Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (13 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“What are you going to do with the girls?”

“Do with the girls for what?” Jake walks back into the dining room.

“For my meeting on Monday,” I smile at Jake.  He looks so good just hanging out and talking with me and my friends.

“I can come by and hang out with them,” Jake smiles.

Annie smiles and winks at me, “That would be good bonding time for them.”

“Are you sure?”  I ask him.

“Yeah, after scrimmage tomorrow we have morning practice Monday, I will be done by 10:00.  I can just come right to your place from there.”

I smile at him, “If you want to I am sure the girls would love that.”  Annie frowns at me.  I know why, she thinks I am being stubborn about it. 

“Perfect,” he doesn’t seem to notice at all. “Just came in the get the plate for the steaks, they should be just about ready.  You want to set the table outside or inside?”

“Outside,” Annie pipes in.  “Where are the plates and stuff we will grab them,” she grabs my arm.

“In the kitchen, first cupboard on the left and silverware is right below it.” He smiles and walks back outside.

“Jo, what is wrong with you?”

“What do you mean?” I ask as she drags me into the kitchen.

“The man is crazy about you, and your kids, and you are brushing it off as some guy coming over to hang out with them for a little bit while you go to a work meeting.”

“Isn’t that what it is?”

“Not even close!”  She grabs plates out of the cupboard and then silverware.  “He is trying so hard to show you that he accepts that you come as a package, it is either all three of you or he gets nothing.  He is trying to show you that he understands that.”

“I think you are reading way too much into this Annie.”

“No, I'm not.  Trust me!”  She turns and walks out of the kitchen and out the patio door.  I hear it close but I just stand there staring ahead at the counter.  Is she right?  Is that what he is doing?  I already know that he accepts my kids; he proved that to me today when they were here.  What is he doing then?  I don’t know, I shake my head and turn to leave and he is standing in the doorway.

“Shit, Jake you scared the crap out of me,” I put my hand on my chest to catch my breath.

“Sorry,” he steps closer to me and rubs my arm.  “What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean?”

“Jo, ever since we got here this afternoon you have been a little off.  I don’t know if this is just too much too fast or what but I would like to know.”

“If I knew I would tell you.  Something just seems, I don’t know, off.  I don’t know if it is us, me moving, or this crap with work.  I don’t feel like I am completely together today.  I think it is just this stuff with Ryan to be honest with you.  I have lost a lot of people out of my life since Jarrod died, but I didn’t think I would ever lose him.”  I look up at him.

“Where you that close with him?”

“Jake, he was my partner at work.  We took care of each other when things got bad.  There have been a lot of things that we have gotten each other through.  Jarrod’s death was one of the things he helped me through.  It hurts to think that he doesn’t have my back anymore, and also makes me wonder how long he has thought that I can’t do my job.”  I take a deep breath.  “Then there is this,” I point between the two of us, “This is completely unexpected.”

“I didn’t expect this either,” he starts, but I cut him off.

“Jake, you could have anyone you want.  You are famous as hell and have more money than most people would know what to do with.  But you still decided to have a date with me after you found out I had kids.  You didn’t know about Jarrod before you came to my house, so you had no idea about my past but you still chose to come to my house.  Why?”

I think my question surprises him.  “Because those things don’t matter to me.  So what if you have kids?  And I told you, I don’t judge people.  I thought maybe you and your ex were no longer together.  That happens all the time in today’s society.  It was none of my business until you wanted to share it with me.  Jo, whether you want to accept it or not you are a beautiful woman, and any man would be lucky to date you.  I knew that as soon as I saw you Thursday night.  I wanted to approach you but I figured you would just blow me off because of who I am.  I knew you weren’t like most of the girls I date and that it would take more than just my good looks and money to get you to go on a date with me.  So when you bumped into me I took full advantage of it.  I knew I was taking a shot by giving you my number and to be honest I never expected to hear from you.”

I look down at the floor, not sure how to wrap my head around what he was saying.  “Why me?”

