High Stakes Seduction - Book 2

BOOK: High Stakes Seduction - Book 2
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High Stakes



- Book 2 -


Ami LeCoeur


Career Life Press
Copyright © 2014
Ami LeCoeur



All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be copied or reproduced in any format, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without prior written consent from the copyright owner and publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events, is entirely coincidental. All names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events, and situations are either the product of the author's imagination, or used fictitiously, and are not to be construed as real.


Release Schedule:

Book 1 - Released September 25, 2014

Book 2
Released October 10, 2014

Book 3
- October 24, 2014

Book 4
- November 7, 2014

Book 5 - November 21, 2014

High Stakes Seduction
Book 2 - Summary


Angela's job as an associate in Antonio Mancini's high fashion business creates no end of tension for her. He remains remote and in control, and far more attractive than she bargained for. The frequent after-hours assignments in such close proximity to him makes it hard to keep her mind on business.

When unexpected circumstances cause her to accept his somewhat unusual proposition, she finds herself in even closer proximity as his companion and cabin-mate on a two-week Caribbean cruise—an adventure she is both anticipating and dreading.

Initially unsure of how the cruise may change their relationship, she finds herself attracted even more as she begins to get glimpses into what drives this enigmatic man. When she discovers her onboard rivals include politicians, gamblers and exotic dancers, she must decide just how much of his game she is willing to play.

This is Book 2 of 5 in the High Stake Seduction Series.

If you haven't read Book 1,
get it here

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* * *


I sat at the board room table sipping my club soda and wondering why I’d been invited to this meeting. The young man across from me glanced up nervously every time I jotted down a note, as if afraid of what I might be writing. I wanted to tell him not to worry, it was only a list of things to take care of before my upcoming cruise. But that would hardly be appropriate in this setting.

Antonio Mancini sat at the head of the table, leaning forward intently as the white-haired man with the scar over his left brow spoke.

“You could, of course, expect a reasonable share in the profits,” said the man Antonio had introduced simply as Carmiante. His once over when he first saw me creeped me out, which was why I'd picked a chair as far away from him as possible.

He leered at me briefly, then continued. “Assuming you can produce the kind of results we’re looking for,” he tapped a piece of paper in front of him, “we may be willing to put up about thirty percent more than what was initially discussed.
we can be assured you will follow through on your end.”

Semi-consciously rubbing his hand over his Rolex, Antonio raised an eyebrow and gave Carmiante his very polite, and somewhat withering,
I don’t think so

After a pause he said, “I’ll consider it.”

I hid a smile behind my glass and looked over to see the nervous young man eyeing me again as he fiddled with his tablet.

The third man at the table, a Mr. Tamblin, looked up from his laptop. If Carmiante merely creeped me out, this guy truly made my skin crawl. His gray eyes were cold and calculating, piercing me with their gaze. I shivered, the hair raising on my arms. Even before he opened his mouth, I knew I could never trust him.

"What kind of resources would be made available to us, Mr. Mancini?” he asked.

“If we are able to reach a mutual agreement,” Antonio said, “you’re more likely to need to provide
with resources, rather than the other way around. We can hardly be expected to discuss details at this stage.”

He pushed his chair back and stood, straightening his suit. “For now, I have another engagement to attend to. Thank you, gentlemen.”

I stood along with the others, shaking hands around the table. The nervous young man put his tablet down to clasp my hand with his clammy one. I glanced at the device and caught a glimpse of a man's face on the screen before the young man quickly slid it away.

“So, Angela, what did you think?” Antonio asked me as we walked back to his office.

I glanced at him, trying to gauge the meaning behind the blank expression covering his face. “Their proposal seemed… interesting,” I ventured, though I really had no idea exactly what they had been discussing. Financial investments weren’t exactly my strong suit.

Antonio nodded to Hilary as we passed her desk and stepped into his office. “The meeting wasn't simply about their proposal. It was as much about discovering who they are, who they represent and why they are so anxious for my cooperation.” He turned and leaned against his desk, leaving me to stand before him, like someone needing to plead their case, or having to prove their innocence.

“So, what did you ask me here for?” I didn’t understand why he’d wanted me to attend this meeting in the first place, so I definitely couldn't fathom why my opinion of the men would matter. Then a rather chilling thought struck me. What if Antonio had just let me witness some of his shadier business dealings? Damn.
Was this a test?
Was I being sucked into something I didn't really want to know about?

“I want your impressions about the men themselves.”

I frowned, uncertainly. “Well,” I began slowly, “I really didn’t like them.”

Antonio chuckled but nodded for me to continue.

I drew in a deep breath and went on. “Carmiante is slimy, and far less cunning than he thinks he is. That little blond man with the nervous twitch? He was up to something on his tablet. And Tamblin—he’s the one you really need to watch out for. Making money is one thing, but I think you need to dig a little deeper with these guys and figure out what their real motive is in wanting your cooperation."

