Unexpected Love (Jo's Story) (19 page)

BOOK: Unexpected Love (Jo's Story)
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“Jake, you have no idea what you do to me.  And I don’t think it’s fair that you have that smile that can make me blush at the drop of a hat.  Now will you go get ready for bed because I have had a very long day and tomorrow isn’t going to be any better.” I smile at him.  He gets out of bed, grabs some stuff out of his bag and goes to the bathroom.  I lie down in the bed and turn on the news.  I am thinking to myself that maybe I should stop watching the news so I don’t see myself on it anymore when I see mine and Jake’s faces.  This time it is the fact that they have linked me to the capture of the guy from the jail break and that I am the one that caught him in my house.  Also it sounds like they have confirmed that we are indeed dating.  I wonder about how that could have happened.

“I had Joan call them so the rumors would stop,” he says as he sees me watching the report.  “I didn’t want things getting out of hand and she told me that if I confirmed it they would stop digging things up.  I hope you’re not mad,” he crawls in bed next to me.

I smile at him; he has opted not to wear a shirt to bed tonight and is in shorts.  “Why would I be mad?”

“I should have talked to you first, but she called while you were gone.  Then we had that fight and I honestly had forgotten about it until I just saw that.”

“Its fine, hopefully they will stop mentioning Jarrod now.  I don’t want the girls to see him on the news again.  I don’t know how they would react.” 

“I'm glad you’re not mad.  And I'm hoping that this will calm down the reports a little bit.  Now, let’s talk about our little get away,” he smiles.  “If you don’t object too much, there is this great place down the beach from Mark’s place that has amazing seafood that I would like to take you to.  I was hoping that just you and I could go one night?”

“I'm sure we could manage that,” I smile at him.  I cannot get enough of looking at him.  He looks even more amazing without a shirt on.  I knew he was fit, but good lord it is crazy how muscular he is.  I just want to run my hand down his abs and feel them.  I blush at the thought and hope he didn’t catch it.  I look up at him and realize that he knows exactly what I am thinking.

“It’s just a body Jo.  Nothing special.”

“Oh whatever.  You know you are absolutely gorgeous!”  I lie back on my pillow and pull the covers up.

“And I keep telling you that you are but yet you don’t listen to me.”  He turns off the lights and TV.  I feel him lay down in the bed and move closer to me.  “You are beautiful Jo, and I will never let you forget that.”  I feel him move his hand across my stomach and pull me close to him.  He starts kissing my neck and running his hand up my side.  My breath catches is my throat and it’s like electricity is running through my body at every contact he makes.  I run my fingers up his arm and feel every outline of the muscles.  He pulls me even closer and props himself up one his free arm.  He stops kissing me at looks at me.  “I want this so bad, but I don’t know if you do.”  I can’t say anything, my mind is frozen.  After the day that we had today this feels so right, but we have only known each other for not even a week yet.  “I'm not going to do anything that you don’t give me permission to.  And I'm not going to expect you to give me everything Jo.  I want whatever you want.”

I reach up with my other hand and touch his chest which is now almost right above me and feel him respond to my touch.  I run my fingers up to his neck and pull him back down to me and kiss him.  A deep passionate kiss.  One that even surprises me.  He runs his fingers up my side and to my shoulder.  He pulls away from kissing me and goes to my neck and shoulder again.  I am so out of my mind crazy for this man right now that I cannot think.  I want him so bad, but I feel like this needs to wait.  “Jake,” I say.  He stops and looks at me.  “We can’t do this.  We have only known each other for five days.  This is crazy.”

“Isn’t that what this relationship is based on is craziness,” he laughs and backs away from me a little bit.

I don’t know what I want right now.  My mind is saying take it slow, but my body is saying let this gorgeous hunk of man kiss and love me.  He props himself up on his elbow and looks at me.  I turn my head and look into his eyes.  He is so amazing and crazy gorgeous.  I don’t know how I can resist him.  I reach up and touch his cheek.  He closes his eyes as I run my fingers down his cheek to his chin and to his neck.  He doesn’t move, just lets me touch him and run my fingers across his chest and to his arm.  “Jake, this is crazy,” I say before I move so that I am kissing him again.  He pulls me close to him and this time; there is no way that I am stopping him.

