Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (21 page)

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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“Oh, you like swings?” Emma asked, her eyebrows raised, a smile on her lips. “We actually have a few. Some of the couples we hook up with like things a little…harder than we do, so we installed some playthings in one of the bedrooms.” Her head tilted to the right, and Jace followed her gaze. He could see nothing but red velvet fabric.

“Bedrooms, plural?” Caroline asked.

Pete started in the direction Emma had indicated. “Yep, come and see. Who knows what you guys will enjoy down the line, right? One room has a few swings and some other naughty contraptions, and the other is what we like to call the ‘theme room.’”

As he and Caroline followed Pete to the doors, she whispered, “
?” into Jace’s ear.

Pete pulled back a section of the red velvet and secured it on a hidden hook, which exposed a very short hallway. He went to the right and opened what appeared to be the naughty room first. Jace and Caroline poked their heads in. It was a big bedroom with lots of space and no bed. There was a swing, similar to the one they had borrowed from Michael and Piper—theirs had come from Sweden, but they hadn’t used it yet—attached to hooks in the ceiling. Another set of hooks was visible, but not in use. Various whips and crops dangled from one wall, as well as a bunch of other things Jace had no names for. He had no idea how any of that stuff worked, except for the leather cuffs he spotted.

Caroline cleared her throat beside him. “Um, this is interesting, but we don’t…we don’t go that way. The swing was fun, but we didn’t use it in a dominating way.”

Emma stood behind them. “Oh, no worries,” she said. “We don’t go that way either. Like we said, it’s just here for others. We’ve watched a few times. It’s always hot to see someone else have sex, but none of the paraphernalia does anything for us—except the swing.” Her voice got throaty. “We do use that on occasion.”

Pete shut the door and turned to open the one on the left. At first glimpse, the room looked like the dressing room at some sort of playhouse or theater. Costumes hung from hooks on the wall, bins held wigs and hats, and a huge bed sat right in the middle of everything.

“We call this the Playhouse,” Pete said. “Some people like to dress up and role-play. They like to escape their everyday reality for a little bit. Plus, it makes it spicy. This is always fun, if you’re into that kind of stuff.”

Jace put a hand on Caroline’s shoulder, and she turned, arching an eyebrow. He could imagine what was going through her head and tried to stifle his laugh as he commented, “I can see the allure of role-play, but that’s not us. Naked is all the stimulation we need.”

Pete shut the door, and they all walked back into the main room.

As Pete put the velvet curtain back down, he grinned. “You never know. After a few years of watching, you might feel the need to spice things up more. Seeing your wife as a brunette could be incredibly sexy.”

Jace chuckled. “Blonde is all the sexy I need. But I make it a rule to never say never.”

Emma had gone before them. She had stopped in the middle of the room. In one motion, she lifted her flimsy dress over her head, revealing a smokin’ body, curvy and lush. She was absolutely stark naked, as she said, “So, where do you want us to start?”




mma had one of the most beautiful bodies Caroline had ever seen. It had the perfect amount of curves paired with toned muscle. Her breasts were pert and firm. Jace stood right behind Caroline, but neither of them said a word.

They were both a little too stunned.

“How about I put on some music to set the mood?” Pete walked to a wall and drew the velvet back. Almost immediately, music filled the room. It was quiet and sensual, no lyrics. “You guys might want to get comfortable in some bathrobes. You don’t have to show us anything, but it makes it easier to—you know—touch each other.” He grinned, and Caroline swallowed.

“Oh, we’re not going to do anything like that—” Caroline began.

Emma’s hands slid to her nipples, caressing them. “Believe us, you’ll want to at least touch each other.”

Pete walked up to his wife from behind and cupped both her breasts, taking the nipples between his fingers. Emma responded by dropping her head back against his shoulder.

It was incredibly erotic.

