A Different Shade of Violet? (41 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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I swallow a lump in my throat as I try to fight back the tears threatening to fall. I love Vee so much right now that I feel like I could explode, and rays of sunshine and rainbows would flow from me. I know that sounds ridiculous coming from a tattooed ex-cop, but it’s how I feel. It’s all hearts and flowers with Vee, and I plan on making her life with me something she can be proud of, something she adores as much as me and something we can strive toward together as one big happy family.

Some more stuff happens, but I don’t really take too much notice, I’m way too busy staring at her to take in what’s actually happening around me. I know I slid a ring on her finger at some stage, but my stomach is twisting in knots and I just need to kiss her.

“You may now kiss—”

I don’t wait for the rest of the line before I lunge myself at her and press my lips to hers softly but forcefully. The touch of her lips against mine sends a shiver all over my flaming hot body. Her hands wrap around my neck and her fingers run through my hair as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her body as close to mine as I can get with a pregnant bump in the way. And I kiss her like there is no tomorrow!

I hear more laughing, but I don’t care. I’m going to kiss her for as long as my lungs will hold out, and I know she’s feeling the same because her kiss back is just as intense as mine.

A surge flows through me and I become utterly emotional. Even though my eyes are closed while I kiss her, they fill with hot salty water and fall down my cheeks. Vee eases our kiss and pulls back slightly still kissing me, but her movement makes me open my eyes and suddenly I stare right into her beautiful golden brown eyes and her eyes are watering just like mine, and I know she’s feeling everything I am. We ease the kiss and I pull my face away from hers regretfully and just stare at her.

“I love you, Hudson Stone,” she says leaning her forehead against mine as I hear cheering and laughter surrounding us.

“I love you, Violet Stone.” She chuckles and kisses me quickly again. “Fuck, it’s good to say that.”

She nods her head and smiles. “I’m Mrs. Violet Stone. Holy shit! I can’t believe this is finally happening,” she says and I smile and lean in pecking her lips again.

“Jesus you two, save it for the honeymoon!” Holden calls out breaking us apart, but I still hold onto her hand.

“You need to come and sign the registry now,” Angel says as she, Macca and Brige are all over at the little signing table already.

Vee laughs and it’s like music to my ears. After all the pain and suffering she has been through in her life, it’s nice to see her truly happy.

“C’mon Mrs. Stone let’s make this thing official,” I say and she nods and we walk over to the table. I pull out the seat for her to take and she sits down in that fucking gorgeous gown she has on. I finally look out to the crowd and see a whole bunch of friends and family, and I’m so grateful they’re here. Chief Thomas and his wife, Vicki are here, some guys from work, some nurses from the hospital, all of the people from Cupiditas, my family and I can’t help but think all of these people played a part in Violet and I being together, and I’m so honored that they’re all here to witness me marrying the love of my life.

“Okay, sign here, Hudson,” the celebrant says and I sign as Vee watches me closely smiling so wide.

“Okay, your turn now please, Violet,” he states and Vee picks up the pen. Her eyes scan over the piece of paper and suddenly she gasps.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I ask while my heart starts to race.

She looks at me with tears filling her eyes and her hand at her mouth.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I ask again and she looks from me to Angel, who looks as worried as I feel.

“Angel, is your real name Ariel?” she asks.

Angel nods and furrows her brows like she’s as confused as everyone else.

I get a warm sensation all over my body and I know Vee is remembering her dream with Caiden saying that an Angel called Ariel has been watching over Vee for the last six years.

Even I feel a sense of peace knowing that Caiden sent Angel to Vee for guidance.

My eyes tear up as I know how much this would mean to Vee. She suddenly stands up and rushes over to Angel and embraces her tightly. I stand back and let her have her moment with her best friend and her guardian angel, even if Angel didn’t know she was sent to Vee. It’s nice to know that she had someone truly looking after her all that time, even if she isn’t a real angel which I’m assuming she’s not. It’s nice that Caiden was watching out for his mother even if no one knew why they were forced in the directions they were. And right now I couldn’t be happier that our daughter, our first born is being named after someone so special to Vee, and to me. Vee looks over at me and shakes her head in disbelief. She walks back and takes me in her arms tightly.

“I can’t believe it,” she says and I pull back to look into her eyes.

“Caiden was looking after you all this time. I couldn’t think of a better person to name our baby girl after,” I say and she cries and cuddles into me. “I love you, Violet, and I know Caiden is here today with us,” I say and she pulls back and looks into my watering eyes.

“I know he is too. I can feel him, as weird as it sounds. Thank you for being so understanding. Thank you for loving me and protecting me and always being my safe place, my sanctuary and most of all my rock,” she says and I smile then kiss her passionately as all our friends and family watch on.


