Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (10 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“If you have family stuff to figure out I can leave,” I say without thinking about it.

“Do you want to leave?” He looks at me.

“Only if you have things to take care of, that is all I meant.  It sounds like this is a big issue.”

“That is what I pay my lawyer for; he will take care of it.  I have faith that once the company hears what he has to say they will get the issue figured out.”

“So what does the rest of your family do?”

He laughs, “You want to talk about my family?”

“Well you seem to care a lot about them, and I am curious.”

He walks up to me and moves a piece of hair out of my face, and looks at me, “why don’t we talk about you?  We spent all lunch talking about me.”

“You know about my family, I only have one brother, and he owns a restaurant.  You met my mom, who is, well interesting.”

“What about your dad?”

I look up at him, “oh yeah, um I have a step dad, his name is John.”

“Step dad?”

“Yeah, my real dad is kind of a douche bag.  I haven’t seen him since I was twelve.  He never was a part of my life really.  Came around when it was convenient for him.  My mom and he got divorced when I was two.”

“I'm sorry,” he rubs my arm.  It sends those butterflies in my stomach soaring again.  And there it is, that blush.  DAMMIT!  He smiles a little at me, “I really am sorry about that, I wasn’t trying to, I promise.”

I look up and him and see that gorgeous smile and can’t help but want him to kiss me.  “Kiss me,” I say without even thinking.

He looks shocked, “Really?”

I don’t answer but nod my head.  I feel his hand move from my arm to the back of my head and he leans down and kisses me.  It is like and electric shock goes through me.  I put my hands up to his cheeks and kiss him back.  It is almost like I needed this to make me realize how much I really do like him. 

He backs away and leans his forehead against mine but doesn’t let go of me.  I put my hands on the railing behind me to support myself because I feel like I am going to collapse.  “Wow!” is all I hear him say as he just stands there.

“Ditto,” I giggle.

He picks his head up and smiles, but this time it is a different smile.  A younger smile.  And even cuter then his heart stopping one.  “This is crazy, isn’t it?”

“What is?” I ask sort of panic as he moves out from in front of me and to the railing.  I turn sideway so that I can still see him.

“This,” he points his finger back and forth between him and I.

“It could be, but then again maybe it happened for a reason.  I mean they always say things happen for a reason.  Maybe Annie had a sixth sense,” I cringe at the thought of that, because I never believe in that kind of stuff.

“You believe in that?”

“No,” I shake my head, “not really.  But how else do you explain it?”  I can see he is thinking and processing right now.  He turns to look at me and then my phone starts ringing.  I jump, I forgot that I had been carrying it with me.  “Hello?”



“Hey, it’s Ryan.”

“Yeah, I know.  What do you want?” I turn and walk toward the steps that lead down to the lawn.

“I just got an email from Chief saying we are having a division meeting Monday afternoon.”

“Yeah, and?”

“I'm assuming this has to do with what happened this morning?”

“You know what; I really am not in the mood to talk about this right now.  Why don’t you just show up like the email says and find out just like everyone else?”

“Jo, I'm sorry about this morning ok?  I have had a lot going on lately and took it out on you.”

“Kiss my ass Ryan; you have had a lot going on?  Do you seriously think that gives you the right to treat other people like shit?  I am not having this conversation with you, good bye.” I hang up.  I turn back toward Jake.  I see him staring at me and I just lose it and start crying.  I can’t help it.  He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.  He doesn’t say anything just holds me as I cry like a baby in his arms.  I wrap my arms around his waist and don’t want to let go.

I finally get myself under control and step back away from him a little bit. “You ok?”  He looks down at me.

“I feel like an idiot, but yeah I'm fine.”  I wipe the tears away off my cheeks.

“Why do you feel like an idiot?”

“Because I was just crying like a baby,” I sit down on the top step of the stairs and look out across the lawn again.

“Because you are stressed out?”  He sits next to me and starts rubbing my back.

“I don’t know why.  I think I am overwhelmed by the last couple days.  Moving, this crap at work, and you.” I look up at him.

He turns to me. “Is it too much?  I told you Jo, I want you to be comfortable and if this is too much too fast then we can back off.”

I shake my head.  “No, it’s not that at all.  I think I am just realizing that it is time to move forward with this part of my life and it scares me.  I mean what if this doesn’t work out between us, and then there I am back at the dating game again.  There is a reason I didn’t date for the last two years.”

“Well, for one, don’t think about the “what ifs” and just be happy with what is here right now,” he moves closer to me.  “If you want me here, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere.”

“What about what you said after we kissed?”

“That this is crazy? Because it is.  Who has a connection like that after knowing each other for two days?  I have never had this before so I have no idea what is going on.”

“So what does that mean?”

“I don’t know.  I think it means that I really want this to work.  But I don’t know how to act on it.  I mean when we kissed it was amazing, and I feel like I have known you forever.  I just wish I knew what you were thinking.”

I look at him, and see that he really means it.  “I am thinking that this is crazy.  I have fallen for you hardcore and it scares the shit out of me, but I'm happy.  But as I realize that I have fallen for you I remember who you are.  And I think that scares me more, because I don’t know if I can handle being in your spotlight that you have.”

“Is that what worries you?  You think it will become about the public attention?”

“I just don’t know if I can handle it.  I mean I could barely handle the public attention I got locally when Jarrod was killed, I don’t know how I would do with national, possible worldwide attention.”

“I think you would do just fine with it, I think after the first hype of the “dating a local girl” headline it would be over.”

“You really think so?”

