Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 (22 page)

Read Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4 Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Shapeshifters;werewolves;paranormal romance;hot romance

BOOK: Wolf from the Past: Salvation Pack, Book 4
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She was aware of everything—the slight warm breeze that occasionally wafted in through the window, Gator’s breath on her skin, his arms alongside hers, his cock pulsing thick and hard inside her.

She quivered in anticipation when he growled. She braced herself for the pain to come, telling herself it would be worth it when it was done. She wanted to mate with Gator and join their lives together. Whatever happened in the future, she loved him and she was tired of being afraid. She wanted this.

But he didn’t bite into her neck, ripping at the flesh. His lips pressed a tender kiss to her nape, and then she felt the prick of his teeth as they sank into her. It wasn’t like Andre’s claiming at all.

She immediately banished all thoughts of her former spouse. He had no place here. This was for her and Gator.

He raised one hand and slid it between her legs. His clever fingers found her clit and began to rub it. She gasped and pressed into his touch. He growled and began to thrust his hips. His strokes were hard and fast, pushing her toward orgasm.

Claiming was both primal and beautiful. It hadn’t been that way for her the first time around.

He fucked her harder. Her pussy clutched at him, not wanting to let him go. He varied his touch to her clit, rubbing it firmly and then barely feathering it. He sank his teeth deeper into her neck and she gasped.

Her orgasm slammed into her like an out-of-control freight train. Her pussy spasmed and she felt the hot flood of his claiming as he found release. He removed his fangs and called her name. His hips never stopped slamming into hers. She had no idea how long her orgasm lasted. Everything got a little fuzzy around the edges.

The next thing she knew, she was lying flat on her stomach, Gator’s cock was still buried deep and he was on top of her, with his upper body angled off her back so he didn’t crush her.

Both of them were breathing heavily. Sylvie wasn’t sure if they’d be able to pry themselves apart, but she decided not to worry. She felt replete and exhausted. Gator licked at the wound on her neck. She knew it had already stopped bleeding, but she liked the way he tended to her, was concerned about her wellbeing.

It was something she’d never take for granted.

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled them both so they were on their sides. He made sure she wasn’t lying on her injured side. Not that she felt any pain at the moment.

He kissed her shoulder. “You okay?”

“Mmm.” She’d meant to say something. Really, she had, but that was the best she could manage.

They stayed there for the longest time. Neither of them was in a hurry to move. Finally, he eased his cock from her and rolled her over until she was on her back with him looming over her.

“You won’t regret this,” he told her.

Her poor Gator, always so concerned about her and never worried about himself. That was okay. He had her to look after him now. “I know.” She touched his face, marveling that this special man belonged to her. Inside, her wolf stretched and preened. But Sylvie knew exactly how her wolf felt. She wanted to do a little preening of her own.

“I love you, Etienne.” It was important for her to use his given name. To let him know she loved all parts of him.

He swallowed heavily, leaned down and kissed her. “I love you, Sylvie.” When her stomach punctuated the romantic declaration by growling, he smiled. “I think it’s time to feed you now.”

That was so Gator. Always looking out for her. She laughed and rubbed her nose against his in a loving caress. “I think that’s a fine idea.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

In spite of Gator’s determination to feed her, it was hours later before they actually ate. She’d fallen asleep earlier, her body needing the rest more than the food.

It was now past midnight, and Sylvie sat at the table eating roast-beef sandwiches, potato chips and milk. It was simple fare, but the best meal she’d ever eaten, and all because of the man she was sharing it with. Her mate. She rubbed the back of her neck and felt his mark overlaying the much older one.

He set down his sandwich and reached for her hand. “Does it hurt?” His concern made her smile.

“No, it doesn’t hurt at all.” And that still amazed her. He’d claimed her and all she could remember was the pleasure of his big body covering hers. Now she knew how it was supposed to be. She squeezed his fingers and released him.

“You sure you’ve had enough?” As always, Gator was trying to feed her.

