Wicked (3 page)

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Authors: Sasha White

BOOK: Wicked
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"Why not?" Lara leaned back in her chair, her smile bright and flirtatious.

"Life is meant to be lived. That means experiencing new things all the time

and not getting stuck in a rut."

"You've never been in a rut?"

Something dark flickered in her eyes, and then it was gone. "Not me. I'll try

anything once and do the good stuff again…and again." She leaned forward,

putting her arms on the table and plumping up her cleavage nicely. "What

about you?"

Karl's blood heated when he heard her say the magic words. "You'll do

anything once? That's a pretty bold statement."

"I'm a pretty bold girl."


Sasha White

"Yes, you are, aren't you?" So very different from what he'd always wanted in a woman—in a submissive. As much as it surprised him, there was no

denying his body's reaction to her; and
, he wanted to explore. "But I've met many who say that—not everyone can back it up."

She laughed outright. "Oh, I can back it up. When I want to."

His balls tightened and he smiled. This was going to be interesting.

A small movement behind her showed the waitress on her way over so he

changed the subject. "Would you like some wine with dinner?"

She shook her head. "I don't need alcohol to have a good time."

Even more intriguing. He waited for the waitress to leave to get their drinks

before leaning forward and gazing at her intently. "What
you need to have a good time?"

"Nothing but a willing partner." She winked playfully. "And sometimes I don't even need that."

He laughed. She was a spitfire, and he was officially interested.

Their drinks arrived and they ordered their meals. He watched Lara as she

looked around the restaurant, sipped her iced tea, and flirted with him. She

wasn't being shy about it at all. She went from sassy and bold, to sweet and

almost little girlish at times, making his pulse pick up when she looked at him

from under her lashes, and nibbled on the luscious bottom lip that had him

imagining lots of long, wet, and sloppy blowjobs.

Oh yeah, he wanted her on her knees before him, smiling prettily and

begging for his cock. "You'll try anything once, huh?"

She shrugged. "Pretty much, yeah."


Sasha White

"Pretty much? Or you will?"

It was an outright challenge, and he waited expectantly to see if she was

really as bold and adventurous as she claimed. If she just might have a

submissive streak, a need to please.

He watched as she leaned forward, her silky top shifting enough to tease him

with a quick peek at the deeper pink of a nipple before she shifted and it was

gone. His eyes traveled over the smooth skin of her neck to see her lips part

slightly and her tongue press sassily against little white teeth as she watched

him look her over.

Neither spoke, and the tension built. Hot, electric, and…exciting. That's what

he was feeling—excitement. For the first time in too long, he was captivated.

"How is everything with your meal?"

Just like that, and the moment was broken, and surprisingly, Karl wasn't sure

how he felt about it.

"Lara?" he asked.

She broke their gaze and smiled up at the waitress. "It's wonderful, thank


The waitress left and they went back to eating. After she swallowed another

forkful of penne she gave him a soft smile. "So Karl, what happened to turn a

tattooed tough guy into a lawyer?"

Surprise rippled through him. There was no way to completely hide the tribal

tat that crept up his neck, even when in a suit and tie, but it was rare for

someone to come right out and comment on it. "I decided the best revenge

on those who said I'd never amount to anything more than a street thug was

to prove them wrong."


Sasha White

She looked like she wanted to ask more, but she let it go with a smile, and his

opinion of her went up another notch. Sexy

Now he really wanted to see if she'd do anything once, and exactly what

she'd do again, and again.


Sasha White


ara squeezed her thighs together under the table as the waitress

cleared their plates and asked if they wanted any dessert. She shook her

head and Karl sent the pretty waitress away with a smile.

The meal had been great, and the company much more interesting than

she'd anticipated.

Normally when she spent too much time with a guy, some of the attraction

wore off. They'd prattle on about sports and cars and how great they really

were, and she'd just try to imagine how big their cock was. It wasn't

absolutely necessary for a guy to have a big cock to satisfy her in bed, but it

sure helped pass the time to wonder if he did.

Plus, she'd learned that most men who went on and on about themselves, or

their jobs, over dinner were often equally selfish in bed and only size and

some stamina could redeem them.

Then there was the opposite.

The men who tried so hard to be romantic, and sweet, and told her how

beautiful she was and asked all sorts of questions she'd have to dodge.

They'd be giving in bed, often going down on her and trying to make sure she

came before they did. But sometimes that was almost worse because it felt

like they were trying to make love, when all she wanted was to fuck.

Love was a trap Lara refused to think about.


Sasha White

She watched Karl's sure movements as he pulled out his wallet and laid

some cash on the table. He was certainly confident, and the throbbing

between her thighs hinted that he had reason to be.

They were both quiet as they stood to leave, and it was a nice quiet. Not

comfortable exactly, there was too much heat bouncing back and forth

between them for it to be entirely comfortable, but it was nice.

As soon as they stepped outside the restaurant his hand settled at the small

of her back and heat seeped into her bloodstream. Oh yeah, this was going

to be good. Sex with Karl was going to be well worth the effort of actually

getting to know him a bit. She'd even enjoyed it, but now she really was

ready for dessert.

"This is mine," she said as they neared her little Honda. When they were

between the cars she turned and put her hand on his chest. "Dinner was

nice. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

She gazed into his heavy-lidded eyes and waited…and waited…and finally,

unable to wait any longer, went up on her tiptoes and kissed him.

