A Different Shade of Violet? (38 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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“Zayn,” she replies and she stands taller like she’s just said the best name ever.

I look at Hudson and he furrows his brows. “Brige, I love you, but we’re not calling our female dog after a ‘One Direction’ band member,” Hudson says and I smirk that he even knows that Zayn is from ‘One Direction.’

“Oh, but you said I could name her?” she whines.

“Yeah, but she needs a girly name, not a boy’s name,” he says and she huffs and folds her arms over her chest.

“Okay kids, let’s not argue. What about a compromise?” I ask and they both look at me. “How about we call her Zany? She seems to fit the name well anyway ‘cause she’s such a happy little thing. I think it fits?” I say and Hudson smirks while Brige looks at Hudson waiting for him to agree.

“C’mon Huddy, Zany is an awesome name,” she says and he laughs and rolls his eyes.

“Okay fine, her name is Zany,” he says and Brige jumps on the spot and rushes in hugging Hudson around the waist while Holden laughs and I cuddle into our newest family member. And for the first time, in a long time, I have a family and that family is growing day by day, including our new baby girl, Zany.


Zany and Midas get along like a house on fire. He is like her older brother always watching out for her. He even lets her have his treats, he just adores her that much. I absolutely love it when they cuddle together. Midas will lay down on the floor all curled up and Zany will go over and lay down and cuddle into his neck. It’s the cutest damn thing you’ve ever seen.

It’s been three months since we got Zany and tomorrow I’m getting married to the man of my dreams. Once we decided we were going to get married, we wanted it done quickly and definitely before our baby is born. We had the scan and neither of us could wait to see if it was a boy or a girl, and to my shock baby bean
indeed a girl. Whether that be a coincidence or fate, I’m not sure, but either way I’m so excited to meet her in three months.

Hudson’s a bit of a wreck when it comes to Ariel. We decided we liked the name Caiden chose for her and so we stuck with it. I still don’t know which Angel Caiden was referring to when he said Ariel was watching over me, but I’m just happy that my baby is coming into the world, happy and healthy. Hudson, however, is being overly cautious and overbearing. I love him to death, but just one time I would like to have a hot shower or to be able to have a bath without him thinking Ariel is going to drown. I keep telling him she’s living in fluid, but he won’t listen. God help her when she gets her first tooth, or falls over and breaks her arm, or God forbid… get a boyfriend. Now I understand Brige’s reasons for not wanting Hudson to know about James.

Hudson is a protector. It’s in his nature to protect people, and I love him for it even if it annoys me to great lengths. But to be honest I can’t wait to marry him tomorrow. It’s just a small ceremony with about thirty people including family, so nothing big and we didn’t want a big wedding party, so we’re only having one person on each side. For Hudson it’s Macca, he’s his best friend, and because we’re only having one he couldn’t choose one brother over the other. And for me, well I couldn’t think of anyone better than Angel to be by my side. And let’s not forget Brige, our little flower girl.

I’m getting ready to head over to Fran and Bill’s place. The girls are staying there and the guys are staying at our place tonight. As much as I don’t care about the traditions, because let’s face it I’ve done them all before, this is Hudson’s first and only wedding so I want him to experience all the joys that come with it. Even if it does include not spending the night before the wedding together. I know I’d rather be curled up in bed with Hudson cuddling with me and rubbing my belly like he tends to do now that I have a sizable bump. But I guess we have the rest of our lives to spend together, so one night apart won’t be the end of the world.

“Are you nearly ready to go, baby?” Hudson calls out as he rushes out from the bedroom almost tripping over Zany. “Shit Zany, you’re always under my feet,” he states as he looks up at me. I can see the nervousness in his eyes and I know he’s shitting himself.

“Are you okay?” I ask reaching out to rest my palm on his cheek.

He relaxes at my touch and nuzzles his face into my hand. “Yeah, I’m okay, I just want to make sure everything is perfect for you, you know?”

