Wait for Me (16 page)

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Authors: Samantha Chase

BOOK: Wait for Me
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With the newspaper still in her hand, Emma walked over to their now long-cold breakfast and threw it down on top of the plates before scooping the tray up.  “I’ll tell you what, Lucas, I didn’t know you before your injury
and I think that I probably wouldn’t have liked you.  Go on back to your hiding place; go back to living your empty shell of an existence.  Me?  I’ve got a life to live.”

And with that she exited the bedroom and went into the bathroom to do her own form of hiding until she was sure Lucas was gone.

Chapter Twelve


By the time Emma made it to the office on Monday she was able to go for more than two minutes without thinking about Lucas and getting mad all over again.  There was no doubt in her mind that he had driven all the way back to the mountains yesterday and that there was no chance of her running into him at the office.

By noon she had pretty much snapped at everyone that worked in the building and when poor, uns
uspecting Rose asked her if she wanted her to bring back lunch, Emma turned on her too.  “No, Rose, I do not want you to bring back lunch for me.  I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!”

Then she felt like crap because Rose merely nodded and walked away with her head down and a suspicious sniffle coming from her as she left the office. 

“Emma? May I speak with you?”

Great, just what she needed, her boss calling her into the office.  “Sure,” she sighed and followed William into his office. 
Emma didn’t wait for him to ask her to take a seat; she sat down where she always did and looked at him defiantly.

William arched an eyebrow at Emma.  In all the years she’d worked for him he’d never seen her this riled up over anything.  “Is everything okay, Emma?  You seem a little on edge today.”

That was the understatement of the year.  How was she supposed to explain to him what was wrong when it was his son that had her ready to spit nails?  Taking a deep breath she faced her boss with something close to sincerity.  “It’s a personal matter, Sir, and I’m sorry for bringing it with me to the office.  I’ll be sure to apologize to everyone after lunch.”

William sat there and said nothing, simply watching Emma until she began to squirm in her seat.  “Was there something else?” she asked, itching to get back to her desk.

“Lucas left for home yesterday,” he stated blandly.

“Yes, well, that’s what he does, right?  He leaves.”  Emma was proud of the fact that he voice didn’t crack.

William merely nodded.  “It was nice having him here for the whole week last week.  I was hoping he’d stay longer.”

Emma sighed and looked at everything except her boss. 

“Still, I guess it’s progress.”  He hoped that Emma would say something, anything, but she could barely make eye contact with him and that really told him all that he needed to know.  She was just as upset as he was with Lucas’s leaving.  He hid the smile that threatened to cross his face.  Emma had been the key to keeping Lucas home where he belonged; now all he had to do was figure out how to fix whatever was going on with them so that Lucas would come back.

“Is there anything else you needed, Sir?  There’s no one manning the phones since Rose is out getting lunch.”  It wasn’t a complete lie and it was one that Emma hoped would get her off the hot seat.

“Thanksgiving is coming up,” William said by way of response.

Emma hung her head and mentally counted to ten before raising her face to his.  “Yes it is.”

“Any big plans?”

“I’ll be spending it with my parents and their families.”  When William looked at her funny, she explained.  “My parents have been divorced since I was ten; they’re both remarried with new families and so the holidays are a bit hectic for me because I have to make sure that I spend equal time with both of them.”

“They love you, Emma; I’m sure they just want to share the holiday with you.”

She shook her head.  “Not really; it’s more about annoying each other.  This year I’ll have dinner with mom and her family and then go to dad’s for dessert.  Mom will, of course, run late with dinner and then cry when it’s time for me to leave.  I’ll arrive at my dad’s late and he’ll be annoyed because he knows my mom did it all on purpose just to ruin his Thanksgiving.  It’s a vicious cycle, really.”

“Sounds exhausting,” he said, relaxing into his chair and resting his face in his palm. 

“You have no idea.  I long for a day when I don’t have to run around on a holiday and just do my own thing.”

