Wicked (8 page)

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Authors: Sasha White

BOOK: Wicked
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onto his lap. Her hands went immediately around his neck as they kissed.

His tongue met hers with such agility that her sex clenched and she ground

down on the hardness beneath her.

She wasn't sure exactly what Karl wanted, but submissive she wasn't. Not if

it meant being passive. Her hands went everywhere, over his shoulders,

down his back, up his chest. She pulled his shirt off and froze. Awe and

desire blended as she took in the sight before her. She'd known he had a

tattoo; she'd seen the tip of it. But now she saw it all, and it made her sex


Covering the top of one side of his chest was a big black tribal mark with

wicked-looking slashes that curled over his collarbone, up his neck, and over

his shoulder. A small patch of downy hair was in the middle of his

well-muscled chest, and shiny gold hoops speared through both of his


Saliva pooled in her mouth, and Lara reached out and nudged one of the


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hoops, making the light glint off of it. A cross between a sigh and a gasp

came from Karl, and her body responded. The primal lust he had inspired

returned full force, and she pushed him back on the bed, stretching out on

top of him. Her tongue came out, and she licked his neck and nipped at his

earlobe while her fingers toyed with his flat male nipples and the jewerly that

adorned them. His muscles danced beneath her hands, and she couldn't get


Wiggling down his body, she circled one nipple with her tongue and reached

into his pants to free his hard cock. It throbbed in her hand, and she

squeezed it gently. The perfect size, long and thick, thick and
. Wetness

eased from the head and coated her hand as she stroked him.

"Tighter," he urged her, one of his hands covering hers and showing her how he liked it. "You won't break me, darlin'."

Eagerness swam through her veins, blending with the heat and need there.

All thought fled, making her a purely sexual creature. Soon she had the

stroke just right, and his hands slid to her back. One moved up and down in a

full-body stroke from tip to tail, sure fingers dipped between her cheeks and

then skimmed up her spine. The other hand slid under her hair to cup her

head as she worked back and forth between his nipples.

She tongued the little gold hoops, gripping them between her teeth and

tugging until he groaned and his hips arched into her.

Need overtook sanity as she arched her back and slid his cock between the

folds of her sex. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she balanced her

weight, her nipples rubbing against his as she rocked her hips and felt the

hard length of him slip and slide through her wetness.

She rested her forehead against his, eyes locked and breathing his air. Her

pussy clenched and she hungered to be filled by him, but the slow and oh so

sensual feel of his cock rubbing up and down her slit, nudging her clit with

each pass, then nudging her entrance, then her clit…Oh God, she was going


Sasha White

to come!

"No," Karl commanded softly, his hand in her hair and on her butt tightening, making her freeze.


"You can't come until I say," he said.

A surprised whimper echoed through the room, and she bit her lip, begging

him with her eyes.

He shifted his hips and his cock nudged her clit again. "I need to know how

safe you've been."

"Huh?" Pleasure shot through her and she shuddered, her need overriding

everything else she felt. She could feel his pulse throbbing in his cock, right

against her core.

"How safe sexually. When's the last time you were tested, are you taking

birth control?"

"Yes," she panted. Her hips rocked and his grip on her hair tightened. Pain flashed through her and a rush of arousal dampened them both. "Oh!"

"Lara," he said sharply. "Focus."

She stared into his dark eyes, the fire in them clear. "Yes, safe, tested last

month, clean. On the pill."

He thrust up, and a scream jumped from her throat as she was filled. Long

hard throbbing cock filled her, in and out, as he pumped his hips fast, lifting

her almost off the bed. His hands left her hair, left her ass, both sliding over

her ribs to cup her breasts. Every thrust had him hitting her deep, finding a

spot deep within her that sent sensation spiking through her body. Her head


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fell forward, her panting turning into a string of sighs and gasps as she fought

for breath.

"Oh, yes. Oh God! Karl!" A scream wrenched from deep inside until she bit

down on his shoulder, stifling it as everything in her tightened, then

exploded. Lights flashed behind her eyes and she shuddered in his arms.

Her body a boneless mass, she'd just got her breath back when Karl

switched his grip to her hips. He thrust deep, holding her tight to him,

grinding against her as his cock swelled and throbbed and hot wetness

flooded her sex, setting off another small series of pleasurable shock waves.

They lay together, still connected for a few minutes. Lara's brain was fried.

She knew she should move, should leave, go get a towel, turn off the

light…something. But she didn't. She couldn't.

Karl's arms wrapped around her, engulfing her in warmth as he pressed a

soft kiss to her temple. "You weren't supposed to come until I said," he


"I'm sorry," she mumbled. But she really wasn't. The orgasm had rocked her

to the core, and she'd loved every second of it.

"Don't be. I'm going to enjoy punishing you for it."

Lara heard the words, and the promise in them, but she didn't care. She just

snuggled against him and let erotic contentment lull her into a deep sleep.


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he looked so sweet, almost innocent, as she snuggled into her pillow.

Her mouth was open, and little baby snores escaped every thirty seconds or

so as Karl gazed down at her.

He'd eased out from beneath her a while ago, with the full intention of pulling

a sheet over her, and leaving. Instead he'd stood, turned off the light, and

crawled back onto her bed, where she'd snuggled into his arms.

Lara had eagerness, and a natural capacity for sensation play that he could

nurture. But it was more than that. She
a submissive.

