Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (20 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“So Jake tells me there is any amazing seafood place not far from here?”

“Oh yeah, George’s.  It’s within walking distance.  All of their food is freshly caught.  If it is older than two- days they donate to local food shelters.  Did he want to take you?”

“Yeah, he was hoping that he and I could go there while we were down here.”

“Oh yes, you must go.  Mark and I go every time we come down.  It is definitely something to check out if you are a seafood person, but let me warn you, once you go back to the city you will find nothing like it,” she laughs.

“I can imagine not.  There aren’t very many good seafood places in the city.”

“So where do you live?”

“Curtis Bay,” I smile at her.

“Will the girls be going to Wilson?”

“Yes they will.”

“Awesome, that is where Bridgette and Morgan both go.  Hopefully they will see each other.  This will be their first year there right?”

“Yes, Lizzy went to Weston last year.  This is Abby’s first year.”

“Morgan’s too.  I hope they are in the same class.  That would be very good for them to start out with friends.  Especially Morgan, she is so shy around other kids.”

“Abby is the same way, but she warms up pretty quickly.”

“Well that is good.  My Morgan she is something else.  I don’t know where she gets her shyness from because neither Mark nor I are shy.”  I smile at her.  She is so nice, and that makes me feel so much more comfortable here.  “You and I should go to the salon this afternoon.  Get a little mommy time,” she smiles.  “I need a haircut and the ladies over there are so good.  And I could go for a pedi too.”  I look at her a little shocked not really sure what to say.  She is acting like she is my best friend and we just met.  It’s almost like she can read my mind and walks up closer to me.  “Listen Jo, I know how hard it is to come into this life.  Mark and I have been together for ten years, which makes us high school sweethearts, but I have seen a lot of girls come and go out of a lot of the guys’ lives.  I will tell you right now, this is not an easy life, but if you make friends and just live it the way you feel most comfortable you will be just fine.  Jake is a great guy and I have seen him go through so much bull shit over the last five years I just want him to be happy.  I think you give him that,” she puts her hand on mine, “I see that you are happy too.  I heard about all of the stuff that you have been through and you probably think that you are in way over your head here, but it gets easier.”

I smile, “thanks, and that does sound wonderful.  I was just thinking the other day I could go for a good cut and maybe some color.  I am trying to move forward from everything in the last couple years and could go for a little change.”

“Perfect, how about after lunch?  I'm sure the girls will be tired enough to just hang out and watch a movie.  And Melissa is wonderful with kids.  She adores my girls.  Not only that but then Mark and Jake can have some time to chill.”

“Sounds good,” I smile at her.

“Good, I will call them right now.  I'm sure they aren’t that busy but I will make sure they know we are coming.  Why don’t you go out and relax on the deck, I will be out in just a couple minutes.”

“Ok,” I stand up and grab my glass of wine.  I walk out the door and go down the steps toward the pool.  I can see Jake and Mark standing close by talking.  Jake sees me and smiles.  I go and sit on one of the lounge chairs by the pool.  This is so nice.  I lay back and put my sunglasses on and close my eyes.  I feel the warm sun beating on my skin.  I forgot what it was like to get out and get sun.  I have been so busy with the girls and work that I don’t get to sit and relax very often.  I hear Lisa come out and start talking to Mark but I don’t hear Jake anywhere.  I sit up and look toward where Mark and Lisa are standing but I don’t see him at all.  Then I hear the gate close to the pool and look over and see him walking toward me.  He must have gone upstairs and changed because he is now in only swimming trunks.  I realize that my mouth is hanging open at the site of him.  There is that body again.  I don’t think I will ever get used to looking at him and not being in awe.

“There is that look again,” he smiles and sits on my lounger.

“What look?” I ask knowing exactly what he is talking about.

He just shakes his head, “so Lisa told me that you and she are going to go out for a bit after lunch?”

“Yeah, it was her idea.  I could use a haircut and some color.” I smile at him.

“Man you are all about changing things lately aren’t you?”

“Start of a new chapter right?” I take a sip of my wine.

“Yes,” he smiles and bends down and kisses me.  “You look good, by the way.  I like these shorts on you.  I don’t think I have seen you in shorts yet.”  I blush, of course and he shakes his head at me.  “So when did you want to do dinner?”

“Maybe tomorrow night?”

“Ok, sounds good.  Did you happen to bring the pink dress that I like so much along with you?”

“Jake,” I slap his arm and he smiles at me.

“What, I like it, it looks amazing on you.”  He stands up and goes to the chair next to me.  “Did you text Lucas and let him know we made it?”

“Yes, when I was upstairs.”  I look up and Mark and Lisa and they are watching Jake and me.  “I'm I the only girl you have ever introduced to your friends?”

“No, why?”

“Just wondering, everyone seems so happy that I am here.”

He looks at me and smiles, “That is because you are the only one that I have actually been happy about them meeting.  I told you after my college days I didn’t stay long with one girl.  They probably never met any of them more than one time.”

“Jake, what are we going to be like once this week is over?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I am going back to work on Monday, and you will be back at it on the field.  We won’t see as much of each other anymore.”

“No, you’re right, we won’t, but nothing will change.  And I promise, you will still see me as often as possible.”

“Well, with me going back to work it is possible that I won’t be around as much.  I don’t work set hours, and a lot of times I might not get home until late.  Especially now being in charge.  I knew taking this position that I was going to have long crappy hours.”

“Well then when we do see each other it will be better wont it?” He smiles at me.  “Let’s just enjoy this time right now and worry about that when it comes down to it.”

“Sounds perfect,” I take another sip of wine.  It tastes really good; I have to remember to ask Lisa what kind it is before we leave.

