Read What Caroline Wants Online

Authors: Amanda Abbott

Tags: #Romance

What Caroline Wants (15 page)

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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As Jace drove, she sat there, dumbfounded that she’d had an orgasm brought on by her own hand, not to mention in the front seat of a car.

“Can you keep it up, babe? I want you to be primed and ready for me, because the moment we get home, I’m taking you in the backyard.”

?” Caroline was instantly hot again. She circled herself in the perfect place, and the aftershocks came rolling in, one after another. She squeezed her legs together and groaned, rocking back and forth, taking quick breaths as her muscles tensed and released. After a moment, she turned toward her husband. “You said that on purpose, didn’t you? To get me to come again?”

He chuckled. “Well, it worked, didn’t it? You’re killing me here, by the way. I want you so bad it hurts. Like, physically hurts. My dick feels like it’s in a straitjacket. But I meant every word. We’re only making it as far as the patio. I’m going to bend you over the chair and ram my cock into your pussy over and over again until you come.”

.” Her husband was pushing her buttons. “What if someone sees us?” One hand crept to her breast. She began to rub the aching peak through the material.

She wanted her husband to suck it like Pete had done to Emma’s.

“The only people who can see back there are Michael and Piper, and I’m past that,” he said. “And, Care, I’m going to bury myself deep. I can already feel your wetness gripping my cock.” His voice sounded breathless as he rounded a corner going far too fast. Caroline wanted to tell him to slow down, but she also wanted to get home as soon as possible. He was right, she was absolutely drenched.

“I’m so wet it’s ridiculous.” She continued to rub herself. “I need you, Jace. But with all this talk, I don’t think I’m going to be able to wait any longer. I need it again right

“I’m working on it, babe. Just hold on.”

Caroline tried to hold off, circling her clit slower, but her nub was wired straight to her core. Everything pulsed, and she wanted desperately to come again. She rocked her hips into her hands, trying not to fuck herself, but not succeeding. “Tell me what else you’re going to do to me.” It came out as a moan. She slowed her efforts, trying to hold off. “

“You know when I thrust in and out of you slowly and take my time?”

“Yes.” Jace could draw out sex in such a delicious way.

“That’s not what’s going to happen. I’m lifting that scrap of a dress up to your waist, just like it is now, and taking you hard. First from the front, but I’m going to finish from behind, pounding into you until you scream my name loud enough for the neighborhood to hear.”

Visions of them having sex in the backyard flooded through her psyche like a video on fast-forward. She wanted her husband badly and loved how excited he was for her right now.

The fact he couldn’t do anything about it, however, might be the best and worst part.

She wanted to hear more—
to hear more. “How bad do you wish you were fucking me right now?” she asked in a husky voice. “Because I can’t have your cock, I’m going to have to settle for my finger. I’m going to push it deep inside me and pretend it’s your rock-hard dick.”

Jace swore out loud, his eyes riveted to her as she began to draw her finger in and out. “Caroline Stratton, you are driving me
. You know I love it when you talk dirty to me. And this takes the fucking cake. If I could get away with it, I’d haul you onto my lap at this light and drill myself into you and make you come against this steering wheel.” He slapped his palms in frustration against the wheel, and that made her even hotter.

At the vision of her back settled against the steering wheel, Caroline orgasmed again, calling Jace’s name.

, Care! Are you this wound up because of Emma and Pete? Or because we’re doing something different?”

She panted. “I think it’s a bit of both, but mostly I think it’s the alcohol. But, honestly, I don’t care. I just want more. It feels so good.” She glanced over at her husband, lust pooled in his eyes. “But none of this is as good as having you inside me. These are small blips compared to when you make me come while your cock is nestled deep—”

The light changed and Jace swung the car off the road.

He drove like a madman straight into a public parking lot that was connected to a large park near their home. The lot was empty, except for one car. Caroline watched as her husband chose a spot as far as he could from the other car, pulled in, and turned the motor off, yanking the key out as he reached under the seat and grabbed the bar to force it back manually. “Come here right now.”

“Jace, this is so public. Let’s just go home—”

One of his hands caught her shoulder, while the other sprang the massive erection from his jeans. “Care, if we don’t do this now, you miss out, because all your sexy banter has taken me almost over the finish line. I need you now, or I’m going to come in my fist. I can’t take it anymore. I haven’t been in this much pain since junior high when I saw Jennifer Adams in a see-through shirt without a fucking bra. Every time I saw her after that, I sprouted wood. I still remember those nipples like it was yesterday.” The intensity in his voice sent chills racing up her spine. She threw away her concerns and immediately climbed over, hiking her dress past her waist as she went. “No, Care, I need the dress off.”

“I can’t do that—”

His huge cock entered her swiftly and she cried out. He grabbed on to her hips and seated her on top of him tightly, thrusting up as he went. She tossed her head back and moaned.

It felt so

In the next instant, his hands were all over her, and in one tug her dress was gone. Her bra went next, his wet mouth closing over an aching nipple as he began to pump into her. All the feelings together were so incredible—so different from her fingers—and so

Two rough thrusts, and she came again, hard.

Her stomach clenched as her hips rolled in pleasure, her nails raking Jace’s chest as she moaned.

Her husband firmly planted his hands around her waist as he lifted her up and brought her back down on him fast. The slapping of their bodies reverberated through the car. “Woman, you’re electric. I felt you come, but you’re going to do it again…this time

Her knees were braced against the outside of his thighs. It gave her some control, and she began to undulate on her own, rocking her pelvis, meeting him thrust for thrust, abrading her sensitive clit against his firm abs.