“Plenty.” She ate the last bite of her sandwich and then pushed the plate away. She washed it all down with the remains of the milk and sighed.

Gator’s plate was already empty and he was watching her. She was wearing her bathrobe with nothing under it and her skin began to tingle.

He gave a low growl and then laughed. “Enough of that.” He stood, lifted her out of her chair and sat back in his own with her in his lap. “I promised myself I’d give you time to recover from your wounds.” He kissed her nape. “All of them.”

“I’m feeling fine,” she told him. She was feeling remarkably well in spite of everything.

His gaze narrowed and his brow furrowed. “I’m not taking any chances.” She recognized the stubborn set of his jaw and the thinning of his lips. He would not be swayed, at least not right now. Maybe later.

She ran her hand over his bare chest, lightly playing with the smattering of hair there. He’d only pulled on a pair of jeans before escorting her to the kitchen to get something to eat. And Gator in a pair of jeans was the sexiest thing she’d ever seen.

She traced her fingers over his tattoos, following the dark ink. He grabbed her hand, brought it to his mouth and kissed it. He was always touching her. Small caresses that made her feel cared for and loved.

Sylvie tried to relax and enjoy the moment, but other worries pressed at her.

“What is it?” he asked. When she raised her eyebrow in silent question, he shrugged. “You tensed up, so I know you’re thinking about something that’s bothering you.”

Amazing. The man missed nothing. She walked her fingers up his arm. “I’m wondering what Armand and the others will think.” They hadn’t even asked the alpha if they could mate, as was customary.

Gator snorted. “They’ll think you’re crazy for tying yourself to me and that I’m one hell of a lucky bastard.”

She laughed. She couldn’t help herself. His dry tone and wicked grin were infectious. Then she sobered. “You don’t think Jacque will be angry?”

He frowned and shifted her slightly on his lap. “Why would he be angry?”

He truly didn’t see the problem. “He’s the alpha,” she explained.

His expression cleared and the corners of his mouth turned up. “That’s not how things work around here. Trust me, he’ll be happy for us.” His smile widened. “And if he isn’t, I’ll use my secret weapon.”

It was Sylvie’s turn to frown. “Secret weapon?”

“Gwen.” Sylvie laughed as he continued. “She likes me and I know she likes you. She’ll want us to be happy. And that means Jacque will want us to be happy.”

“It’s very complicated,” she teased. Once again, she was discovering just how different this pack was from her old one.

“It is, but that’s okay. You have me to guide you.” He said the last with a serious tone.

She laughed again and he lifted her fingers to his mouth and nipped at them. “You dare to laugh at your mate?” She grinned and nodded. “I don’t get any respect,” he muttered.

“That’s not true. I respect you.” She rubbed her fingers across his bottom lip. “More than any man I’ve ever met.” It was true. He was the standard by which all other men would be judged from here on in.

Mon ange
,” he began before he broke off and cleared his throat. She could see the emotion in his eyes.

“What will I do?” she asked. That was something that had been on her mind.

The softer emotion vanished, replaced by confusion. “What do you mean?”

She looped her arms around his neck and played with the hair barely covering his strong neck. “I mean, Gwen writes, Anny bakes and Cherise is taking business courses. What will I do?” It embarrassed her that she had no real skills. “I can clean and waitress. I’ve never had any formal training. Neither my father or Andre believed in education for women.”

“We will not mention those names ever again.” Gator stiffened and the tension in the room exploded. “They were both idiots.”

She had to agree with him, but that didn’t change her problem. “I still need to decide what to do. I want to contribute, to be a member of this pack.”

“You are a member.”

She shook her head. “You don’t understand.” How did she put this so he would? She thought about it for a moment. “I was born and raised in a pack but I never really belonged to it. Even around all those others of my kind I was alone.”

His arms tightened around her and he rocked her. “I’m sorry.”

