Where Words Fail (24 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden,Kathy Krick,Melissa Gill,Kelsey Keeton

BOOK: Where Words Fail
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Boy was I wrong.

Jameson definitely earned the make out session he got in the truck. Windows steaming, hands everywhere. His singing to me gets me every time. Tonight was no different. I had planned on taking things further until we climbed out of the truck and heard hooting and hollering from my house. We were all worked up and had nowhere to go. Well, we could have gone to the apartments, but I wanted my bed for this. I could always kick everyone out and make them go to their apartments..

Jameson pulled me into the kitchen where everyone was. There were bottles of alcohol everywhere. Empty and full. The boys were on bar stools chugging beer and then there’s Tuesday. My best friend. The only girl that could get away with wearing Izzy’s princess tiara while doing shots. That’s my girl.

“What the hell are you guys doing?” I choked the words out around my laughter while snapping pictures with my phone. Evidence is always necessary in events like this.

“Abby!” A round of cheers comes from everyone except Tuesday, who is currently trying not to spit the Tequila out from her last shot.

Swallowing and coughing, she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. I now see that I’m not the only girl who isn’t very ladylike in my life. “Whore Muffin!” She screeches and runs my way. Jameson grabs her arms as she starts to trip and turns her towards me, tiara crooked on her messy brown hair, and pushes her close enough to hug me. I’m pretty sure I could get drunk just sniffing her breath.

Jameson’s eyebrow cocks at my nickname slurring from her mouth. Alex stands and stumbles to the fridge to grab a beer for him. Hand shaking and laughing begin between the boys while Tuesday mumbles something about loving me but loving my brother enough to want to bring him to bed. I tuned her out there because I know that drunk Tuesday likes to go into details, and that’s the last thing I need in my head.

“Alright bitches.” I stepped up and wrapped my arms around Jameson’s middle, my fingers gliding over his abs. I had gotten the suit jacket and his tie off in the car and managed to undo some buttons. He still hadn’t righted himself, and I was wearing his tie over my barely there dress. “What have I missed?”

“Well...” Alex begins. His speech was slurred and his eyes were already bloodshot. Who knows how long they’ve been at this. “I told these guys what I told you last week. They were all sad and I didn’t want them to be sad. So they decided that grown up night needed to involve alcohol.”

Jason tipped back on his stool so his head rested on my shoulder. The mohawk he’s still sporting was poking me in the cheek. “Lots of alcohol.”
“I said tits and ass... Along with alcohol. But you’re his sister so it’s up to Tuesday to entertain us.” Leave it to AJ to make this night about tits and ass. “She said it was going to take a lot of alcohol to get her anywhere near the point of her showing us either. Soo....I brought out everything we all had.” He waved his hands around the kitchen, showing off all the alcohol bottles. Most of which I had never seen so they must have come from somewhere else.

I smacked him upside the head. He tried to avoid my hand and ended up falling on the floor. I stared at him, calling him an idiot before everyone burst out laughing.

“Come on Abby. Drink with me,” Alex said.

I turned and looked at Jameson. He leaned into me, kissing me softly. “You don’t know how many more nights like this you’ll have with him. Go ahead.” He’s right. So damn right. I could wake up tomorrow, and Alex could be gone. I need to make the best of the time we have left with him.

“I had planned on having a good night with you.” I whispered against his lips, my fingers tugging at his belt loops trying to get him closer as I peeked at him from under my lashes.

Running his hands down my bare back, he skims his fingers just under the edge of my dress. I arch my back as a shiver runs down my spine. “We have the rest of our lives. Have fun with your brother. I’ll drink a few and make sure everything is ok. Then... Then I’m taking you to bed.”

I nipped at his lip. “God I can’t wait.” I turned back to the drunks sitting at the island. “Alright, how many shots do I need to catch up with Tuesday?”

“Seven!” She yelled.

“Line ‘em up bitches. Tuesday, you’re a lightweight. Let the pro show you how it’s done.”

She narrowed her eyes at me. “What do I get if I win?”

I grinned. “If I win, I get your tiara for the rest of the night. If I lose... I’ll let you do anything you want to me.” Her eyes dropped to my tits. Along with everyone except Alex. He had his mouth hanging open staring at Tuesday. Yeah, I know how to play Tuesday. She won’t admit it, but I know she checks me out whenever she can. I don’t swing that way, but I also don’t plan on losing so I figured it was a safe bet.

The way she smiled, with one corner of her mouth pulled up while her eyes raked over my body told me she was in. “Bottoms up, bitch.” The shots began coming my way.




“Six!” Tuesday yelled.

All eyes have been on Abby since she started downing shots. Tuesday hasn’t touched alcohol in the past hour but has been downing water like she’s spent a week in the desert with none. I think she might be trying to sober up before Abby hits seven, and they start going toe to toe.

She wants in my girl’s pants. Hell I’m all for it. Tuesdays hot. Not as hot as Abby but damn... I’m all for a threesome but not before I get Abby to myself. I had hoped after what happened in the truck that I would be slipping inside of her tonight but with the amount of alcohol she drank, I don’t see that happening tonight.

I slid shot number seven over towards her and she smirked at me. I’ve never seen a girl drink this much and still be standing. Especially a girl Abby’s size. “How ya doin’?”

“I’m faaabulous. Keep ‘em coming.”

Pulling her onto my lap, I kissed her below her ear. That has to be one of my favorite spots on her. She moans a little every time I do it. She wiggles her ass, and I groan from the friction. “Keep what coming babe?” All thoughts of alcohol and refilling her glass have vanished from my mind. My fingers have a mind of their own as they trace circles onto her thighs. Inching higher and higher under her dress. Thank God the counter is keeping everyone from seeing.

