Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (14 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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She also sniffed the air but couldn’t smell anything beyond the perfume of the flowers and the musky aroma of their lovemaking.

Gator surprised her with a kiss. It wasn’t a light peck on the lips but a deep joining that was tinged with possession. “I’m also worried about your safety. This wasn’t exactly the smartest move I’ve ever made.”

And that hurt her more than she’d thought it could. She stiffened and tried to pull away from him. He looped his arms around her waist and pulled her back.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sorry you think this was such a mistake.” Part of her was screaming at her to keep her mouth shut, not to make him mad. Another part, a stronger part, didn’t care if she made him mad or not. She was having her say.

“Fuck.” He blew out a breath. “I’m making a muck of this.” He eased out of her. It was difficult because his cock still wasn’t going down. Most male werewolves had no problem getting it up when they wanted to, but Gator hadn’t gone down at all and he’d come twice. She wondered if it hurt.

She shook her head. Why should she care?

“Listen to me. What happened between us was incredible, the best thing that ever happened to me.”

“Really?” She cringed at her neediness.

“Really.” He touched her face with the rough pads of his fingertips. “But your safety should have come first. And for that, I’m sorry.”

Her lips turned upward in a smile. “So you’re not perfect?” she teased.

He snorted. “Far from it. Just ask the others.” He stood and held out his hand. She took it without thought and he pulled her to her feet. “There’s a stream not far from here. We should get cleaned up, shift and get back before the others send out a search party.”


He kept hold of her hand as they left the meadow behind them. “This isn’t over between us. Not by a long shot,” he warned.

She squeezed his fingers. “I know.” She needed to decide just how far she was willing to take their relationship. She’d had one bad mating and didn’t think she’d ever want to be tied to another male werewolf again. Of course, that was assuming a lot on her part.

They’d had sex. Great sex. They were both healthy, unattached people. It didn’t have to be more than that.

The question was did she want more?

Sylvie glanced over her shoulder one final time. With the flowers and grass growing tall, she couldn’t even see the place they’d lain only moments before.

“We’ll come back,” Gator promised her.

Sylvie shivered. A sense of dread filled her and she feared that his words might not come true.

Travis Dubois barely swallowed back his howl of fury as he watched the couple walk away. Damn her. The lying, cheating bitch had slept with another wolf. And not just any damn wolf, but Gator Rollins. Swamp trash. She’d chosen swamp trash when she could have had him.

He’d planned to ask Pierre to give her to him as his mate. After she’d been suitably punished for running away from her mate and lying to the pack, of course. He could have convinced Pierre to see things his way. It would have been the right and proper thing to do. His brother’s mate should have been his.

He still wanted her, just not as a mate. She wasn’t worthy after sleeping with that swamp lizard.

It occurred to him that she didn’t know he wanted her. Maybe he’d give her a chance to prove how sorry she was for what she’d done.

He wished he’d found them sooner so he could have watched them fucking. Although maybe it was better he hadn’t. He wasn’t sure he’d have been able to restrain himself from attacking.

He’d come across them at the end and only because he’d heard her crying out her release.

If he’d been closer, he might have heard what they discussed after they were done but he hadn’t dare try. He might despise Gator, but there was no disputing the man had the keenest sense of hearing of any he’d ever known. It was what made him so dangerous.

A slight pang of unease made him shift his weight from one leg to the other. Gator’s exceptional hearing wasn’t the only thing that made him a deadly foe. Travis had heard rumors over the years. He’d always dismissed them. He figured they were nothing more than tall tales told over a few drinks.

Now he wasn’t so sure. Watching him closely these past few weeks had given him more insight into his target. Gator was rumored to be ruthless and relentless. Some said if he decided to kill you, you wouldn’t know he was there until it was too late.

Travis shook off his apprehension. He was just a man like any other. Travis had killed more than his fair share and would have no trouble dispatching Gator.

Still, it wouldn’t hurt to wait until Pierre decided it was time for the others to join him. Unless he caught Sylvie out alone.

That made him salivate. He licked his lips and turned away. As much as he wanted to follow them, now was not the time.

Soon, he promised himself. Soon.

