Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (23 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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He pulls me in to him so I am standing between his legs and pulls my face down so he is kissing me.  I put my arms around his neck and lose myself in his kiss.  I hear Mark clear his throat and I step back away from Jake.  I can feel my face get red instantly.  “Can I borrow your car?”  I put my hand out asking for keys trying to play cool with Mark standing there watching us.

“Actually, I'm going with you,” Lisa walks in from outside.  “I was just on the phone with Dr. Manny and she wants me to do a report for her so she can ask that he be taken up to Baltimore for further rehab.  I will drive,” she smiles at me.  I laugh and look at Jake. 

“Ok, I will be back.”  I grab my purse off the counter and kiss him quick and follow Lisa out the door. 

We get to the station and Sargent McDonald meets us at the front desk.  “Jodene Lewis,” he smiles at me.  “I hear you got a big promotion?”

“I did.  Chief Lorenz got sick of all the paperwork,” I smile.  “At least that is what he tells me.”

“Yeah, I bet.  He just wanted to make sure no one else could snatch you away from him that is what he did.  Follow me ladies,” he leads us to his office.  Lisa and I both take a seat.  “So you are here about Lewis Adams huh?  What do you want with him?”

“Well, I want to know how deep into the drug loop he is for starters.”

“Well,” he pulls out a file and opens it.  “From the looks of it, he started selling about six weeks ago.  So he’s in, but still new.  What do you want with him?”

“He’s my boyfriend’s brother.”  I look at him.

“Ah yes, I did hear you were seeing Jackson.  You are aware that he is the one that reported his brother last night right?”

“Yes, I know, I was with him.  That is why I am here right now.  I want to make sure that we get him out of this and get him better.  This is Dr. Lisa Brooks she would like to evaluate him as well and give some feedback to one of the rehab doctors in Baltimore.”

“This is going to be harder than rehab,” McDonald says.

I look up at him, “I had a feeling it would be.  But we have to try.  You think they will be able to get to him in Baltimore?”

“Most likely.  We suspect he is in with the Warren group.”

“You are joking.  Shit.” I look at him in disbelief.  Lisa looks at me and I shake my head at her.  “We have been trying to nail them for like three years and can never catch them.  I have personally dealt with the case and they are untouchable.”

“Your only option would be to turn him,” McDonald looks at me.

“Yeah, we know how successful that has been in the past don’t we.” I am slowly losing hope that I don’t think I can do this for Jake.  “Can I talk to him?”

“Yeah, sure.  But I’m putting at officer right outside the door.”  I nod in agreement.  He gets up and walks out of the office.

“What is going on?” Lisa looks worried.

“I'm going to try and talk to him.  Now that he has sobered up there is a chance I can get through to him.  This isn’t a good situation.  My only option to get him out is to turn him and we don’t have a very good rate with that.  But, he is Jake’s brother and I told Jake I would try.”

“Jo, this is crazy.  Why is he putting an officer at the door?”

I smile at her, “its protocol with someone like Lewis.  We don’t know what he is on and we just want to be safe.”

She relaxes a little.  McDonald walks back in the room and tells me there is an office set up.  I get up and follow him down the hall to the holding room where they have Lewis.  Lisa and McDonald stand outside the glass and I open the door and walk in.  I am in shock when I walk in.  Lewis looks a lot like Jake.  Not as cute and I can definitely tell he is big into drugs and alcohol.  Lisa said he was only a year older than Jake but he looks at least five years older.  “Hi Lewis, I'm Jo,” I sit at the table across from him.  “I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions.”  He looks up at me and his eyes are empty.  He looks like he is in a trance.  He nods at me telling me to talk.  “Look, I know that you are in over your head Lewis and I have been asked to try and help you.”

“Who gives two shits about me to ask someone to help me?”  He looks at me almost like he is trying to read my mind.  I'm hoping that he has not seen the reports of Jake and me all over the news.