“I know babe, but honestly, don’t stress yourself. Everything will be perfect because I’ll be with you,” I say and he smiles and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

“I love you, you know that?” I nod and lean in kissing him softly. “And I can’t wait until Arial is here, so then I can do naughty things to you again,” he says and I giggle.

“You can do naughty things to me now, you just choose not to,” I tease and he shakes his head.

“You know I can’t risk hurting Ariel, Vee. As much as I want to fuck you hard, I just can’t bring myself to do it. But once she’s here and you’re fully healed then you better get ready for an almighty hard fuck, I promise you that,” he says and I tighten my thighs together to dull the ache I now have for him. I’ve already had him twice today and if I start things up again I’ll be late for dinner at Fran’s, and she’s just as bad as Hudson is with protecting me.

“Well, to be honest, I can’t wait, and thinking about it is getting me all worked up so let’s go before I change my mind and stay here with you tonight.”

“You got everything?” he asks and I nod as he lets me go and we walk out to our new car. We figured a stingray and a motorbike are not exactly family friendly so we went out and bought a new Lexus NX300h. It’s a hybrid and we can afford it, especially once I came clean and finally told Hudson all about how much money we now share. I say share because I trust Hudson, so my fortune is his now too. We thought about buying a newer house in a better area, but Hudson’s house is home for us, and just because we have millions of dollars doesn’t mean we need to show it off or live in some swanky house to feel better about ourselves. We love our home and it’s just right for us and our growing family. There're parks and shops nearby, not to mention some really great schools. So right here we have everything we could possibly need.

Hudson decided not to tell his family about our fortune. He said it might make them act differently. I’m pretty sure I know it wouldn’t, but I go along with whatever he wants to do, and as long as he is happy - I am too.

We get into the car and I buckle up as Hudson starts the car. You can hardly even hear it turn on it’s so quiet.

“So how are you coping with the idea of spending the night without me alone with Brige and Mum?” he asks and I chuckle.

“Well, Brige I’m fine with, Fran… well I guess I’ll play it by ear, but I’m sure she’ll be fine. I love her to death and she’s been so good to us. But she’s as bad as you sometimes. You definitely take after her,” I tease and he huffs and reverses out of the driveway.

We arrive at the Stone Mansion and we walk to the front door holding hands. Hudson rings the doorbell and seconds later Brige answers the door and smiles so brightly.

“Hey Huddy, hey Violet come in. Mum’s going mental. I think she’s gone a little bit crazy.”

“What’s going on?” Hudson asks as we walk in and down toward the kitchen where I can hear her yelling.

“The florist sent the wrong flowers or some crap,” Brige says and I smirk at her.

“Brige don’t swear. Mum will have a fit if she hears that. Plus, you’re a lady and ladies don’t swear do they, Vee?”

“That’s right Brige, ladies don’t say shit or balls, or crap or anything like that… oops,” I say rushing my hand to my mouth in fake shock while Brige giggles at me.

Hudson rolls his eyes and we walk into the kitchen to see Fran leaning against the bench and tapping her foot with her arms folded across her chest.

“Oh good, you’re here Violet. Tell these dickheads that they sent the wrong flowers,” she says and hands me the phone. I look at Hudson, not knowing what to do. He shrugs and so I take the phone and put it to my ear.

“Hello?” I say.

“Hi, Miss Dyson, we’re so sorry that we sent you the wrong flowers. Your order got mixed up and unfortunately we don’t have any of your original order in stock. I am so sorry. We will refund it immediately and…” she keeps talking, but I tune out as I look at the beautiful flowers in front of me. To be honest, I like them better than the ones I had originally chosen. “I’m so sorry and—”

“It’s okay hun, the flowers you sent are beautiful and I will pay for them. Please don’t refund my money because you sent us something that’s just as beautiful, and I’m more than happy. So don’t worry,” I relay over the phone while Fran looks on in shock and Hudson smiles.

“Oh no, honestly, we will refund your money for the mix-up—”

“No, you won’t. Please. I’m happier with these flowers anyway. So please keep the payment and if I need you for a function again I will still definitely use you. Don’t worry at all,” I say feeling completely relaxed about the whole situation.