Her head falls to my shoulder as her eyes flutter closed. “Me,” she whispers in my ear. “Keep me coming.” Aw, hell. With fucking pleasure. Abby’s head snaps up and she focus’ on Tuesday. Shit, she remembered what was going on. “Wait! No... Tequila... I have to beat Tuesday. She wants to take my panties off, so I gots to out drink her.”

Tuesday flopped forward onto the counter top, resting on her elbows. She can barely open her eyes so I’m pretty sure we aren’t going to have to worry about her winning. “You know Abby...” She slurred. “I think you’d like it. I can do magical things with my tongue and fingers. Just ask Alex.”

“Uh, ew.” Abby giggled and leaned in close to Tuesday. “That’s a nice offer... But... I might be a vegetarian but I sure like my meat. Sorry babe.” She kissed her on the lips real quick and leaned back into my chest.

Alex shook his head and looked at Abby in confusion. “What?”

“You know Alex.” Turning her head she grasped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a slow kiss, pressing her tongue against mine softly. “Meat. Penis. Cock. Schlong. Meat Popsicle. Tube steak. Bologna pony. Purple headed yogurt slinger. Get my drift yet?”

The entire room erupted in laughter. Who knew so many words for cock could roll out a drunk girl’s mouth so easily? Speaking of cocks... If she gyrates against mine anymore I’m pretty sure I’m going to explode. To keep my mind off it I poured her another shot.

I’ve had three beers. I’m afraid to drink a lot. Afraid I’m going to end up like my old man and I don’t want any part of that. He took me away from Abby once, I’m not going to become him and lose her again.

“Drink this so we can make Tuesday drink some more.”

Jason’s head lifts off the counter where it’s been resting since he stopped laughing. “AJ you fucker quit texting your whores and put the phone away.”

“Dude... I’m not getting any poon from the ladies in this room so I gotta do something. I want my face buried between some chicks’ thighs while I make her scream my name. I need someone to pull my dreads.” He sighs. “It’s been too long since someone’s pulled on these babies.”

“Three days is a long time for you?” I chimed in with my head shaking. Abby’s lips were running a path from my chin to my ear where she nipped and sighed.

“Jameson. If I could, I’d never go more than an hour.”

“I like my hair pulled too.” What was meant to be a whisper in my ear ended up being heard by everyone. She downed her last shot and poured out the next two. Spilling some over the side of the glass, she leaned in and slurped it up. My fingers crept up into her hair and I tangled it around my hand. Tugging gently, I pulled her back to me and licked the Tequila off her lips. Thanks to AJ being a manwhore I just found out something about Abby.

She smiled and tugged against the hold I had on her hair and moaned.

“Abby! Christ I’m right here. I don’t want to hear this shit.” Alex dropped his head into his hands. Abby just laughed and tugged again.

“Bottoms up, Tuesday. I’m winning this shit.” They clinked glasses and threw back the liquor.

Two more later and Tuesday coughed and sputtered against her hand. “Out... I quit. I’m going to fucking die. Here’s your tiara, bitch.” Tuesday flung the hunk of plastic at us. Snatching it from the air I placed in it on Abby’s head.

“I want you,” she said.

I shook my head and smiled. Kissing the corner of her mouth. “I want you too. But it’s not happening tonight.”

Her brows drew together and she frowned. “Why not?”

I rested my lips against the shell of her ear so no one would hear me. “Because when I take you, and God I wanna take you. I’m gunna make you scream my name. I want you to remember everything. Every touch, every kiss, every feeling... Every toe curling orgasm that rips through that perfect body of yours. I want you to remember it.”

“Every... Orgasm. You mean more than one?” She asked while she chewed on the edge of her lip.

I nodded and pulled her lip from her teeth. “Oh yes... They’ll be so many you lose count. I promise.”

“I’m never drinking again,” she declared.

Her eyes sparkled as she giggled and all I could think was that she was herself again. She had the same gleam in her eyes that she used to when she was a teenager. One I hadn’t seen since we were brought back together.

“Hey Alex...” He looked towards me, and I lifted my chin to Tuesday who was passing out sitting up. “Might wanna take that girl to bed before we’re cleaning her up off the floor.”

He laughed, draped her arm around his shoulders and hoisted her up. Jason took her other side in case she couldn’t walk. Alex was drunk, sick and had lost a lot of muscle so no one knew exactly how much weight he could handle carrying and no one wanted him to be hurt.

Tuesday giggled and licked his face. I’m not talking a little swipe of the tongue. I’m talking full on flat tongue dog slobber lick from the bottom of his chin to his hairline. His face scrunched up, but he laughed it off. “Take me to bed big boy. I wanna love you all night long.”

Shaking his head, he said, “How about I put a trash can beside the bed and we snuggle all night?”

“I would snuggle you forever if you’d let me.”

They stopped next to us just long enough for Alex to kiss Abby’s temple. He told her he loved her and they hauled Tuesday off to bed.

AJ muttered something about getting his rocks off and seeing us in the morning and left.

That left me alone with my girl. The hottest girl I had ever laid eyes on. Who didn’t hate me after singing her that song. The girl I wanted to spend the rest of my nights with.




Waking up wrapped in someone’s arms after drinking so much put me into panic mode. I never go home with a guy, and I definitely never spend the night. His nose is buried in my hair. Breathing me in.

I cracked my eyes open, peeking around the room. Sun was streaming in through the windows, throwing a pattern of light across the burgundy blanket draped over us.


I was home which makes the arms around me... Looking down my eyes traced over the intricate tattoos that were under my fingers.

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