Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 (2 page)

BOOK: Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2
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Tonight they would get to know the woman she’d become and hopefully learn all they needed to help them in their quest to have her back in their lives. Dayne had no doubt Grant would want the same thing as him where Miki was concerned, but he wouldn’t count his chickens before they hatched. He’d be happy with re-establishing their friendship for now. They would take it slow. They’d scared her off before and he didn’t want to risk that happening again. So the first thing he needed to know was where she lived and worked so he could find her again if she chose to bail on them tonight.

He lowered himself to the grass and pulled her down beside him. Grant flopped to the ground on her other side, his legs spread out in front of him so she was almost trapped between them and the fence. Dayne smiled, his friend was subtly making sure she couldn’t escape easily. She tried to pull loose of his grip, and with the thought of not scaring her fresh in his mind, he reluctantly let her go. Cold air rushed over the heated skin where their hands had been joined, adding a startling reminder of what he stood to lose if he screwed this up.

. He shouldn’t be thinking like this yet. The young Miki always had tied him in knots but this was ridiculous. Christ, she could be taken, married even. His gaze darted to her hands. No wedding ring, but was that a tan line around her ring finger? Dayne’s gut clenched at the thought of her married to some faceless jerk. Jealousy and anger churned in the pit of his stomach and left a bitter taste in his mouth. It took effort, but he managed to stifle the growl building in his chest, threatening to break free.

No one spoke. The silence was not uncomfortable, but he knew it would end up that way if it carried on much longer. He cleared his throat.

“Do you want another drink, Miki?”

“No. No, I’m fine for now.”

Her sultry voice slid over his nerves and fizzed in his veins. His cock throbbed, grew thicker, and he had to wiggle his arse to adjust his pants before they choked the life out of him. Dayne glanced over at Grant and saw his friend was suffering from a similar discomfort if the bulge in the front of his shorts was anything to go by. They always were on the same page when it came to Mikaila Drummond. No other woman had ever affected them in the same way. In all the years they’d been friends they’d never shared a woman, never
to. The only one they ever craved that way was Miki. And it was a craving. Want was too tame a word for the way he felt, his need to share her with his best mate.

His gaze connected with Grant’s and he was relieved to find fear swirling in with arousal in his friend’s eyes. It made his own insecurity that much more tolerable. He nodded to let his buddy know they shared the same concerns. Dayne racked his brain but couldn’t come up with anything to say. He had so many questions buzzing around his head, but the woman beside him had his thoughts splintering with her nearness. It was Miki who broke the silence.

“Did you two end up owning your own company? I remember you were planning to take the world by storm.”

Startled that she would remember that much about them, Dayne stared at her. “You remember that?”

“Sure.” She shrugged. “It was all you two talked about the last year of school.”

Her neck and face flushed a lovely shade of pink, and Dayne would bet this year’s profit that wasn’t the only memory she had of their final year of school. “Yeah, we finally went out on our own, took us a few years to get the money together but we opened our first retail store six years ago.”

“Now we have fifteen of them all over the country.” Grant’s voice rang with the pride Dayne was feeling. “Did you go to law school?”

“Um…” Miki ducked her head, and Dayne had a horrible feeling whatever she said next was going to piss him off. She remained quiet and he glanced at Grant who shrugged.

“What do you mean

“I never finished.” Her words were spoken so quietly Dayne had to lean forward to hear them. “No big deal, I wasn’t enjoying it anyway.”

“Why do I get the feeling there’s more to it than that?” Dayne asked.

Mikaila laughed, the hash sound cut through the air as though she’d forced it from her mouth. “Nothing worth rehashing.”

He didn’t get a chance to argue the point because another blast from their past came barrelling across the yard.

“Miki! There you are. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

Francesca Winchester hadn’t changed at all. Still loud and full of life, she grabbed hold of Miki’s hand and dragged her to her feet.

“Come on, you have to come play. You too, Dayne and Grant. It’ll be just like high school all over again.”

Before either he or Grant managed to utter a word, Frankie had Mikaila halfway to the house. The pleading look Miki shot them over her shoulder brought them to their feet and they jogged across the lawn to catch up with the two women.

“Hello to you too, Frankie,” Grant said.

“Blah, blah. Let’s go have some fun.”

