Wait for Me (5 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: Wait for Me
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“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Lucas.  There’s nothing to discuss.  I made an honest mistake.  I gave her the wrong address.  I was completely at fault for not checking the weather but that’s it.”

“Uh-huh.  We’ll see.”

“Go and check on her and I’ll call you in the morning to see how she’s doing, okay?”  Lucas readily agreed and hung up the phone and headed back into the kitchen to start their dinner. 

How did this day go so wrong?  As much as there were times when he appreciated being isolated and alone, being isolated and alone with Emma was going to be a struggle.  When he’d had his arms around her earlier it had felt good; too good.  For almost two years Lucas hadn’t allowed himself to even think about how it would feel to touch Emma and now that he had, it was going to be hard to forget.

He put the phone down on the kitchen counter and walked toward the back of the house and looked out at the property.  It was pitch black out now but there was no denying that the snow was still coming down heavily.  There was also no doubt in Lucas’s mind that they were going to be stuck inside for the entire weekend. 

He’d been alone for too long.  How the hell was he supposed to survive this?

Chapter Three


Thirty minutes later Emma emerged from the bedroom feeling ten times better.  The hot shower had certainly helped and the ibuprofen had finally kicked in with easing more of her body aches.  Her ankle was still sore but she found that she was maneuvering around a little bit easier.

Dressed in one of Lucas’s t-shirts, which was more like a dress on her, and wrapped in his robe, Emma slowly made her way toward the kitchen and the delicious aroma that was coming from there.  His back was to her but she saw him stiffen slightly before turning around.

“I hope you don’t mind that I borrowed your robe,” she said as she sat down at one of the stools at the breakfast nook.

Lucas was speechless.  The Emma Taylor that he saw once a month at his father’s office was always beautiful but this woman sitting across from him simply took his breath away.  Her auburn hair was still damp and curling wildly around her face.  She had on
no makeup and her eyes were deep blue and staring at him right now with curiosity.

Oh, right.  She had asked him a question.

“No, it’s fine.  Like I said, I don’t have much here that you were able to wear.  I’m glad you can use it.”

“Your shirt was plenty big but I was still a bit chilled.” 

He nearly groaned.  Turning his attention back to the meal preparation, all he could picture in his mind was Emma wearing his t-shirt and that she was probably naked underneath.  That image stayed there and he cursed when he burned his hand taking the steaks out from under the broiler.

“You all right?” she asked.

“Fine,” he lied, hating how hoarse his own voice sounded.  “I wasn’t sure how you liked your steak.”

“Rare, preferably, but however you made it will be fine.  Is there anything I can do to help?”

You can take off that oversized robe and let me see if the reality is as good as my imagination. 
Lucas shook his head to clear his thoughts.  Now was totally not the time to be thinking such thoughts.  They were more than likely stuck together for the weekend and it was going to be long enough without him indulging in naughty thoughts of Emma in various states of undress.

Emma continued to look at him expectantly and finally Lucas cleared his mind enough to respond.  “No, no…everything’s ready.  We’ll just eat here at the island so that you don’t have to move.”  He quickly plated their steaks and added the potatoes that he’d baked and turned to place them down.  “I’d offer you some wine but I don’t think it’s a good idea with your head injury.”

Emma rolled her eyes at him.  It didn’t matter that she wasn’t much of a wine drinker anyway but the fact that he was still being so dramatic over the bump on her head was getting a little on her nerves.  “That’s fine; I’ll stick with water.”

Lucas poured her another glass and took a seat opposite her.  Right now he thought it was in his best interest to have three feet of granite between the two of them.  He wasn’t feeling too confident in his restraint right now.  Utensils in hand, Lucas was about to cut into his steak but waited to see how Emma was enjoying hers.

Her smile said it all.  “It’s rare,” she said and looked up at him.

“It’s how I make mine and I guess I just naturally assumed that everyone at
e theirs that way.  Plus, if you didn’t, I could have always put it back under the broiler.  You can’t un-cook it if it’s too well done but I can certainly tighten it up if it was too rare.”

“It’s perfect, Lucas; thank you.”  Her voice melted over him and Lucas felt his body tightening.  His throat felt dry and if he didn’t know better, he’d swear he was starting to sweat.  How could she have this much of an effect on him?  He’d spent many hours in her company and never felt like this. 

Forcing himself to take a bite of his dinner he stopped cold as Emma purred with pleasure.  Lucas had to wonder if she even realized that she’d done it.  He took a large forkful of steak and focused on saying the alphabet backwards in his head and chewed until his jaw hurt; all the while looking only at his plate.  When he finally allowed himself to look up, Emma was smiling at him.  “What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she replied with a chuckle.  “It’s just that I think you need to work on your social skills a little. You’ve been on your own for too long.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that it wouldn’t kill you to try a little small talk while we eat.”

“Small talk?” he repeated.  “We were talking just fine a few minutes ago.  I figured you’d prefer a little silence rather than me talking with my mouth full.”

Emma let out a hearty laugh and Lucas couldn’t help but join her.  “You’re right; the silence is preferable to that.  Sorry.  Maybe it’s me that needs to work on my social skills.”

“Your social skills are perfect,” he said before he even realized the words had slipped out.

Emma nearly dropped her fork and her jaw. 
What was she supposed to say to a compliment like that?  Did she thank him?  Compliment him back?  Hug him?  Hmm…that last one had merit but a quick glance at him from beneath her lashes told her that he was regretting his words.  With an inward sigh of resignation, she went back to her meal.

“Everything is delicious, Lucas.  I appreciate you cooking for me.”

“I couldn’t let you starve now could I?” he said, his tone more harsh than he intended and once again, he was regretting his words.  The look of devastation on Emma’s face nearly brought him to his knees.  Thinking quickly he simply added, “Then we’d really have a problem with my social skills.”