Pete stopped his assault after a moment. “So how do you feel right now? I ask because once you see me put my cock between my wife’s creamy thighs, it will be whatever you’re feeling now times a thousand. I strongly suggest putting the robes on. They’re in the bathroom.” He gestured to the other side of the room. “But you don’t have to. Why don’t you go together and discuss it, while Emma and I get situated? At any time, if you get superhot for each other, you can use the playhouse bedroom. Feel free to shut the door. We won’t disturb you. Oh, and give me the camera. I have a tripod. I’ll set it up while you’re in the bathroom.”

Before Caroline could think, Jace grabbed her hand, handed Pete the camera, and tugged her toward the bathroom.

The doorway was covered in red velvet, like everything else, but Jace found his way and pulled back the curtain. Sure enough, there was a door.

He opened it, and they went in.

If their spa bathroom at home was nice, this was extreme.

“Did they turn an entire bedroom into a bathroom?” Caroline whispered as Jace shut the door. “This thing is cavernous.” Caroline walked toward the Jacuzzi. It wasn’t a Jacuzzi
It was a full-size hot tub set into the floor, and it was full of water. “This is so…freaky,” Caroline continued. “It’s a…a Disneyland of sex.”

Jace wrapped both arms around her shoulders and drew her in, stroking her arms. “I agree. It’s strange,” he said. “But it’s also kind of cool? I don’t know. I can’t decide.”

“I think they must be sex addicts.” She turned in his arms. “Please tell me we’re doing the right thing here! My panic is beginning to flood in full force. Jace, I’m not sure I can go through with this. It’s all a little much.”

“Are you turned on?” Jace asked, leaning down to kiss her.

She couldn’t hide it even if she’d wanted to. “Yes. Incredibly.”

“Then that’s our answer. We can do this.” Jace slid his hand in between her legs and pressed. She arched her pelvis into it and groaned. “Remember, Care”—he nuzzled her neck—“we’re only watching them. There’s nothing wrong with that.” He brought his other hand to the button on her jeans and popped it open. “It’s obvious they like having sex with others, and they
have money to burn. No kids. What harm are they doing? Everything is tastefully done. Even the ‘theme room’ wasn’t that creepy…okay”—he chuckled—“it was a little creepy, but I get why people would want to escape their lives for an hour or three.” Once her jeans were open, Jace slid his fingers down into the front, circling her wetness. He teased her open, and she couldn’t think straight. She melted into his arms like jelly. “That’s right.” He pressed his mouth against her ear and murmured, “We’re in a sexual theme park, and we’re about to have the time of our lives.”

“No, we can’t.” Caroline shuddered in pleasure at her husband’s touch, but she reluctantly stepped away from him. “Jace, you have to stop, or we’re not going to leave this room.” She had to clear her mind. It was foggy with lust, and she desperately wanted to stay level-headed so the crushing guilt about what they were about to do didn’t suffocate her. But it was coming in anyway. “Are we really going to get into robes?” She glanced around, looking for where they might be kept. “They must be in that big vanity over there.” The entire wall was built-in cupboards with two small closet doors.

Jace walked over and opened one.

Sure enough, two robes hung on hangers.

They looked new. “I say we wear them,” he said. “I think they’re right. We’re going to be hot watching them perform, and I’d like to be able to touch you. If that’s okay. I wasn’t planning on being hands-free, but I’m not complaining.” He grinned as he handed her the smaller of the two robes. “It’s a bonus not to have to videotape.”

“Okay,” Caroline said skeptically. “But if you touch me, we have to be discreet. Promise me right now you’re not going to push us into anything crazy.”

“I promise, but you have to promise me that if we get too worked up, we come back in here or go to the playroom so we can fuck. Agreed?”

“When they’re right out there?” Caroline gaped. “I can’t do that.”