“Well, thank you so much Miss Dyson, you really have been beyond understanding,” the young lady says.

“It’s my pleasure. Have a good day.”

“Thank you, and enjoy your wedding tomorrow.”

Hudson is still smirking at me while Fran is staring at me open mouthed as I finish the call.

“What was that?” Fran asks.

“Well, to be honest these flowers are way prettier than the roses I was going to have, so I’m actually really happy.”

“See Mum I told you there was nothing to worry about. Flowers are flowers and as long as we have some and not none, it’ll be fine,” Brige says.

“You know since you turned eleven Brige, you seem a lot smarter,” Hudson teases and she sticks her tongue out at him.

“Okay, well if you’re happy Violet, then I’m happy. I just wanted to make sure everything was perfect for your big day,” she says and then starts to cry. I open my eyes wide and grimace while I look over at Hudson as he chuckles.

“Oh Mum, stop that,” he says pulling her in for a hug.

“I’m just so happy you’re getting married tomorrow. My baby boy all grown up, and with the most perfect woman I could ever ask for,” she says opening her arms up for me to step into the hug. I join her and Hudson in a group hug making Brige laugh. She runs up and joins in to and we’re all hugging and laughing as Flynn walks in and raises an eyebrow.

“Righto,” he says walking past us and to the fridge. “Beer Huds?”

Hudson holds up his keys as we all separate and shakes his head. “Someone’s gotta drive all you larrikins back to my place,” he says and Flynn nods.

“Right, well, we’re ready to go when you are Huds. Dad’s just getting the suits ready in those bag things,” Flynn says taking a large gulp of his beer.

“Brige, make sure you take good care of Violet for me,” he says leaning down to kiss her head.

“I will, and I’ll make sure she’s dressed all pretty for you tomorrow,” she says wrapping her arms around my extended waist.

“She’s always pretty to me,” Hudson says and Brige and Fran both swoon while Flynn nearly chokes on his beer making me laugh.

“Right son, you ready to go for pizza and beer?” Bill asks walking out into the kitchen with the suit bags. “Hey Violet,” he adds as he walks past.

“Hey Bill,” I reply and he keeps walking like he’s on a mission which makes me giggle slightly.

“Well, I guess I’d better go get these douchebags home,” Hudson says and I pout out my bottom lip as he walks across to me.

“Careful with that lip or I’ll bite it,” he says quietly while the others start to fuss about getting things into the car.

“Can you bite it anyway?” I ask in my sultry voice.

He smirks and leans in kissing me passionately. His tongue slides into my mouth and our tongues dance together as the commotion around me fades into the distance. I wrap my arms around his neck and run my fingers through his hair at the base of his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me to him. Our entire bodies would be touching if it weren’t for the little human growing inside my belly. So we will have to make do with just our stomach’s touching. A surge of something rushes through me while I think that this is the last time I will kiss him as Violet Dyson, tomorrow I will kiss him as Violet Stone, and to be honest I couldn’t be happier about it. He pulls back from me slowly and rests his forehead on mine.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna run away with me right now?” he asks and I smile and giggle.

“It’s getting very tempting,” I say as I hear a car horn honk. “I guess you better go.” He pouts his bottom lip out.

“Okay, I really should leave now.”

“How about a quickie in your old room before you go?”

He groans loudly and steps back from me. “You’re such a tease, Vee,” he whispers and the car honks again. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Leave now, before I take your pants off,” I say turning him away from me and slapping his arse. He chuckles and shakes his head as he walks toward the front door. I walk outside to see him and the guys off. Holden and Macca are meeting them at our house in an hour.

We didn’t have your traditional hens and bucks parties. We figured we’re both too old for that now, plus we didn’t really see the point in it. Spending the night before with our family and friends was all we needed. I walk Hudson to our car and he gets in the driver’s side. I lean in and kiss him quickly again and lean back shutting the door.

“Love you.”

“You too. Now go before your brother has a coronary. The man needs pizza,” I say looking at Flynn, who laughs at me.

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