In Deep

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Authors: Chloe Harris

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Praise for Chloe Harris


“Obsession and passion sizzle on the pages of this mouthwatering debut.”

–Kate Douglas, author of the Wolf Tales series

“Sensuality at its best!”

–Diana Cosby, author of
His Woman

“Chloe Harris’s debut novel is funny and slightly dark in a sensationally passionate way where jealousy, desire and love run wild. A great read!”

–Mandy Burns for
Fresh Fiction

“Set in the Caribbean in 1745, this story is hot from page one, and the temperature just keeps rising. The characters are well wrought, and a clever subplot sets up the sequel.”

Romantic Times Book Reviews
, Four Star

“These authors turned me into a believer, and made this book an enjoyable one … it touched me at a deep emotional level.”

–Sarah Silversmith for
The Romance Readers Connection

“A superheated erotic historical romance starring two delightful lead characters … Readers will relish this strong mid-eighteenth-century Caribbean erotica!”

Genre Go Round Reviews

“Secrets of Sin … had me at hello. This book is erotic without being porny … really hot and descriptive … a compelling read!”

–Lynette Curtis for
The Season–
Historical Romance

Also by Chloe Harris


In Deep


APHRODISIA BOOKS are published by

Kensington Publishing Corp.
119 West 40th Street
New York, NY 10018

Copyright © 2010 by Crystal Jordan

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eISBN-13: 978-0-7582-6230-1
eISBN-10: 0-7582-6230-1

First Kensington Trade Paperback Printing: December 2010

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Praise for Chloe Harris

Also by Chloe Harris























aidyn Donnelly heard the door open behind her. The unbearable task ahead was imminent. She tried not to cringe, but how on earth was she ever going to get through this?

She would because she had to. Wallowing in self-pity was not an option. Jaidyn had to keep telling herself it would be over soon enough. Then before too long she’d be off and it would have all been worth it. Yes, not only did she have to keep telling herself that, she had to keep convincing herself to believe it.

It was the only way to earn a passage north. Where she needed to be; where she was supposed to be. Yesterday wouldn’t be too soon.

Madame Poivre, her hostess these past few weeks, had warned her she didn’t think Jaidyn was cut out to be one of the girls. Well, she might not be, now or ever, but her body was all Jaidyn had. And she was determined to make use of it any way she could, period.

She steeled her spine just as Madame Poivre murmured,
“Amusez-vous, Messieurs,”
and let Jaidyn’s first customers enter.

Customers–plural. She still couldn’t quite wrap her head around the idea of that. But when she saw them, her trepidation grew even more and her pulse leapt.

Contrary to what she expected, they were both reasonably tall and quite handsome. They both moved with an air of confidence that was more intimidating than she could have ever imagined. The man who absently threw his coat over the chair and began moving toward the bed was blond. The other man stood just inside the door and didn’t move. He only stared at her. His hair was black. Not dark brown but shiny pitch-black. And his eyes looked like the sea she’d recently crossed and the sky above.

She knew that coloring.

Dear Lord! Not a fellow countryman. What were the odds of that in this remote corner of the wilds of the Caribbean?

The fact that this man might well be Irish caused a deeper shame and the comfort of kinship to battle for control within her.

She noticed that both men were now watching her and waiting. Jaidyn subconsciously looked away. Clearing her throat, she pulled the flimsy white dressing gown tighter over the matching corset that was scandalously cut below her breasts.

“Gentlemen,” she began with a croaky voice barely over a whisper. “I have been instructed on what you expect. So, what would you have me do?”

The blond leaning on his elbows on the bed spoke first. “Patience. We have all afternoon and half of the night for this … At least I do. I believe my friend can stay even longer.”

The lazy buoyancy in his voice shook her while his words confused her. What could possibly take so much time to do? Could they possibly want to more than once?

Surely not.

Jaidyn swallowed the building anxiety and studied a fascinating flower in the slightly worn carpet.

She looked up when she heard the soft rustle of fabric. The dark-haired man had thrown his coat over the blond’s and he was moving toward her.

Jaidyn stood as still as a statue as he walked slowly around her like he truly was examining a piece of sculpture. She could almost feel his cheek upon her hair and barely heard the words he spoke against it. “Tell us your name.”

