Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (23 page)

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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Jace was blinded by his lust. He’d never known this kind of need before. It was like he was not fully in control of his body. In this very moment, he might have done anything, including fuck Emma if she set her creamy, wet pussy in front of him.

This wasn’t about love, or caring, or feelings.

It was about sex.

It was animalistic and aggressive.

He knew the biggest orgasm he’d ever had was right in front of him, and as he watched his beautiful wife drop her robe, he looked forward to it like he never had in his life.

He was inside his wife in the next moment, pumping hard. He heard Emma come again and gritted his teeth. He wanted Caroline to come before he did.

As Jace fucked Caroline from behind, Pete repositioned himself on the platform so he was sitting, and Emma stood over him, ready to straddle him, rubbing her clit.

Both their gazes were focused on Jace and Caroline.

Jace reached over his hot wife, keeping eye contact with Emma, and began to touch Caroline, one finger circling her pussy and one fondling her nipple. Caroline had her head up, watching the Slaters just like he was. Emma stepped over Pete and eased down, settling herself on Pete’s cock, reverse cowgirl.

Both women cried out at the same time, and Jace almost shot his load right there.

“Please, Jace,” Caroline panted. “I can’t stand it anymore. If we’re going to do this,

He plunged into her tightness right as Emma began to ride Pete hard. Jace took hold of Caroline’s hips and rammed into her again and again, groaning in pleasure, feeling wicked and hornier than he ever had. While he was driving into his wife, he watched Emma’s pink tits bounce up and down and imagined sucking them as he fucked his wife.

He felt no shame, only pleasure.

He knew he wasn’t going to touch Emma—he didn’t
want Emma.

But he did want to experience everything he could, and imagining how Emma’s rosy nipples would taste was high on the list right now.

“Yes, yes,” Caroline chanted. “More, more.”

Caroline’s beautiful ass was moving on its own, milking his dick. She watched Emma and Pete, panting and moaning. His wife was in the exact same amped-up state he was in, and they were both about to come hard.

Jace seized Caroline’s calves and leaned back, arching his hips to hit Caroline where he knew she wanted it most.

“That feels so
—” Caroline sputtered.

Before she could finish, Emma started to cry out as she came again.

Jace glanced up to see her gyrating on Pete’s cock like she was doing a belly-dance routine on his dick. Jesus, that woman could move. Pete had her tits cupped from behind as she orgasmed, her head tipped back in abandon, her stomach clenching and flowing as the sensations rippled through her.

“Care, I’m not going to last long,” Jace managed.

“I’m right with you,” Caroline groaned.

He continued to ride his wife, but at this rate, he was going to come before she did. “Should we switch positions?” he asked her through gritted teeth. “Care, talk to me. Are you close?”

“I’m close,” she moaned.

Jace knew she was turned on, but she should’ve come by now.

“Maybe I can help?” Pete asked. Jace’s head whipped up. “I don’t want to intrude, but you guys are incredibly hot, and this would absolutely make my night.”

Pete stood in front of the platform, resting his hips against it, his hand on his wet cock, stroking it, watching them.

The sight should’ve deflated Jace’s libido, but instead he pumped harder into his wife knowing that Caroline would get off on Pete standing there. It made him oddly anticipatory. “That’s not my call,” he told Pete. Emma lay on the platform right behind her husband, fondling her tits. “Everything is up to Caroline.”

,” Caroline stammered.

Pete moved slowly, holding his cock, massaging it long and slow. Caroline trembled beneath Jace’s thrusts, groaning.

“I know where you’re at,” Pete told her. “It’s hard at first, in front of others. You’re so turned on, but it’s completely overwhelming. But I can help you if you let me.”

Caroline didn’t make a sound, but Jace saw her head nod, up and down, once.

Jace almost came right there. It took everything he had to slow down.

Pete glanced up at Jace. “Lean over and touch your wife’s clit while you fuck her,” he told him. “And while you do that, I’m just going to sit in front right here.” He eased himself to the ground next to the couch, near Caroline’s head, stroking his cock. “I hope you don’t mind if I talk a little dirty,” he said to both of them. “You guys are the hottest couple we’ve seen in a long time. Emma’s already had five orgasms because of that, but I’m looking forward to mine. I want to hold out as long as possible.”

Jace nodded, thrusting slowly into Caroline’s tight sheath. He let go of Caroline’s legs and bent over her, bringing a hand to her front as Pete had asked.

The moment his finger touched her, she bucked underneath him.

,” Caroline moaned.

“Keep doing that while I watch her beautiful breasts,” Pete instructed, his voice barely above a whisper. “Caroline, when you come, I’m going to come. Do you understand me? I’m going to watch you reach your climax, and then I’m going to luxuriate in your orgasm while I come. Can you see how hard I am?”

Jace watched Caroline nod and groaned.

“Tell me when you’re close,” Pete told Caroline, “because when you are, I’m going to reach over and touch your breasts, just like I did for Emma. Are you okay with that? If you’re not, I won’t touch you. You let me know.”

Pete was talking to his wife like she was a scared colt. Pete had to know that Caroline was going to feel guilty about doing this, and he was trying his best to ease her mind.

Caroline said nothing.

Pete glanced up at Jace and said, “Fuck her like your life depends on it.”

At his words, adrenaline rushed through Jace’s system, and he began to buck against his wife, teasing her clit at the same time. “Care, I’m going to come hard. You’re so hot and tight. Goddamn it, I love fucking you,” he told her.

, I’m almost there,” Caroline cried.

“I’m not touching you unless you ask me to,” Pete said, feverishly pumping his own cock.

