Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (15 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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Finally, Armand shook his head. “No, you wouldn’t.”

“No, I wouldn’t,” Gator reiterated.

“So what are your plans?” Armand asked.

Sylvie had had enough. “Anyone curious about my plans?” She was sick to death of being the topic of conversation without having much of a say.

Her brother had the good grace to look sheepish. Gator, the devil, simply grinned. “I’m all ears,
mon ange

“If I’m still welcome here, I plan to stay and get my feet back under me again.” It was a scary proposition but she really wanted to stay. She liked all these people, her brother included, even when he embarrassed and frustrated her, because she knew it came from a place of love and caring.

“You’re welcome here,” Jacque informed her. “Just don’t go running around on your own again. Not until we identify and neutralize this newest threat.”

Sylvie nodded her agreement. She could live with that, especially since she knew it was the same rule for all of them and not just her. “I’ll be careful from now on,” she solemnly promised.

Jacque eyed Gator. “All this jawing has made me hungry. You got anything to eat around here.”

Gator grinned. “For you, oh mighty leader, I’ll find something.”

That quickly, the tension was broken and the pack united once again. In their old pack this would have probably ended with her being punished and the two males fighting, maybe even to the death.

Gator squeezed her shoulder, pushed away from the table and headed to the kitchen. “How about French toast. It’s fast. I promise I’ll make something more substantial for supper.”

“Works for me.” Louis patted his flat stomach. “I’m starving.”

“You’re always hungry,” Gator shot back.

Louis placed his hand over his heart. “I’m wounded by your lack of caring.”

“Lack of food is obviously making you incoherent.”

Sylvie relaxed somewhat and enjoyed the byplay. Cherise and Anny poured lemonade and coffee for those who wanted it. She still felt too much like a guest to jump in and help, and it was for that very reason she rose and went into the kitchen. “What can I do?”

“Gator doesn’t like people messing in his kitchen when he’s cooking,” Armand told her.

Gator glanced at her brother and back to her. “There’s some ham in the refrigerator. Why don’t you get started frying it while I whip up the batter.”

Feeling as though she’d been given a special gift, Sylvie went to the refrigerator and took out two large packages of thick-cut ham slices. “I’m on it.”

The others talked and laughed while she and Gator worked side-by-side. She knew Armand would have more to say later. For now, she wanted to let go of the stress and enjoy the moment.

Gator touched her often. Little pats on the arm and shoulder. Or he’d brush her shoulder with his as they worked. After the abrupt ending to their lovemaking, it was nice to feel close to him. Her entire body was humming. She tried to hide it but wasn’t sure how successful she was.

She concentrated on cooking ham, filling the skillet again and again until it was all done. By that time, Gator had a huge platter of golden-brown French toast ready and waiting. Vanilla and cinnamon spiced the air.

“Pour me another coffee, will you,
?” he asked.

While she got his coffee and one for herself, Gator carried both trays to the table. They immediately all dug in, not waiting on protocol. Sylvie set the two mugs she carried by their plates. She liked their way of communal eating. It was relaxed and fun, something she’d never associated with meals while growing up or during her mating.

“You okay?” Gator asked her. He held out the platter of French toast for her.

She took several of the thick fragrant slices. “I’m fine.” What else could she say? That she still wanted him. That she was scared to death about the future but hopeful for the first time in forever. That she wasn’t looking forward to the discussion she knew she and Armand would be having.

Determined to stay in the here and now, she tried to smile. “Pass the ham?”

He studied her for a long time. She released a breath she hadn’t even realized she was holding when he passed off the platter of French toast and reached for the other one.

Sylvie ate more than she thought she would. Shifting took energy and so did running. When she was done, she sat back and gave a contented sigh.

“Someone is out there,” Gator announced. “I’m positive I heard someone following us when Sylvie and I were on our way back.”

Her bubble of contentment burst in a heartbeat and was replaced by worry.

“You and Armand go and check it out. If Pierre and his pack are back, we’ll need to figure out the best way to defend ourselves.”

Both men stood.

“You just want to get out of doing the dishes,” Louis accused.

“You know me so well,” he told his friend. Then he leaned down and kissed her on the lips before she knew what he was about. “I’ll be back later.”

She knew her mouth was hanging open and snapped it shut. It was one thing for everyone to know they’d had sex, another for him to be openly affectionate in front of them. Sylvie was totally confused.

Armand growled and followed Gator. Jacque glanced at the women and tossed down his napkin. “I’m going to patrol around the houses.”

“I’ll go with you,” Louis offered.