“You had Cole and Armand and Jacque and Louis. I had no one. I couldn’t risk trusting another woman. Many of them were spies for—” She stared to say her father or Andre, but stopped short of saying their names.

“I know who you mean,” he all but growled.

“I was isolated most of the time. I can clean and cook but not much more. I snuck books when I could. I sewed a lot to pass the time.”

Gator tilted his head to one side. “Do you like sewing?”

She shrugged. “I’m not big on mending, but I used to make some of my own clothes. I like the colors of the fabric and creating something from nothing, figuring the patterns.” She’d forgotten until this moment just how much. She hadn’t sewn anything in years. Andre had destroyed her sewing machine in a fit of anger one day and never replaced it.

“Then you sew if you want. You can order a machine online.” He grinned and gave her a squeeze. “Get Anny to help you. That woman can find anything online.”

The more she thought about it, the more she liked it. “I always wanted to learn how to quilt.”

He rubbed his big hand up and down her back. “You have time now.”

“Quilting costs money,” she pointed out. “I need to earn some cash before I can buy much in the way of supplies. I have a little saved but not much.” It had been difficult to save money on her low salary, but she’d done what she could to pinch pennies, wanting a nest egg if she had to run.

He caught her face in his hands and scowled. “You don’t need to earn anything. My money is yours and I have plenty of it.”

“I can’t take your money.”

It was a good thing she wasn’t afraid of him. He looked downright deadly and menacing. “Why not? You’re my mate. What’s mine is yours.”

She’d hurt him. That was the last thing she’d ever intended. Sylvie could see past the anger to the pain underneath it. She covered his hands with hers. “I’m sorry. I’m not used to thinking that way.”

Her honesty melted his anger away. He blew out a breath and nodded. “I get it. But you need to change your thinking.”

“I’ll spend so much of your money, you’ll be screaming for mercy,” she promised. As she hoped, he grinned at her pronouncement.

“No need to go that far.” He leaned in to kiss her but stopped short and motioned his head toward the hallway. “We’re about to have company.”

The two cats hurried past and headed straight for their food dishes. Armand was right behind them. He strode into the room, followed by Anny. The other woman was still tying the belt on her robe and mouthed, “Sorry.”

Sylvie couldn’t help but smile. Anny was quickly becoming a good friend.

“What’s going on?” Armand demanded.

“A late-night snack of sandwiches and milk,” Gator drawled. Sylvie tried to move from his lap but he simply tightened his hold. She gave up easily. She rather liked where she was.

Armand pulled out a chair for Anny but he didn’t sit. He studied first Sylvie and then Gator. Then he raised his head, sniffed the air and frowned. “Anything you want to tell me?” her brother asked her.

Sylvie had hoped not to have to explain anything until the morning, but maybe this was better. Before she could reply, Gator did. “Sylvie and I are mated.” He glared at her brother, daring him to make something of it.

That was her mate—tough, blunt and dangerous. But oh so loving as well, at least to her. And she loved him for it.

Gator glared at his friend, daring him to say or do anything that would upset Sylvie. Thankfully, Anny was the first to speak. “That’s wonderful. Congratulations to you both.”

Sylvie relaxed slightly in his arms, some of the anxiety draining from her. “Thank you.” She nibbled on her bottom lip and waited for her idiot brother to say something. “Armand?” Her voice trembled the slightest bit.

Her brother sighed and dragged his fingers through his hair. “I’d hoped you’d wait,” he began and Sylvie tensed again. “But if you’re happy, I’m happy for you.”

Sylvie touched Gator’s face and smiled. “I’m very happy.”

“I don’t need details,” Armand grumbled.

The tension broke and they all laughed. Armand came around the table, plucked Sylvie from Gator’s grasp and hugged her. Because he was her brother, Gator felt no sense of jealousy. He wasn’t too sure how he’d feel if one of the other men were holding her quite so close.

Brother and sister stood together, foreheads touching, both of them physically and emotionally scarred by their pasts. Gator glanced at Anny and she gave him a sad smile of understanding.

