A Different Shade of Violet? (39 page)

BOOK: A Different Shade of Violet?
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“Fuck oath he does. Now drive you pussy whipped mother fucker,” Flynn says and Brige laughs as Fran opens her mouth in shock.

“Shut up you fucktard. Have you seen, Vee? You’d be whipped too if you had her,” Hudson yells to the back of the car while Bill shakes his head laughing.

“Fuck, I hate it when you’re right,” Flynn says and I shake my head.

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

He smiles, nods and gestures me a kiss, then he starts the car and reverses it out of the driveway and back toward our home, leaving me with Fran and Brige.

“Right ladies, shall we do our nails?” I ask and Brige’s eyes light up.

“We’re just waiting for one more person to arrive and then we can start the festivities,” Fran says walking over to me and wrapping her arm around my shoulders as we walk toward the front door.

“Oh really, who?” I ask and she smiles brightly and gestures to zip her mouth shut. As we reach the front door, I hear a car pull up in the drive. We turn back and I see Angel pulling her car to a stop. I look at Fran and she smiles while I stand there in shock. Angel gets out of the car and looks at me. My heart starts to flutter that she’s even here. Hudson must have arranged this, and right now I couldn’t be happier.

“You’re here?” I ask and she laughs and nods.

“Especially for you, and I’m sleeping over so we can get ready together tomorrow, like a real Maid of Honour should do,” she says and I can’t hold back my happy tears. “Oh sweetie, don’t cry,” she says walking over and embracing me. I hug her back tightly. I’m so glad she’s here.

“Oh wait, I almost forgot,” she says running back to her car. She opens the back door and leans in grabbing something, then comes back out and holds up two bottles of what looks like champagne.

“Let’s get this party started,” she says shutting the car door with her hip and walks over to us.

“Umm… Angel, thanks for the idea, but I can’t drink that,” I say and her and Fran laugh.

“It’s non-alcoholic. Don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about baby bean,” she says and I smile.

No one knows the name for our baby, only me and Hudson. We wanted to keep it a surprise.

“Okay cool. Well, shall we order some Chinese and go do our nails and facials?” I ask and everyone says yeah in unison. This is going to be a great night!


I wake up to a slow knock on my door. I’m in Hudson’s childhood room and I have to get my bearings for a second. I open my eyes, yawn and stretch as I look out the window to the bright sun shining across the room. There’s another knock on my door and I sit up slowly.

“Come in,” I say through another yawn.

I slept so well, even though Hudson wasn’t in my bed beside me like he should have been, I missed his arms around me. But knowing that I get to marry him today is keeping me calm and relaxed. The door opens and Fran walks in and looks at me.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“No, I’m awake. Good morning,” I reply as I throw the covers back to stand up.

“Violet, don’t get up, there’s something I need to talk to you about before we head down for breakfast.”

I furrow my brows and sit up further in the bed. “Sure Fran,” I say and she half-smiles and walks over to the bed and sits down next to me. She folds her hands in her lap and exhales forcefully. To be honest, I’m a little concerned about her demeanor she seems… I don’t know? Sad? Or upset?

“Is everything okay?” Then dread floods through me as I think the worst. “Oh my God, is Hudson, okay?”

She nods. “Sorry, Hudson is fine, honey. It’s more you I’m worried about,” she says and I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

“I’m not following?”

She looks away from me and immediately the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on end and an eerie sensation washes over me.

“I know,” she says quietly keeping her eyes from me.

My body tenses as I wonder what exactly she ‘knows.’

“You know about what, Fran?” I ask and she exhales forcefully and turns looking at me with tears in her eyes.

Oh shit!

“Your past, Violet, I know about your past.”

I feel like the wind has been knocked from me. I start to shake as my breathing becomes rapid, so rapid I become lightheaded.




She knows about Cupiditas!

She’s going to ask me not to marry Hudson and to leave him, I just know it.

“I, ah…” I manage to say, but nothing else comes out.