“Just a few people that care about you is all.  I am based out of Baltimore and we would really like to get you out of here if possible.  I have a friend that is looking to get you some help up at the rehab center in Baltimore with Dr. Manny who, from what I hear, is a great and understanding doctor.”

“Why would I have to go to Baltimore?”

“We heard you have family there,” I smile at him.

“Yeah, but I don’t think he really gives a shit about me.  I have done nothing but treat him like shit the last three years.  I'm sure he could care less if I rot in jail the rest of my life.”

“I don’t know if I believe that Lewis.  I am here today because someone wants you taken care of.”  He looks at me and is almost searching for some reassurance.  “What’s the worst that can happen?”

“You have no idea how deep into this thing I am,” he says quietly.  “I don’t know if anyone can get me out of this hole.  Maybe it is better I do jail time.  I'm not sure they can get me there.”

“The Warrens?  Lewis they have people everywhere.  But, if you help us, we help you.  Baltimore PD has been trying to bring down the head of their operations for a long time.  You can help us do that.”

“I don’t know that much.  Just who my boss is.  He is the one I answer to, and I am willing to bet he isn’t the top of them.”

“Well, if we can get you to Baltimore, we can see if you can get in more and get us some information.  Lewis, this shit is killing kids.  My city is losing kids daily because of the drugs that they are dealing.  We need to get this under control.”  I see him think about it.  He looks at me again.

“How is Jake?”  His question shocks me.  I don’t know how to answer.  “I know you are seeing him.  I have seen your face all over the news.  I hit him pretty hard last night, is he ok?”

“Yeah, a little black and blue, but fine.  If you knew who I was why didn’t you say something?”

“I wanted to see if you would use him as an advantage to get my interest.  Listen Jo, I don’t know that I can do what you want me to.  The Warrens they are cautious, I think they might know what I was doing, especially if I went to Baltimore.”

“Lewis, if you let me do this, I can promise that we will protect you.  You honestly think that they would catch on?  I'm betting they will fall for the act of going to rehab to please your family then when you are up there; you take full advantage of who your brother is.  I hate to say it, but I think you are our best chance in taking them down.  They will take one look at you and see opportunity to make it bigger by the crowd that you could surround yourself with.”  I look at him hoping he is following me.  “I can get you out of this; I want to get you out of this.  Not just for Jake, but for you.  I have seen this destroy people.  I would like it to end.  We lose too many people from the shit they sell and I want them out of my city.”

He is sitting there quietly.  I see him smile and look at me.  He has Jake’s smile.  “You think you can really get me out?”

“I will try my damnedest.”

“Ok,” he nods.  “Count me in, but I have one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“You make Jake come here and talk to me.  Today.”

I look at him not sure what he wants to talk to Jake about. “Why do you want to talk to him?”

“Personal reasons.  Family stuff.” 

I nod, “I will give him a call.  Is it ok if I have my friend come in and ask a few questions to evaluate you for the rehab program?”

“Yeah, sure, why not.”  He sits back in his chair.  I stand up and walk out the door.

“He’s playing me isn’t he?” I ask McDonald when I shut the door.

“I couldn’t tell you Jo, I have never actually heard him talk to anyone before.”

“Well I want you to send an officer in with Dr. Brooks.  I don’t trust him.”  McDonald nods and goes to the front of the building to get another officer.

“Listen Lisa, if he gets pushy or out of control at all I want you out.  I don’t know him, so I don’t know what he is pulling right now.  I don’t know if he is going to do this or if he is playing me right now.  I'm hoping this is for real, but I can’t tell.”

She nods, “ok,” she takes a deep breath.  I can tell she is not used to being face to face with someone like Lewis.

“I am going to call Jake, and have him come down here.”  I see McDonald coming back with an officer and I walk down the hall and dial Jake’s number.

“Hey baby, how did it go?”  He answers.

“Not sure yet, he wants to see you.”  He is quiet.

“What the hell for?”

“I wish I knew.  He said personal reasons.”  I hear him take a deep breath.