“I don’t know.  There is just something about you that draws me in.  I haven’t put my finger on it yet, but I fully intent to find out,” he pulls my chin up so I am looking at him.  “Jo, I have no idea what to say to you that will make you see how I feel about you.  It’s like you are what has been missing for me.  I feel amazing when I am with you.”

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, “I do too, and that scares me because sometimes I think I'm not ready to move forward from Jarrod yet.”

“We will work through it together.  If you need space, I will give it to you.  I just ask that you don’t shut me out.  I want to be there for you as much as I can.  I have been in relationships before, but nothing that feels like this.  Most of the time I know they are going to end within a week, but this just feels right.”  He wipes the tears off my cheeks, “hey, I mean it.  Whatever you need I am here just tell me.”  I move closer to him and wrap my arms around his waist and just stand there and he holds me tight.  Maybe this is what I have been waiting for.  Maybe he is the one that I have been waiting for.  After what seems like forever I take a step back and he looks down at me.  I smile back up at him and he seems to relax a little.  “That’s better,” he brushes my cheek with his thumb.  “I love that smile.”

“We should probably go out by Annie and Michael; they will think we got lost.”

Chapter Five


“I had a really good day,” I say to Jake as he turns to leave the house after he drops me off.

“Me too.  I wish I didn’t have to leave so soon but I need to get some sleep or coach will kick my ass.” He smiles at me.  “When will I see you again?”


“Ok, sounds good.  Should I stop and get something for lunch?  I will probably leave practice about 10:30 or so.”

“Sure, I bet the girls would really like that.”

“What about you?”

“And me,” I smile at him.  “As long as I get to see you I'm happy.  I would think you would know that by know.  I thought we came to that understanding earlier?”

“Yeah, we did.” 

I lean up against the door frame.  “You know what; you are too good looking for me.” I laugh.

“I don’t think so,” he leans in toward me.  “I think we look perfect together.”  He kisses me, a much more sensual kiss then any so far.  I feel the butterflies in my stomach and I feel the need in his kiss.  He doesn’t stop for what seems like forever until I can’t take anymore and pull back from him.  “Sorry,” he says trying to catch his breath.

“For what?”  I kiss his jaw line.

“I was just in a trance.  I don’t know what is going on,” he laughs.  “It’s like I can’t get enough of you.” He runs his fingers down my cheek to my neck.

“You should probably stop before you don’t want to leave.”

“Too late for that,” he kisses me again, a short kiss this time.  “I will talk to you later?”

“Yes,” I smile, “good luck tomorrow.”

“I don’t need luck,” he smirks.  “I will text you when I get home,” he turns and walks to his car.  I watch as he gets in and starts the car and backs out of the driveway.  He waves as he drives off.

“Holy shit!”  Are the only words I can think right now.  I turn and walk into the house and lock the door.  I look around the living room.  I still have pictures to hang, and I need to do something about my room.  That is where I will start.  I grab my phone and take it up stairs and turn on some music and hook it up to my speakers.  I start organizing my clothes and lose myself in what I am doing.  Next thing I know I look at the clock at it is 10:00.  Jake dropped me off at 8:30 I wonder why he hasn’t text me yet.  I grab my phone and pause my music. 


I haven’t heard from you, everything ok?


I figured I would have heard from him over an hour ago.  I go back to putting the last of my clothes in the dresser and my phone pings.


Yes, I'm sorry.  I have been on the phone with my lawyer.  He was going over details with me of the proposal they are going to offer the union.  And I am now going to bed have to be up at 6am.  Miss yo

Miss you too, can’t wait to see you Monday…


I finish with my bedroom and crawl in bed.  I flip on the local news and see if I missed anything new today, but it is just the same old crap.  I do see though that the station Jarrod was at is having a fundraiser next week.  I have to remember to stop by and see the guys.  I will see them in a few weeks for his memorial but I like to stay in touch with some of the guys.  I am in thought about calling one of the guys when I see my face on the screen. 

“Local detective Jodene Lewis has been seen hanging out with football super star Jackson Adams, we don’t know what the story is behind it, but they sure are a cute couple if they are seeing each other…”

The news anchors voice rings in my head.  I don’t know what to do.  Jake is most likely sleeping by now but this needs to be taken care of sooner rather than later.  I pick up my phone and dial his number.