“I have to say I’m very disappointed in you, Violet,” she says and a tear runs down my face.

Oh God, everything is falling apart and on my wedding day.

How the hell did she find out?

“I swear to you Fran, I don’t belong to that world anymore. I’ve left it all behind, I promise you,” I say almost begging her to forgive me and let me marry her son.

If he forgave me surely she can too?

“Oh Violet, your past can never stay in the past. It is a part of you, and to be honest I don’t know how you did it,” she says shaking her head and wiping a tear from her cheek.

I start to panic. “I love Hudson. I promise I do, with all of my heart—”

“I know sweetheart, I know you do. I just wish you could’ve told me all about it. I’m going to be your mother–in-law and I should know about stuff like that. Don’t you think?” she asks and then takes my hand in hers confusing me. She said she
going to be my mother-in-law.

Does that mean she’s still going to let me marry her son?

I can’t answer her and I simply nod as the tears are now freely flowing down my face.

“I know how hard this must be for you, Violet,” she says wiping the tears from my cheeks confusing me further.

I thought she would be unrelentingly mad at me?
I don’t know what’s happening right now.

“Marrying Hudson has never been a hard choice for me, Fran. I love him so much it hurts,” I say and now I’m starting to turn into a blubbering mess.

She moves in and embraces me so tightly I have no idea what she’s doing.
Is she hugging to say goodbye?

“Violet, Hudson told me all about them. Losing a husband and a son – well, I couldn’t even comprehend that. I nearly lost Hudson and that feeling nearly killed me. So losing not only your son, but your husband too – well you’re even more special than I thought you were. I’m in awe of you, and I know my Hudson can never fill that gap in your heart for your lost family, but hopefully you can make room in your heart for your new family?” she asks leaning in and rubbing my stomach.

I sit here in shock at what she’s just said. My heart is beating so fast, that I think it’s going to burst out of my chest.

“I already have. Hudson and baby bean are firmly entrenched in my heart, Fran,” I say honestly.

She smiles and shakes her head at me. “Don’t call me, Fran, you’re a part of this family, please call me, Mum.”

She doesn’t know about Cupiditas… she knows about Danny and Caiden. I burst out crying even harder, more in relief than anything else and she embraces me tightly comforting me.

“Oh, come now sweetheart. I never meant to make you this upset. Stop crying honey or your eyes will be all puffy for the wedding.”

“Thank you so much, Mum.”

“No more tears, Violet, only happy ones from now on, okay? You’ve been through enough in your life. What with losing your family, and then being tortured by that gang simply because they wanted to get to my son. I never told you how sorry I was for that,” she says and I breathe a sigh of relief. I loved the fact that Hudson had told his mother a lie about my time in the hospital, and why I was so badly hurt. For her to know the truth would be disastrous.

The truth I
never ever
want her to know.

want Fran to find out about Cupiditas. I couldn’t stand to disappoint her. Even though our relationship started out rocky, now I think of her as my mum. And now she’s asked me to call her that… well I couldn’t be more honored.

“Thanks Mum, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Danny and Caiden. I should have. I just didn’t know how you’d react I suppose.”

“Oh honey, I’m devastated by your loss. I can’t even imagine and I don’t want to, but that’s enough of the sad talk. I just wanted to let you know that I know. Don’t tell Hudson I told you, he told me not to say anything, but I had to. I had to let you know how utterly amazing and brave I think you are, and that I’m honored and privileged to be calling you my daughter. I love you, Violet, and I couldn’t think of anyone else I’d rather have Hudson spend his life with. You complete him. You make him a better man and I can see how much he adores you, along with the rest of my family. So, I want to thank you. Thank you for being in his life and being in mine. I know you will make him happier than anyone ever has and I know with you by his side he can accomplish anything,” she says and I smile at her kind words.

“Thank you, that means so much to me.”

“You have my blessing honey. You and Hudson are meant for each other and I can’t wait to get you ready to marry him. So c’mon let’s go have breakfast with Angel and Brige,” she says standing from the bed and placing her hand out for me to take. I stand up and she wraps her arm around my shoulders as we walk toward the kitchen.