“C’mon Violet you’re doing so well, I just need you to push again,” the midwife says calmly as Vee’s tight as fuck grip on my hand gets even tighter, if that’s possible.

“You fucking push, you stupid bitch. I’d much rather see you in pain than me in pain,” she yells and I bring my other hand up and wipe the hair from her sweaty forehead.

“Don’t fucking touch me,” she says and I quickly take my hand from her forehead and keep quiet. The last time I said anything, she called me things I never thought I’d hear come from her mouth and even though I’m finding her temper to be quite amusing, the pain I can so clearly see on her face is making me feel nauseous. If there’s one thing I hate, it’s seeing my wife in pain.

“Good girl, Violet, you can relax now,” the midwife says.

She stops pushing and her body relaxes onto the bed as she breathes heavily and closes her eyes. I notice a tear falling down her cheek and I can’t help myself as I lean in and wipe it away from her face. She opens her eyes and I brace for another wave of insults when her eyes fill with tears and her bottom lip trembles.

“I’m sorry,” she says and then starts to really cry.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay baby, you’re doing so great and Ariel will be here really soon,” I say and she brings her hand up and caresses my cheek.

“I love you,” she whispers and I lean down and kiss her sweaty forehead.

“Sweetheart, I love you too,” I reply and she moves her head so I can kiss her lips. It’s nice that even in this scary as shit moment she can still find a way to show me she loves me.

Because, to be honest, I am freaking the fuck out! She suddenly pulls her lips from mine and her face contorts.

“Fucking cock sucking tittie wobble,” she yells as another contraction hits.

She clenches my hand again and I try to hide a laugh after her outburst.

“Okay Violet, I need a big push this time honey,” the midwife states.

Vee clenches her face tight as she constricts her body pushing hard. I’m right there with her watching her intensely and wishing like fuck she would’ve taken the drugs when they were offered. But my woman is as tough as you can get, and she didn’t want Ariel to be all groggy when she was born. So Vee decided on no pain medication whilst giving birth to our daughter.

I need the pain meds just watching her!

“How you doing sweetheart?” I ask and she glares at me making me chuckle slightly.

“Don’t laugh at my pain,” she says and I caress her face.

“Baby, I’m not laughing at you. I’m laughing at the fact that I need to piss so badly right now, but I’m not leaving your side,” I joke and she half-laughs.

“I’m pushing out a baby and you’re worried about your bladder?”

“Yeah, I need to keep my bodily functions running smoothly ‘cause you know how the saying goes - if I don’t use it I might lose it,” I say trying to make her laugh.

It works.

“So you’re worried if you don’t pee your cock will fall off? And you’re thinking about that while I’m giving birth?”

“Not really, just trying to ease your pain a little,” I say honestly and I run my finger along her cheek.

“Thank you, it’s working,” she says and then her hand clenches mine again as obviously another contraction hits. My heart pounds hard watching her in pain. It hasn’t stopped pounding since this all started nearly forty-nine hours ago. They were worried they might have to do an emergency caesarian, but Ariel suddenly decided she was coming and my God are the contractions coming hard and fast right now.

“Good girl Violet, I think one more and we might have your little girl. She is crowning. Dad do you want to have a look?” the midwife asks as Vee falls back on the bed trying to catch her breath. She lets go of my hand after practically breaking my fingers and I shake my hand to try and get the circulation back into my white knuckles.

Do I want to look?
Once you see something, it can’t be unseen. I decide that even though I really don’t like the thought of seeing something so big come out and rip Vee’s pussy apart, that this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity, so I take it. I grab a hold of Vee’s hand and lean down to look between her legs and I see the small outline of Ariel’s brown hair.

My heart thuds even faster now and I honestly can’t remember the last time I took a breath.

“It’s amazing isn’t it?” the midwife says and I simply nod as I stare at the first part of my baby girl that I can see. I swallow a lump that’s formed in my throat as I try my hardest not to blubber out. I need to be the strong one. I need to be strong for my wife, because she’s exhausted, even though she’s being the bravest I’ve ever seen her.

“Hudson, what does she look like?” Vee asks getting my attention.

I look at her and she looks completely exhausted, but still as beautiful as ever. “It’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” I say and she starts to cry again. I step back to her and take her head in my hands. “You’re giving me the most precious gift Violet and I’m so happy right now,” I say and lean down kissing her.

“I’m glad you’re happy, but Hudson I can’t take any more. I’m so tired I just want to sleep. Can you tell them to cut me open?” she asks through her tears.

I wince. I’ve never seen Vee give up before, but she’s truly exhausted and I can’t blame her. The pain she’s been in has been tremendous. “Baby I think it’s too late now,” I say and she cries harder. I look at the midwife and she nods confirming my suspicions.