Chapter Ten


“Hey Jo, we are only about five minutes from Mark’s place,” Jake wakes me up.  He opted to drive this morning when we left so that I could get more rest.  Lizzy was up again with bad dreams and ended up sleeping with us.  I of course did not sleep the entire time she was in our bed because she kept tossing and turning.  I look in the back seat and both girls are sleeping like I figured they would.

I look out the window and see all the big houses that we are driving past.  “Holy crap, these places are huge,” I say.

He laughs, “yeah, that they are.  You didn’t expect them to be shacks did you?”

“No, I guess not, I just didn’t expect them to be this big.  I don’t think I have ever been around here.”

“We are south of all the hotels and resorts.  This is mostly all privately owned.  Probably won’t see a whole lot of people down here.”  He grabs my hand, “did you get some sleep?”

“Yeah, a little bit.  I feel bad for Lizzy, I hope she doesn’t get that down here, I would feel really bad if she woke everyone else up.”

“I'm sure she will be fine.  They can just stay downstairs with us then we shouldn’t have to worry about her waking anyone up.”  He looks over at me.  “She could have picked a better time to wake up though,” he tries to joke.  I know exactly what he is talking about.  I smile. 

“Yeah, I'm sure she could have.  Sorry,” I look over at him.  I wanted it just as bad as he did last night and next thing I know I am going down to Lizzy’s room taking care of a nightmare.  Maybe it was for the better, as much as I wanted him last night, we have only been together for a few days and things are moving fast as it is.

“Don’t be sorry.  Just makes it all more special.  Besides, maybe it’s better we wait a while.  I know you said last night you wanted to wait. I respect that Jo, you know that.  I'm not going to push you.”

“I know,” I smile at him.  I watch out the window as he slows down and turns into a driveway.  The place is amazing.  I can see that it is two sides.  I think it is awesome that they own both sides and let his mother-in-law stay on one side.  I see the front door open and a very handsome guy walks out and two little girls follow.  I see Jake smile and turn the car off. 

“Ready to meet some friends of mine?”  He looks over at me.

“Sure,” I can’t help but smile.  I'm thinking that he and Mark are pretty close because he has been really excited about this since he brought it up.  He gets out of the car.  I see him shake hands with Mark and give the girls both a hug.  I open my door and get out also and walk up next to him.

“Mark, this is Jo.” He smiles.

“Jo, it’s so nice to meet you.  I hear about you pretty much all day every day.” He laughs.  I shake his outreached hand.  He introduces me to his daughters and then asks about my girls. 

“They are both sleeping.  My oldest had a bad night last night.” I smile up at Jake.

“She had a bad dream and ended up sleeping with us,” he smiles at Mark.  I walk back to the car and wake them both up.  Lizzy looks around and realizes that we are no longer driving.

“Are we here?” She smiles.

“Yes we are. Ready to meet some of Jake’s friends?” I smile at her.  I can see the excitement in her face as she unbuckles and cannot get out of the car fast enough.  She runs over to Jake and he picks her up and introduces her to everyone as I work on waking up Abby.  She is a little shyer once I finally get her out of the car, but warms up when she sees that Mark’s girls are the same age as her.  She loves playing with other kids so I think she gets excited about having someone other than Jake and me to play with for the next four days.  Mark invites us into the house.

“Lisa went to the store to get some stuff for lunch.  I know you said you guys wanted to go out and get something, but I figured we could just cookout here, let you guys get settled in,” he smiles at me.

“You don’t have to do that,” I protest.

“No worries, we love having company, and I would do anything for Jake,” he smiles.  He looks around the kitchen where we are now standing and sees if Jake is out of ear shot.  “He is extremely happy,” he smiles at me.  “I have not seen him like this, ever.  He and I went to college together and I came right here from Texas, but even with Trisha he was not like this.”

