Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 (4 page)

BOOK: Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2
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A shudder vibrated down his spine and his balls drew up into his body, pushing pre-come from his straining cock. Dayne couldn’t hold back the groan and the rough noise slipped past his lips to echo in the quite pre-dawn hours.

“Are you all right?” Miki laid her hand on his arm.

Dayne froze in place. Just that simple touch was enough to push him to breaking point. Miki had no idea what he was thinking, what he was feeling. What he wanted to do to her. With her.
With Grant
. She would probably run screaming into the night if she knew how close she was to being ravished. And that’s what he was afraid of. He wanted her so badly that he wouldn’t be gentle—couldn’t be.

Grant leaned forward. “Miki, you need to remove your hand from Dayne’s arm.”

“What? Why?” She turned to look at his friend.

“Because if you don’t he’s gonna lose control and I’m not sure I can stop him if he does.”

“Lose control? I don’t understand, Grant.”

She turned her confused gaze his way and Dayne wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and tell her it would all be okay. But he couldn’t make that promise when he had no idea if things would be fine. If there was any hope of that happening he had to come clean. Needed to tell her the truth of what he wanted—what they wanted. And when he did she just might dare to take a chance.

Dayne stood, dislodging Miki’s hand as he did. He took a step away and drew in a deep breath. This was it, do or die. Truth

“Miki, I’m on a short fuse where you’re concerned. I’ve always wanted you. I’ve never hidden that fact, but now the want is more potent, more adult, and if you touch me again I’m afraid I’ll snap and not be able to hold anything back.” Her eyes widened as he spoke and her hands shook as she twisted them together in her lap, but she didn’t run. “It’s time for our own game of Truth or Dare, Miki.”

She darted her gaze between him and Grant. He was relieved to see his friend just as tense. Dayne was rushing things, he knew that, but he couldn’t stop himself. Couldn’t deny the primal urge to claim her as his—
—even though moving this fast could cost them everything.

“A game?”

“Yes. We’re going to tell you the truth and then I’m going to dare you to do something with it.”

“I’m not sure I understand.”

“Just listen to him, Mikaila.”

She turned to Grant, but before she could speak he cut her off.


Dayne had never heard that tone in his friend’s voice before. The word was a desperate plea for her to give them what they asked for and he could only hope she did.


Her answer was no more than a shaky whisper, but in the quite night it sounded like a gunshot going off. Dayne’s shoulders sagged with relief, but he knew this was only the first battle in what was rapidly turning into a fight for his life. Because he suddenly knew without a doubt that Miki was the woman for him and he couldn’t see any future without her and Grant in it.

, want you. In every way possible and more.”

He watched her chest rise as she sucked in a breath. Her gaze drifted away from his and he wanted to reach down and lift her face up until her eyes met his again, but he wouldn’t.

“You need to understand this isn’t about just one of us, Miki. We both want the same thing. You. Together.” Grant shifted in his chair so he could look at her.

Dayne crouched down beside her and took her hand. The move was guaranteed to set his nerves on edge but he couldn’t resist that small contact. “We need you to understand this isn’t only about sex either. Sure we want that and plenty of it, but we want more. How that’s going to work I don’t know, but I can’t imagine being with you without Grant being with you too.”

“So you two would...” she gestured with her free hand, “ know.”


“It’s just you. Without you this need to share doesn’t exist.”

Grant’s words explained it perfectly, because without Miki the urge to share
exist. Dayne stood, pulling her up with him. He let go of her hand and took a step back.

“The truth is we want you for more than one night, but if one night is all you’re willing to give us then we’ll take it.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“I dare you to take a chance, Mikaila. One night of guaranteed pleasure with no strings attached. If you want to walk away when it’s over we won’t stop you.” Dayne knew they were rushing things, knew they were pushing, but he couldn’t slow down now. Miki made him do and say things no one else did. Made him lose control.

“We won’t like it, but we’ll respect that it’s your choice to make just as doing anything is.” Grant stepped over to stand beside him. “What happens now is up to you, but I vote we go inside and talk no matter what you decide.”