Cole looked at Cherise and the rest of the women. “Ah, I guess I should go too.”

His mate patted him on his massive chest. “That’s probably for the best.” He growled, swooped in and kissed Cherise.

“Howl if you need me,” he told her.

When it was just the women once again, Gwen fanned her hand in front of her face. “You and Gator? You go, girl.”

Sylvie buried her face in her hands and groaned.

Anny laughed. “As soon as we clear away these dishes, you’re going to tell us everything.”

“Anyone else notice that the men got away without doing the dishes?” Gwen pointed out.

“They can do them next meal.” Cherise grabbed a stack of plates and headed to the kitchen. “I want to know what happened out there in the woods with the big bad wolf.”

Their gentle teasing made her smile. This was what it meant to have female friends, to feel as though you belonged. It was a very nice feeling.

Chapter Fifteen

Gator knew what was coming and welcomed it. He wanted to clear the air with Armand, hated feeling at odds with one of his closest packmates. They’d been searching the area where he’d heard the sound for some time and hadn’t come up with much yet. Gator wasn’t about to give up. He knew what he’d heard.

He shifted from his wolf form and peered up at the bright blue sky. It was a beautiful day. One he’d remember for the rest of his life. Making love with Sylvie had been a dream come true. Too bad it had to be marred by all this other stuff.

Armand trotted out of the woods and eyed Gator. “Come on,” Gator told him. “Time to have your say. There are no women around to offend. No one to stop us.”

Armand shifted, the big black wolf disappeared and his friend stared back at him. He put his fisted hands on his hips. “You fucked my sister.”

“I already told you once to rethink your choice of words. You might be one of my best friends, but you don’t get to disrespect Sylvie.”

“Fuck.” Armand gritted his teeth in an obvious effort to keep from yelling. “Why, Gator? Why would you do such a thing? You know what she’s been through.”

Gator kept every muscle in his body relaxed, but he was ready to fight if Armand decided he wanted to have a go at him. If it were any of the others, they’d probably already be fighting. But Armand was the most even-tempered of the bunch.

There were many things Gator could say to try to diffuse the situation. He opted for the blunt, unvarnished truth.

“It’s always been Sylvie.”

Armand cocked his head to one side and studied Gator. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

He huffed out a breath and laid it on the line. “She’s mine.”

Armand’s eyes widened but the tension surrounding him didn’t abate at all. If anything, it went up a few notches. “You saying you want to mate her?”

“Yeah. That’s what I’m saying.”

“Damn it, Gator.” Armand began to pace back and forth in front of him. The air was silent but for the light wind rustling the leaves in the trees. The birds had flown off and the squirrels, mice and other small animals were hiding, fearful of the two angry predators in their midst.

Armand stopped pacing and plunked himself down on a downed log. He buried his face in his hands for long minutes before raising his head. “You and my sister?”


“Even when she was mated to Andre?”

Gator growled. “I never want to hear his name again.”

Armand held up his hands. “I hear you.” He scrubbed his hands over his face. “This is a lot to take in. I mean, I thought my sister was dead up until yesterday morning. Now she’s alive and you want to mate with her.” He sighed. “I feel as though I’m in some alternate reality, you know?”

Gator understood all too well. He’d thought Sylvie dead and now she was alive. He wasn’t going to waste one single moment. He walked over and sat next to his friend. “I know this hasn’t been easy on any of us, least of all you and Sylvie.”

Armand gave a reluctant chuckle. “You’re king of the understatement.”

Gator grinned. “What can I say? It’s a gift.” He narrowed his gaze and scanned the area, ever watchful. “I know what it felt like when I lost her. Both times I lost her—when she mated with he whose name will never be mentioned and when I thought she’d died.” He never wanted to feel that way again. “I don’t want to waste any time.”

Armand blew out a deep breath. “How does she feel about it? Why am I even asking?” He jumped up and started pacing again. It was getting downright aggravating. “If she didn’t have feelings for you, she wouldn’t have—”

“Watch what you say,” Gator warned.

“—slept with you,” Armand finished.

Gator wasn’t so sure. “Sylvie is confused right now. She’s asserting her independence.” He didn’t want to think she was simply using him to do it, but it was a possibility. “I’m not going to mention anything about mating until I know she’s damn well good and ready to hear it. I don’t want her running off.”

“I think you’re right.” His friend surprised him with his ready agreement. “What? I know she’s been through a lot. The bastard she was mated to abused her.” Armand’s eyes filled with fury. “Did you see the scars on her flanks?” He threw his hands into the air. “Of course, you did.”