Chapter Fourteen

Sylvie had too much time with her own thoughts as she trotted alongside Gator. He was leading them back to the house by the quickest route. Occasionally, he glanced over his shoulder as if searching for something or someone. She shivered again, in spite of the warm day and the thick fur of her pelt.

The closer they got to home—and that was how she was beginning to think of the place—the more landmarks she recognized. It really was beautiful here with the trees and untamed wilderness. So different from the overcrowded cities she’d been forced to take refuge in over the past few years.

He nudged her to the left and onto the path that separated the two houses. Sylvie hurried toward his house, wanting to shift, shower and change into her clothes. Then she wanted something to eat. The running, not to mention what she and Gator had done in the meadow, had made her hungry.

But her stomach was going to have to wait. Armand was waiting on the porch for them and he did not look happy.

“Where have you been?” Her brother’s voice was tight with anger. He had his arms crossed over his chest and aggression bled from every pore.

Gator put his big body in front of hers, stopping her wolf in her tracks. He shifted and she was left staring at his taut butt. “You don’t take that tone with her,” Gator informed him.

Sylvie was shocked by Gator’s interference. She nudged around him, or tried too. He moved with her, keeping her behind him. Did he think he had to protect her from her brother?

Armand slowly released his arms and let them hang by his side. His jaw dropped with disbelief. “Are you telling me how to talk to my sister?”

He nodded. “I am.” Gator put his hands on his hips and glared at her brother.

Enough was enough. Sylvie bolted past Gator and ignored her brother as she hurried up the porch stairs. The door to the house opened and Gwen stood there, a look of guilt and relief on her face.

“Sorry about that. But he came home and wanted to know where you were. I couldn’t lie to him.”

Of course Gwen couldn’t lie to Armand. This was all her fault for going too far after promising she’d stay close. She nodded at Gwen and rushed to Gator’s room, catching sight of both cats sprawled on the living room sofa as she went. As much as she longed for a shower, she knew she had to deal with the mess her actions had created.

Sylvie shifted and hurriedly dressed, all the while keeping her ears trained on what was happening outside. It was much too quiet for her liking. She didn’t even take the time to braid her hair. She just dragged her fingers through the thick mass and hurried out of the room without bothering with shoes.

Armand and Gator were still in a staring contest. Gator was no longer naked. Someone must have given him a pair of jeans. It was almost a shame to cover such a perfect male form. Still, it made it a little easier for her to concentrate on the task at hand.

Anny and Gwen were sitting on the porch, watching them. There was no sign of Cherise and Cole. Both men turned to her when she emerged from the house.

She ignored them and spoke to Gwen. “I’m sorry I broke my promise to stay close.” She shook her head and sighed. “My wolf wanted to run. It’s been so long.” She straightened her shoulders. “That’s no excuse and I apologize.”

Facing down the alpha female after such a transgression wasn’t easy. If it were her old pack, she’d fear retribution. But this was the Salvation Pack and she’d already learned that things worked differently here.

Gwen smiled and glanced at the men. “It’s fine. I was just worried about you.”

“We all were.” Armand huffed out a breath, put his hand on her shoulder and tugged her around to look at him. Behind the anger she could see the fear.

“I’m sorry for that.” And she truly was. “It won’t happen again.”

“You’ll stay close to the house until we deal with the danger,” Armand began.

She hated to make him angry again, but she knew he wasn’t going to like what she had to say. “No, I can’t agree to that.” She hurried on before he could speak. “I won’t go off by myself. That wasn’t smart.” She’d concede that because it was the truth. “But I won’t be kept a prisoner either. I’ve spent the past few years locked in a cage of my own making.” She hadn’t been truly living since she’d escaped Andre. She’d merely existed.

“Sylvie.” Armand’s hand tightened slightly around her shoulder. “It’s too dangerous. You need to be protected.”

“I need to live.” She needed Armand to understand.

“Let’s go inside and get something to eat,” Gator suggested. “Sylvie’s got to be hungry. I know I am.”

She tried not to blush. There was an intimacy to his words that made her skin feel flushed. It was all too easy to remember what they’d been doing only a short time ago.

“Stay out of this,” Armand told his friend.

