Where Words Fail (25 page)

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Authors: Katheryn Kiden,Kathy Krick,Melissa Gill,Kelsey Keeton

BOOK: Where Words Fail
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I blew out the breath I had been holding and relaxed, sinking back into him. Relieved that I wasn’t in a stranger’s bed. I didn’t have a moment last night and screw up everything we had been working on the past few weeks.

What the hell happened last night?


Making out with Jameson in the driveway.

Tuesday wearing a tiara.


Shit. Tequila is my weakness.

I looked towards the clock on the dresser. Ten forty three. I need to get up and take a shower. I have to get to the studio and meet with the new artist we signed. If I remember correctly she was slotted in for one this afternoon. I can feel myself sweating the alcohol out, and that’s no way to meet someone. The last thing I need people thinking is that I’m some drunk princess who parties all the time.

Light kisses on my neck and a hard cock pressed against my ass tell me Jameson is awake. I turn in his arms so we’re chest to chest. For the first time, I notice that I’m still in my dress but am shoeless. He adjusts his hands so he can pull my leg over his. My bare thigh against his. My dress inching higher with every movement. His hardness rubbing against me perfectly.

I capture his mouth and his tongue pushes against my lips, begging for me to open up to him. His hips press into me again, causing me to moan. Parting slightly he takes advantage and slips past my teeth. My hands roam his body while he delivers the best good morning kiss I’ve ever received.

Pulling back his blue eyes hold me hostage. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Sure is.”

“How’s your head?” He’s whispering. He must think I’m hung over.

“Other than not remembering much after walking in and seeing Tuesday in a tiara I’m fine.”

“You’re not hung over?” I shook my head. It takes more than a night with Tequila to make me hung over. “And you don’t remember anything that happened?”

“Is there something I should be remembering?”

He smiled, and his eyes glittered. I really hope I didn’t forget us having sex. That’s not something I want to miss. He inched his fingers slowly up my back till he had them tangled in my hair. Tugging, my head dropped back. Hair pulling is another weakness of mine, and he knows just what he’s doing. His teeth graze the skin over my collarbone and goosebumps erupt over my skin.

“Not really. Just you causing your brother to have nightmares, a bet and a promise I intend to keep.”

“Oh no. What did I say to Alex?”

“Ohhh just something about being a vegetarian but liking meat and then proceeding to rattle off every slang word you could think of for cock.” Ok… not the first time those words have come out of my mouth with Alex close enough to hear them.

“And the bet?”

He laughed. “Tequila shots with Tuesday. You win you got her tiara. She wins and she got... You... However she wanted you.”

Oh God.

“I’m afraid to ask but who won?”

“You thank God. I was beginning to think Tuesday would hit a homerun before me.”

I laughed and kissed him again. “Did we... You know?”

“That was part of my promise. Think hard.” He tugged my hair again. The prickling in my scalp sent waves of pleasure to right between my thighs where Jameson was grinding against again.

Think. When I closed my eyes and breathed him in everything started coming back to me.


The bet.

AJ wanting to get laid and have his dreads pulled.

Jameson pulling my hair.

Jameson whispering in my ear about wanting me sober so I would remember everything.

Promising me orgasms.

Ding ding mother fucking ding. Multiple orgasms.

A smile broke out across my face, and I drew him back to my lips for a slow kiss. “You better keep that promise, Mister.”

“Oh I plan on it. Every day for as long as you’ll let me.”

I kissed him on the cheek and untangled myself from his limbs and dropped my feet over the edge of the bed. My toes wiggled against the plush white carpet. His arms wrapped around my torso and tried pulling me back in. I laughed.

“I have to go to work. I need a shower.” I pouted.

“You’re the boss. Call out.”

“Not how it works with us. But you can come if you want.”

He agreed, kissed me and made his way across to the barn to get ready. Making my way to the shower, I heard groaning and pans bumping in the kitchen. People are awake. Let the hangover bitching begin.

“Why do you people make me drink?” I stumbled over Tuesday, and she whined. She was on the floor in the fetal position with her arms flopped over her head. Her brown hair was a matted mess, and she still had makeup streaming down her face.

“Make you?” I asked. “I’m pretty sure you’re a big girl. Coulda said no.” I shrugged and turned towards the kitchen where Alex was chuckling and flipping pancakes.

“I was pressured into it,” she cried.

“What? Are you serious?” Jameson strode into the room. His blonde hair still damp from his shower, and he looked at her with sympathy. “So you’re calling peer pressure on this?” She pouted and nodded. “Ha! Tuesday... You’re twenty six years old. That’s old enough to hold out from peer pressure.”

“You guys are big meanies.”



We climbed into Abby’s rarely used white Audi S8.She slipped into the business role easily. Pulling into the parking garage with ten minutes to spare before she was supposed to be meeting with the new girl. I reached across the console and gripped the back of her neck, pulling her to me. Pressing my lips to hers, I told her I loved her and slid out of the car.

“Ms. Irons.” The receptionist damn near tripped over herself to stand up and greet us. “Mr. Williams.”

“Good afternoon, Emily.” Abby smiled. I nodded my greeting towards her.

“Can I get you anything?”

She turned to me, and I shook my head. “We’re fine. Just going to head to my office and wait for Penelope to show up.”

