Violet. You been keeping an eye on Huddy Bear for me?”

“Sure have,” I say as Hudson walks over and wraps his arm around my waist and pulls Brige to his side with his other hand giving her a side hug.

“Hey sis,” he says kissing her head.

She grabs his hand and starts to pull him toward the door. “C’mon Mum’s made cupcakes and I want to eat them. They’ve been staring at me all day and she won’t let me eat one until you guys got here,” she tells us. Hudson and I both chuckle as she drags us inside.

“Mum, they’re here!” Brige yells at the top of her lungs as we walk into the amazing house. It’s quite an old house by the look of it, but inside has been remodelled and it’s so beautiful.

“No need to yell Brige, I’m right here,” Fran says as she walks in wiping her hands on the apron she’s wearing.

“Hi darling, how are you feeling?” she says leaning into Hudson and hugging him.

“I’m fine Mum, just get a little tired sometimes, but other than that I’m doing great. Where’s the guys?” Hudson asks and Fran rolls her eyes.

“In the lounge room watching an episode of the ‘Son’s of Anarchy.’ I swear they shouldn’t watch that stuff around Brige, it will make her scared to go into the shop,” she replies and Hudson shakes his head.

“The people we get in the bike shop are nothing like those guys on that show. Brige has nothing to worry about. Do you Brige?”

“Nope,” she says shaking her head.

“So, can I watch it Mum? Can I?” she says excitedly.

“No,” Fran berates and Brige huffs and crosses her arms over her chest in annoyance. I try to hide my smile.

“Hi Violet. Nice to see you doing so well, honey,” she says and leans in for an embrace.

“Thanks,” I smile.

“Right, well, come on in. No need to stand in the hallway,” Fran states and starts to walk toward, I’m guessing, the kitchen.

“Dad, Flynn, Huddy is here,” Brige calls out loudly.

“Brige, inside voice, honey,” Fran quietly suggests and Brige giggles then looks at Hudson, who’s smirking.

“Sorry Mum,” she apologises and runs off to another room.

We walk into the kitchen-living area and it’s an open plan room and quite spacious.

“You really have a beautiful home, Fran.”

“Yeah, we do. I love it, thanks. Have a seat at the table and I’ll bring in some tea and the cupcakes.”

“Do you need a hand?” I ask and she shakes her head.

“No, no, you go and sit down and I’ll be back in a moment.”

Hudson chuckles and takes my hand leading me into the dining room.

“Shit babe, this house is amazing. You grew up here?”

“Yeah, I know, but it’s been renovated since I was little. It does look great now though,” he replies and I smile as he pulls out my chair for me. I sit down just as Flynn and Bill come into the room.

“Hey guys,” Flynn announces.

“Hi,” Hudson and I both reply in unison.

“How’s the lungs going kid?” Bill asks while he sits down next to Flynn.

“Yeah, good thanks, Dad,” he says as I hear the front door open.

“Holds is here,” Brige yells out again from somewhere in the house making us all laugh.

“She gets so excited when we’re all together, the little brat,” Flynn says as Brige runs in with Holden holding her hand and being pulled behind her.

“Geez kid, slow down,” he suggests as she drags him into the dining room.

We all laugh and she sits down next to Hudson, and Holden sits down next to her.

“Just ‘cause you can’t keep up old man,” she teases and he pulls a face at her.

I love how this family interacts with each other. It only makes me more nervous to tell them what’s happening with us. The wedding and the baby… they’re finding out about both today, so I just hope it goes well.

Fran walks in with a tray of tea and a gorgeous stand filled with decorated cupcakes all neatly arranged on it. I look at Brige and see her lick her lips. I smile and remember what it was like craving sugary foods as a kid.

“Right, well, it’s nice to have all the family together for a good reason instead of a bad one this time,” Fran says and I remember every time we’ve been together was because Hudson or I have been sick. Hudson looks at me and smiles as he takes my hand under the table and squeezes. I think maybe he’s as nervous as I am.