“Can’t do that.” Gator prowled closer. “Sylvie is a grown woman and knows her own mind.”

Her chest swelled with pride but deflated slightly at his next words.

“Running off by herself wasn’t the smartest thing she could have done, but it’s understandable. And it’s over with no harm done.” Gator appeared outwardly calm and genial, but she sensed his underlying tension.

“Fuck.” Armand turned away from her and walked several steps. Anny stood as if she was considering going to him but Gwen stopped her.

Armand whirled around. “How can I protect you if you run off?” His chest was heaving. “I did a piss-poor job the first time around. I won’t fail this time.”

The shame and anguish written on her brother’s face was more than she could bear. “It wasn’t your fault.”

This time she reached out to him. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He hugged her and buried his face against her hair. “I can’t lose you again.” His voice was hoarse with emotion.

They’d both suffered so much over the years. The last thing she wanted to do was add to it, but she also had a life to live. “I promise I won’t go off by myself. That’s the best I can do.”

His laugh was slightly muffled. “You always were stubborn.”

Funny, she’d never thought of herself in that way. “Determined.” That sounded better.

Armand kissed her cheek. She knew something was wrong when he froze and nuzzled her neck, sniffing it. A new tension invaded him. He raised his head and stared down at her, his eyes a mirror of her own. “Why do you smell like Gator?”

Sylvie shrugged and tried to make light of it. “We were running together. In the woods.” She really wanted to look at Gator to see how he was reacting but didn’t dare. That would only set Armand off even more.

“I’m hungry.” She tried to pull away but Armand tightened his hold, refusing to release her. She’d had a quick wash in a stream but knew she needed a shower to be totally rid of Gator’s scent. If she’d been able to head straight to the bathroom to clean up, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Armand leaned in again and sniffed her collarbone.

“Hey.” She tried to push him away, but her brother wasn’t done. He fell to his knees, caught her hips in his hands and sniffed her stomach. Sylvie was totally embarrassed by his actions and tugged on his arm to try to get him to stand back up. When he raised his head, there was nothing but pure fury in his eyes.

He bolted to his feet and she stumbled back.

“Sonofabitch.” Armand swore several times in French. “How could you?”

At first, Sylvie thought her brother was talking to her, but his gaze was pinned on Gator. Behind her, a wolf howled. It was Gwen calling for the rest of the pack.

Anny hurried over and wrapped her hand around her mate’s arm. “Let’s not do anything rash.”

But Armand was beyond reasoning with. Sylvie could see it, feel it.

Gator wasn’t backing down either. He stood his ground, not being aggressive but letting them all know he wasn’t afraid to fight.

“You fucked her.” The crudeness of her brother’s accusation made Sylvie flinch.

“Armand,” she snapped, more embarrassed than she’d ever been in her life. “Stop it.” She was scared too, afraid that the two most important men in her life might fight. And it was all because of her.

“You might want to rethink that tone and your choice of words,” Gator told him. “That’s disrespectful to Sylvie.” He took a step forward. “And no one gets to disrespect her.”

A flood of warmth filled her chest. No one had ever stood up for her like that before. Still, she couldn’t allow them to fight. That was the last thing she wanted. “It’s okay, Gator.”

He shook his head. “No,
, it isn’t. You need to apologize to your sister. Then we need to go inside so she can have something to eat.”

Armand growled at Gator. “You’re not even denying it.”

Gator sighed and rolled his shoulders. Sylvie knew he was going to tell Armand everything. She wished she could have done this with less of an audience but there was no way Armand would leave this alone.

“Yes, I had sex with him,” she announced. She felt all eyes on her.

“Sylvie,” Gator whispered. “You don’t have to do this.

“Why not?” She was not going to be ashamed of her actions. Nor was she going to be bullied by her brother. “We’re both adults. Neither of us is mated. Why shouldn’t we have sex?”

Armand looked as though someone had punched him in the gut. She was sorry for her abrupt words but wouldn’t take them back. He’d started this.

Jacque and Louis strode into view, both of them wearing frowns. Sylvie knew they’d have to have heard her announcement. Great, just great.

“What the fuck is going on?” Jacque demanded. Louis took up a place beside his brother, silently letting everyone know where his loyalties stood.