The words were said lightly and had the desired effect; soon Emma was smiling and they returned to the comfortable silence while finishing their meal.  When they were done, Lucas cleaned up and noticed how sleepy Emma was looking. 
Looking at the clock he saw that it was only nine o’clock but for all he knew, she was someone who went to bed early.

“Listen, why don’t you head on in and take the bed; I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“Oh, I couldn’t do that, Lucas.  You’ve done so much already and really, the couch is perfectly fine for me.”

Lucas sighed wearily and hung his head.  “Emma, I would really appreciate it if you didn’t argue with me on everything.
You are a guest in my home; an injured guest.  Please take the bed.  I normally fall asleep out here anyway.”

Looking over her shoulder toward the bedroom, she sighed.  “I hate kicking you out of your own bed.”  That had all kinds of images coming to mind and she kept her face
diverted so that Lucas couldn’t see the blush she was certain was there. 

He was suddenly at her side guiding her into the bedroom.  They stopped next to the bed and Lucas went about folding the comforter and sheets back and arranging pillows and generally fussing wi
th just about everything in sight.  Emma bit back a smile.

“I’ll keep the fire going through the night and I’ll close the blinds here if you’d like,” he said gruffly, not willing to meet her eyes either.

“Lucas,” Emma said softly and waited for him to stop moving around and look at her.  When he finally did, she spoke again.  “You can stop fussing with everything.  I’m not happy about making you sleep on the couch, but I appreciate your hospitality.”

“You’re not making me do anything, Emma.  You’re injured and I want you to rest comfortably while you can.”

Something in that statement struck her as odd and her face must have conveyed that point because Lucas stepped forward and explained.  “A head injury is a funny thing; you can feel fine one minute and then the next everything could be wrong.  I’ll be waking you up every couple of hours to make sure that you’re okay.”

Emma gaped at him.  “Make sure I’m okay?” she parroted.  “How?”

“Simple stuff; I’ll just ask you a couple of questions to make sure that your thinking is clear.”

“My thinking is never clear when I’m asleep, Lucas.  Wouldn’t it just be better to let me get a full night’s sleep?”

He shook his head.  “Afraid not; I’ve been through this enough times to know the drill.”

“So when will you get to sleep?  And how will you know when to wake me up?”

“I’ll set the alarm on my phone to every couple of hours and I’ll probably get the same amount of sleep as you.”

Emma made a face.  Hell, if she was going to be forced to be woken up all night by her ideal man, couldn’t it be for pleasure rather than for practicality?  Her life really did suck.  “I don’t suppose I have any say in the matter?”

Lucas shook his head.  “You do not.”

Cursing under her breath, she glared at him and said “Fine”, before she began to untie the robe sash from around her waist.  Not caring that Lucas was standing there watching her every move, she let the garment drop from her shoulders and from her body and flung it on the foot of the bed before crawling awkwardly between the sheets.  It wasn’t until she was sitting back against the pillows and ready to reach for the bedside lamp that Emma looked his way.  “Anything else I need to know?” she asked defiantly.

Yes, that I want to crawl in that bed beside you and keep you awake all night. 
Lucas nearly had to bite his own tongue to keep from vocalizing that admission but managed to keep it inside.  “Get some sleep, Emma,” was all he said before storming out of the room.

Reaching for the lamp, Emma t
urned it off.  If only it was as easy to turn off her feelings for a man who clearly couldn’t get away from her fast enough.


One hour and fifty-five minutes later Lucas was sitting on his couch staring at his cell phone like it was a time bomb.  In five minutes he was going to have to go in and wake Emma up and check on her to make sure she was okay.  The thought of seeing her in his bed, looking tousled and sleepy was wreaking havoc on him.  Clearly he must have done something wrong in this life because he was surely being punished for something.

Most nights it didn’t bother him to fall asleep on the sofa but tonight he couldn’t seem to make himself comfortable enough to sleep.  Maybe it was the worry he felt over Emma or maybe it was knowing that she was in the other room in his bed that was keeping him awake.  Either way, he knew that he was going to have to get some sleep eventually. 

The phone let off a little warning bell that told him to go and check on his guest.  With a sigh of resignation, Lucas stood and walked like a condemned man going to the electric chair.  He pushed the bedroom door open and the room was softly lit by firelight.  His gaze immediately went to where Emma was curled up in the bed.  Her hair fanned out on one of his pillows and her beautiful face completely relaxed in sleep.  Lucas could have watched her all night.

Unfortunately, he had a task to accomplish and quietly walked over to the bed and whispered her name.  When she didn’t move or respond he said it again a little louder.  Still nothing.  With no other choice, Lucas reached out and gently shook her shoulder.  “Emma,” he said with a little more force and watched as her eyes fluttered open.

It took a moment for Emma to remember where she was and when she was able to focus and saw Lucas staring down at her, her still sleepy brain wanted to reach out and tug him down beside her.  Bad sleepy brain!

“What time is it?” she whispered as she pulled herself up to a near sitting position.

“It’s a little after eleven.  How’s your head?”

Emma had to think for a minute.  “It actually hurts a little.”

“You’re due for more ibuprofen; I’ll get that for you.”  Lucas turned and left the room but was back in less than a minute.  Carefully he handed her the tablets and then the glass of water.  Emma placed the glass on the bedside table and then looked at him expectantly. 

“Did I pass?” she asked.


“The concussion test,” she said and then yawned widely.  “Can I go back to sleep now?”

Lucas chuckled.  “Not yet.  Tell me your full name.”  She did.  “Tell me where you work.”  She did.  “Tell me what day it is.”  And she did.

“Anything else I can tell you?” Emma asked again as she slowly slid back down under the blankets.

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