“So, ah… I may as well jump straight into it,” Hudson says and my body inadvertently tenses.

“Into what Hudson? Take a cupcake everyone,” Fran suggests while everyone looks at us.

“Yes!” Brige says and leans forward quickly taking a cake.

I lean forward and take one too, I don’t want to be rude by not eating one. Plus they look delicious. I start to pull the wrapping away and take a bite. I figure I’ll let Hudson do all the talking.

“So, here goes... Violet and I, we’re engaged,” Hudson starts and I look right at Fran watching her reaction while the room goes deathly silent.

I swallow the cake and watch her while her eyes fill with tears.


“You’re getting married?” Fran asks. A tear running down her face. Everyone is looking directly at her.

My heart starts to pound and I feel like I might cry too.

“Holy fuck,” Fran blurts out and I almost choke.

The guys all laugh as Brige opens her eyes wide and smirks.

“Language Mum,” Brige chides the same way that Fran always says it to her boys.

“Sorry. I’m just… it’s just… holy fuck,” she says again and I furrow my brows, not knowing what to say to make her feel better.

“Mum,” Hudson scolds.

Shaking her head, more tears fall freely down her face.




This is not going well at all!

God damn it!

“Sorry, I’m just so God damned…” she pauses and stands up suddenly, her chair screeching on the tiled floor beneath it. I jump slightly at the noise. My heart is racing so fast I think I want to puke. “… just so damned excited,” she exclaims and races over to Hudson and hugs him tightly.

I gasp in shock. Crap! She isn’t upset, she’s ecstatic.

I wonder if her excitement will be brought down by the news of the baby though?

“Oh, Violet, come here,” she asks.

I stand up and walk across and she embraces me tightly.

“Is there a ring?” she questions and I bring up my hand to show her. “Oh God, Hudson, you did such a good job. I’m so proud of you, honey,” she says hugging Hudson again. “I’m so happy! Finally… finally a wedding in the family,” she says and Brige laughs at her mother fussing about over Hudson.

“Does that mean I get to be a flower girl?” Brige asks and I laugh as Hudson looks at me like he’s wondering the same thing.

“Of course, Brige, we wouldn’t want anyone else as our flower girl,” I reply as I sit back down and Hudson smiles at me brightly.

“Yes!” she says as she grabs another cupcake.

“Congrats bro,” Flynn says.

“Yeah, thanks fuckhead, now Lucy’s going to be on my back again,” Holden jokes and we all laugh.

“Holden… language,” Fran chastises with a great big smile.

“Yeah, good one, Mum,” Holden says bumping into her side with a cheesy grin.

“Well, welcome to the family, Violet. We’re so glad that Hudson has chosen you. We all love you,” Bill states and I actually tear up.

“Oh, thanks Bill, that means so much to me,” I say and run my finger under my eye to stop myself from crying.

Stupid hormones!

“So, when can we expect the pitter-patter of grandchildren’s feet then?” Fran asks.

“Oh, Fran, let them have a moment together before you start harassing the poor kids about children,” Bill says and she frowns at him.

Hudson looks at me and I nod letting him know he should tell them.

“Well Mum, actually, there’s more we have to tell you all.”

“Eat your cupcake, Violet,” Fran says seeming to ignore what Hudson has just said.

I pick up my cupcake and take a bite. I chew on the fluffy sweet cloud as Hudson tenses his shoulders.

“Mum, don’t freak out, but Vee… well, she is… pregnant,” Hudson states and all eyes turn to me. I take another bite of the cupcake not knowing what to do with the awkward silence that has enveloped the room yet again.

Fran yells out and I halt everything I’m doing and just stare at her with wide eyes.

“Violet, stop eating that cupcake right now young lady,” Fran says and I put it down on the table wondering what the hell she’s on about.

“Mum,” Hudson reprimands and she waves at him dismissively.

“Spit it out, Violet.
” she says and I gasp. She stands up abruptly and rushes to my side. “Spit. It. Out,” she insists and places her hand out under my mouth. I look at everyone else in the room and they are all smirking.

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