“I’m sure it’s very stressful for you.  Maybe you should take a couple of days to prepare yourself.”

Emma made a face at him.  “I’m beginning to get a complex here, Sir.  I’ve taken more time off in the last couple of weeks than I have in the last couple of years.  Is there a problem with my work?”

William let out a hearty laugh.  “Oh, no!  For heaven’s sake, Emma, how could you even think that?”

“Well, you’ve been trying to get rid of me an awful lot and…”

“No, no, no,” he denied.  “I just know that I’ve been working you too hard and that if I don’t nudge you, you won’t take the time yourself.  You’ve been a model employee, Emma, it’s just that…”

Emma leaned forward in her seat.  “Yes?”

“Well, I had hoped that by now you would have relaxed a little more around me and as my assistant, you’d feel comfortable calling me William.”

She looked at her boss as if he’d lost his mind.  Seriously?  He was upset because she addressed him with respect?  “Oh, I couldn’t do that, Sir.  Sorry.  I don’t believe that I should be on a first name basis with my boss.  You own the company and as such, you should be talked to with respect.”

“What if I said that you had to call me William instead of ‘Sir’ or ‘Mr. Montgomery’?” he asked, carefully watching her expression.

“I’d fight you on it,” she stated point-blank.

“I see.”  William studied her for another moment and then gave a weary sigh.  “Well then I guess there’s nothing left to say.  You’d better get back out there to the phones and hopefully by the time Rose comes back you’ll be back to your usual sunny self.”

“Thank you, Sir,” Emma said as she stood and then blushed because now she knew that the title was a sore subject.

“No worries, Emma,” he said, a smile on his face.  “Someday you’ll be able to be a little less formal.”

Emma sincerely doubted it but she smiled and went back to her desk, closing the office door behind her. 

William sat back down in his chair and thought about their conversation.  Emma really was the model employee but he’d much rather see her in another position all together; as his son’s wife.


Lucas was miserable.  It had been more than a week since he’d stormed out of Emma’s place and he’d spent most of that time cursing himself.  Now he had to head to his parents home for Thanksgiving and try and pretend that he didn’t remember that Emma lived only twelve minutes away from them or that he’d rather spend the day alone with her than with a houseful of relatives.

It was only Tuesday morning and Lucas knew that he could be at Montgomery’s offices by the afternoon and maybe start paving the way to apologizing for reacting so badly to the story in the newspaper.  It was a sore spot with him and what made it worse was that Emma was right in what she had said.  He was living a hollow existence and avoiding life.

He was hoping to fix that soon.

His mind made up, Lucas packed a b
ag and got the house closed up; not certain how soon he’d be returning.  With any luck he’d be able to patch things up with Emma, spend Thanksgiving with both her and his family and start easing his way back into living in the city again and coming to terms with being part of the corporate world on a permanent basis.

But when he arrived at the office things didn’t go as planned.  For starters, Emma was no where to be found.  He said a quick hello to Rose before heading into his father’s office.

“Lucas!”  William said with surprise.  “I had no idea you were coming into town early.  We weren’t expecting you until Thursday.  Your mother is going to be thrilled.”  He grabbed Lucas and hugged him before pulling back and studying his son’s face.  “What’s the occasion?”

“It’s Thanksgiving,” Lucas said simply.

“Not yet it’s not,” William corrected.  “Sit, sit.  You feel okay?”

“Fine, why?”

“No reason, just thought maybe you were here for an appointment or something.”

Lucas wasn’t stupid, he knew his father was hoping, just as Emma was, that he’d
just fix the problem and jump back in the game.  “No appointments, Dad; I just thought I’d come home a little bit sooner.  They were talking about snow up by me and I didn’t want to take the chance of missing mom’s turkey dinner.”  It wasn’t a complete lie; there was always a chance of snow in the mountains and, as Lucas had recently learned, his father didn’t really pay attention to the weather reports.