“Care, come on. We’re going to be past caring when they do the nasty right in front of us. It’s the least we can do. It’ll give them a little boost knowing we’re in here fucking like we’re on fire.” Jace pulled his shirt over his head, his muscles flexing, and Caroline forgot her argument. She was turned on already, and her husband was so incredibly hot. What could it hurt?

want him to fuck her senseless in this bathroom. She was being stupid. Right? “Okay. I see your point.” She began to unbutton her blouse as Jace dropped his pants, his erection straining against his boxer-briefs. “But no slip-ups out there, Jason. I don’t want our first time with them to be some sort of animalistic scenario where we have sex in front of them because we can’t control ourselves.”

Jace’s face broke into a huge grin. “Our first time? So you’re already thinking of making a repeat visit to the Pleasure Paradise?”

“Shut up.” Caroline laughed as she stripped off her jeans. “And lower your voice. I don’t want them to hear us making jokes at their expense!”

“They have the music on. They can’t hear us. Unless they have every room under surveillance so they can play it back later.”

Caroline’s head whipped around. “What? Did you see something? Are there camera holes?”

Jace broke into heavy laughter. “Camera
? No! I was just kidding around. That would be nuts if they filmed people without their consent.”

“That wasn’t funny.” Caroline slipped the robe over her shoulders. “And, yes, camera
. There has to be a spot where the lens is visible. Even if it’s tiny. Haven’t you ever seen
Undercover Nanny

“No, can’t say I have.” Jace came forward, his arms encircling her waist, finding their way inside her robe. “It wasn’t funny, but the expression on your face was priceless. Here, let me fix your robe. It’s gaping open.” Instead of closing it, he bent and took one of her nipples into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the tip and then sucking it hard.

Caroline’s head tilted back, and she groaned. “You’re such a bad boy. You get me to do such dirty things.” Her hands automatically entwined in his hair, pressing him closer.

“And you secretly love it.” Jace tugged her nipple twice more, brushing his thumb across the other one before he raised his head. “Okay, Care, are you ready for this? Let’s go out there and see what the Slaters have in store for us.”

“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

Jace grinned like he’d won the lottery and took her hand, tugging her out the door.

* * *

Pete had hooked up the video camera on a tripod and set it close to where the action would be. He’d also positioned his wife for full effect. She was kneeling on all fours, ass up in the air, facing them on one of the round, adjustable beds, only a small dusting of curls showing.

Pete knelt next to her, his hand stroking his huge erection.

Jace hadn’t thought he’d be that big. He knew enough guys, especially inside a locker room, to know that the size of a dick wasn’t related to the size of the rest of a man. Some tall, built guys had small cocks, and vice versa. But Pete’s dick was enormous and seemed incongruous to the rest of him.

Caroline must have sensed his trepidation, because she stood on her tiptoes, pulling his shoulder down to get close to his ear. “He’s not bigger than you, so don’t worry.”

“It sure looks like it,” he whispered back.

“That’s because you don’t fuck yourself, so you don’t pay close attention. His might be a little longer, so it
bigger, but thick is where it’s at, believe me. And you have him there by a long shot.” Caroline ended on a giggle.

Jace knew she was still nervous, but his brave wife was holding up well. He also knew she was fine because she was swearing, which meant she was horny.

They’d left their drinks upstairs, and he wondered for a moment if he should go get them. But then he thought better of it.

“You guys can sit or lie down anywhere you’d like,” Pete said, still stroking his cock with long, sure pulls. “The best viewing will be from that big beanbag chair right there.” He motioned to a place about five feet in front of him. “It’s actually a small couch. You don’t sink into it very much. It will also be the most comfortable to recline in.”

Before Jace could move, Caroline grasped his shoulder and whispered, “Can we tug it a little farther back? I don’t want to sit that close.”

He agreed. Five feet was not enough separation between them and the action. He grabbed the corner of the beanbag couch and told Pete, “I’m just going to slide this back a bit.”

“No problem,” Pete said as he began to caress Emma’s ass. It was glossy in the dim light, so they must have used some oil.

It was clear the Slaters loved putting on a show.

Jace tugged the seat back several feet and glanced at Caroline. She nodded.

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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