“No, I can’t do this anymore,” she says and she tightens her hand around mine and squeezes really hard as her body constricts again. I know she’s having another contraction so I stroke her hair, even though, last time she basically told me to get fucked.

“Okay Violet, last one honey and then we’ll have little Ariel here with you,” the midwife says and I look Vee in the eyes trying to give her the strength she needs.

“C’mon baby, you can do this. Just one last push and we get to meet her, okay? Be strong Violet,” I say and her eyes well up and she pushes hard while she nods her head.

“Mother-fucking monkey balls,” she yells as the midwife is doing something down there that I have no idea what, I’m too busy staring into Vee’s eyes trying to help her through this.

My heart is pounding so fast I feel like I could pass out at any second, but I try and hold myself together for the sake of my wife and daughter. As I look into her eyes, I feel a connection surging through me. I can feel the emotion she’s going through because it’s the same for me. We both know Ariel will be here soon and doing this together seems to be making it easier on Vee, but still by no means easy.

I mouth ‘I love you’ to her and she nods and scrunches her eyes shut and pushes with everything she has. I hear a sloshing sound and I look down to see the midwife pulling Ariel out of Vee. I gasp and my hand tightens in Vee’s this time and I can’t look away as they pull her out fully, and then I hear it… the noise I’ve been dying to hear for the last forty-nine hours – Ariel crying.

I look back at Vee and she’s laying back on the bed and looking down at Ariel with her hands out waiting for the midwife to bring our daughter to her as she cries nonstop. I feel lightheaded as I look at my baby covered in thick, sticky stuff but still, even covered in muck, she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

“So Daddy want to cut her cord?” the midwife asks me and I look at Vee as I feel a little lost. My head is spinning and I can’t believe after nine months Ariel is finally here. Vee nods and actually smiles giving me the jolt I need to bring me back to reality. I step down and take the scissors from the midwife and she points to where I am to cut.

“Will this hurt her?” I ask and the midwife smiles.

“No honey, she won’t feel it,” she reassures me as Vee’s hand caresses my back. I look down at the crying little angel and I fall in love with her instantly. I move the scissors into place and slowly and gently cut her cord. Once it’s severed from Ariel, I feel relief that blood didn’t squirt out everywhere like I was expecting it too. To be honest I don’t know what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t to feel this emotionally connected with her already.

The midwife moves her up and finally into Vee’s arms and I watch as Vee runs her finger along the jaw of our adorable little angel. She cries softly and I move my hand to caress her hair as I shift in so I can be close to both of my ladies.

“She is perfect Hudson,” Vee says and I have an overwhelming emotion running through me as I look at my girls. I let out a small sob as my bottom lip trembles. “You were worth all the pain my little Ariel,” Vee says and I lean down kissing Vee’s head.

“I knew you could do it baby, look what you did,” I say and she looks at Ariel so lovingly, and I know that Violet is going to be the best mother I could have ever hoped for our daughter.

Suddenly Vee starts to cry and I mean really cry.

“Hey baby, what’s going on? Are you in pain?” I ask and she nuzzles into Ariel as our baby stops crying and sleeps soundly in her mother’s arms.

“No, I’m happy, but I’m so fucking scared, Hudson,” she admits and I move in as close as I can get without squishing Ariel.

My heart thumps for Vee, I know how hard this must be for her. She did this nearly eleven years ago with Caiden.

“Oh baby, there’s nothing to be scared about. I’m here to look after you and Ariel forever, I promise,” I say and she cries even harder.

“I can’t lose you, Hudson, either of you. I love her so much already, I can’t lose her. I won’t go through that again,” she says starting to sound distraught.

I caress her hair and lean down kissing her cheek.

“You won’t have to Vee. I promise baby, it’s you me and Ariel forever. I won’t let anything bad happen to any of us ever again—”

“But what if she heard everything from when the Dogs had me? What if she felt my pain? What if she is traumatised?” she asks looking at me and I can see the terror in her eyes.

I half-smile and her bottom lip trembles as she holds on to Ariel so tightly.

“Vee, look at her,” I say and she looks at me raising an eyebrow like I’ve just completely ignored her. “Baby look at her. Don’t you think if she was traumatised she wouldn’t be sleeping so calming in your arms?” I ask and she swallows hard and then looks down at baby Ariel. She caresses her face and kisses her head.

“I guess,” she says and I lean in kissing her temple.

“She’s fine, Vee. She is more than fine, she is perfect, just like her worrywart mother,” I tease and finally I hear a small laugh and see her smile as she stares at Ariel.

“So, we’re all going to be fine?” she asks and I cuddle into her.

“Yeah baby, we’re going to be just perfect,” I say.

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