Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 (7 page)

BOOK: Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2
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Miki rolled over with a groan, her whole body throbbed like a rock band at Big Day Out. Her mouth was dry and her tongue and lips felt swollen. Her eyes refused to open, the heavy weight of her lids too much for her tired muscles to lift. Every part of her ached like she’d been run over by the nine-fifteen train. Lying perfectly still, she tried to focus on where she was and recall what the hell she’d done the night before that might warrant such agony this morning, but the last thing Miki remembered was sitting down with Dayne and Grant—

Air rushed into her lungs on a harsh gasp.

She hadn’t?

The muffled snore that came from Miki’s left made her flinch. She didn’t move, didn’t breathe. Squeezing her eyes tight on the memories now flooding her mind, she hoped it was all a drunken dream and dared to wish it wasn’t. A snore tore through the room on her right and Mikaila cringed. One eye popped open and she turned her head first left, then right, a quick glance on either side before squeezing both eyes closed so tight she could feel the sting of tears.

Oh my God, she

Her heart raced and she struggled to draw in a breath. Heat crawled up her face, no doubt the accompanying red tinge with it. Could she be any more mortified? Miki tried to calm herself. Both her bed buddies were sleeping soundly if their snoring was anything to go by, so all she had to do was slip out from between them, grab her clothes and make a run for it. Easier said than done when she had no idea where her clothes had ended up. She swallowed over the lump in her throat, and as slow as possible so as not to shake the bed, she inched her way down the mattress.

The blankets had long since been pushed from the bed so nothing obstructed her progress until she got about halfway. Dizziness stopped her. Miki gasped for air. She hadn’t realized she’d been holding her breath. It was the second gust of oxygen to her lungs that threatened to bring her undone. Breathing through her nose coated her nostrils with the scent of hot male flesh and sex. Her insides clenched and moisture pooled in her pussy, seeped out to cover her folds. She licked her lips, the taste of them still on her tongue. Memories of what they’d done were fresh in her mind and sent lust licking through her veins.

Her pulse sped up with renewed arousal. How she could possibly be horny after all they’d done was beyond her, but that was the least of her worries. She needed to get out of here. Away from the enticing scent of Dayne and Grant before she did something stupid like crawl back up the bed and wake them. Wriggling until her arse hit the edge of the mattress and her feet touched the floor, Miki paused, waited to see if her movements had woken either man. When neither stirred, she pushed herself upright and looked around for her clothes.

Her underwear lay about five feet away but there was no sign of her bra or dress. Miki picked up a blanket from the mess of bedclothes on the floor and wrapped it around her shoulders. She tip-toed to her undies and scooped them up. Balling them in her hand, she surveyed the room once more before remembering they’d removed her dress in the other room. Deciding to go without her bra, she padded her way to the door and slipped out into the hall. She quickened her pace as she headed for the movie room. Once inside, she dropped the blanket and pulled on her dress and panties.

It wasn’t until she reached the front door that Miki realised she had no shoes and Frankie had her house key and money. Backtracking to look for a phone, she tried not to make any noise. The last thing she wanted was to get caught sneaking out of the house like a thief. Spying a phone on the kitchen wall, she raced over, lifted the receiver and dialled Frankie’s home number.

“Come on, come on. Pick up, Frankie.”

After the tenth ring, Mikaila gave up and tried Frankie’s cell. Again there was no answer, and when voice mail kicked in Miki hung up. What the hell would she say?
Come get me, I’m at Dayne and Grant’s place ’cause I spent the morning having the best sex of my life with two men I’ve secretly lusted after since high school?
Frankie would probably whoop for joy and pat her on the back. Miki closed her eyes and leaned her forehead against the wall, the last twelve hours replaying in her mind. Taking deep breaths, she struggled to understand what she’d done and why she thought sneaking out this morning was such a good idea.

She’d never dreamed being with them would be so good. All her fantasies paled into nothing when compared to the real thing. There’d been no awkwardness either, their love making, no, the
had been natural, as if the three of them had done it a million times before. And the orgasms had blown every other climax she’d ever had out of the water too. Everything about their night together was perfect, so why was she running this morning?