That went completely different to the direction I thought it was heading and I’m so glad Hudson told her about Danny and Caiden. At least I don’t have to keep them a secret from everyone. But right now my mind wanders over to what’s Hudson doing right now? I don’t blame him for telling his mum about Danny and Caiden. I know they’re a hard subject for Hudson and he probably just needed to vent, and I’m not angry at all. In fact, I feel relieved and I’m going to have to thank him for it officially tonight. We reach the kitchen and I see Angel helping Brige with cutting up some fruit.

“Morning Bridezilla,” Angel says making Brige laugh.

“I’m not a Bridezilla… am I?” I ask suddenly thinking back to whether I have been over the top or not.

Angel and Fran both laugh. “I’m kidding, Violet, you’re the furthest from a Bridezilla. I’ve never seen someone so relaxed and calm before their wedding. You do know you’re getting married, right?” Angel teases and I chuckle.

“Yes, I know I’m getting married, and I don’t need to panic over anything because as long as Hudson is there that’s all I care about. Dresses and flowers don’t mean anything really, it’s just knowing he’s there to commit to me for life. That’s what I care about… that’s all,” I say and Fran smiles at me so lovingly.

“Well, I know for a fact that he’ll be there waiting for you in your gorgeous dress. He wants to be your husband as much as you want to be his wife,” Fran says and I smile knowing that’s absolutely the honest truth.

My mind flicks back to Hudson as I walk over to help make some fresh juice and my mobile beeps. I look up and walk over to it as the others continue with breakfast. I pick up my phone and see a message from Hudson. I smile and swipe the screen.


Hey baby,

Hope I haven’t woken you? I just want to say happy wedding day and I can’t wait to see you. I was so nervous yesterday, but today I feel relaxed and more excited than anything. Anyway I missed you last night and I can’t wait till you’re my wife. How’s Ariel?

See you soon, Vee. I love you. xoxo


I smile brightly as my heart starts to flutter in my chest. I honestly cannot wait to be his wife either.


Morning future husband,

I can’t believe we’re getting married today! And no, you didn’t wake me, and I wouldn’t care if you did. I love hearing from you anytime, whether I’m asleep or not. Ariel is fine, kicking strongly today.

Let the countdown begin. T-minus 5 hours and I’ll be walking toward you. I can’t wait! Love you too. xoxo


I hit
and take a deep breath feeling completely excited but relaxed. I honestly can’t wait to see him and now it makes me wonder why the hell I made the wedding at 2:00 p.m. and not 9:00 a.m. If it were earlier, I’d be with him now.

I giggle to myself slightly as I walk back toward the breakfast bar and my phone beeps again.


I can’t wait to kiss you baby, but for now I have to go and have a huge breakfast. I’m starving! See you soon <3 <3 One love for you, and one for Ariel. xoxo


I shake my head and chuckle as I hit


Me too and <3 right back at you. xoxo.


I look up to see everyone staring at me and smirking.

“What?” I ask as I place my phone on the bench.

“Was that Hudson?” Angel asks and I nod to which they all laugh at me again.

“We could tell, by the way you were smiling,” Fran says and I actually blush.

“Okay, let’s have breakfast before the hair and makeup people get here,” Angel says and I nod my head and walk over to help.



Every hour on the hour, Hudson texts me telling me how much he loves me, can’t wait to see me and a countdown to how long until we will be together. It warms my heart to know how much he loves me.

Finally, the countdown is over and I’m dressed in my white and red gown. The bust area is red and the rest of the dress is white. Under the red bust is ruching, allowing my swollen belly to sit comfortably and mostly hidden. The gown is definitely a formal wedding dress, but with a twist of something different which is why I like it. Plus red, is my favourite colour so it just seems right. I know Hudson will love it. I can’t wait to see him in his black suit and red tie. I think he’s going to look amazing.

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