.” It hurt Gator to think about how she’d gotten those scars. “She’s self-conscious about them, so don’t mention them.”

Armand tapped the scars on his face. “Trust me, I understand.”

Gator shook his head. “
, you don’t. You got those from an angry father. She got those from her mate, the man who almost killed her, the man whose bed she was forced to share.” He couldn’t bring himself to say the bastard had raped her, but Gator knew he had.

“Fuck.” The force behind that one word said it all. Gator agreed with his friend.

He stood, walked over to Armand and slapped him on the back. “She is here now and that is all that matters.” He had to believe that, had to have faith that she could move beyond her past and accept the future in front of her.

“You’re right. I know you’re right.”

“Can I get that in writing?” Gator quipped.

As he’d hoped, Armand chuckled. “No, you can’t.” His friend turned to him. “Welcome to the family.”

Gator shook his head. “Not yet.” Armand frowned but Gator wasn’t done. “This has to be Sylvie’s choice. She’s spent too many years at the mercy of others. I won’t pressure her.” He grinned. “But I’ll be doing everything in my power to convince her to see things my way.” And he wouldn’t stop until she agreed to mate with him. He’d show her how things should be between mates. He’d love her until she didn’t want to sleep anywhere but in his bed beside him.

Cocky? Maybe, but he didn’t care. He was determined.

“Now let’s get back to work. There’s still someone out there. A threat we need to eliminate.” Gator embraced his wolf and let the shift take him. Armand did the same. The two of them headed toward the northern border of their property. He’d only been searching for ten minutes when he caught a familiar scent. It was faint but definitely there.

He growled and hurried toward it.

Sylvie curled up on the end of one of the two large sofas. Before she was fully settled, the big black cat jumped up beside her and proceeded to stretch across her lap.

“Seymour,” Anny scowled as she plunked down on the opposite end of the sofa. “Get down from there.”

“He’s okay.” The novelty of holding a cat was thrilling to Sylvie. She rubbed her fingers over his soft fur and he purred and stretched.

“If he gets to be a nuisance, just put him down. He’ll stay there all day if you let him. He’s such a big baby.” The calico jumped up next to Anny. “And you’re the same, aren’t you, Tigger?” Anny scooped the animal onto her lap.

Gwen sat in one of the large chairs flanking the fireplace and Cherise stretched out on the couch opposite. It hadn’t taken them long to clear away from their meal. Now the inquisition would begin. Sylvie tried to relax. Having the cat with her was actually distracting her from her worries.

“So,” Gwen began. “You and Gator.” She leaned forward. “Tell us everything.”

Sylvie laughed in spite of her nervousness, maybe even because of it. She shrugged. “It just happened.”

“No. No. No. Details. We need details.”

Sylvie was quickly learning that Gwen was very blunt and held nothing back. She liked that about the alpha female even when it was directed toward her.

“Give her a break.” Anny winked at Sylvie. “She was obviously overcome by the awesome masculine specimen that is Gator.”

“Aren’t you mated?” Cherise reminded the other woman.

“That doesn’t mean I’m dead. Of course, no one is as sexy as my Armand, but Gator has all those tats and that bad-boy image.”

Sylvie laughed. “Stop it. I don’t want to hear how sexy my brother is.” Just as she knew he hadn’t wanted to hear about her having sex with one of his friends.

“He’s fine.” Anny gave a little growl. Both cats raised their heads and stared at her. Anny laughed and scrubbed behind Tigger’s ears. The cat settled down again.

“I’m sorry, ladies, but when it comes to the most gorgeous masculine form, no one beats Cole.”

Anny and Gwen shared a look. “Now she’s bragging,” Gwen pointed out. “I have to disagree. My Jacque is the most superior specimen.”

Sylvie swallowed another laugh. Honestly, she knew the bantering was for her benefit to help her relax, and darned if it wasn’t working.

“Now that we’ve settled that and agreed we all have hunky guys, tell us about you and Gator.” Gwen leaned back in her chair, crossed her bare legs and swung her foot. “Come on. Share.”

She tried to relax, but it wasn’t easy. Seymour nudged her stomach with his paws in a not-so-subtle reminder that she’d stopped petting him. She began to scratch him behind his ears and he resumed purring.

“He found me in the woods. Scared me at first.”

“Oh, honey, I’m so sorry.” Gwen nibbled on her bottom lip. “You know he’d never mean to frighten you? Right?”

