Wait for Me (6 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: Wait for Me
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Yes, that you don’t want to go back to sleep and that you want me to crawl in the bed with you. 
“No,” he said softly; pulling the blankets back up over her shoulder.  “Get some sleep.”

Emma hummed a response and Lucas walked over to the fire to add another log from the bedroom side and watched as the flames roared to life again.  A quick glance at the lounge beside the fire had him rethinking his plan for the evening.  His knee had a dull ache and really, he’d pushed himself too hard today.  As much as Emma needed his attention, he needed to spend a little less time walking around as well. 

She was already back to sleep and Lucas walked out to the living room and grabbed his phone and shut out the lights.  Back in the bedroom he grabbed a t-shirt and a pair of flannel pajama pants and went into the bathroom to change.  Once he was done, he got comfortable on the lounge, set the alarm again and finally let himself sleep.

Chapter Four


They repeated that routine three more times before Emma had realized that Lucas was sleeping in the lounge by the fire not five feet from her.  Good thing she hadn’t otherwise she would have never gone back to sleep. 

From her spot on the bed she watched him settle back in on the lounge.  “Have you been sleeping there all night?” she finally asked.

“Pretty much,” he said wearily.

“Why?  I mean, you said you were going to sleep on the couch.”

Lucas growled lowly and sat up and faced Emma.  “This was just easier, Emma.  I’m not used to having to get up every two hours so I though I’d make it easier on myself and sleep here.”  His tone was sharp and he didn’t care.  There was no way he was going to admit to Emma or to anyone that the real reason was because his knee wasn’t strong enough to get him from one room to the next.

“Oh,” she said and quietly lay back down and turned her back on him.

That one act caused a mountain of guilt.  Lucas sighed and scrubbed a hand across his face before gently calling out to Emma.  When she rolled over and
looked at him, her eyes sad and wary, he felt even worse.  “I didn’t mean to snap at you,” he began.  “I guess you were right last night about my social graces or whatever.  I’m not a morning person and just a little out of sorts.”  He offered her a small smile and was rewarded when she returned it with one of her own.

“I’m sorry that I disrupted your life so much, Lucas.  Believe me, this is a far cry from where I thought I’d be this weekend.”

“It’s not your fault.”  But he knew whose fault it was and had to stop himself from stating it.  “It’s still dark out, why don’t you go back to sleep.”

“What about you?”

“I plan on going back to sleep, like I said, it’s still dark out.”

Emma sighed but didn’t move.

“What’s the matter?  Is your head bothering you?  Do you need something for it?”

“No, it’s just that…”

“Are you thirsty?”

“No, I’m just…”

“Is your ankle bothering you?”

“No, no that feels fine, I think…”

“Are you cold?  Because I can put another log on the fire.”

“Lucas!” she cried out with exasperation.


“Stop asking so many damn questions for crying out loud and let me answer one!”  Emma sat up and took a deep breath before facing him.  “I’m a little weirded out by the situation.”

“Weirded out?  What the hell does that even mean?”

“It means that I can’t go back to sleep now knowing that you
’re over there watching me sleep.”

Lucas rolled his eyes.  “I wasn’t watching you sleep, Emma,” he lied, “I just didn’t want to keep going back and forth throughout the night.  This was easier.”

She looked at him with disbelief.  “I know it’s fine and all and it’s not like I thought you were being creepy or anything…”

“Creepy?” he chuckled.

“Yes, creepy.”

“How would taking care of you and making sure that you didn’t have a serious head injury be creepy?”  This he had to hear.

Emma couldn’t help but chuckle with him at the ridiculous conversation.  “Well, I mean it’s not like you were watching me through the window or something but it’s just a little…awkward, shall we say…to know that a stranger is sleeping in the room with you when you weren’t aware of it.”

Lucas looked at her in disbelief.  “Stranger?  I’m hardly a stranger, Emma.  We’ve known each other for years.”

“You know what I mean!” she said and flopped back down on the pillows and then winced at the pain it caused in her head.  When Lucas immediately jumped up to see if she was all right, she held out a hand to stop him.  “I’m fine, Lucas, relax.”

“You don’t look fine, Em, you look like you’re in pain.”

She wanted to correct him but got tangled up in his calling her Em.  They’d always been rather formal with one another and the fact that he used her nickname sort of stopped her in her tracks and she could only stare at him.

“Now you’re scaring me,” he said and came to sit next to her on the bed.  “Talk to me; tell me the months of the year.”

“Oh for crying out loud,” she mumbled and sat back up and found that they were nearly nose to nose.  “I’m not in pain; not really.  I just fell back too hard and it hurt for a moment.”

“You mean on the fluffy pillows?  That hurt your head?”

Emma burst out laughing; she couldn’t help it.  “You know something, Lucas?  You can be quite funny sometimes.”  She leaned forward in her fit of laughter and touched his arm.  Suddenly her laughter stopped and when she looked up and met Lucas’s intense green eyes, her breath merely stopped.

There was something there that had never been before; heat and raw, naked desire.  Had she ever seen that before from Lucas?  Mentally she told herself no and that she’d never seen it so starkly in any other man either. 
Emma couldn’t look away; she matched his heated gaze with her own and licked her lips in silent invitation.  Leaning in ever-so-slightly, Emma secretly hoped that Lucas would close the distance between them and finally she would know what it felt like to be kissed by him. 

Lucas watched the movement of Emma’s tongue across the lips that he’d dreamed about all night and knew that all he had to do was move that last little bit and he’d be able to taste her for himself.  Her eyes were locked on him and he felt his entire body tighten in anticipation.  It would be so easy to take what he wanted and he was confident in the fact that Emma was feeling the same way, too. 

But he couldn’t.