“Yeah. We need to know what that tan line around your wedding finger means for a start,” Dayne said.


Mikaila slid her right hand over her left to hide the mark that refused to fade. She’d worn a ring for seven years, and when she’d finally removed the gold band from her finger the obvious indent and lack of colour left behind stood as a silent reminder of what she’d foolishly allowed herself to believe. She didn’t expect all trace to disappear overnight, but it had been eight months now and still the slightly lighter skin was noticeable.

She sighed. The thought of telling Dayne and Grant the gory details of her failed marriage made her sick to the stomach. But she couldn’t deny her body’s desire to take them up on their offer. There was just one problem. She didn’t know if she’d be able to find the strength to walk away when their night together was over, and she wasn’t fool enough to believe there was any kind of future in a three-way relationship. Hell, she couldn’t even make one work with two people. Add a third and she was bound to stuff things up.

A quick glance at each of them told her they were waiting for her to make a move. It looked like it was her turn for some truths, no matter how much they hurt. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her spine and prayed she wasn’t making the biggest mistake of her life. Although after the David disaster Miki figured she’d probably used up her lifetime’s mistake quota.

“If I’m going to tell all I’ll need something a little stronger than coffee.”

Dayne laughed and Grant shook his head.

“Sorry, sweetheart, but you’re off the booze for the rest of tonight.” Grant took her hand and pulled her toward the house.

Sighing, she leaned into Dayne as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Together they entered the cool interior and headed in the direction of the bedroom she’d woken in earlier. The idea of having this discussion in the bedroom sent shivers down her spine. Whether it was fear of revealing how foolish she’d been or the thought of being in a bedroom with these two half-dressed men, she couldn’t say. Before she could decide, they detoured into a room with a plush lounge and a second big screen, only this one looked more like a movie theatre screen.


“Yeah, it’s our one indulgence. Big-screen movie viewing.” Grant ushered her to sit in the middle of the softest piece of furniture she’d ever had the pleasure of touching.

“Oh my.”

Dayne dropped down beside her. “Yep. Best ten grand I ever spent.”

“Ten thousand dollars? For a lounge?”

He smiled, his straight white teeth contrasting with his tanned face. “You bet. I don’t have time to watch movies all that often so when I do I want to be as comfortable as I can get. This...” he patted the cushion next to him, “…is the Rolls Royce of lounges, and in my opinion worth twice what I paid.”

“Have to agree with him on that one.” Grant sat on her other side and she was reminded of earlier at the party when they’d sandwiched her between them. Her body flushed with arousal and Miki struggled to collect her thoughts, but the hormones surging through her made it hard.

The silence stretched between them, but Miki didn’t know where to start to end the awkwardness. It wasn’t helping having their heat surround her. Neither touched her, but they didn’t have to. They enfolded her with their warmth and scent. Each had their own distinct smell and combined they were proving to be very tantalizing. She breathed deep, pulled the intoxicating aroma into her lungs and sending awareness zapping through her blood. A shiver rolled over her.

Her temperature rose and her heart sped up, the driving beat pounding in her ears. Blood rushed through her veins to fill sensitive tissue and inflame desire unlike any she’d known. If she listened to what her body was screaming, she’d strip naked and let them have their way. But Miki hadn’t been that reckless since the night she’d agreed to marry a man she barely knew. She’d allowed the rush of hormones to colour her judgement then, she wouldn’t do it again without weighing up all the possible consequences. One cost was revealing some ugly truths about herself. She just wasn’t sure where to begin.

“Where should I start?”

“Let’s do this like Truth or Dare except we’ll just use the truth part?” Grant offered.

“How?” Miki thought she knew but wanted to be sure.

“We’ll ask questions and you answer them. Simple,” Grant said.

“Are you married?” Dayne asked.

“No!” The very idea that she would sit here with them and be married shocked her.

“Hey, it wouldn’t be the first time a married woman has played me.” Dayne’s words held a wealth of information without actually revealing anything.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“That you were hurt.”

Dayne’s eyes widened before narrowing to mere slits. “I never said she hurt me.”