Both Grant and Dayne had told her they wanted more than one night, but she didn’t know what that entailed or if she wanted to know. The thought of not seeing them again had her chest tightening and her stomach cramping, but could they turn fantasy into reality? She’d never run from anything in the past, never been a quitter. Her long drawn-out marriage was proof of that. If last night had been a mistake then she’d face it and move on. And if not, she’d deal with the hurdles that came her way, but there was no way she would be a coward and run.

Mikaila pushed off the wall and turned in the direction of the hall. It was time to tell some truths and possibly take the biggest dare of her life.


Grant’s hand on his arm stopped him from chasing after Miki.

“Don’t. Give her a minute. She hasn’t left the house or the alarm would have gone off.”

“Dammit.” Dayne knew his friend was right, but he wanted to go after Mikaila anyway.

“Let’s just see what she does before we go chasing after her like a pair of lunatics.”

“She’s running, Grant.” Dayne ran his fingers through his hair. “She tip-toed from the room like a thief in the night.” He reached down and grabbed last night’s boxers.

“I know, but I think it was a knee-jerk reaction. Come on, think about it, Dayne. She woke up in our bed after years of not seeing us. Add to that what we did and she’s got to be freaked out. And scared.” Grant was pulling on his underwear as he spoke.

“Scared? She’s not the only one. I’m scared to death we’ll lose her before we even have her. I don’t want last night to be all there is.” Dayne scrubbed both hands through his hair this time, pulling on the ends.

“You’re scared?”

The whispered words had him spinning to face the door. Miki stood, barefoot but dressed. She wrung her hands together in front of her and the frightened look in her eyes had Dayne wanting to pull her into his arms and hold her close.

“Miki, you broke the rule.” Grant’s words had her scrunching up her nose as she tried to puzzle out what he meant.

“You promised to tell the truth, Miki. If you were scared you should have told us.” Dayne stepped towards her and took it as a good sign that she didn’t back away.


He moved closer, Grant followed.

“I’m sorry.” She shrugged. “I guess I freaked out a little.”

Her cheeks flushed red as she ducked her head and Dayne moved in front of her. He placed his hand under her chin and tipped her head until her eyes met his. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about. Every feeling you have is legitimate and nothing to be ashamed of. Anything we do together is real and between us. And it’s beautiful, Miki. Every little bit of you we share is beautiful.”

Grant raised a hand and brushed the hair from her forehead. “You’re allowed to be scared, Miki. This is new for all of us.”

“But I don’t understand how this is supposed to work beyond one night.” She darted her gaze between them.

“We don’t either. We’ve never done this before, remember? We’re all feeling our way,” Dayne said.

“So where do we go from here?”

“I think we take it one step at a time, one day at a time, and first order of the day is breakfast. How about I whip up some omelettes?” Grant asked.

Dayne’s stomach rumbled at the mention of food. He suddenly felt ravenous for more than just Miki. “Great idea, I’m starving.”

She took a moment and Dayne thought she’d refuse their offer, but she finally nodded and let them lead her out to the kitchen. He glanced at Grant and smiled. For now all was right with his world. They just had to work hard to keep it that way.

Dayne grabbed eggs, ham, cheese and tomatoes from the fridge while Grant pulled the frypan from the cupboard. Juggling his armload, Dayne turned and dumped everything on the island bench. He washed his hands before selecting a knife from the block and pulled the grater from the drawer.

“Can I help?”

“Sure, can you work out how to use that fancy thing and put a fresh pot on?” Dayne used the knife to point over his shoulder at the coffee machine.

“It’s the same as Frankie’s. Where do you keep your coffee?” Miki asked as she headed for the machine.

“Here.” Grant opened the cupboard above Miki’s head as he walked over to grab a mixing bowl. “Anything you don’t want in your omelette?”

She glanced over at what Dayne was already slicing up and shook her head. “No. I’m good with all of that, just don’t make mine too big. I usually only have fresh fruit and yoghurt for breakfast.”

By the time Dayne had everything chopped up, Grant had the eggs whisked and the pan heating on the stove. “Do we want toast?” he asked.

“Do we have any wholemeal left?”