“Hello?” he answers.

“Sorry if I woke you up, but I just saw myself on the local news and they were saying that I have been seen hanging out with football superstar Jackson Adams,” I'm in a panic.

“Jo, its fine.  I will have my PR take care of it tomorrow.”

“Jake, how do they know?”

“I have no idea.  Probably someone posted outside my house, or someone saw us outside yours and called the news station.  Hey, it’s fine.  Not like it’s a big scandal or isn’t true right?”

“I was just hoping to tell everyone before they found out like that.”

“Maybe no one saw it,” he sounds hopeful.

“Yeah, maybe,” and just as I say that there is a beep for my call waiting.  I look at my phone and it is Jarrod’s mom.  “Shit, I have to go.  So much for no one seeing it.”  I hang up with him and click over to Barb’s line.  “Hello?” I answer it,

“Hey Jo, its Barb.”

“Oh, hey Barb.”

“How are you?  I was going to call you earlier today after I saw what happened last night but I lost track of time and forgot.”

“I'm good.  I had forgotten what it was like to get my adrenaline pumping like that though.  Brought back the good old days when I was still on the patrol squad.”

“I bet,” she laughed.  “Listen sweetie, I just wanted to call and touch base with you.  I know you are going through a ton of stuff right now and I just want you to know that Luke and I are here for you if you need us for anything.”

“I think you guys have done more than enough for me.  You bought the house I would say that about covers more than most in laws would do,” I laugh.  “I know you guys are there for me, trust me that is something that I will never forget.”

“Well good, so now that I got that out of the way,” oh shit here it comes.  “I saw the news tonight.”

“Oh yeah, anything interesting?” I hope and pray that she didn’t see what I think she did. “Yeah, that my daughter in law has a new guy in her life.”

I sigh, “I'm sorry, we were trying to keep it under wraps because I wanted to tell everyone.  Apparently the press works fast.  We just started seeing each other this week.”

“So you are really dating Jackson Adams?”  I can hear the shock in her voice.

“Yeah, I am.  Actually the girls and my parents met him tonight.”

“Jo, honey that is so awesome.  I'm so happy for you.  Way to go.” She laughs.

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

“Oh honey, I'm just happy you’re dating.  I didn’t know if you would ever date again after Jarrod.  I know he would be happy knowing that you have found someone.  So is he as nice as he looks?”

I smile, “nicer, if you can imagine that.  He is an amazing guy, and the girls love him.  Barb I have not seen them so comfortable with someone since Jarrod.”

I can hear the tears in her voice, “that is so amazing.  I knew you would find someone else after Jarrod.  He wouldn’t let you go through life alone.  I bet he is up there setting this all up for you.”  I shake my head.  I knew she would say something like that.

“Well I hope he is happy because I think I am.”

“That’s so good.  You don’t know how worried I was about you there for a little while.  I knew you were talking to some new guys but I didn’t think any of them worked.”

“No, most guys run at the kids thing,” I laugh.  I remember telling Jake that and his reaction.  “He adores the girls though, and like I said they had a blast with him tonight.”

“Well, Luke and I would love to meet him.  I mean if that isn’t too weird?”

“Oh no, absolutely I will introduce you guys.  I just want to let this thing calm down a little first.  I was actually on the phone with him when you called telling him what I saw on the news.”

“Oh, well I will let you get back to him, if he is still holding.”

“I'm sure he isn’t, he has that game tomorrow and he has to be up really early.  I think I will just let him sleep.  But to be completely honest I'm sure you aren’t the only one that saw it so I am sure I will get more calls and text.”

“Well, remember what I said, if you need anything don’t hesitate to call Luke or me, we love you Jo.”

“Thanks Barb, I love you guys too.”

“Good night,” she hangs up the phone.  That went better than I had expected.  I wonder who else saw.  I hope not too many people, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it is on the morning news as well.  I put my phone down on the bed and look at the TV.  Who would have seen us?

