Piggy Party (Cul-de-sac Kids Book #19): Book 19

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Authors: Beverly Lewis

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BOOK: Piggy Party (Cul-de-sac Kids Book #19): Book 19
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Beverly Lewis Books for Young Readers


Annika’s Secret Wish
In Jesse’s Shoes
Just Like Mama
What Is God Like?
What Is Heaven Like?


The Double Dabble Surprise
The Chicken Pox Panic
The Crazy Christmas Angel Mystery
No Grown-ups Allowed
Frog Power
The Mystery of Case D. Luc
The Stinky Sneakers Mystery
Pickle Pizza
Mailbox Mania
The Mudhole Mystery
The Crabby Cat Caper
Tarantula Toes
Green Gravy
Backyard Bandit Mystery
Tree House Trouble
The Creepy Sleep-Over
The Great TV Turn-Off
Piggy Party
The Granny Game
Mystery Mutt
Big Bad Beans
The Upside-Down Day
The Midnight Mystery

Katie and Jake and the Haircut Mistake


Piggy Party
Copyright © 1999
Beverly Lewis

Cover illustration by Paul Turnbaugh
Text illustrations by Janet Huntington
Cover design by Lookout Design, Inc.

Ebook edition created 2012

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.

ISBN 978-1-4412-6085-7

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Published by Bethany House Publishers
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438

Bethany House Publishers is a division of
Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Talon Zachary Erickson,
my new friend in Minnesota.



Title Page

Copyright Page


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

The Cul-De-Sac Kids Series

About the Author

Other Books by Author

Back Cover


Carly Hunter watched the school clock. She stared hard.

Click . . . click . . . click.

The second hand poked along like a turtle. Three more never-ending minutes till afternoon recess.

Carly could hardly wait.

She turned and looked at the guinea pig cage across the room. The class pet was so cute. And he was looking back at her!

Carly squirmed.

She jiggled.

Her school desk danced, too.

Dee Dee Winters tapped Carly on the shoulder. “You’re a wiggle worm today,” she whispered.

Dee Dee was Carly’s best friend. She sat right behind Carly at school. The perfect spot for a best friend.

Carly said softly, “I have the flitter-flops.”

“You’re not kidding,” said Dee Dee.

Carly was still watching the furry pet. “I can’t believe I get to take the guinea pig home. All weekend.”

“His name is Piggy, don’t forget,” Dee Dee reminded her.

Carly grinned. “Who could forget a name like that?”

Dee Dee smiled and twisted a curl.

“Girls, please get busy,” said Miss Hartman. The teacher’s voice was kind but firm.

Carly picked up her pencil. She printed her name neatly. She tried to do her workbook pages. But her eyes wanted to wander to Piggy’s cage!

“Miss Hartman’s watching you,” she heard Dee Dee whisper.

Quickly, Carly looked down at her work sheet. She would have to cover up her head. She just couldn’t keep her eyes off the guinea pig.

Carly glanced at the clock above the door again.


The recess bell would be ringing. Right . . . about . . . now.


“I call the swings,” said one of the girls. She flew past Carly and Dee Dee.

Carly didn’t care about swinging. Not today. She had more important things in mind. Things like feeding the guinea pig. Things like changing his water dish.

She hurried to Piggy’s cage.

Dee Dee came, too. “Where are you gonna put Piggy at your house?” asked Dee Dee.

“I might hide him in the secret place, behind my closet,” Carly said.

Dee Dee’s eyes grew round as silver dollars. “He might not like it in there. It’s too dark.”

“But he’ll be safe,” Carly insisted. “Especially from my little brother.”

“Why? What’s Jimmy gonna do to Piggy?” Dee Dee asked.

“Nothing, if I keep Piggy hidden.” Carly reached down into the cage. She removed the dish of water. She carried the dish to the sink and poured some fresh water.

Dee Dee leaned over the cage. “He’s so soft and pretty.”

“Looks like butterscotch,” said Carly.

“Yummy,” said Dee Dee.

Carly poked her friend. “Silly! Guinea pigs aren’t candy.”

Dee Dee shrugged. “But Piggy
the coolest class pet we’ve had all year.”

Carly agreed. They’d had two lizards and even a garter snake before Christmas. But Piggy was the perfect class pet. He was easy to care for. He made the cutest sounds, too. Sometimes it sounded like he was whistling.

Carly liked that. Maybe she and Piggy would have a whistle duet this weekend. Maybe she and the guinea pig would celebrate Groundhog Day together.


She wondered if Piggy might see his shadow. After all, guinea pigs were related to groundhogs. Weren’t they?


Carly and Dee Dee marched home through the snow. Carly pulled her sled with the guinea pig cage tied onto it. “I hope Piggy doesn’t catch a cold,” she said.

The girls stopped to check on the pet. They lifted the blanket off his cage.

“Aw, look, he’s shivering,” Carly said. She wished she’d asked her mother to pick her up at school. “We better hurry.”

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