Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (17 page)

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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Finally, something they could agree on. “You’re so right. Family is everything.”

In that instant, Caroline made up her mind about the Slaters.

She and Jace were going on an adventure.




ace’s dick was so hard he feared he wouldn’t make it home before he came.

He was stopped at a stoplight, on his way home from dropping his mother-in-law off at the airport, and visions of Caroline’s luscious breasts and thoughts of her hot wetness were threatening to undo him.

Every part of his body tingled in anticipation.

His beautiful wife had cornered him before he’d gone and had managed to get him riled up for the first time in what seemed like much too long. She’d told him she would have a surprise waiting for him and that she’d finally made a decision. Then she’d used some choice words to describe what she wanted to do to him. He was rock hard thinking about it.

Genevieve’s annual visit had interrupted their healthy sex life, like it always did, but this time they’d been in the middle of some serious upheaval in that department.

He tightened his fist on the steering wheel and began to gun the car as the light turned green. His hard cock pushed painfully against his zipper, a feeling he was beginning to become accustomed to. He drove by the parking lot where they’d had sex not that long ago, and groaned.

A few blocks later, he turned into his driveway. He had no idea where he’d find his wife, but she’d assured him she’d be ready. Jamming the car into park, he yanked the keys out at the same time he opened his door. He was at the back door in record time. “Care?” he called, tossing his keys on the counter as he made his way upstairs, only to hear her call him from the basement.

He stifled another groan.

He’d been hoping she’d be down there, but he hadn’t wanted to bet on it.

“Jace, I’m down here!” she called again.

He unzipped his pants as he changed directions, heading toward the basement. “Coming.” He hoped sooner rather than later. He bounded down the stairs, dick in his hand, already stroking.

When he got into the bedroom, it was empty.

Then he heard a splash.

She was in the tub.

He strode to the bathroom door, which she’d left slightly ajar, and pushed it open.

His beautiful wife smiled back at him from the tub. “I always forget we have a spa bathroom down here!” She giggled as she swished the water back and forth across her chest. “Leave it to my dear mother to bring it up a thousand times. I figured it was long overdue for some good use.”

Jace had his shirt off in the next instant, his pants right behind.

Once he was naked he walked over to his wife, who lounged in the water, her pink nipples puckered, her breasts bobbing deliciously, moisture from the heat clinging to her face. “I knew there was a good reason we put money into this bathroom. Best decision I ever made.”

Caroline laughed. Her body was glinting in the low light. The sconces on the wall made the droplets on her skin dance. “I think I can take some of that credit. We did it because my parents are used to nice things, and we used their money to remodel.” It was one thing she had dipped into her trust for several years ago. “My mother mourned the loss of this spa like a death in the family the entire two weeks she was here. I swear she loves this Jacuzzi more than she loves me.”

“Well, it is top of the line, after all.” Jace chuckled as he gazed down at her, enjoying the moment, slowly pumping his dick with one hand.

“You have a goofy expression on your face,” Caroline said. “Like a teenager who’s seeing a girl naked for the very first time.”

“Not just any girl,” he murmured. “The girl of my dreams.”

“Oh, stop. You’re only saying that because you’re so horny you’re about to explode,” she said. “We haven’t had good sex in weeks!”

“That’s not entirely true. I am horny and ready to burst, but seeing you in here has given me a jolt in the best way possible. You’re my sixteen-year-old self’s perfect wet dream. If I would’ve walked into this bathroom and seen you as a teenager, I would’ve come immediately after I crossed the threshold. Your breasts are perfect.” He sat on the edge of the tub and took a nipple between his fingers. Caroline sighed, edging her chest into his hand. “They look ready to suck. You’re all steamy and wet. It’s like I’m living in a dream come true, and the goofy look just means I’m enjoying the beautiful view, trying like hell not to come before I get inside you.”

“Well, you need to get in here with me before I’m the one who explodes. I left the water low enough, so you should fit without overflowing the tub.” She eased herself back to give him room.

He didn’t need another invitation.

Very slowly, he stood, stepping into the tub. He settled his knees on either side of her thighs. The tub was big enough for both of them to lie side by side, so space wasn’t an issue. The water rose, but didn’t overflow like the first time they’d tried to take a bath together years ago. It had begun and ended with a cascade of water pouring over the lip of the tub.

“Ah, this water is nice and hot,” he said, “just like you.” Before he could get more organized and figure out how he wanted to do this, Caroline came forward, cupping his balls in her hand, pouring a palmful of warm water over his throbbing dick. “Go easy there, Care. I’m close. I was just in the car picturing you riding my cock again in the front seat as I passed that parking lot, and it nearly did me in.”

“That was a night to remember, wasn’t it?” Her tongue darted out, licking his tip.

He sucked in a breath and steadied himself by clutching either side of the tub.

His wife was in a sexy mood, and he was happy to be along for the ride. “Have as much fun as you want, but this is not going to end with me coming before you do, so be prepared for me to hoist you out of this tub and fuck you senseless when I get close.”

“It doesn’t always have to be about me, Jason. Let me have my fun. I might just decide to suck you dry instead.”


Jace was temporarily stunned. His wife didn’t swallow. She never had.

Caroline chortled. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Don’t be so shocked. I’ve done a lot of things for the first time lately, and there’s no reason this can’t be one of them. If I remember correctly, you loved what I did in the car with my own hand, and I did, too. Let me do my thing.” She took his cock slowly into her mouth, forming a seal, and took him deeply.

Fireworks lit in front of his eyes.

It felt so damn good.

His gaze was pinned on his wife’s lips as he watched his cock slide in and out. He was momentarily at a loss for words. She took his dick so far into her mouth that it hit the back of her throat.