“Oh, ma’am, she’s been here for a half hour.”

Abby laughed. “Am I late?”

“No ma’am. She’s early for everything.”

We thanked her and headed towards Abby’s office. This place is amazing. The easy going atmosphere and the soothing colors make it feel homey. Walking into a small waiting room, I noticed a leggy brunette sitting on the black sofa. She was fidgeting and nervous when we walked in.

She was nervous all day. Abby told her fear was a good thing. That it made you work harder, and I have to say, if it’s the fear that makes this Penelope girl sound this good, I hope she stays scared her entire career

“She’s awesome,” I said as I slid into the car beside Abby before she backed out.

“Yeah, she is. I knew when I heard her demo that she was going to be good. I’m thinking of making her the opener for next year’s tour.”

Abby pulled onto the road and stopped at the red light two blocks up.

“Next year’s tour...”

She reached over and laced her fingers through mine. I brought them to my lips. “I love you, Jameson. We’ll figure something out.”

“I know. I just don’t want to lose you again. I love you too.”

She smiled at me and shifted gears after the light turned green. The lights coming towards Abby weren’t slowing down.




I can hear my pulse racing through my ears. Everything hurts, even the feeling of my blood pumping through my veins hurts right now. Someone is screaming for me to wake up, but I don’t know who it is. My eyes are too heavy to open. I can’t move.

I wish whoever was yelling, would shut the hell up. My head hurts too much for this shit. What the hell happened?

All I want to do is open my eyes and see who is yelling. But every time I start to get my eyes open they’re forced closed again. It’s like I can’t control my body.




Have you ever had your life flash before your eyes? Everything you’ve done. Everything you wanted to do. Everything you regret not doing. Right there in the blink of an eye. All you want to do is tell the people you love, that you love them, one more time.

Some people tell you there is no way in hell that your entire life can flash before you in a fraction of a second before the hit. But it does. I saw everything I ever loved. My mom, Evan but mostly Abby. The happiest points in my life all had something to do with her.

When the car hit Abby’s Audi in the middle of that intersection, I swore I was dead. My head smashed against the window and then snapped back. The lights blinded me. The sound of the cars crunching together was countered by the scream of Abby.

The scream that was cut off sooner than it should have been.

Something wasn’t right. She wasn’t moving, wasn’t talking, and I was stuck. My seat belt wouldn’t come unlatched, so I couldn’t get to her. My vision was fading in and out the longer I sat there. I needed to touch her, feel her skin against mine, so I linked my hand with hers and continued talking to her until I blacked out.



Two weeks later

“Jameson, have you left this room since they released you?” I shook my head to answer Alex’s question. I hadn’t. They told me to go home, to rest, that they would call if anything happened. But I couldn’t leave her here.

Somehow I felt like this was my fault, and it didn’t matter what everyone told me. If I had been driving, or if we left a few minutes earlier or later, if I hadn’t been talking to her at that light... Everything would be fine. If I had been driving, it would be me lying in the medically induced coma right now. Not Abby.

I cleared my throat. “I don’t belong anywhere else. They’re supposed to be trying to wake her up today. I didn’t want to miss that.”

We sat in silence for a few hours. The only noises were the heart monitor and the nurses who kept coming in to check her vitals. My left hand never left her right, and Alex never let go of her left. She was what kept us both going and none of us knew what we would do if she wasn’t here.

We were admitted two weeks ago. I was released two days later. Abby was in a coma. I had a few fractures. The guy who hit us was drunk, missed the light and walked away with only a few bruises. This isn’t fair.

Since I was released, I’ve been in this room. Everyone else came and went, but I stayed. I was permanently attached to her. Knowing music was her escape, I had Alex bring in my iPod and constantly had music playing for her.

“Afternoon boys.” Dr. Cutter stepped inside the door. She was young, mid-thirties maybe, with her blonde hair pulled back off her face. We both stood to greet her, but neither of us let go of Abby’s hands. “So, the swelling seems to have gone down enough for us to try. Now, us trying doesn’t guarantee a result, but we are hoping. I hate to ask but while we’re doing this, I need to ask both of you to step outside. The rest of the gang is out there already. You guys can stand at the window but under no circumstances are you to come in unless we tell you to.”




My eyes feel like someone poured sand in them, and my throat feels like I drank boiling water. Something isn’t right here. The music playing in my ears is helping to drown out the annoying beeping.  It’s not as ridiculous as an alarm clock, but if someone doesn’t stop it soon I’m going to throw it out a window.

Someone’s talking to me but it sounds like they’re really far away. Why are people yelling at me? I’m right fucking here.

“Abby... Abby. I’m Dr. Cutter. Can you hear me?” My eyes blink open but I shut them fast because the light is so bright. A doctor? What the hell happened? Trying again, I’m able to keep my eyes open even though they feel super dry, and it’s way too bright. Something’s in my throat. I try to reach up to haul it out, but someone grabs my arms and holds me down. Seriously, this fucking thing in my throat is killing me. “It’s ok Abby. We’re going to take the tube out but you have to relax. Can you try to do that for me?” I nodded. I think. “Ok, I need you to take a deep breath and cough really hard for me so we can pull it out. It’s going to hurt a bit but that will go away.”

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