It was one thing to have a one-night stand with someone who meant nothing to him and have it happen to merely
satisfy an urge.  Emma meant too much to him to treat her with the same disregard.  Not that he could; not really.  The problem was that he wasn’t looking for a relationship.  No, Lucas was at a point in his life where he needed to work through his own demons and sleeping with Emma, while satisfying on many levels he was sure, would not be something that would be good for either of them in the end.

So he pulled back.

Lucas saw the question in Emma’s widening eyes and rather than address what had almost happened, he chose to go another route.  “You go back to sleep, Emma,” he said as he stood.  “I’m awake now; I’ll check on the weather and see what we can do about your car.”  He never looked at her; he simply turned and walked out of the room, gently closing the door behind him.

How was she supposed to just go back to sleep now? 

Carefully lying back down with more calmness than she actually felt, Emma had to wonder at what just happened.  One minute Lucas had been looking at her as if he could eat her alive and the next he was walking out the door as if nothing had happened.

Well, to be fair, nothing actually had happened but it could have.  Emma wasn’t a world-class dater but she certainly knew when a man was attracted to a woman and there was no doubt in her mind that Lucas was attracted to her.  What had she done to turn him off?

The image of herself the night before came to mind and she groaned with disgust.  Of course.  She probably looked like a disaster; her hair was its usually mass of untamed curls and she had on no make up and for sure she had morning breath. 

It was amazing there weren’t skid marks from his departure.

“Well I guess it’s good to know that the make up industry isn’t lying to me.  Clearly I do need all of that crap to make myself attractive.”  There was a depressing thought.  Rolling on to her side, Emma looked at the clock.  It wasn’t even six o’clock.  How often had she wished for a day to just lie in bed?  While part of her wanted to get out of the bed and yell at Lucas that while she may not be the most beautiful woman in the world first thing in the morning, he wasn’t looking so hot either.

Which would just be a big fat lie and she prided herself on not being a liar.

The man looked good enough to make her forget her own name and every other ridiculous question he’d asked her throughout the night.  Unfortunately, she was in a no-win situation.  With nothing left to do, Emma decided to do the only thing that she could.

Pull the blankets up over her head and pray for the day to just end.


Of course the day didn’t end and Emma only managed another three hours of sleep before she forced herself out of the bed.  She carefully climbed from the bed and tested her ankle and was relieved that it actually felt better.  There was still no doubt in her mind that she was going to have to baby it a little, but at least she knew that she would be able to get around easier today.

Walking over to the full wall of windows, she opened the blinds and saw nothing but white in front of her.  Everything was coated and coated heavily in snow.  “That can’t be good,” she sighed.  There was no way she was leaving Lucas’s house today, that was for sure.  Thoughts of her car came to mind and she willed them away.  “Nope, not gonna go there,” she said.  There was no use in making herself crazy over it; the car was a wreck and she’d have to get a tow truck here to get her out and then rent a car.

With her inner pep talk complete, she went into the master bathroom and decided to indulge a little.  Last night was all about freshening up; today Emma needed to relax.  A sad thought at only nine-thirty in the morning but with the way her day started, she needed all the help she could get.

Grinning at the over-sized tub, she turned on the faucet and began filling it.  Her body ached in general from the crash yesterday and the though of just submerging herself in the jetted tub was too good of an opportunity to miss.  For a minute she thought about checking with Lucas first and then decided against it.  She was going to put off being in the same room as him for as long as humanly possible.

There was nothing around that suggested that Lucas even used the tub; there were no bath salts or anything out on the vanity.  So, deciding to be a little inventive, Emma reached into the shower and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and dumped some into the water to give her a mock-bubble bath.  She smiled as the bubbles grew and when the water was at a decent level, she stripped off Lucas’s t-shirt and climbed in.

And made the most un-ladylike groan at the pleasure the hot water and the jets were giving her.

“Emma?  Are you okay?”  Lucas’s frantic tone came from the other side of the door and Emma couldn’t find her voice.  “Emma?”  He knocked and then stormed in.

And froze.

“Lucas!” Emma screeched.  “What the hell?”

“I heard you moan and though you hurt yourself,” he stammered, but his eyes never looked away.

“I wasn’t moaning in pain,” she said feeling rather embarrassed.  “The water and the jets felt good.  I didn’t realize I was that loud.”  She wanted to dunk herself under the bubbles and hide until he left. 

Lucas knew he should leave and yet couldn’t make himself take the step out the door.  Emma had her hair twisted up high on her head somehow and had bubbles up to her chin and all he could think about was what was underneath.  Why didn’t she warn him that she was going to take a bath?

“Um, Lucas?” Emma
said, breaking the silence.  He finally seemed to snap out of his reverie and looked at her face.  When she nodded to the bubbles and then looked back at him, he got the picture. 

“Oh, right.  Sorry,” he said and backed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Emma sagged with relief once the door was closed.  What in the world?  For a minute there she thought Lucas was going to strip and join her.  Wouldn’t that have been nice!  But no, clearly she still was looking too much like a troll to tempt him. 

“Not going to let it bother me,” she chanted softly and let the jets do their magic on her body.  It really seemed to work and twenty minutes later she had to force herself from the tub.  Drying herself off with a towel from the heated towel bar Emma couldn’t help but wish once again for her overnight bag.  Besides wanting her toothbrush, she’d kill for some moisturizer right about now.

Wrapping the towel around her, Emma realized that she hadn’t brought Lucas’s robe in with her.  Opening the door, she stepped into the bedroom to grab it and ran directly into Lucas. 

“Oh!” she cried as his arms came around her to steady her. 
Dammit, why here?  Why now?  Why couldn’t she have just stayed in bed all day and avoided all of this?  If she’d listened to her original instincts she wouldn’t have to fight the urge to snuggle closer into Lucas’s arms and beg him to finally kiss her.

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