Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (16 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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Pierre shook his head. “I’m off to do some hunting.”

Joseph knew his alpha was fishing for something. “What are you hunting?”

“I might hunt me some Gator.” Pierre laughed as if he’d said something funny. “Want to come.”

Joseph shook his head. “Thank you, but,
. I was fishing this morning.”

Corrine returned with a tray filled with tall glasses of sweet tea. She offered the first one to the alpha, then one to her husband before serving the other two. She kept her head down and started to hurry back into the house.

“Corrine.” She stopped in her tracks when Pierre spoke her name. Joseph tensed inwardly and planned how he would attack if the men made a move. Outwardly, he remained calm.

.” Her fingers clenched around the edge of the tray she carried.

“I enjoyed the jam you gave to Elise.”

“I am glad.” She waited until Pierre jerked his head and she hurried inside.

Joseph stayed on alert. “When do you plan on hunting gator?”

His alpha laughed. “Soon. Not today, but soon.” Pierre finished his drink, set down his glass and walked away with the Dupointe brothers close behind him. Joseph didn’t move for the longest time. He stayed where he was and sipped his fine iced tea.

Nearly an hour passed before Corrine came back outside. She didn’t speak but went right to the garden and began working again. They stayed that way until it was time to go in for the evening meal. Even then, he let her go ahead of him. He stayed in the yard until she called him in to eat.

As soon as the door was closed behind him, he reached for his mate and drew her into his arms. “They are watching us.”

“Yes.” She shivered and he pulled her tighter to his big body.

He would protect his woman and he would protect his son. “We need to call them tonight. Then we need to destroy the phone and get rid of it immediately.’

“You will be careful.” Corrine reached up and cupped his face. “I cannot live without you.”

He took one of her hands in his and kissed her palm. “As I cannot live without you.” Joseph decided that food could wait. He had another more pressing hunger that needed attention. He lifted his mate off her feet and swung her high in the air, making her laugh. After all these years, the sound of her laugher still made his heart swell with happiness.

She ran her fingers through his hair. “Where are you taking me? Your meal is on the table.”

“Oh, I plan to eat and very well.”

She shivered and clung a little tighter. He knew she felt the same sense of desperation, of time running out as he did.

“Everything will be all right,” he promised her.

“I pray you are right.”

He lowered her to their bed and kissed her. Trouble would come soon enough. Right now they were alone, and that was all that mattered. She kissed him back and Joseph let go of all his thoughts and worries and concentrated on the woman in his arms.

Chapter Sixteen

Gator couldn’t sleep. Just like the night before, he stood by the living room window and stared out into the night. It was quiet but he was restless. He turned and peered down the hallway toward his bedroom. Sylvie was in his bed and, once again, he was alone on the sofa.

Glassy eyes appeared in the room, followed by a low meow. The black cat was almost invisible in the darkness except for his eyes. “You can’t sleep either?”

Seymour meowed again and twined around Gator’s legs. He leaned down and picked up the large cat. Seymour butted his head against Gator’s chin. They’d come a long way since the day Gator had brought him here. That day, Seymour had taken exception to him and scratched his arms.

“But we’re long past that, aren’t we, buddy?”

“Talking to the cats now?” Armand padded barefoot into the room.

“They don’t talk back.” Gator set Seymour down and the cat hurried back down the hallway toward Armand and Anny’s bedroom.

“There is that,” Armand agreed. He joined Gator at the window and the two of them stood in silence, watching and listening. With the window open it was easy to hear the chorus of the night creatures. Everything was as it should be.

“Sylvie seemed more relaxed tonight. More herself.” Armand sat down on the arm of the sofa.

“She did seem to have a good time.” He’d been riveted by her smile, and when she’d laughed at something Anny said, he’d been filled with the primitive urge to toss her over his shoulder and carry her off to his lair or, in this case, his bedroom.

She’d eaten well at supper. He’d made a huge vat of spaghetti. Anny had made a garden salad. She was always nagging them to eat more vegetables. He’d also baked some frozen dinner rolls to round out the meal. Sylvie didn’t eat as much as the rest of them, but she’d eaten enough that he didn’t worry about her going hungry.

They’d watched a movie after they’d cleared away, keeping everything light and relaxed. Then Sylvie had announced she was taking a shower and going to bed. Gator’s skin prickled at the thought of her being naked and wet in his bathroom. So close but so far. She hadn’t invited him to join her. Not that he’d expected her to. Not with her brother sitting next to her.

And damn Armand for that. The bastard had sat next to her on the sofa, blocking Gator from being by her side. He’d done the next best thing. He’d sat across from her so he could watch her instead of the movie.

Every now and then, she’d glance up at him. She was very aware of his presence. And when she’d licked her lips and her cheeks had flushed a very becoming shade of pink, he’d gotten a hard-on that still hadn’t gone all the way down.

The woman turned him on. He had only to be in the same room with her to want her.

