Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (14 page)

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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“We had innocent fun,” Emma corrected. “We were just chatting, sharing some girl talk, and getting to know each other better.”

“Yes,” Caroline agreed as she reached for some ravioli. “Emma was so thoughtful to bring me my purse, and I’m so sorry about spilling the drink and putting a stop to all the fun. It was like I scratched the needle on the album while it was mid-story.” She took a bite. The food was delicious.

“No, that was all my fault,” Pete said, his voice confident. “I was too eager. I hope I didn’t ruin our introduction. I sincerely apologize.”

Caroline dabbed her mouth and met Pete’s gaze, giving him a tentative smile. “No, you didn’t. And for the record”—she lowered her voice—“I liked it. It just took me by surprise, and when I’m surprised, I fumble. Something my husband knows well.” She felt Jace stiffen beside her. Her head spun a little more than it had ten minutes ago, and she reached for her water. As she did, she placed her other hand on her husband’s arm to reassure him that she hadn’t lost her mind. “I’m fine,” she murmured to him. “I just need to eat.”

For the next half hour, they made small talk about jobs, gardening, and pets. Neither couple had any, but both were thinking of getting dogs. All safe topics that didn’t involve sex in any way. Caroline found herself feeling good, and the food helped immensely, but she was still drunk.

And more than a little horny.

Jace kept his hand near her thigh and squeezed it every once in a while to make sure she was still coping. She was, but throughout the entire conversation she couldn’t get her mind off what Pete had done to Emma’s nipple before her dress had become a gin-soaked mess. It’d been so surprising. If she’d been sober, it might’ve been enough to propel her out of the restaurant, mortified someone else might have seen.

But she was glad they hadn’t left.

And she couldn’t stop thinking about it.

It could be the booze talking, but she was suddenly ready to see more, and without realizing what she was doing, she let her hand slide across her husband’s lap. She raked her fingernails over his sizable bulge while she answered Emma’s question about cooking. “I do love to cook, but only certain dishes. My mother is a perfectionist Southern cook, so I learned from the best. I make a mean shrimp and grits.”

Emma didn’t respond.

Instead, her eyes were riveted on where Caroline’s hand had just gone. Jace didn’t brush Caroline away. Instead, he turned to her, lust flickering in his eyes.

It was almost a challenge. He wanted to see how far she would take it.

Her nipples hardened instantly.

Having the Slaters see this was an entirely new level of arousal. She felt both sheepish and incredibly hot.

Pete cleared his throat and reached for his drink. “Maybe we should continue this…conversation out in the parking lot?”

Caroline was thankful she didn’t have a mouthful of something to spit out at her surprise. “Continue what?” she asked innocently as she withdrew her hand from her husband’s crotch, which had gone hard beneath her fingers.

Emma put her hand on her husband’s shoulder and leaned in. “What he means is, maybe we can give you a sweet parting gift. Something to look forward to until next time.” She winked and smiled. “But nothing too over-the-top, I promise. Then you can go home…and enjoy the rest of your night together. From what we’re gathering”—she inclined her head slightly—“that’s what you’re aiming for anyway.”

Caroline raised her eyebrow and reached over to pick up her discarded gin and tonic. “You’re on.”

* * *

Jace was surprised as anyone to find himself seated in his SUV, parked in the back lot at Bella. His hand was on his cock, which he’d sprung through his zipper, and he was stroking it.

After another half hour of casual talk, including some light sexual banter, both couples had been jazzed up when they’d left the restaurant. They’d all gotten into their own vehicles, and Jace had followed the Slaters to a more secluded area.

He’d pulled in next to them, his window parallel to their passenger side window. They both drove SUVs, so it helped they were on the same level.

The couple had advised them to sit back and enjoy the show.

Meaning, he and Caroline should wait to have their release at home, instead of going at it in the backseat like a couple of teenagers. The Slaters assured them waiting was the key to explosive sex. But Jace didn’t know if he believed that.

Any sex with Caroline had the potential to be explosive.

Jace had asked Caroline a thousand times on the short drive through the parking lot if this was what she wanted. She’d been firm in her answer of yes. He knew his wife was drunk, and he was praying that he’d made the right choice by honoring her request rather than just heading straight home.

Surprisingly, they’d had a good time with the Slaters at dinner.

It’d gone better than expected. They were an interesting couple with more going on than just healthy sexual appetites. Jace glanced over at his wife now, settled next to him, sitting slightly forward so she could peer into the Slaters’ car window. It was dark, but they were close enough to see fine. Her mouth was slightly ajar. Caroline was rapt.

Emma had driven, and once the SUVs were both parked, they’d watched her shimmy onto Pete’s lap in the passenger seat.

So far they’d only kissed, but Jace had to admit, it’d been hot.

Now they watched as Pete parted Emma’s blouse and unclasped her bra from the front. Two creamy, pert breasts came into view. Pete’s tongue immediately began to lave his wife’s nipples. Jace’s grip on his cock became like a vise. Watching people in real life was beyond porn—it was porn on
. He’d never been this close to live-action sex before, and it was arousing in ways he’d never imagined.

“You don’t think”—Caroline’s words caught in her throat—“they’re
going to have sex, do you?”

“They said they weren’t. They told us they didn’t want to take it that far the first time. But who knows? They look pretty horny to me,” Jace mused.

Pete was enjoying himself as he took another rosy nipple into his mouth and sucked hard, pulling and teasing. His other hand fondled Emma’s other breast, rolling the nipple between his fingers. Emma’s head was arched all the way back. She was clearly loving the attention.

She must enjoy being an exhibitionist, Jace thought. Maybe that was her thing?