When I finished, Antonio stood up and stepped forward, studying me with his dark, appraising eyes and a little smile on his lips. “Thank you, Angela,” he said. “That will be all.”

I was still puzzled by this entire process, but I accepted his dismissal and turned to walk out the door.

“Are you ready?”

“I beg your pardon?” I said, turning back to face him.

Antonio was where I'd left him, leaning against the desk, his hands resting casually on the desk beside him.

“Are you packed? Are ready for the cruise?”

“I still have a few things to take care of,” I said, not quite understanding his point. “And a little shopping to do.”

He smiled. “You had better get to it then. We leave in just two days.”

Chapter One


My stomach twisted as I walked back to the elevator. I was no longer sure where my anxiety ended and my eagerness began as my thoughts switched from that unusual meeting to the sudden changes in our…

This cruise could be the beginning of… of what? I still had no real idea what Antonio wanted of me. One moment I’m his associate, being asked to attend gala events or business meetings, the next moment he’s watching me with those beautiful, intoxicating eyes.

Then there was that one time in the back seat of the limo. My cheeks flushed as I remembered how brazen I'd been, so totally turned on by his touch that I'd literally abandoned all my normal good sense.

I leaned back against the elevator wall, my thoughts drifting to those eyes, remembering his touch, feeling him inside me again. Involuntarily, my body responded as if he was there, the warmth of desire radiating from within me…

The elevator dinged, announcing my arrival on the first floor. I stood up suddenly, sucking in a deep, calming breath and stepped out, determined to compose myself as I headed back to the store. My cheeks still felt a little warm from the guilty pleasure of imagining myself with Antonio again.

This was no place to give in to my fantasies, but I sure wanted to! It had been way too long since I'd let anyone get close—let alone touch me in any way, physically or emotionally. I wasn't sure how ready I was to trust anyone else yet, regardless of how attractive Antonio might be.

I took a little detour to the swimwear department and found Nevia there with a customer.

“The gold would look great with your skin tone, Mrs. Johnson,” she told the soccer mom standing in front of her. “Would you like me to put this aside for you to try on when you’re ready?”

“That would be lovely,” the woman replied.

“Hello, Angela,” Nevia said, gifting me with a bright smile. “How’s Maria doing?”

I smiled back, spying a mannequin wearing a very daring red and black strapless bikini. “She’s doing really well. She was asking about you the other day, actually. I hope you'll find some time to stop by while I’m away?”

“Absolutely! She owes me a cribbage rematch.” Nevia followed my eyes to the mannequin and her smile widened. “That would look great on you. Come by when your shift is done so you can try it on, okay?”

“Mmm, maybe.” The suit was far more daring than I would normally wear in public. Could you consider a cruise "public"? I mean, how many of those people would I ever see again?

As I headed back to the front, it dawned on me that I hadn’t even looked at the price tag on the swimsuit. Nothing in our store was in a price range I was used to. A month ago, I’d never even have dreamed of shopping in a place like this, yet here I was, treating myself to a new wardrobe for a Caribbean cruise.

With Antonio.

I slowed to a halt, glancing around me, feeling slightly conspicuous. I fingered the soft, lacy silk of a pink and black babydoll nightie.

I'm sure my cheeks turned bright red, and I was glad no one was watching. I'd always gone in for the utilitarian nightgowns. Flannel, and down to the floor. Still, this one was lovely. Would it be too racy?
Too racy?
I stifled a nervous giggle. Here I was, thinking a nightie might be too racy and I'd just accepted Mancini's proposition to go away with him for a two-week cruise.

Certainly the high-powered fashion mogul would be expecting more than just a pleasant companion. I stroked the lace again, feeling the mixed electric tingle of anticipation and dread roll down my spine.

Chapter Two


“You’re going to need this,” Maria said as she wheeled her chair into my bedroom. I looked down to see my camera bag in her lap.

“You think so?”

“Absolutely! You’re going on a
for goodness sake! To the Caribbean! Think of all the amazing sights and people you’re going to see!” Maria picked up the heavy case and held it out to me. “It will be a nice change from wedding photos and newborn baby pictures, don’t you think?”

I smiled and nodded. “I guess you’re right. I don’t know why I’m being so hesitant about taking my camera with me.”

“Maybe because you figure you’ll be busy doing other things,” she reached into my suitcase and pulled out the lingerie I’d bought earlier, wriggling her eyebrows at me.

“Stop that!” I laughed, slapping her hand away from my suitcase.

“When you’re not busy making out with Mr. Tall, Dark and Exceedingly Handsome, you can take pictures for me.”

“For you?” I asked, rolling up a t-shirt and tucking it into the suitcase.

Maria turned away, suddenly shy.

“What is it?” I asked. “Maria, what’s wrong?”

“Actually,” she breathed. “Nothing’s wrong. In fact, it’s kind of the opposite.”

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