“Sylvie needs your help,” he told the other woman.

Anny straightened in her seat. “Whatever you need?” And that was why he loved the woman. Armand had chosen well.

“Sylvie needs to shop.” As he’d hoped, that proclamation made Armand release his sister. He frowned at Gator and then at his sister.

“You need to shop?” Armand asked her.

Gator bit his lip to keep from laughing aloud at the perplexed expression on his friend’s face. Sylvie, bless her heart, caught on to his teasing and gave a serious nod. “Yes, I need to buy a sewing machine and fabric. I’m going to spend all Gator’s money.”

He couldn’t hold back any longer and laughed. He pointed at Armand’s expression. He wanted to tease his friend but couldn’t stop laughing long enough.

“What are we celebrating?” Cole stepped into the room with Cherise beside him. You rarely saw one without the other.

“Sylvie is going to spend all Gator’s money,” Anny replied. “Oh, and they’re mated as well.”

Cherise gave a small squeal of delight. “That’s wonderful.” She went to Sylvie and hugged her. “I’m so happy for you.” She turned to her large mate. “Isn’t this wonderful?”

The corners of Cole’s mouth tilted upward. “It’s wonderful,” he agreed. When the women went back to hugging, Cole offered his hand to Gator. “Congratulations,
mon ami

Gator stood, caught Cole’s hand and dragged the big bastard into a hug. Then he faced Armand.

“Make her happy.” It was an order but one Gator didn’t mind in the least.

“I plan too,” he told Armand.

The two of them hugged and Armand pounded him on the back, maybe just a little too hard for comfort. Gator got the message and he approved. It was good for Sylvie to have a family member who cared about her.

They broke apart and watched the women all talking and smiling. Gator’s chest ached. He’d never thought he’d be so lucky as to have not only a woman of his own but the woman of his dreams.

“Did you ever think we’d get so damn lucky?” Cole asked.

He shook his head. “Never.” He turned to his friends. “And I plan to do everything in my power to protect this life we’re building.” A silent accord was reached between them. He knew these men would do whatever it took to protect their mates. He also knew Jacque and Louis felt the same way.

“Should we wake Jacque?” Gator asked.

Cole shook his head, but Armand nodded. “If we don’t let Gwen know, she’ll never forgive us.”

Gator hadn’t thought about that. He glanced at the clock on the kitchen wall and grimaced. It was the middle of the night. “What the hell,” he muttered. He strode to the island that separated the kitchen from the eating area and pulled his phone out of the charger.

“What’s wrong?” The gruff voice answered on the first ring.

“Everything is okay,” he assured Jacque.

“Then why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” Jacque was obviously not pleased.

Gator couldn’t resist tweaking him even more. “I’m not calling you. I want to speak with Gwen.”

“You want to what?” Jacque growled and Gator grinned.

Gwen had obviously heard what he’d said because he could hear her arguing with her mate in the background. There was a slight tussle and then she came on the line. “What is it? Is Sylvie okay? What’s going on over there? Why all the noise?”

Gator swallowed hard. He loved all the members of this pack. They were his true family. “I thought I should let you know that Sylvie and I are mated.” He was going to explain more but the line went dead. He shrugged and hung up.

Sylvie was watching him and he sensed her worry. He went to her, lifted her out of her chair and sat, placing her in his lap. “Gator,” she gasped, obviously surprised by his actions.

“Sylvie,” he teased. He dropped a quick kiss on her lips. The woman needed to laugh more, have more fun.

Gator had been mentally counting and casually glanced at Cole. “You better open the back door.”

His packmate ambled over the door, undid the locks and opened it wide. Sylvie tensed and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. He expected to see Jacque first, but Gwen beat him. She raced through the door and saw him sitting with Sylvie on his lap. Gwen’s smile lit up the entire room.

“Congratulations.” She hurried over and hugged both of them at once, throwing her arms all the way around Sylvie and partially around him. “I’m so happy for you both.”

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