Jace rammed his dick in, slapping against Caroline’s ass twice more before she broke. “Touch me!” she cried. “
. I need you to touch me!”




aroline watched Pete lick both his fingers. As he leaned forward, his cock was only inches from her, and she moaned. The sensation of having her husband behind her and the anticipation of being touched by another man was going to be her undoing. Her head spun, but she wanted the pleasure—
the pleasure.

She was lost to it.

The moment Pete’s fingers touched her nipples, the cold wetness was like a circuit wired right to her center. She yelled, coming hard. She arched back into Jace, screaming his name, her ass kneading against his pelvis. Her spasms triggered Jace immediately, and he rocked into her hard, grabbing on to her hips and nailing her to him as he came.

Pete let go of her, his hands back on his cock. He sat in front of her, groaning as come shot out in front of him in a wide arc. Caroline orgasmed again as she watched Pete, her body clenching tightly.

She moaned, but what she really wanted to do was scream.

These were the best orgasms she’d ever had.

Her brain was firing from everywhere, adding to the intense pleasure. She bent her head, closing her eyes. Her body was liquid fire.

Jace let go of her hips after a moment and eased out. He helped her ease down so her legs didn’t give out.

They were both shaking.

“Are you okay, Care?” Jace asked, moving around to sit next to her as Pete threw him a towel.

Her husband’s voice was soothing. But so many feelings crashed down around her as her head began to clear and the pleasure began to fade.

What had they done?

She couldn’t raise her head to meet her husband’s eyes.

I just let another man touch me intimately. Did that really happen?

She wanted to vanish.

Disappear like she didn’t exist. Pretend this was a very bad dream—just one of her naughty daydreams, nothing more. She cupped her hand over her mouth and tried to stifle a sob that was quickly making its way up her throat as her head began to get dizzy.

“Caroline.” Jace rubbed her back. “Talk to me. I know that was crazy, and we said we weren’t going to go that far, but it was so good—”

Bile rose in her throat, and she choked it back down as she sprang off the ground, dodging his grasp, racing toward the bathroom. She fumbled with the stupid velvet. But once she was in, she slammed the door shut and locked it as fast as she could.

She couldn’t think straight.

Her head spun like she was drunk, even though she knew she wasn’t. She rested her back against the door, panting, trying not to let the tears come, because once they began to flow, there was no way she’d be able to stem them.

Jace was there immediately, pounding on the door. “Caroline! Let me in! I’m so, so sorry. We let it go too far even though I promised you we wouldn’t. It will never happen again. I swear! Care, please open the door. Let me in so we can talk about this.” His voice broke at the end.

She didn’t answer him. Instead, she moved away, trying to figure out what to do next. Her hands found her hair and she pulled, but she couldn’t gather any tangible thoughts together, her brain was swirling too fast. A deep feeling of panic had settled in the middle of her chest.

She had counted on her husband. He was her rock!

Frantically, she glanced around, spotting the Jacuzzi full of water.

She felt so unbelievably dirty and soiled. She had to clean herself off. She rushed over and lowered herself in. It was burning hot, which was a gift, and she dipped her head below the surface, blocking out Jace’s frantic yells and knocks.

Without warning, her mind instantly began to replay what had just happened, over and over again. She had no way to stop it. She’d been mesmerized by Emma and Pete fucking. She loved watching them. When Emma orgasmed the first time, Caroline almost came herself. The entire time the Slaters had been connected, Pete’s cock in Emma’s pussy, Caroline had imagined what it would feel like—yearned for what it would feel like to have Pete’s mouth on her breasts as Jace drove his cock into her. And, even though she kept fighting it in her mind, her body hadn’t cooperated.

And that’s exactly what she’d let happen!

Except it hadn’t been his mouth, it had been his fingers—thank goodness!

She wanted to weep.

Why be married and committed to someone if you wanted someone else? Or wanted their hands and mouth all over your body?

When her lungs were burning, she was forced to come up for a breath.

When she did, she felt out of it and a little startled. She had a hard time focusing as she glanced around her. How in the hell did she get here? With these strangers? She’d found herself in a real nightmare. Of course, she knew
how she’d gotten here, but emotionally? It seemed utterly impossible in this moment to connect the dots.

Her head was throbbing. She literally couldn’t focus on anything, and her heartbeat whooshed in her ears.

Jace pounded on the door. “Please, baby,
let me in! I’m so sorry.” She could tell his forehead rested against the door. “It’s all my fault. You have to forgive me, Care. Please open the door!”

She couldn’t answer him.

She had to get out of this place.

It was like watching dirty porn after sex was over. Once you were done having your climax, you wanted to forget that porn ever played a part. Emma and Pete’s lair was so over-the-top—so gauche and indulgent. It was the porn that kept playing long after the act. The Slaters had known there was a good chance she and Jace would lose control—that they’d be so turned on they wouldn’t be able to help themselves—and they’d said nothing!


As Caroline climbed out of the hot tub, she reached for a towel, one of eight that hung around the room on various towel bars. How many did they need anyway? Emma had told them they didn’t do orgies, but that had to be a load of crap. Everything was oversized, and everything about it disgusted Caroline.

She was going to vomit.

Caroline raced for the toilet, which was through another door. We wouldn’t want anyone to see someone peeing from the hot tub! She clutched her towel around her body, knelt down, and threw up, heaving hard.

“Caroline!” Jace yelled. “Are you okay? Answer me!”

After a few more heaves, she slumped on the floor, feeling miserable and so sorry for herself, her brain still not fully engaged. She didn’t care if she was overreacting.
In fact
, she didn’t care about anything other than getting out of here.

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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