“I think she’s beginning to relax around the rest of us,” Armand noted. “Anny told me the women all enjoyed themselves today, even if she wouldn’t tell me what they talked about.”

“We’re probably better off not knowing.” Gator wasn’t sure he wanted to know what the women talked about when they all got together.

“You’re probably right,” Armand conceded. “I guess I should go back to bed.” He pushed off the end of the sofa. “Night. Call me if you need me.”

“Will do.”

Gator listened as Armand went back to his room and softly shut the door behind him. Alone with his thoughts once more, he tried not to think about Sylvie snuggled in his bed. He inhaled deeply and slowly released his breath. He should be thinking about his new home. That was something he wanted to start on as soon as possible. Not because he was so keen to live alone, but because he wanted to have something to offer Sylvie—a home of her own.

He wanted to build her a place where she’d feel safe, where she’d feel as though she belonged. He’d get her input on everything from where the house should go to the finishes. He wanted her in on every step of the process.

Maybe it was sneaky of him, but he was okay with that. Armand might have some ideas about his sister living here with him and Anny when the rest of them moved out, but Gator planned on wooing Sylvie away with him.

A phone rang. Gator cocked his head and listened, wondering whose phone it was. He was surprised when he heard Sylvie shuffling around. He strode out of the living room and didn’t even bother to knock before entering his bedroom.

Sylvie was bent over, digging in one of her bags. He eyed her sweetly rounded behind through the thin fabric of the summer nightgown she wore. He was admiring the view when she straightened with her phone in her hand.

“Who is it?” he asked as he closed the door behind him.

“It’s the number of the phone to my contact in the Louisiana Pack.”

“Let me answer it.” Gator held out his hand. “Just in case.”

Sylvie hesitated but handed him the phone. “
,” he snapped. There was silence on the other end. He softened his tone. “This is Gator.”

He could practically sense the relief on the other end of the line. “Oh, Gator. It’s so good to hear your voice. Is Sylvie all right?” The voice was female and one he knew well.

“Yes, Corrine, she is well. Would you like to speak with her?” He could hear a male voice in the background and assumed it belonged to her mate. Sylvie hovered next to him, anxious to talk.

The door to his room pushed open and Armand walked in with Anny, Cole and Cherise close behind him. The men were wearing jeans and the women were hastily tying their bathrobes. The men had heard the phone ring and wanted to know what was going on. And the women, of course, were right behind them. His room was big but seemed much smaller with everyone crowded in.

Gator held the phone out to his best friend. “It’s your mama.”

Cole reached out and practically grabbed the phone. “Mama?”

Gator swallowed hard when he heard Corrine gasp and then begin to cry. Enhanced hearing was both a blessing and a curse at times like this.

“I’m fine, Mama,” Cole told her. He gripped the phone so hard Gator feared he might break it. “I’m mated.”

Cole’s mother began to sob and Gator heard a male voice take over. Joseph Blanchard. Cole straightened and Gator almost laughed. He was bigger than his old man, but Cole had nothing but respect for his daddy. Leaving might have been the polite thing to do, but Gator wasn’t about to miss any of this conversation and neither were the others.

“You are mated?” Gator heard Joseph ask.

Cole reached out and tugged Cherise closer to him. She wrapped her arm around his waist and leaned against his chest. Gator envied them their closeness. He glanced at Sylvie. She was standing alone with her arms wrapped around herself.

He couldn’t stand it any longer and went to her side and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t say anything but she did lean into him.

. Her name is Cherise and you’ll love her.”

“She is your choice. Of course we will love her.” Joseph had a big voice like his son and he was easily heard even when he was obviously trying to keep it low. “We have little time,” Joseph continued. “Pierre and his new flunkies were sniffing around here today. They are up to something.”

Gator leaned in closer when Cole’s
began to swear. Sylvie gripped the fabric of Gator’s muscle shirt, her anxiety rising. He kissed the top of her head, wanting to comfort her.

“Pierre said he was going to hunt gator. Not today, but soon. Those were his exact words. I didn’t think much of it until Gator answered the phone tonight. I think Pierre is going to go after him. Your Gator.”

The phone switched hands again and Corrine came back on the line. “He must know about Sylvie. Why else would he be planning another attack?”

Gator held out his hand for the phone and Cole reluctantly handed it over. He knew how hard it must be for his friend. Cole loved his parents and they him. It had devastated him to leave them, but they had refused to leave Louisiana. Gator knew their actions had hurt Cole, but now they all understood why the Blanchards had remained behind.

“Who is missing from the pack?” Gator asked Corrine.

She paused and had a quick conversation with her husband. “Joseph says that Travis Dubois has been missing of late.” Gator had heard what Joseph had said before Corrine confirmed it.

Sylvie stiffened against him, letting him know she’d heard as well.

“He probably saw her with me.” No need to go into more details.

Joseph took the phone once again. “We must go. This is not safe. Tell Jacque and Louis that their mother is well. Tell my son we love him and take care of yourselves and Sylvie. You will not be able to reach us at this number again. When it is safe, I will call.”