He jumped in his seat when he felt Caroline’s touch on the head of his cock. Very gently, he removed her hand and set it back on her lap. “Honey,” he chuckled, “if you don’t want me to come early to the party, you can’t participate right now. That would be too much stimulation. I’m way too horny.”

Caroline peered over the console between their seats, her head cocked and her mouth curving up on one side. Her eyes were a little unfocused, but she seemed happy. “This is hot, isn’t it?” she murmured. “I like the fact that we’re separated by cars. That makes it a little less…intimate. Don’t you agree?”

Jace couldn’t answer because his gaze was riveted on his wife as she sat back and slowly edged the bottom of her dress up her thighs. Then she took it past her waist.

“You’re not wearing any underwear.” To his own ears, he sounded as dumbfounded as he felt.

“You shouldn’t be so surprised,” she countered with a smile, this one a little naughty. “Tonight’s meeting was highly sexual in nature. Why in the world would I wear panties to a

“Because…because…” he stammered, his eyes still locked on her. “You’ve always told me you don’t like going commando. It makes you feel like everyone knows you don’t have anything on under your clothes.” He’d been actively trying to get her to go naked under her clothing for years.

“Okay, you’re right.” She giggled. “I did have panties on, but I ditched them in the bathroom. They were wet from the spilled drink, so it was a necessity. But, you know, I’m kind of glad it happened, because it’s not so bad. I kind of liked it—once I got over the feeling that everyone could see right up my dress and know all my deepest, darkest secrets. It’s certainly helpful now.” She eased forward to glance around Jace. “What are they doing now?”

Jace reluctantly slid his gaze away from her luscious nakedness to see what the Slaters were up to.

“Oh my
,” Caroline gasped. “It looks like they are having sex to me.”

Emma had her back propped against the dashboard, undulating up and down, her head tilted toward the windshield. Both her husband’s hands were on her breasts, fondling. It was quite a show.

“I don’t think so,” Jace said. “I’d say she’s masturbating. Look at where her hands are.”

His wife made a small mewing noise. “I think you’re right! And look at how flexible she is! I’m sure that’s because she’s a dancer. I don’t think I could contort my body in that position even if I tried.”

Jace shot her a lazy grin, his hand gently pumping his cock. “Wanna try? I’m up for it if you are.”


Jace had been talking about the position, not the masturbation.

So he was stunned to watch Caroline slide her own hands across her front seductively, cupping her breasts through the fabric of her dress before easing them down to her exposed parts.

Jace gaped like a fish. “Are you really going to masturbate? Right
?” His throat felt tight, and lust shot through him like a rocket, his dick pulsing in response.

“Why not? It looks like the Slaters are having fun with it, and I’ve never tried it before,” she answered. “As you well know, I was brought up to believe it’s a sin to touch yourself. When I’m horny, I just track you down. You’ll come home on your lunch hour if I call you, so why bother trying to do it myself?”

“Damn right I’ll come home,” he growled, lessening his fisted grip on his cock before he erupted all over himself.

“But look at Emma. It seems to be working for her, so it must be satisfying. I’m going to touch myself, while I watch her come. Then I want you to drive us home very, very quickly.” She rested her head on the backrest and smiled at him. “Can you do that?”

The restaurant was only about ten minutes from their house. “Your wish is my command.” Jace could barely get the words out he was so distracted. He didn’t care what was going on in the SUV next to him. He was glued to his hot wife getting turned on by her own hand.

Within moments, Caroline began moaning.


How was he
going to come?

He let go of himself and, very carefully, tucked his dick back inside his pants, wincing in pain as he zipped up. With this much stimulation, there was no other way. He had to put it away or risk ejaculating all over.

He was riveted to Caroline as her fingers went faster.

Her eyes were glued to Emma. He reluctantly broke his gaze to see what the Slaters were doing. Emma was still enjoying herself. Pete must have had his dick out, because as Emma rocked, his head went back and forth, and he appeared to be moaning, his hands still fastened over her breasts. Jace still didn’t think they were having sex, mostly because they’d told them they wouldn’t, but Pete was definitely enjoying some good friction.

Jace knew Emma and Pete were going to go home and fuck like rabbits. Having him and Caroline watch was their payoff.

“Oh, Jace, this feels so nice,” Caroline panted. His head snapped back to her. “I’m totally turned on, and more than a little drunk. But, unsurprisingly, I know where it feels the best. There’s no guessing. I get the right spot every time.” She moaned again.

“Care, watching you do that is nothing less than totally spectacular. It eclipses anything going on in the car next to us.”

“How can you say that—
”—she glanced around Jace to the other SUV—“I think she’s about to come. See her face?”

Jace turned and watched as Emma yelled. Even though they couldn’t hear her, it was evident she was coming. As her body clenched, her breasts heaved, and Pete cupped them, brushing the tips of his thumbs over them again and again.

It was titillating, but Jace angled his head back to his own wife. He wanted to see Caroline come.

It would be that much sweeter.

She was still rapt, her mouth partly open, her breathing shallow. Whether she knew it or not, her own fingers had increased their rhythm as she’d watched Emma climax. Jace was so aroused, he pushed his palm against his cock and tried to rearrange it below the zipper. With no success, he tried to shift in his seat, searching for a better spot, but it was no use.

“Jace, we have to go right now. I’m so close.”

He had the car in reverse in about three seconds.

But not before his hot wife started to come, yelling his name and rocking in her seat.




aroline’s voice hit a sharp crescendo as she came. “
,” she cried as she rocked in pleasure, loving all the sensations. After a second, she opened her eyes, her head lolling against the headrest. “Oh my goodness! That felt wonderful.”

It hadn’t been the kind of orgasm she had with her husband. It hadn’t been that big, but it had still felt amazing. She’d needed a release in a bad way after that sexually charged dinner and what she and Jace had just witnessed.

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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