“Did he know who you were?”

“Yeah, but he didn’t call me out on it until I was almost done talking to him.”

“I don’t like this Jo.  I don’t trust him.”

“Jake, in my professional opinion I think you need to come here and see what he has to say.  I want to get him out of this, plus I found out that he is in with one of the biggest drug cartels in Baltimore.  If I don’t get him out, he’s not going to be around very long.”

“Ok, I'm on my way.”  He hangs up.  I walk back down to the window and watch Lisa talk to him.  He has dialed it back down and is talking calmly to her.  He is very hard to read.  I don’t know if it is because of the drugs or if that is how he is.  About fifteen minutes goes by and I hear footsteps coming down the hall.  I look up and see Jake coming toward me.  He smiles at me.

“Hey,” I smile up at him.

“Hey baby,” he kisses me.  “So what’s going on?”

“I wish I knew Jake.  I don’t know him, so I don’t know what he is doing.” I look back in the room and see Lisa stand up and start toward the door.  The police officer that was in there with her opens the door and they both come out.  I see her relax as soon as the door is shut.

“How do you do that?”  She looks at me.  I can tell she is super anxious.  “That is a whole new level of crazy.  Sitting there in front of someone like that.”

I smile at her, “years of training.”  I look at Jake.  “I'm going in to tell him you are here.  Do you want me or an officer in there with you?”

“Neither,” he looks at me.

I shake my head, “that is not an option.  He tried to beat the shit out of you last night; you are not going in there alone.”

“Jo, he is my brother.  I don’t need anyone in there.”

“It’s not going to happen Jake.”

“I'm not arguing with you, I don’t want anyone else in the room.”  I narrow my eyes at him and turn on my heel and go to the door.  I push it open then slam it behind me.  It closes harder then I expect and surprises both myself and Lewis.  I see him smile.

“I'm guessing that my brother is here?  And let me guess, he doesn’t want anyone else in the room while we talk?”  I narrow my eyes at Lewis.

“Yes, Lewis, he is here.  I do not agree with him not having an armed officer in the room; however he is one stubborn ass.  So if you are ready to talk to him, I will get him.”

“Wait Jo.  I know you think I am playing you, but I'm not.  I do want out.  I don’t want to be in this life anymore.  I just want to talk to Jake about my parents that is all.  I think an armed officer is a little over kill.  I mean I'm cuffed to the table what am I going to do?”

“I will get him,” I go back out of the room.  I walk over to Jake.  “Go ahead,” I huff at him.  I want him to know that I am pissed that he is going in there without someone with a gun.  I walk to the door with him and open it.  He glances at me and then walks into the room.  I can visibly see him tense up when he sees Lewis sitting there.  I stand there with the door open for a little bit and he turns and looks at me.  Reluctantly I close the door.  I go to the window and watch closely.  One wrong move from Lewis and I will take him out myself.  Jake sits there talking to him for about twenty minutes and I can see that he is gradually relaxing.  I can’t see his face but I can see Lewis’ and he is also relaxing as he talks to his brother. 

“Jo, I think it is time to get him out of there,” McDonald says to me.  “We have to get him processed for transfer if we are going to do this.”  I look into the room and take a deep breath.  I walk over and open the door and both of them stop talking and look at me.  I walk into the room and up next to Jake.

“So, Lewis, are you in?”

He nods, “Yes, I am.  I will do what I can to help you get in.”  Jake stands up next to me.

“Alright, well the department has to do some paperwork.  It will probably take you a day or two to get transferred up to Baltimore.  I will be back in the office on Monday; I want you to lay low until then.  We are going to put you on a five day hold once you get up there so they can’t get a hold of you until I am able to get you details.”  He nods at me.  “I will be in touch.”  I turn and motion for Jake to leave the room.  We both walk out and I close the door behind me.  He looks down and me and smiles.

“Thank you,” he kisses me.

“For what?”

“Doing this.”

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