Jacque glanced at Gwen and she went straight to his side. “You okay,

“I’m fine,” his mate assured him.

Cole and Cherise came from the opposite direction. Sylvie could only stare at the giant wolf. Cole was a big man, but his wolf was huge. She didn’t think there was any wolf larger. He shifted and took up a position directly beside Gator.

The tension mounted and Sylvie began to sweat. The alpha pinned her, Armand and Gator with a steely glare. “Inside.”

They were all silent as they entered the home. Gator seemed more relaxed than the rest of them. He calmly sauntered into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. While the rest of them took a seat around the table, he pulled a large pitcher of lemonade out of the refrigerator and carried it to the table.

Cherise joined him, silently pulling down enough glasses for all of them. Cole, now clad in a pair of jeans, came over and helped her carry them to the table.

“For fuck’s sake, Gator. Social hour can wait. Sit,” Jacque ordered.

Gator walked over to the table, picked up his chair, brought it around to the table and plunked it down right beside Sylvie. Cole moved to make room. Gator nodded his thanks and sat. He was staking his claim in a not-so-subtle way.

She supposed she should be thankful he didn’t rub his body over hers or piss on her leg to mark her. The random thought almost made her laugh. Not appropriate, but her nerves were pushing her to the breaking point.

Sylvie didn’t like the way the pack seemed almost divided. Jacque sat at the head of the table with Gwen to his right and Louis beside her. On his left were Anny and Armand. On their end of the table were Cole and Cherise and she and Gator.

She hadn’t meant to cause any problems, but that was exactly what she’d done. She tried to catch Armand’s eye but he was too busy glaring at Gator.

“Okay, someone want to tell me what’s going on?”

Surprisingly, it was Gwen who answered her mate’s question. “It’s my fault.”

Jacque put his arm around her. “I doubt that.”

Gwen patted his hand. “No, it really is. I asked to see Sylvie’s wolf.” The other woman flashed her a smile. “It was probably all kinds of inappropriate but I was curious.”

“You? Curious?” Jacque teased.

She playfully smacked her mate in the stomach. “Anyway, Sylvie warned that she hadn’t shifted in over a year and might not be able to contain her wolf.”

“A year?” Jacque asked her.

Sylvie nodded. “There’s no place safe in a city. And I only ever rented tiny apartments. I thought it more cruel to shift when my wolf couldn’t do more than stare out a window on to a busy street.”

Jacque nodded. “Okay, so Sylvie shifted.”

Gwen picked up the story again. “I told her I’d go with her but she wanted to feel the freedom of running alone.”

“It’s my fault. I promised Gwen I’d stay close.” Sylvie wasn’t about to let her friend take the blame for this. “I broke my word.”

“On purpose?” There was pure steel in Jacque’s voice.

Sylvie shivered. Then the warmth of Gator’s hand settled on the back of her neck. No matter what happened, she wasn’t alone. “No, not on purpose.” Frustration ate at her. “My wolf got away from me and started running. It had been so long. But that’s no excuse,” she added.

“But understandable.” Jacque turned to Gator next. “I take it you went after her?”

. When I found out she was out there alone I took off after her.”

“You should have called me,” Armand insisted.

“I was more worried about Sylvie than your brotherly sensibilities.” Gator ignored Armand’s low growl and continued. “I found her running quite a distance away.”

She glanced at him and saw the small smile playing around the corners of his mouth. “She was having so much fun I could not be mad with her.”

“No, of course not.” Armand’s words were tinged with bitterness. “You fucked her instead.”

“Armand,” Louis snapped. “Show some respect for your sister, your mate and the other women.”

Armand dragged his fingers through his hair and tugged on them. “Shit. I’m sorry.” He lowered his arms and looked at his mate first. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s not me you need to apologize to,” Anny told him.

He turned to her and sighed. “I’m sorry, Sylvie. It’s just that you’ve been through so much and I don’t want anyone taking advantage of you.”

“You honestly think I would do that?” Gator asked. “And with your sister?”

The two men stared at one another for a long, long time. It was like watching a silent battle. She wished she knew what they both were thinking.

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