“Right there,” he groaned. “Yes, like that. I’m trying so hard not to come yet. I want you to break again.” His hands snaked up to cup her breasts, his thumbs brushing the peaks. “I’m going to touch you like Pete did to Emma, and you’re going to come for me one more time.”

Caroline groaned, tossing her head back as she pictured Emma and Pete and how hot they’d looked together. The image made her legs clench. “Yes,” she whispered.

“You just watched Emma come hard, but we win, since I have my cock in your pussy. I bet Pete’s crying in his soup because he wasn’t lucky enough to fuck her or come on her creamy, white tits—”

A low, guttural sound escaped Caroline’s throat as she orgasmed.

It was the biggest climax she’d had tonight.

Her body shook, her hips grinding against Jace’s hard body, her head fell forward. She heard him call her name as he pumped inside her.

But the best part was how hard Jace grabbed on to her ass and kneaded her onto him as he released. The force of the motions gave her immediate aftershocks like fireworks exploding in her already overheated system.

It was
fucking good.

* * *

Jace cradled his wife in his arms. What they’d just done had been completely insane, as well as being one of the best sexual experiences he’d ever had in his life. He’d been blinded by need and felt more than a little out of control. Watching Caroline—his pristine wife—fondle herself in the passenger seat had been his complete undoing. He’d been truthful when he’d told her he hadn’t been in that much pain since junior high. It was the heightened mix of pleasure and pain that had made it so unbelievable.

“Are you okay, Care?” he murmured in her ear as he caressed her bare back. She was still naked. He reached an arm back to gather up her dress from where he’d tossed it in his haste.

“Yes.” Her voice was muffled against his chest. She lifted her head slowly, looking drowsy and content. “But now I need to go home. My world is spinning, and I’m thoroughly exhausted.”

He maneuvered the dress over her head as she put her arms up. “Exhausted, but satisfied, I hope.” He grinned, giving her a peck on the cheek as he guided the fabric over her head.

She gave him a smile as she pushed her arms through the holes. “Extremely satisfied.” Once the dress was over her head, she asked, “Can you reach some napkins for me? There are some in the middle panel.”

Jace took napkins out of the console and handed them to her. She eased herself off him, climbing back into her own seat.

He turned the key in the ignition. “I want you to feel good about what we did tonight. No guilt. It was completely awesome.” He reached under the seat and adjusted it forward while he put the car in reverse. He backed out of the spot and headed for home. Two erotic episodes in two different parking lots. Who would’ve guessed?

“I’m going to try my best.” Caroline’s head was reclined on the headrest. Her eyes were shut, and one hand was splayed against her forehead. “But this has been a lot to take in. I can’t believe I was brazen enough to touch your private parts in a public place…not to mention in front of people we just met. I don’t want to think about it right now. It’s making my head hurt worse.”

“Then don’t. And I shouldn’t have to tell you that we
enjoyed that. It was the highlight of the night. Just saying.”

She shook her head wearily. “It’s in my nature to second-guess things. It’s just the way I was raised.” She opened her eyes and glanced over at him, her eyes slightly unfocused. “I’m not sure I’ve ever told you this story, but the very first time I even
of a swear word, I was certain I was going to be struck down by the Almighty Himself. I stood there like a dummy on the sidewalk, staring at my mother’s antique crystal goblet—the one I was forbidden to drink my iced tea from—which had just shattered because I’d dropped it.” She shook her head. “But I waited right there for a good half hour for God to do His deed before I began to gather up the pieces. Then I had to go in and confess my sin to my mother. I’m not sure which punishment I dreaded worse. She grounded me for two weeks and made me drink my afternoon tea out of a baby cup for the rest of the month. I believe I was eight years old. So when I tell you that I will not obsess about what happened tonight, that’s a lie. But I can promise you that I will
not to feel guilty about it for too long. I know what we did was consensual. I will keep that in the forefront of my mind, all while I try to convince myself the devil doesn’t live in my nonexistent underpants.”

Jace turned down their street, his heart aching for his beautiful wife. He’d had no such upbringing or hang-ups. His parents had gone to church, but they’d never brought church home. There was a big difference. He was the person he was today because of his past, and Caroline was the person she was. He loved her even more so because of all the mountains she’d had to scale in order to be vulnerable.

“Sweetheart, I’m here if you need me. I can be your sounding board.” He slid his hand over and placed it on her thigh. “Never forget that for a second. We’re in this together. Your guilt is my guilt.” He pulled into their driveway and hit the garage door opener. It rose, and he eased the SUV into its spot.

Once the car was off, he reached over and caressed her neck as she reached down to gather up her shoes and purse. Once she had them in hand, she turned toward him, giving him a shaky smile. “Can you promise me one thing?”

“Of course, anything,” he said as he opened his door and walked around to help her out.

He pulled her door open, and she took his hand. “I need a break from all of this for a while,” she told him as she stepped out of the car. “My brain needs to clear, and we need to figure out what we want with no outside distractions.”


Caroline was a little wobbly as she descended, so he decided to pick her up.

As he swept her into his arms, she laughed. “What are you doing?” She rested her head against his chest. “I’m too heavy and you’re crazy.”

“I’m your knight in shining armor tonight.”

“You’ve been my knight every day since the moment I met you.” She snuggled into his chest. “You are my most perfect prince.”




s keeping this really necessary, Caroline? It’s so vulgar.” Caroline glanced over at her mother, who was hovering over an open drawer in the pantry, her current favorite spot to nitpick.

This was the fifth time she had announced it was time to “straighten out” the house, which was code for
I’m going to throw all your Yankee stuff away

It was something her mother did every time she visited.

BOOK: What Caroline Wants
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