I am lying there almost asleep when my phone rings about a half hour later.  I look at it and see that it is Jake.  “Hello?”

“Hey,” he says quietly, “I called my PR and she is on top of it.  There shouldn’t be any more reports until we confirm anything.  She knows it’s true, but she understands that we want it private right now.”

“Thank you,” I smile.  “It means a lot to me that you did that.”

“Anything for you, you should know that by now.”

“I want to know how they found out in the first place.  I just can’t believe that people are that nosey.”

“We will probably never find out how they got that information.  Joan said it is probably only local so it should be easy to contain since you caught it right away.”

“Well thank you,” I relax a little hoping that not many people watch the late news.  “Go to bed now, I promise I won’t bother you again.”

“I don’t mind being bothered by you,” I hear him smile.  “Good night Jo.”

“Night Jake,” I hang up and put my phone on my nightstand.  I really hope that this stays quiet, just a little while longer.  At least until I can tell all my close friends and family.  Guess I should start making some phone calls in the morning.

The next thing I know I am awake and I look at the clock and it is 9:30.  I am not used to sleeping this late.  It has been amazing.  I look at my phone.  I have five missed phone calls and about a dozen text messages.  I look at the missed calls.  Two of them are from my mom, probably wondering when I am coming over.  Then one from Bobby, my guess he saw me on the news last night.  There is one from Annie, I'm sure she saw the news as well.  Then there is one from Jake.  He should be getting ready for the game I wonder why he is calling.  I open my text messages. 


Jo, I need you to call me as soon as you wake up.


It’s from Jake.  He sent it at like 7:00 this morning.  Weird something must be up.


Jo, please call me when you get up.


Another one from Jake.  I don’t read the rest of them I call him.  “Did you just wake up?” He answers the phone.

“Yes, I did.  What’s going on?”

“Jo, Joan couldn’t contain it.  Apparently when the local station got it here the first place they went with it was to their national sister station.  I'm so sorry.”

“So another words everyone is going to know by now?”

“Yeah, probably.”

“That explains all the calls and text I have then.”

“Well, I text you like six times.  I can’t believe you were still sleeping.”

“Hey, I have had a very exhausting last couple days.”

He laughs, “I know, I'm just kidding.”

“So, what do we do now?”

“Well, I'm thinking that there might be some press at your place.  This is a bigger deal that I had originally thought.  If there is, just stay calm and go about your normal business.  If there isn’t anyone there that is a good thing, that means as of right now they don’t know where you live.  Which considering you just moved, might be the case.  But you may want to warn your mom and possibly Jarrod’s parents too.  This might blow up because of him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I watched some of the report this morning and they dug up your past.  They know about Jarrod and what happened with him.  They aren’t saying anything bad at all, just basically doing a report on you.”

“Jake, I don’t know if I can handle this.”

“Please don’t give up on me.  I will get this under control.  I promise you that.  After the game today I have my morning practice tomorrow then we have off for a few days.  I have time to get things figured out and put back on track.  Jo, I promise I will fix this.  Let’s just go with the flow, remember?”

“Yeah,” I am in panic mode again.  I just turned on the news and there I am and there is the headline.  I read it out loud, “Jackson Adams has gotten himself involved with the widowed detective from Baltimore, Jodene Lewis.”

“Hey,” he says quietly.  “I’ll fix it.”

“I know you will,” I get out of bed and look out the window to the front lawn.  “I don’t see anyone outside.”

“That’s good.  Listen, I will call you later.  I left a meeting to take your call so I could let you know I am taking care of this.”

“Ok, thank you,” I smile.  “Thanks for taking care of me.”

“That’s all I want to do,” he says quietly again.  “Talk to you later.”

“Ok, bye.” I hang up the phone and look out the window.  I don’t see anyone out there.  I really hope there is no one out there.  I don’t know if I can handle that right now.  Although at this point I'm not sure I have a choice.  I check the rest of my text and Jake sent five more and then I have three from Ryan and one from Annie.  I ignore Ryan’s and look at Annie’s and she wants me to call her.

“It took you a long time to call me back.”  She answers.

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