“But he can be scary.” Anny shrugged when they all looked at her. “He caught me trying to sneak out once, and I didn’t know whether to run or pee my pants.” The others laughed. “Seriously, I can laugh now, but I didn’t know him as well back then.”

“There’s a lot more to him than he shows the world.” Sylvie hadn’t meant to say the words out loud, but there was no taking them back.

“You’re right.” Cherise propped her feet on the wooden coffee table and pulled one of the many throw pillows onto her lap. “Cole is the same. I think it’s one of the reasons they’re such good friends.”

“He kissed me.” Oh God, she couldn’t stop talking.

“What was it like?” Cherise asked.

“Amazing.” She licked her lips at the memory.

Gwen fanned herself. “Girl, if the expression on your face is any indication, it was better than amazing.”

Sylvie’s face heated. “It was.” She wasn’t used to sharing, but she liked feeling a part of this tight-knit group.

“I’m surprised he would take it any further than kissing out there in the woods.” When they all stared at Gwen like she’d lost her mind, she qualified her statement. “Oh, not that he wouldn’t have sex in the woods. They’re all really close-to-nature kinda guys. But that he would risk it with an obvious threat out there.”

“I think even he was surprised.” And didn’t that make Sylvie feel sexy.

“But in the woods? Against a tree?” The hopeful expression on Gwen’s face made Sylvie laugh.

“No, he took me to a small field of wildflowers. And that’s as much as I’m sharing.” Really, it was too private, too special.

“Awww,” Anny said. “That’s so romantic. I didn’t know Gator had it in him.”

“Spoilsport.” Cherise tossed the pillow at her. Sylvie barely caught it before it hit Seymour. As it was the cat raised his head and glared at Cherise.

“Okay, ladies.” Gwen rapped the arm of her chair for attention. “Since we’re not getting any more juicy details—” she glanced at Sylvie who shook her head, “—we need to discuss what we plan to do about this latest threat.”

“So you really think there is threat?” Sylvie asked. Not that she thought anyone was lying to her, but she’d figured the men might be overreacting.

“Oh, it’s out there.” Gwen frowned and rubbed the scars around her neck. Sylvie had noticed them but hadn’t wanted to ask any questions. “Pierre LaForge isn’t about to give up his quest for vengeance on his sons.”

Sylvie shivered and pulled the cat closer for warmth. Gwen was right. Every memory she had of Pierre was of a man driven by his quest for power. He was a dangerous enemy.

“Do you know how I became a werewolf?” Gwen asked her.

Sylvie shook her head. “Only that you were once human.” And that still shocked her to her core. Surviving a transformation from human to werewolf was so rare that most thought it nothing but legend.

“Let me tell you.” Gwen curled up in the big chair and wrapped her arms around herself. This obviously wasn’t an easy story to tell.

Sylvie understood why she felt a kinship with these women. They’d all been through trauma and come out the other side. These women knew what it was like to fear, to hurt and to come out the other side. They’d faced death and lived.

She settled back and listened intently to Gwen’s story. She felt a sense of dread building inside her as she heard how Pierre had attacked and almost killed Gwen. No, Gwen was right. Pierre would not give up. Not until they were all destroyed or broken or he was dead. The alpha wolf didn’t know any other way to live.

Joseph Blanchard sat on the step of his front porch and enjoyed the late afternoon breeze. It was still hot as Hades, but he didn’t mind. He was more than used to the Louisiana heat. It was in his blood.

His mate was tending her small garden in front of the house. They were alone. It was moments like these that made him the happiest. It was also when he missed his son most of all.

As always, his Corrine was in tune with his thoughts. “Do you think he’s happy?” She didn’t have to say who

“I pray every day that he has found peace.” Joseph held out his hand. His mate stood, brushed the dirt off her dress and came to sit beside him. “As for happiness…” he shrugged, “…who knows?”

She sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. He was a very lucky man. His woman was his true mate and he loved her more than life itself. He would have easily left with his son, but Corrine would not abandon the other women who depended on her. He worried constantly about her safety.

She was about to say more but he gave her a warning squeeze. Pierre walked around the corner of the house and he wasn’t alone. Two of his flunkies were with him. Robert and Jean Paul Dupointe were obviously trying to move up in the ranks of the pack with the many deaths over the past few months.

Joseph nodded at the men and then turned to his mate. “Get the men something cold to drink.” He hated treating his mate with anything less than the utmost respect but they both knew it was a deadly game they played.

Corrine jumped to her feet and all but ran into the house.

“Sit.” He indicated the chairs on the small porch.

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