“Smart man, Lucas.  So, what are your plans while you’re here?  It’s a holiday week so there’s not too much going on here.  As you can see, we’re on a bit of a skeleton crew.”

Lucas had noticed that but didn’t want to specifically ask about Emma.  He wasn’t ready to answer any questions about what was going on with them until he had time to talk to Emma herself.  “Well, I noticed that Rose is out there but I just assumed that Emma was at lunch.”

“No, she took the whole week off.”

“Is she okay?”  Lucas couldn’t hide the alarm in his voice; ever since her accident and her return to work, Lucas hadn’t bothered to ask how she was feeling or if she had any lingering effects from the concussion.  He was such a bastard! 

“Oh, she’s fine.  She had some personal matters to attend to with her family and was a little distracted so I told her to take the week off; it’s a short week so we were fine.”

“Well,” Lucas began a little more calmly, “that’s good.  Hopefully she’ll get things taken care of.”  He looked around the office awkwardly and wasn’t sure what else he was supposed to do or say.

William watched his son with amusement.  He was looking around just as Emma had the week before, doing everything humanly possible to not look at him.  Two of a kind, just as William had hoped.  “Well,” William boomed, scaring Lucas out of his reverie, “I do have some work to do so if you’ll excuse me…”

“Oh, right.  Sorry, Dad.  I guess I’ll see you at home later.”  He walked around his father’s desk and gave him a hug before walking out of the office and stood for a moment, unsure of what to do with himself.  Did he go to Emma’s?  Did he need to call first?  Screw it, he wasn’t going to obsess about it, he was just going to go and see her.

Only, he didn’t.

She wasn’t home. 

Lucas sat and waited in his car for thirty minutes but Emma hadn’t come home.  It was only then that he realized that he didn’t even know her phone number.  He really was a piece of crap.  What kind of man sleeps with a woman repeatedly and doesn’t even bother to get her phone number.  It’s amazing that she hadn’t brought that up in their last fight.  She must think that he considered her good enough to screw but not good enough to want to talk to once they were out of bed.  He’d have to rectify that and soon.

Perhaps getting back into the swing of things and being amongst the land of the living wasn’t going to be as easy as he had hoped.  With nothing else to do, Lucas decided that the best place for him to be was at his parents place.  He could settle in, visit with his mother and then maybe, just maybe, find a way of getting Emma’s phone number and seeing her tonight.

For something other than sex.

Less than two hours later, he had what he was looking for.  Luckily his mother was having issues with her iPhone and while he was helping her with it, he’d scanned her list of contacts and found Emma’s number.  Leaving him alone while she went to make dinner, Lucas slipped into his father’s study to make the call and smiled when he heard Emma’s voice on the line.

“Hey, Em,” he said, feeling more nervous than he’d been the first time he’d asked a girl out in the seventh grade.

“Lucas?  Is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me,” he said awkwardly.  “Listen, I was wondering if you were free

She hesitated, not sure if she was willing to get into this again with him.  By agreeing to see him Emma knew she’d be opening her heart all that much more to him and giving him the opportunity to stomp on it again. 

The silence was killing him.  “Em?  Are you still there?”

“I’m here,” she said quietly.  “I didn’t realize you were in town.”

“I got in this afternoon.  I know it’s short notice and all but I just wanted to see you.”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Lucas.”

“Why?”  His tone was deep and husky and Lucas realized that he wasn’t sure what he’d do if she turned him down.

“Because whenever we get together, it ends badly,” she said honestly.  “I don’t want to fight with you anymore, Lucas.  I can’t fight with you anymore.”

“Well then we won’t fight,” he said simply.  “I never did get to take you out to dinner.  I’ll come by and pick you up and we’ll go and get something to eat and then maybe see a movie or something.  We won’t have time to fight; we’ll be out in public and having fun.”  He was going for light and cheerful but it didn’t feel natural.

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