It was buried so deep inside her, so far behind that wall of independence and

attitude that she'd built around herself that even she wasn't aware of it.

But he was.

He must have subconsciously recognized it in her right from the start. It was

why he hadn't been able to forget her. Tonight, for just a moment, he'd gotten

a glimpse of it.

Karl had seen that her 'do anything once' attitude was just that. An attitude.

Sure, she'd back it up, and physically, he didn't think there was anything she

wouldn't try at least once. But emotions were a different story. Getting past

her walls would be a lot of work, physically, psychologically, and emotionally.

Lara was stubborn and independent. He already knew she'd treat it all as a

game, unwilling to admit how strong her need was, even to herself. But that


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was okay because she
accept it, even revel in it, once she was truly


Karl's gut clenched and his pulse raced. He should walk away from her right

now—she was dangerous. In the space of an hour she'd gone from a

potential playmate, to…to the one he'd given up on ever finding.


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ool air slipped over Lara's skin and she struggled awake. The lights

were out and the room was dark. It was the middle of the night and she

thought she was alone, until the bed shifted and she realized the sudden chill

was from loss of shared body heat.

Scrubbing at heavy eyelids she watched as Karl tugged his t-shirt back on

over his head, and sleepy desire stirred within her.

"Where are you going?" she croaked, her voice husky with sleep.

"Home to my place, sugar." His hand smoothed over her tousled hair and he

kissed the top of her head. "You were wonderful. I'll call you tonight."

She watched him walk from the room, an unusual type of satisfaction settling

in her chest as she hugged the pillow, and closed her eyes. She didn't want

to think right then, she felt too damn good.

A sigh escaped as she sank back into sleep. He'd said she was wonderful.

* * *

hree hours later, her body heavy with satisfaction, Lara rolled from

bed and stumbled into the shower. Not only was there a pleasant tenderness

between her thighs as a reminder of the night's activities, but it was also

Friday. The perfect way to start the weekend.


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The steam built up quick in her little bathroom, and she closed her eyes and

washed her hair. She loved to have her hair touched and played with, it was

the reason she let it grow long, and Karl had known to pull just hard enough

to make her melt.

He obviously knew a lot about what made a woman melt. There was no

denying he'd been in charge last night, yet not once had she felt dominated.

She'd loved every minute of it. When she skimmed the towel over her body to

dry off, her nipples peaked and a shiver danced down her spine. She

imagined getting him completely naked and licking him all over.

Lord, the man had a body worth drooling over. And a glorious cock! But she'd

been so overwhelmed by sensation that she hadn't even minded that he

never took off his pants. Oh yeah, Karl was magic. His voice, his

touch…yeah, she definitely needed more of that.

A few minutes later, as she was buttoning her jeans, there were footsteps

over her head and she heard the boys arguing—and she knew what was

coming. Grabbing her bag and her keys, she rushed for the door and

managed to avoid Graham's morning after interrogation. Which was really a

good thing because she wasn't sure she could avoid sharing the dirty details

of the night with them.

Fifteen minutes later, she strolled into the warehouse to pick up her drop

sheet for the day and her truck. Maura, the commander behind the counter,

raised a penciled-in brow. "You're early. And what's with the perma-grin?

You get lucky last night?"

"Did I ever."

Maura's chuckle turned into a coughing fit. "I haven't seen a smile like that in way too long. Who's the stud?" she asked in her raspy smoker's voice. "Does he like older women?"


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"I have no idea," Lara answered with a grin. "But he likes this woman, and that's all I need to know!"

The women laughed and Lara got her stuff together and headed out.

By lunchtime she was having a hard time maintaining her happy place.

Because of that, she chose to get another few deliveries in between twelve

and one when most people had lunch, so she could book off shift an hour


Traffic sucked and people were grouchy at the drop offs, blaming her for

being late. The worst came when she had to drop off some parts at the

dreaded garage on Hastings Street. Not that Hastings was all that bad, but

the two brothers who owned the garage made her skin crawl.

"Oh, look at who came when I called?" The younger brother, Larry, had said

when she'd arrived.

"It's the only way women ever come for you, we have to pay them." This from the older brother, Robert.

He spoke with a smile, but it was a mean, malicious smile that never reached

his eyes. Not many men bothered Lara, but Robert did. The way he looked at

her made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and her fists clench. It

was the same reaction she used to get when her father's drunken friends

would leer at her before she'd run away from home.

She held out the invoice. "Just sign here, please," she said, keeping her tone neutral.

"Oh, baby girl, you say please so pretty," Larry said in a voice as greasy as his oil-stained hands.

Lara cocked her head to the side, and stared at him.


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Finally he shuffled a little under her stare, looking to his brother for back-up.

When Robert ignored him, Larry snatched the invoice from her hand and

signed. "You should be nice to me, Lara. You never know when you might

need a man in your life."

"It's just business, Larry." She tore off his copy and spun on her heel to leave without looking at Robert again. She didn't have to look to know he was

watching her. His stare burned into her, her blood chilling as she let the door

swing closed behind her.

The afternoon sun helped chase away the chill in her bones as she climbed

into her truck. Spring had definitely arrived. Slipping her sunglasses on, she

headed out into traffic, aiming for Taco Bell for a late lunch. Maybe she

should grab an extra taco and bring it back to the shop for Maura. The

woman loved fast food, any kind of fast food, even if it was cold.

Her phone rang as she was paying the girl at the drive through and she

answered without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello, sugar. How are you feeling today?"

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