Where Words Fail (35 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden,Kathy Krick,Melissa Gill,Kelsey Keeton

BOOK: Where Words Fail
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“What should I know at three in the morning Miss Izzy?”

She sighs and runs her fingers over Sophia’s hand. “I miss my dad.”

I take a deep breath and I steel myself for the tears that usually accompany those four words. The tears that break my heart. I would do anything to keep those away. “I miss your dad too, baby,” I say, but the tears don’t come this time as she stares at Sophia.

“I love you, Soapy,” she whispers before closing her eyes again. “Love you too, Uncle Jameson. Please don’t leave too.”

I lean over and rest my cheek against the top of her head. This poor girl whom I love so much makes me realize things that I never would have before. Like there’s more to being a dad than just making kids. It means providing for them. It means being there for them when they have a rough night. Cuddling with them when they are sad or sick or playing Barbie’s with a beautiful seven year old because she thinks you make the best Ken voices.

I do things now that I would have never thought I would ever do. I sing lullaby’s more often than chart toppers. I love hearing the giggling from down the hall, even if sometimes it means there is trouble going on, and my three AM’s are usually the result of a shitty diaper or a teething baby instead of a party.

This isn’t the first time Izzy has crashed in on the three AM session. Even though I tell her she should be in bed, she knows I love having her here. In that second, the one where she snuggles in and tells me she loves me, I realize that I have two daughters. I know I told her I would never replace Alex, and I don’t plan on trying, but I consider her my daughter as much as I do Sophia. 

I swear to myself every day that I will never be like my father, and I know between Abby and these two girls, that I will keep my word and do anything I can for them. Nothing will hurt them as long as I am around.


Sneak peek of


Freeing Tuesday

Save Me Series Book two


I looked at myself in the mirror, something I hadn’t done in a long time. Really looked. I no longer saw the girl I used to be. I was confidant and protected; now, broken and afraid, constantly looking over my shoulder.

I stared at myself. My new self, repeating the words over and over again in my head,

‘Mallory Daniello is dead.

My name is Tuesday Weston.’


My thanks go to every person who has helped me get through this. The ones who have dealt with me going missing and finding me huddled over my laptop. The ones who tell me daily that I can do anything and I shouldn’t give up. The ones that come find me and haul me out of my book coma and back to work and the amazing authors and bloggers who help me when I have questions.

To my beta girls: Jamie, Myra, Mary and Malinda. I can’t even begin to thank you enough for every single thing you guys have done for me. You seriously rock my world! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you guys!

Table of Contents


Katheryn Kiden

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