“Trisha?  Is that the cheating ex fiancé?”

“That would be the one.  I mean yeah he loved her, but he wasn’t this happy.  I mean the guy has even started playing better.  Even the coaches are talking about how good he is playing this year.  They think it is just his experience, I think it is you,” he smiles at me.  I of course blush.

“Well, I'm glad I can help the team out,” I joke trying to take the attention off of me.

He laughs, “Maybe he will get us a bunch of wins this year.  He keeps it up and I won’t let him ever let you escape.”

“Hey,” Jake walks into the kitchen.  “What rooms do you want us to stay in?”

“Well, you guys can either stay in the basement, or you can take the third floor room.  The girls sleep on the second, so if Abby and Lizzy want to sleep with them you would be closer on the third.  You have your own big room and bathroom,” he smiles. 

Jake looks at me, “what do you want to do?”

“It’s up to the girls.” I look outside; they have already bolted out with Mark’s girls and the nanny.  I'm guessing they are going to want to stay with the girls.  “I will go ask them,” I turn and go out the sliding door.  I walk up to where they are playing on the swing set. 

“Hi, I'm Melissa,” the nanny introduces herself to me.

“Hi Melissa, I'm Jo.  I'm Abby and Lizzy’s mom.” I put my hand out to shake. She shakes my hand and smiles sweetly.  I'm guessing she is in her early twenties. 

“Well, don’t worry about them; I will keep a close eye on them.”

I smile, “Well thank you.  It will be nice to know they have other kids to play with and a watchful eye.”  I walk closer to them.  “Hey girls,” I say.  All four of them stop playing and look at me.  “So, do you want to stay down in the basement with Jake and me, or do you want to stay upstairs with Bridgette and Morgan?”

“Upstairs,” Lizzy answers. I laugh because I knew that she was going to say that. 

“Alright, we will put your stuff upstairs.” I turn and walk back toward the house.  I tell Melissa that if the girls get out of hand to let me know.  She smiles and nods.  I'm sure she is used to having kids around that might throw a fit, but it makes me feel better knowing that she knows to come get me if she needs to.  I walk back into the house and see that Mark and Jake are no longer in the kitchen.  I walk toward the living room and hear them talking near the bar.

“Jake, she is gorgeous.  When you told me she was pretty I had no idea.  And she’s a cop?”  I hear Mark say.

“Well a detective.  She doesn’t patrol.  She is probably less likely to get hurt, which makes me feel better.” I hear him take a drink.

“But still, that’s amazing that she has a good career, and her kids are cute.”

“Yeah, that they are.  I tell you what, I always knew I wanted kids, and even though they aren’t mine I love spending every minute I can with them.”

“So, you think she will want more if things work out?  I know you always wanted at least one of your own.”

“Not sure.  But to be completely honest with you, it wouldn’t bother me if she didn’t, I'm ok with the two she has,” he laughs.  “Although it would be nice to have a boy.  Maybe to carry on my legacy.”

Mark laughs, “Your legacy?  You mean the one that you play out your ass when you’re in love.”

“Yeah, something like that,” he laughs back.  I slowly walk into the living room.  Mark sees me and smiles.

“Let me guess, they want to sleep by my girls?”

“Of course they do,” I smile back. “I pretty much knew the answer, but I just wanted to check.  So what’s up?”  I sit on the stool next to Jake.

“Nothing,” he smiles and kisses my temple.  “Just talking about football.”

I shake my head, “I see.  Well should we get our stuff put away so that I can relax and enjoy my little vacation?”

“Sure, we can do that.”  He finishes his beer and gets up.  We walk out to the car and grab all the bags from the trunk and head upstairs.  We put the girls’ bags on the floor where they will be sleeping then go up to the next floor.  It is amazing.  It’s a loft room and a bathroom.  When I walk in I see that the room has a balcony and our own private table out there.  I cannot believe that I am here right now.  I set my bag on the bed and walk out to the balcony.  Such an amazing view.  I can see the beach and I look down and I can see the girls all still playing.  I see that Melissa is now chasing them around and having just as much fun as they are.  I smile at the thought of something like that.  I never thought it was possible to live this life.  I feel Jake’s arms around me and he pulls me close.  “What are you thinking?”