The line went dead and Gator ended the call. Cole appeared stoic but Gator knew his friend too well and knew he was hurting.

It was Sylvie who broke the silence. She left Gator’s side and went to stand in front of Cole. “Your parents are good people. The best.”

Cole gave a jerky nod. “They are.” His friend looked at him. “I fear for their safety.”

That was Gator’s biggest concern too. “We have to be more careful but not give anything away. If Travis Dubois is out there watching and sees us gearing up for another attack, they might suspect someone tipped us off.” The last thing any of them wanted to do was bring harm to Cole’s parents.

Armand stroked his hand over Sylvie’s hair. “You okay?”

She gave a stiff nod. “Yes.”

“Don’t feel guilty about this, Sylvie.” Cole wrapped both arms around his mate. “My parents have made their own choices. If you weren’t the catalyst for this latest problem, it would be my mate or Armand’s or Jacque’s. Pierre doesn’t need much of an excuse.”

“But the pack will rally behind this one.” Sylvie’s voice shook. With anger? Grief? Both? Gator wasn’t sure. “A faked death and a runaway mate.” She pulled away from him and Gator reluctantly let her go. She sat on the edge of the bed. “No, this is the one way Pierre can get the majority of the pack on his side, and it’s all my fault.”

Gator dropped to his knees in front of her, not caring what the others might think of his actions. He took her cold hands in his. “This is not your fault.” He feared she might run if she believed that to be true.”

“Gator is right.” Cole eased over to stand beside Sylvie. “Pierre can always find a way to manipulate his pack.”

“He was going to attack sooner or later,” Armand told her. “This is just the latest in a long line of excuses and reasons he’s used.”

“I think it’s time we let Sylvie get some rest.” Anny tugged on her mate’s arm.

Cherise picked up her friend’s cue and stroked Cole’s arm. “Let’s go to our room and talk.” Cole silently led Cherise from the room, leaving only Armand and Anny with them.

Armand hesitated, but Anny was determined. “Bed,” she reminded him.

Armand leaned down and kissed his sister’s cheek and then allowed his mate to drag him from the room. Anny winked at Gator before she closed the door behind them.

Even though the room was empty but for the two of them, it seemed smaller, more intimate than moments before. Still kneeling at her feet, Gator rubbed his hands over her thighs. Her legs were bare from the knees down. He wished his hands were touching her skin instead of fabric.

“Promise me you won’t run.” Gator needed the reassurance from her. “Sylvie?”

The smile she offered him was filled with sadness. “Where would I go?”

“That’s not an answer.” He placed both hands on the mattress, caging her in with his bigger body. “Promise me.” Tension invaded every cell in his body. Sylvie was his, belonged with him. How could he protect her if she ran off somewhere alone?


“No.” He cut her off before she could tell him some half-truth. “I will follow you if you run. Then neither of us will have the protection of the pack.”

She frowned at him. “That’s blackmail.”


Surprised widened her expressive brown eyes. “You don’t deny it?”

He shrugged. “Why should I? It’s the truth.”

“Why? Why does it matter so much? Is it because I’m Armand’s sister?”

“Partly.” He wouldn’t lie to her, ever. He cupped her precious face and leaned in close until they were practically nose to nose. “It also matters because you make my heart beat and my soul howl with need.”

Gator knew it was too soon, knew he was pressuring her, but he didn’t feel as though he had any choice. It was too dangerous to wait. He couldn’t risk her running off without knowing how he felt about her.

“You’re everything to me.” He kissed the tip of her nose. She was wide-eyed and pale, but he forged onward. “My wolf knew before I’d admitted the truth to myself. I lost you before. I won’t lose you again. You’re mine. My mate.”

Sylvie’s first instinct was to run hard and fast and never look back. Mate. She couldn’t bear to think about tying herself to another male werewolf for life. Her second instinct was to throw herself into Gator’s arms. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She was totally confused. But the one thing she did know for sure was that she wanted him.

Her third instinct was to leave in order to protect him and her brother and the rest of them. But would that really keep Pierre from attacking? She honestly didn’t think so. Then there was the small matter of Travis Dubois. He was out there somewhere, watching them.

Sylvie hated her former brother-in-law. The way he’d looked at her when she’d been mated to his brother had given her the creeps. She knew he wanted her, had seen the lust in his eyes, the possessiveness. Andre had seen it too and had flaunted the fact that she belonged to him in front of Travis every chance he got.

No, the last thing she wanted was to run into Travis Dubois. The thought of him touching her made her stomach turn.

Her heart pounded with fear. Perspiration dotted her skin and desperation clawed at her.

Mon ange
, what’s wrong?” Gator’s concern was a balm to her battered soul. “I didn’t mean to pressure you.” He eased away from her. Concern filled his blue eyes. “I promised myself I wouldn’t.”

She smiled in spite of herself. “So making love to me in a field of wildflowers was your way of not pressuring me?”

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