Miki placed her hand over his. “You didn’t have to. And I’m still sorry.”

He scrutinised her a moment longer before Grant entered their little game.

“When did you get divorced?”

“I didn’t. I’m widowed.”

“Jeez. Now I’m sorry,” Dayne said.

“Don’t be. I would have divorced him if he hadn’t gotten himself killed.”

Both men remained silent, but she found each of her hands held by strong masculine ones. It gave her the courage to say out loud the one thing that had plagued her conscience since David’s death.

“I’m not sorry he’s out of my life and I can’t find it in myself to feel sorry for him either. He was a reckless prick who got himself killed on a dare.” Her voice held a trace of the anger she’d felt since the whole sordid details of her husband’s death had come out. Miki couldn’t feel anything but satisfaction that David had gotten what he deserved. She was just glad the woman with him hadn’t been killed as well.

“Fuck. Now I’m really sorry, Miki.” Dayne gently squeezed her hand.

“Damn, sweetheart.” Grant pulled her into his arms and tucked her head under his chin.

The urge to cry stole through her, but Miki was over crying for her fucked-up life. She’d done more than enough of that over the last few years. It was time to take charge and get back on track. Starting with these two men and the promise of one night of pure pleasure in their hands.

“Take me to bed.”


Grant’s whole body tensed. His grip on Miki tightened and she squeaked in protest. He loosened his hold and took a deep breath, his gaze connecting with Dayne’s. The emotions swirling in his friend’s eyes mirrored his own. Shock, confusion. Need.

“Um, Miki, as much as I’d love to race you off to the bedroom right this second you have to be sure this is what you want.” Dayne found words quicker than Grant’s lust-addled mind could.

“I’m as sure as I’m going to get.” Mikaila pulled from his embrace and stood. “I don’t know what will happen in the morning or why I want something so out of my normal conservative ideals, but I want both of you. Tonight.”

Grant’s cock tented the front of his boxers so he couldn’t hide the way he was feeling, but he shifted so it wasn’t as in-your-face. He wasn’t convinced Miki understood what they wanted from her. “Miki, Dayne told you earlier what we want. We want far more than one night with you, so you can bet your sweet arse I’ll use everything in my power to convince you one night isn’t enough for any of us.”

He pushed from the lounge and stood in front of her. “I want to fuck that cherry-red mouth while Dayne fucks your tight pussy.” Grant leaned in close. “I want to fuck your arse at the same time Dayne fucks your cunt. And I want to do it over and over again. Can you handle that?”

Her eyes dilated and her breathing grew choppy so he knew his words got to her, but would she dare go through with it?

“Have you done this before?” She searched his gaze with hers.

“No. We’ve never wanted to share anyone but you, Miki.”

She swung her gaze to Dayne who now stood beside him.

“Grant and I are close. Really close, but we’ve never felt this way about anyone else. It’s you, Miki. You’re the only one who brings out this need to share with Grant.”

The silence stretched between them like an invisible rubber band pulled tighter and tighter. Grant held his breath, his heart pounding in his ears, as he waited for Miki to run. He didn’t dare hope she’d agree to their demands now they’d detailed them so clearly.

“Okay, I want to be the one you share.”

Relief and excitement, quickly followed by unease, rushed through Grant as he let out his breath. If they were going to do this, make this work beyond one night, they had to be honest about everything. It wouldn’t work otherwise. It seemed they were going to be playing Truth or Dare all night.

“There’s one rule.”


“Yes. You hold nothing back and that includes your fear. If it doesn’t feel good or you’re unsure you say so and we stop. Re-evaluate. Understand?”

She nodded, but Grant wanted to hear her say it.

“Out loud, I want to hear the word, Miki.”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Good. Now strip.”

Her gasp of surprise sent fresh longing through his veins, and he leaned in to taste her breath. He took her mouth with savage intent, thrusting his tongue deep to claim what would be his. She moaned and the sound caught between them as he stroked over hot moist flesh. Their tongues duelled until he’d coaxed hers out and sucked it hard. His hands found their way to her face and framed it, holding it in place so he could take what he wanted. It wasn’t enough.

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