“How amazing this is,” I put my arms over his.  “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For sharing your life with me.  Jake I would never see anything like this if you weren’t a part of my life.”

“I just want to make sure you are happy.  I don’t want you running away on me,” he kisses my neck under my ear.  It sends shivers down my back.

“I am, truly,” I smile.  I don’t think I could be any happier right now.  Just standing here like this is amazing.  I don’t think he understands how much I have been missing and needing this.  I didn’t realize it until he came into my life. Now I don’t think I could go without him. 

“Well, Lisa should be back soon.  Want to go down and hang out with Mark?”

“Why don’t you go down, I will be there in a bit?  I just want to stand here and look at this amazing view.”

He laughs, “Ok, don’t be too long.” He kisses my cheek and turns back toward the door.  “You heard our conversation downstairs didn’t you?”  He turns back toward me.

I turn and look at him with a smile on my face, “what if I did?”

He shakes his head, “I guess I will be more careful how loud I talk,” he jokes.  He turns around and goes downstairs.  I just stand there looking into the room and think about what I did hear.  I already knew he adored my girls, I knew he wanted kids, he told me that already.  We had the discussion about our feelings; it really isn’t anything I didn’t already know.  Except maybe that he is concerned about my job.  I go over and sit on the bed.  Most people are concerned about my job.  They think that I shouldn’t be a cop.  Jarrod and I had that discussion many times.  I remember him telling me how much he hated that I was going to be in danger.  But I could tell him the same thing.  I didn’t run into burning buildings and take the chance of not coming back out.  He didn’t like that I was vulnerable to get shot at.  It has never happened and I have been a cop for seven years.  I think it is cute that Jake wants to protect me, I just hope the fact that he makes tons of money doesn’t make him bring up that I won’t have to work if we stay together.  I'm pretty sure that would be a fight.  I always told myself I would always work.  I would never live off of someone else.  I am just sitting there thinking when I hear my phone ping for a text.


Hey sis, just checking on if you made it down to the beach yet?


I was supposed to let Lucas know when I got there.  I smile; he is always worried about me too.  I wish people would stop fussing over me.


Made it in one piece, enjoying my amazing room right now then going down to start off my wonderful vaca!!


I throw my phone back on the bed and get up and walk back to the balcony.  I take a deep breath and look at the water.  This is truly amazing.  I'm so glad that I decided to come down here with Jake.  If we would have stayed at a hotel we would definitely not have this view, or this kind of privacy.  Now the girls can play and be happy and I don’t have to worry about them getting into too much trouble.  “Jo, Lisa is back, you want to come down?” Jake is standing in the door way.

“Yeah,” I turn around.  I walk past the bed and grab my phone and shove it in my pocket and follow him downstairs.  Once we get down to the kitchen he introduces me to Mark’s wife Lisa.  She is very pretty and I can tell she is used to this life style.  Dressed very elegantly.  Jake and Mark take the burgers out to the porch and start the grill up.  I can hear them laughing as I sit there watching Lisa put stuff away.  “Are you sure you don’t need help with anything?”

“Oh no, I’ve got it under control.” She smiles and pours us each a glass of wine.  “So, how are you enjoying the place so far?” She smiles sweetly at me.

“This place is beautiful.  I was standing upstairs thinking I am so much happier to be here then a hotel.” I laugh.

“Oh, please don’t ever stay at a hotel down here.  You, Jake, and the girls are more than welcome here anytime.  The hotels are so overpriced and you don’t have the privacy there that you get here.”

“Thank you so much.”

“No problem at all.  I wonder if Mark has told Jake that we are selling the other half.  My mom decided that it is too big for her now.  She is getting up there in age and doesn’t do so well taking care of it anymore.”  I don’t say anything I just sit there looking at her.  Why would Mark tell Jake?  Has he been coming down here a lot?  I can’t think about why she would have said that.  So I change the subject.

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