“Yes, I do.  Not many football players make the news for who they are dating.  There are the select few, but they are also the ones that date the famous women.  And even though you may be famous around here I don’t think it would become national news,” he chuckles.  He grabs my hand, “Let’s just do this the way we want and we can keep it as quiet as you want.”

“Who are you?”  I smile at him.

“My name is Jake,” he laughs and holds his hand out to shake.  I laugh with him and it makes me feel better.  He pulls me close and kisses my cheek.  “So have you heard back from Annie yet?”

“Surprisingly no, I haven’t, maybe I should text her again.”  I look at my phone and there is a text from her.  “Crap, she did answer me; I must not have heard it.”


Ok, we will be there.  What’s his address and when can we come over?


“Here, you answer her,” I hand him my phone.

“Is it ok if I tell her after 4:00?”  He asks me.

“Yes,” I smile.

“There, sent,” he hands me my phone back.  “So we have two hours before they get here, can I show you the back yard?  Or is there something else you want to do?”

I sit and think for a minute.  “There is something else I want to do,” I stand up and wait for him to stand up too.

“What?”  He follows me back into the living room.  I don’t answer him, but instead take out my phone and dial my mom’s number.

“Hello?” She answers.

“Hey mom, what are you and John and the girls doing?”

“Nothing, just hanging out at the house.  The girls are out back playing.  Why what’s up?”

“Well I was thinking you could pack them up and come over to Jake’s place,” I turn and look at him and he is staring at me not sure if I am serious.

“Really?  Aren’t you on a date?”

“Well sort of, we already ate lunch so I figured why not.  I want the girls to meet him.”

“Sure, I guess we can do that.  John is going to be ecstatic!”

“Ok, good, I will give you Jake and he can give you the address,” I hand the phone to Jake.  He gives my mom the address and tells her that he will see her soon.

“Why did you do that?” he pulls me close to him as I sit down on the couch and so does he.

“Because it means a lot to me that my family knows what is going on in my life.  And since you are in my life I want them to know you too.”  I look at him and can see his wheels turning.  “I just wish I would have grabbed some more comfortable clothes.  I didn’t think about how long I would be here,” I laugh.  “I knew before I left the house that Annie wanted to do dinner.”

“My sister keeps some clothes in the spare room upstairs if you want to see if they will fit you?”  He says and kisses my hand.  “But I don’t want you to change yet, you look too amazing!”  He smiles.

“You need to stop saying stuff like that to me,” I blush.

“But I like it,” he kisses my hand again. Then he moves closer to me.  “I like you,” he kisses my cheek.  “A lot,” he grabs my chin and turns it so that I am looking at him.  “Really, a lot,” he kisses me.  I feel like I lose all function when he kisses me.  I didn’t know a kiss could do this to me.  It feels so right!  I don’t pull away from him at all but he does.  “What are you doing to me?” He smiles as he sits back.

“What does that mean?”

“That means I don’t want you to leave my side, I want you here right next to me so I can kiss you and hold your hand whenever I feel like it.” He laughs.  “I have never ever felt this connection with anyone before.”

I look at him, “Well, too bad that can’t happen,” I giggle.

“Why not?”

“Because we both have a life, Jake.  I work and you play football.  Remember?”  I stand up and start toward the steps that lead to the upstairs that he showed me earlier.  “Which room?” I yell down to him.

“Second one on the left,” he yells back up.

I open the door and walk in.  I see there are clothes hanging in the closet and walk to the dresser.  I open the drawers and look for some jeans.  His sister is the same size clothes as me.  I grab a pair of jeans and look for a shirt.  I find a cute top and a hoodie.  I don’t need it now but if it cools down I will.  Then I look in the closet and hope that she has different shoes because my pumps are probably not idea for just hanging out.  I find a pair that I like in the back of the closet.  His sister must stay here once and a while to keep clothes here.  I walk into the bathroom and change.  I take a look in the mirror.  Holy crap my eyes look terrible.  I try to wash my face a little with some warm water.  Damn Ryan for interrupting my date and making me look like an idiot in front of Jake.  That reminds me.  I grab my phone and dial Chief’s cell number.  I know he isn’t at the station anymore and hope he doesn’t get upset with me calling.

“Chief Lorenz,” he answers.

“Hi Chief, this is Jo,” I say to him.

“Oh, hey Jo.  What can I do for you?”

“Well, I had anticipated getting a call from Ryan at some point this weekend but I didn’t expect to feel the way I did when I got the call.  I think I need to find a replacement.  And if it isn’t too much I would like for him to be taken off my division all together.  I can’t trust him; therefore I can’t work with him.”

“Not a problem Jo.  I know that was a hard decision for you and I applaud you for making that choice.  Given that would you be able to come to the station at about 1:00 then so you and I can discuss how to handle the next couple weeks and take a look at who would be a good replacement?”

“Yes, I can.”

“Perfect, see you then.  Have a good weekend Jo.”

“Thanks Chief.”  I hang up.  I cannot believe I just did that.  But I need to make sure that I can trust my team and I cannot trust him at this point.  I walk back out of the room and hear Jake on the phone again.

“Molly, she is amazing.  I have never felt this connection with anyone before.” I hear him say.  “Yeah, I know but this is different.  She doesn’t care about the money.” I wonder what he is talking about.  “Well, her past is complicated, but nothing that I can’t handle.  I will tell you more about that a different time.  Maybe you can meet her when you are here next weekend.”  I see him walk toward the kitchen so I start down the steps and head toward the living room.  “When do I have to pick you up?”  He walks back into the living room and smiles when he sees me sitting on the couch.  “Ok, well keep me updated if the time changes.  Ok, love you Molly.” He hangs up and sits next to me.  “Hi,” he smiles.

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