With a quiver, Jaidyn shook her head. She wouldn’t give them her name. For one, she didn’t feel as if she was still that woman who had left Ireland with happy expectations and dreams of a grand new life. And secondly, she just couldn’t attach her disgrace to her birth name.

The black-haired man walked around her until he faced her. She shuddered once more.

“Are you cold?” He clasped her hands in his and she fought her first instinct to pull away.

“Come, sit down,” he offered next.

This time Jaidyn didn’t resist when he pulled her to the bed until she perched on the end of it between the two men. Heat began to seep into her whole body as the dark-haired man continued to warm her hands.

“I am Connor. And this is Reinier.”

Connor. What a solid Irish name. She even had a cousin named Connor. There was no doubt in her mind now that he was her countryman. Her eyes moved to the floor. Once again she was torn between the solace and familiarity of home and the dishonor to her kin.

“Tell us something about you. Where are you from?”

She turned toward the blond man–Reinier, if she remembered correctly–and really looked at him for the first time. His eyes were amazing. She had never seen eyes like those before. Her own eyes were a deep emerald color but his were gold, mixed with the lightest, clearest shade of pale crisp green. They were so mesmerizing, she found she couldn’t lie. “Éire. I was born and raised in Ireland.”

Connor’s hands on hers immediately stopped their caress.

Her heart sank. Had she said something wrong? Was he saddened that an Irishwoman had been brought so low? Somehow it hurt that this man might be disappointed in her.

“Born and raised?” Reinier questioned as Connor’s hands tenderly moved up and down her upper arms.

She looked slightly away from Reinier’s piercing gaze as she stuck to the story she’d concocted. “I am a maid’s daughter. My father is unknown.”

“You look like you loved to ride through the vast green fields bareback.”

“Indeed, I did!” How did he know that? Bittersweet memories flooded her mind. Images of how she dashed through the lush countryside on the back of the filly that wouldn’t let anybody close but her. Sadly, she’d never found the pleasure in “ladylike” entertainment such as needlework or fashion as the other girls her age did, elevated status or no. She’d much more enjoyed the rougher company of her outré cousins. “Much to my cousins’ dismay, though.” Jaidyn herself was surprised by the laughter that escaped when she thought back on the merry times then. “But was it my fault that their horses weren’t as fast as mine?”

She caught Reinier looking over her shoulder at Connor with what she thought was an oddly knowing expression just before she felt Connor’s warm breath on her ear. It was comforting to know he was here with her. It made her head–and her heart–suddenly light.

“You had a horse?” Connor’s words catapulted her into the harsh reality of here and now. That jolly laughter died in her throat. What had she said! A grave mistake. Surely she would never last long enough at this to do what she needed to do if she couldn’t even keep her story straight after ten minutes in the presence of two reasonably attractive clients.

Gathering her thoughts again, Jaidyn took the offensive as she looked to Connor. “Of course not. I only helped the groom so often that he let me secretly ride a horse when the masters weren’t home.”

Seeing Connor’s pupils dilate, Jaidyn instantly regretted her haughty tone. He was the customer. She should behave more like what was expected of her–only she’d never been good at that.

“You were grooming horses when you didn’t work in your masters’ household?” Reinier inquired.

Jaidyn wanted to reply; she was trying to think of another facet to her story, but when Reinier took her hand in his, all she could do was watch as he slowly raised it to his elegantly full lips. He placed a kiss so gentle on her palm. Connor’s caress on her arms now felt like the light touch of butterfly wings.

Her mind stopped working for a moment. Jaidyn felt adrift in something she couldn’t quite understand. Her skin heated under their touches and felt as if it was suddenly too tight.

Stunned at her own reaction, she met Reinier’s unique gaze again. She let him guide her hand to his midsection.

Immediately the warmth of skin and lean muscle permeated her palm even through his clothing. Next, Connor’s gentle touch brushed her hair aside. She wanted to linger in the amazement that so far this had been easy and gentle and not at all the quick roughness she’d expected, but she never had the chance. That moment both their lips rained kisses along her neck.

The sensation was so oddly pleasant, so … she wasn’t sure what. Her fingers shuddered against Reinier’s abdomen. Her head felt heavy and fell back against Connor’s shoulder of its own volition. She was restless and sleepy all at the same time.

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