“If there’s none in the breadbox pull a loaf out of the freezer.”

Miki laughed.

“What?” Dayne asked.

“You two.” Her words came out around her giggles. “You’re all domesticated.”

“And this is funny how?” Grant quizzed.

“Well, look at you. Two strapping men discussing types of bread and cooking, and doing a very good job of the latter I might add.”

“When we first moved in together we had three options.” Dayne held up his hand, his index finger sticking up. “Eat takeaway every night.” He raised a second finger. “Starve to death.” A third finger extended. “Or learn to cook.”

“Gran gave us cooking lessons. Just the basics, and we’ve learned from there. Although it’s not that hard once you know what’s what in the kitchen,” Grant added.

“Do you know how to clean up too?”

“Who else do you think cleans up around here?” Dayne asked.

“I thought maybe you conned the women you feed into doing the clean up.”

Dayne and Grant both stopped what they were doing and stared at her.

“We’ve never cooked for a woman before,” Dayne said.

“You’re the first woman we’ve had stay over, Miki.” Grant’s words made it clear what this morning meant.

Her eyes opened wide and her breasts rose with the breath she sucked in. “Never?”

“No,” they said in unison.


Dayne shrugged. “Never wanted to bring a woman here before now and you know we’ve never shared a woman but you.”

“This is all so…strange.” She slid onto a stool on the other side of the island from Dayne.

“Strange good or strange bad?” he asked.

“Oh, good.” Miki rested her elbow on the counter and propped her chin on her hand. “I guess strange is the wrong word. Maybe I should say it’s different, unusual, because it doesn’t exactly feel strange.”

“It feels right,” Grant said from behind Dayne.

“Yes. And that makes it even stranger, I guess. Being here with both of you. Having
with both of you. Together.” She let out a sigh. “It’s going to take some getting used to.”

Chapter Four

“But you want to get used to it, right?” Dayne asked.

Grant held his breath while he waited for Miki to answer.

“Yeah, I do. And there’s that strange bit again. That’s not normal, is it? To want to be with two guys?”

“Well, it certainly isn’t something you see every day, but then you don’t see people’s kinks either. It’s not like they walk around wearing signs telling the world what they get up to inside the privacy of their own homes,” Dayne said.

“No, I guess not. But going out will cause problems.”

“How so?” Grant asked.

“Well, it’s not like we can kiss and hold hands in public.”

“Why not?” Grant was shocked that Miki would think they had to restrict their physical affection in front of others. He wanted to be able to grab her hand or kiss her lips whenever the hell he felt like, wherever the hell they were.

She sat up, her eyes wide with shock and confusion. “You can’t seriously think no one is going to notice me holding hands with two guys? Kissing two guys?”

“Miki, we’re gonna want to hold your hand some times, and it won’t matter where we are, if we want to kiss you we will.” Grant held up a hand. “Before you freak out, we’re not planning to jump your bones in public and we certainly don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable or draw attention, but we also don’t want to hold back just because someone might notice. I don’t care who knows I share you with Dayne. It’s none of their business.”

“You’re not the one they’ll look down on, Grant. It’ll be me. I’m the woman, so I’ll be labelled a slut for sleeping with two men.”

“Do you think you’re a slut for sleeping with two men?” Dayne asked.

“God, no. But it’s not what I think that matters.”

“Of course it is.” Grant’s voice had risen with his anger. Dayne didn’t look any happier with the way Miki was talking and obviously thinking. “You’re the only one who
matter, Mikaila. You and only you.”


“No buts, I don’t give a rats arse what anyone else thinks or says. The only thing I care about is that you’re happy. That
happy.” Grant gestured to the three of them.

Miki’s gaze bounced between them. She’d pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and Grant could see the tips of her teeth cutting into the delicate flesh. He walked around the island and stood next to her. With gentle fingers, he pulled the lip free of her bite.

“I promise I won’t do anything that truly makes you uncomfortable, but I can’t promise not to kiss you. Not to touch you. But if at any stage anything either I or Dayne does makes you uneasy, tell us. Remember your promise. Hold nothing back, all we ask for is the truth. Okay?”

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