His muscles flexed beneath the palm of her hand and his lips parted, letting

her control the kiss for a brief moment before his hand cupped the back of

her neck and he took over. His body pressed against hers and she fell back

against her car, enjoying the pressure of his hardness against her as his

tongue thrust into her mouth and wiped all thought from her mind.

Hot breath filled her as their tongues rubbed and thrust and danced together.

Her breasts swelled and ached, her legs spreading as she undulated against

him. Then his fingers wrapped in her hair and tightened. She couldn't move

her head and Karl took full advantage, nipping at her bottom lip sharply

before pulling back.


Sasha White

She gasped for breath, the sting in her lip making her pussy clench. "I'm

ready for dessert now. How about you?" she asked breathlessly.

He stepped back, his hands falling to his side as shutters came down over

the heat in his eyes. "I think that was enough for now. The perfect end to the



He leaned forward, pressed a quick hard kiss to her still parted lips, and then

walked away without another word.

"Hey!" she called after him. "What was that?"

He stopped and turned around, an amazingly cocky smirk on his lips. "When

you're ready to promise to truly do anything once, give me a call."

Stunned, Lara watched him leave, and bit back a few choice words. Part of

her really wanted to let him have it…but an other part of her refused to let him

know just how disappointed she was.

He might've turned her down, Lara thought as she pulled open her car door

and slid into the driver's seat, but she'd never chased a man in her life. And

she wasn't going to start now.


Sasha White


arl watched the blonde's sultry hip swing as she walked away, and

once again wondered what the fuck his problem was. Her offer to do

anything for him was for real, but unlike Lara's questionable claim of a similar

attribute the other night, it hadn't stirred the least bit of interest.

In fact, the only thing that had raised any interest in him lately had been Lara.

Strange, considering he normally liked sweet and submissive—not sassy

and bold—but there it was.

Being a Dominant had come naturally to him. In fact, he'd never even

realized that he was controlling and directing women in the bedroom until

one of his lovers, a submissive, had explained it to him. He'd been in his

early twenties when that had happened, and she'd introduced him to The

Dungeon, and the lifestyle that had helped him find his true nature.

More than ten years in the lifestyle, and he'd become accustomed to women

as adept and comfortable in it as he was.

Maybe that was the problem.

Lara had tempted him, but at the end of the night he'd still walked away.

Something told him that if he got involved with her, it wouldn't be simple.

Then again, maybe it was time for things to stop being so simple.

He glanced over at a couple of other regulars he knew. He'd watched them

scene before, and the submissive was a bit of a brat, the Dom having to


Sasha White

discipline her often. It was obviously a dynamic that worked for them, but

he'd never been into the strict discipline aspect of D/s.

He considered himself a loving Dom, one who could be firm when needed,

but who, above all, rewarded submission with praise, affection, and


"Another one incoming, Master Karl," Marc the bartender warned as he set

another beer in front of him.

Karl felt the presence of a warm body at his right side and turned his head.

"Hello, Marie, how are you tonight?"

"Eager and willing, Sir." The redhead's smile was sincere and the spark in

her eyes attractive.

Sweet, eager, and submissive. Exactly what he'd always enjoyed.

Yet, he still wasn't interested. Despite that, he put his arm around her and

cupped her rear fondly. "That's nice to hear, sweetie. But I'm not up for any

games tonight. You girls about wore me out last weekend so I'm gonna take

a pass this time. You go have some fun without me."

Her bottom lip quivered and he shook his head sharply once. He didn't want

to see her pout.

"What the hell am I even doing here?" he muttered after she'd disappeared

back into the crowded club.

"No idea, sir."

Karl met Marc's gaze and chuckled wryly. "Aren't bartenders supposed to

have all the answers?"

"Some things people need to figure out for themselves," Marc replied with a 31

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"And I'm not going to do it sitting here at this bar, am I?" Karl tossed a bill next to his still half-full beer, and headed for the door.

He weaved through the crowd, not even bothering to look at the people

around him. He climbed the stairs and sucked in a deep breath of fresh air

when he hit the street. It had rained again. The pavement was wet and the air

was fresh and clean.

Spring had arrived. Spring was a good time for a change. Maybe waiting for

Lara to call him this past week had been the wrong tactic.

Normally he'd be a hundred percent confident she'd call. Women always

called—but she
different. It was what had intrigued him. A week later

and he was still intrigued.

Now he just had to figure out how to proceed. It would be different with Lara.

She wasn't someone in the BDSM scene, and she wasn't someone in the

society scene. And he was al ready pretty sure she was someone he'd want

more than one night with.

Pulling the keys for his truck from his pocket he wished they were the keys

for his bike. A nice long drive through the mountains with the wind against his

face would be welcome right about then.

Laughter and catcalls from the pub across from The Dungeon caught his

attention as he crossed the street and started for the black Dodge Ram he'd

parked half a block down. His steps slowed for a minute as he looked in the

windows of the pub. The live band and boisterous crowd was easily heard

from where he stood.

It sounded alive and enthusiastic, just like Katie Long had been that night

almost a year earlier when they'd had drinks there.


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Katie's enthusiasm for life and unique blend of innocence and open sexuality

had hooked him pretty good. She'd been a wonderful change from the jaded

and angry women he met through work, and the overeager and

overexperienced women he had as playmates. She'd been the change that

had given birth to this strange restlessness, and now, another eager, but

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