“Hey you two, lunch is ready,” I see Mark standing on the porch looking at us.

“Ok,” Jake yells back.  He stands up and puts his hand out for me to grab.  I grab it and stand up and as soon as I am up he pulls me into a kiss.  “Let’s go eat,” he leads me up to the house. I am sitting there watching the girls eat and listening to Jake and Mark talk about a couple of the trips that they have taken together and just smile.  This is what a real family is, a bunch of people that get along and care about each other.  I miss having this.  I have my family and I have Jarrod’s family but we are nothing like this.  Usually it is a quiet dinner then the girls go off and play and I am stuck talking about Jarrod and how I am doing.  I love his parents to death but they need to realize that it is time for me to move forward.  I remember what Barb told me about how happy she was that I found someone and that I am moving forward.  I hope that she is honest about that, because I am happy and I am ready for this change.

“Ready?” Lisa is standing next to me at the bar.

“Yep, let’s go,” I smile at her.

“It’s only about a block away we can walk if you want?”

“Sure, sounds perfect.  I need to work off all that tuna salad that I just ate,” I laugh.  “Let me go say good bye to Jake.”  She smiles as I turn and walk out to the porch where he is on the phone.  I think he is talking to his lawyer about his dad again.

“Yeah, sounds great Dan.  Thanks again for all your work.”  He hangs up and turns when he sees me walk up to him.  “Hey,” he says with a big smile on his face.

“Hey, good news?”

“The best.  The union took the deal and my dad is getting what he was promised and a little more because they feel guilty for trying to screw him out of his pension.” Jake picks me up into a hug.  “That is a huge weight off my chest and I am so glad it’s over.” He puts me back down.  “Are you heading out?”

“Yeah, I guess we are going to walk Lisa says it isn’t far.”

“Good, well have fun,” he bends down and pulls me into a kiss.  “I will miss you.”

“Jake, I will only be gone a couple hours.”

“So, doesn’t mean I won’t miss you.”  I laugh and shake my head and walk back into the house.  Lisa is standing in the hallway and we head out.  We get to the salon and they start working on putting some color into my hair.  The stylist has an idea for my hair and I tell her to do it because I'm up for a change.  She smiles and gets to work.  Lisa is sitting next to me and they start putting some color in her hair too. 

“So, tell me about you,” she smiles.  “I'm sure I will be seeing more of you so we might as well become friends.”

“Well, what do you know?” I chuckle.

“Just what they have reported about you.  I know about Jarrod, that’s his name right?”  I nod at her and smile.  “And I know that you are a cop.”

“Detective actually.  Basically a cop without as much of a threat to get shot at,” I laugh when she looks at me in question.  “I investigate juvenile crimes, anything that underage kids are involved in, whether they are the ones that commit the crimes or if something happens to them.  A lot of our crimes are drug related.  Trying to get dealers off the streets and such.  I actually just got total control over an entire team yesterday.”

“Oh, the boss huh?” She smiles.

“Yeah, pretty much.  The only down fall of being the boss is I will be more active on the street then I was before.  When my partner and I did things he usually was the one that went to the location at question and did the snooping around, but now I will be more involved in it.  Makes it a little more dangerous, but my team is great and we have each other’s backs so we are pretty safe.”

“Wow, I give you props, I would never be able to walk into something knowing that someone could shoot at me.” I see her shiver.  “Makes me grateful to know that there are people like you there taking care of us.  I remember Mark saying something about a guy breaking into your house?”

I laugh a little, “yeah, mine and Jake’s first date.  My first night in the new place I'm at.  It was a pretty eventful night.  Some guy that tried breaking out of jail.  He was a common thief so I don’t think he would have been any real danger.  He was probably in for like two years when he got put in, but now I'm sure he is looking at probably ten maybe more.”

“Wow, some people aren’t very smart are they?”

“No, that’s for sure.”

“So have you met any of Jake’s family yet?”

“No, probably not for a while.  He said something about not being able to go back until their bye week.”

“Oh really?  He is usually one to go home every few weeks just for a day or two.”

“Yeah, he told me that, and then he told me that he wants to spend time with me instead.”  She looks over at me in shock.

“I tell you Jo, I have not seen him like this.  Even with that bitch in college.  He has it bad for you.  Really bad!”

I smile, “yeah, I have heard that.  Mark told me the same thing when we first got down here.  But, I feel the same way.  I have been through a lot and like I told Jake, I'm ready to move forward from my past.  Don’t get me wrong, I will always love Jarrod, but there is no point in the girls and I to be stuck grieving over him for the rest of our lives.  The part that I am in awe about is how quickly the girls have taken to him.”

“I see how much he cares about them.  Mark said you are all he talks about when they are at practice.”

“Really?”  I smile at the thought.  Who would have thought someone like him would be talking about me when he is with all his buddies.

“Yeah, you know what; the four of us should do dinner tonight.  I know you said he wants to take you to George’s this week but we could go someplace else.  There is a really nice place uptown it is a dinner and dancing club.  I think it would be a lot of fun.”

“What about the kids?”

“Jo, that is what Mark and I pay a nanny for.  Trust me; she will be fine with it.”

“I feel bad making her watch my girls too.”

“Trust me, I pay her plenty.  It won’t be an issue.”  She smiles at me.  “After we are done here we can go to one of the shops up the street and find something cute to wear.”

“Sure, sounds like fun.” We sit and talk for about two hours while they are doing our hair and working on our feet.  We are just getting done when I hear my phone ping for a text.


How is it going?  I miss you


I smile when I see it.  He is so cute.


Good, almost done here then we are going to go up the street and do a little shopping.  Lisa was thinking the 4 of us could do dinner tonight.  What do you think?

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