He finally found his voice, and even though the words came out higher than he would’ve preferred, he said, “I’m up for whatever you want to do, but only if I can return the favor. By my count, you haven’t had an orgasm in weeks.”

Caroline’s eyes glittered with mischief as she peered up at him. “That sounds like a plan to me.” She fisted a hand around his base and started licking the tip like her life depended on it, slowly pumping.

As she increased her motions, he grabbed on to the back of her head, his fingers slipping through her wet hair, his hips moving in tandem with her mouth. He tipped his head back in ecstasy. “Oh, Care, I’m going to come so hard.”

* * *

The sheer pleasure of getting her husband off in a new way was exhilarating. She found she loved being in control.

“Care, I’m coming, oh,
, I’m coming.” Jace’s body rocked with the force of his orgasm, his torso jerking, his head bowing up toward the ceiling.

Caroline stayed true to her word and swallowed, which hadn’t been hard, since he erupted so quickly and she’d had him so far down her throat. She’d decided beforehand that this was a mind-over-matter kind of thing, and it had worked perfectly.

It was over in a blink.

“Babe, are you okay?” Jace asked once he’d recovered, his hands sliding down to caress her shoulders.

“I’m great. That was a total turn-on.” She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and took a sip of the wine she’d brought down and set next to the tub.

Jace lowered himself into the water, sitting at the opposite end, grinning like a fool. “I love it when you surprise me, and that qualified as a shocker.”

Caroline sat back, splashing hot water over her chest. “I know you do. That was my plan.”

Jace spread his arms over the edge of the tub, water swishing and roiling between them. “You said you had something to tell me before I left.”

Caroline nodded. “I do.”

“Does it have something to do with the Slaters?”

“It does.” She couldn’t help but grin.

“Are you going to tell me what it is or make me wait?”

“I might make you wait. Or maybe I’ll make you earn it.”

“Oh, I plan on earning it.” He gave her a look that set her on fire, his eyes hooded. “You get about five minutes to recover from what you just did, and then I’m carrying you out into the bedroom, where I’m going to drape you over the bed and fuck you senseless.”

Caroline’s nipples puckered at her husband’s words, and she brought her hands up to her breasts, making sure he was paying attention. “Don’t you mean
need five minutes to recover? I’m not the one who just had an orgasm.”

“If you keep doing that, I’ll only need three.”

She began to fondle her own nipples. Jace tensed like a tiger about to attack as he watched her. “My mother opened my eyes to a few things while she was here.”

, that’s not what I thought was going to come out of your mouth. Now I’m going to need the full five minutes to recover.”

Caroline chuckled as she slid one hand down to her clit. “Is that better?”


“I promise to keep mentions of Genevieve Bowman to a minimum in this conversation, but she’s the reason we’re sitting here. That, and the fact that I don’t want to be like her. She’s never made a single decision based on her own wants and needs. And that to me means she hasn’t lived. I want to live.”

“No, she hasn’t. She follows your father’s orders like he has a spell over her.”

Caroline nodded. “Exactly. And I don’t know if she’s ever experienced true happiness. Or if she has, I’m certain she felt guilty about it. I don’t want that.”

“What do you want?”

“I want to
everything. To live and experience things as much as I can.”

Jace moved quicker than she thought possible. He gathered her up in his arms, positioning her between his legs, kissing her soundly. She ran her hands through his hair, kissing him back, their tongues entwining. The kiss was heated and primal. They broke only when Jace began to stand, pulling Caroline with him. “I need you right now.” His voice was husky.

Caroline was breathless, dizzy from the kiss. She stood, wanting more. Jace exited the tub, grabbing a towel off the rack. He wrapped it around her and swept her off her feet, carrying her into the bedroom.

There, he laid her on the bed, tossing the towel on the ground. He was fully erect again. “This is going to be hot, Care,” he told her. “I’m going to use everything in our arsenal. No guilt.”

“No guilt,” she breathed. “But, just so you know, with the Slaters I want to start slow.”

Jace got onto the bed and knelt between her legs. “Not a problem. We’ll start wherever you want, whenever you want.”

She cupped her breasts as he leaned down. “I’m thinking to start we ask them to put on a show for us, and we videotape it so we can watch it again later whenever we want. I’m not sure how many times I could handle a meet-up, so that’s one way to solve that issue.”

Jace groaned as he lay on his stomach. “That’s a fucking fantastic idea.”

“Do you think they’d go for it—
!” she cried as Jace’s tongue hit her core, her hips automatically rocking against him. Her clit was already inflamed by what had just happened in the bathroom. His tongue flicked over the sensitive bud, and she closed her eyes.

“Yes,” he murmured between licks. “I think they’d do anything to get us over there. And that would be hot.”

“Hot, and we wouldn’t have to do anything but watch.” She bent her head back and let it dangle off the bed, her hips still thrusting against her husband’s hungry mouth.

“We’ll tape Pete’s dick sliding in and out of Emma’s tight pussy.”

” Caroline shuddered. “Yes.”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jace said. “Emma likes us to watch. That’s her thing. I bet she’ll put on quite a performance for us, and she’ll come hard for the camera multiple times.” His hands slid up to her breasts, his fingers finding her nipples. “We already know they love licking and sucking for an audience.”

“They do. I know it will be hot.” Caroline arched into his grasp, moaning as he twisted and pulled her peaks. “Just imagining them going at it, fucking like rabbits, is almost too much.”

“I can’t stand it anymore.” Jace reared up, grabbed on to Caroline’s hips, and entered her quickly, pumping hard. “That’s it, babe. I’m going to make you lose your mind.”

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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