“I see age has matured you some, Frankie,” Grant said.

“Bite me,” Frankie threw over her shoulder.

Laughter burst from Dayne’s chest. He could tell Frankie was just as much fun as ever, and if the things she got up to in their youth were anything to go by the next few hours would be the most fun he’d had in years.


Trailing in Frankie’s wake as she powered her way through the house, Grant wondered if he’d slipped into a time warp and travelled back twelve years. A feeling of déjà vu rolled over him, but it had more to do with past behaviour than the actual sensation of being here before. For years Frankie had led them around, often dragging them into one mess after another. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. Then again, a lot of those messes were hands down the best times of his teenage life.

Frankie stopped in front of a lively card game. Grant watched as a guy and a girl passed a playing card via their lips. At the last second, the guy let the card drop and planted his mouth on the girl’s. Cries of “scull, scull” went up from the rest of the group, but the pair were oblivious to everyone except each other and the kiss they were currently engaged in. He never thought he was a voyeur, but his cock seemed to be enjoying the show. Or maybe it was the image currently running through his mind of him and Miki caught in the erotic embrace that had his groin filling with blood. Discretely moving so he was hidden behind Miki’s back, he reached down and adjusted the unruly organ trying to work its way free of his shorts.

He glanced over at Frankie and watched as her gaze scanned the group playing Suck and Blow. If he wasn’t mistaken, disappointment flashed in her eyes before she turned and pulled Miki away. They wove their way farther into the house. The crowd had grown since they’d ducked outside, and the noise level had gone up a notch too, but Frankie managed to push her way through. Passing one room where an interesting game of Twister played out, they moved on to the next. Frankie continuously looked around, searching for what, Grant couldn’t say. She pulled them up at a game of Spin the Bottle but changed her mind and reversed direction before any of them could protest her choice.

She finally settled on a game of Truth or Dare. With typical Frankie finesse, she pushed the three of them onto a couch, Miki squished between him and Dayne. Two others joined the game, a guy Grant recognised but couldn’t remember a name for and a woman who was already three sheets to the wind if the smell of alcohol emanating from her was any indication. Before he blinked, Frankie placed shot glasses in front of each of them and plonked a bottle of tequila on the low table in the middle of their small group. He glanced around the room to see similar groups engaged in the game already.

“I’ll ask first,” the other guy said as he turned to the blonde woman beside him. “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare.” Her eyes were glazed and she swayed in her seat.

“I dare you to suck my cock.”

“Eeww…” The blonde gagged and put a hand over her mouth.

“Jesus, Mike.” Frankie poured tequila into the woman’s glass before the blonde even tapped it.

With a skill that surprised him, the woman leaned forward, wrapped her lips around the top of the small cup and flipped her head back. In one swallow, she downed the alcohol and dropped the glass back on the table. She closed her eyes and shuddered before turning to Frankie. “Truth or da—” She hiccupped.

Frankie rolled her eyes. “Truth.”

The blonde squinted in Frankie’s direction, cocked her head to the side. “Are those four boobs real?”

Laughter burst from the group as one. Obviously she was seeing double.

“Yep.” Frankie cupped a breast in each hand. “These babies are all mine.”

The blonde’s eyes spun around before rolling back in her head. She toppled off the seat to the floor and stayed there. Mike leaned down to fondle her chest and Frankie slapped his hands away.

“Just checking for a pulse,” he said as he snatched his arms back out of Frankie’s reach.

“Sure you were.” She turned to face Grant. “Truth or dare?”

He thought about it for all of a second before going the safest route. “Truth.”

“What’s you most secret sexual fantasy?”

Jeez, she wasn’t pulling any punches. He kept his gaze on Frankie. If he looked at Miki and Dayne like he wanted to there wouldn’t be any point in taking the shot or opening his mouth and spilling the beans. He tapped the glass.

Frankie grinned and poured the tequila. “Chicken.”

Grant ignored the taunt and took the shot. He turned to Miki. “Truth or dare?”


Keeping with the sex angle, he asked the question every guy wants to know. “Have you ever made out with a girl?”

Miki’s gaze darted to Frankie but her head didn’t move so no one knew she’d revealed the answer except him and her best friend. His mind exploded with images best not thought of and he gulped back the groan that rumbled in his throat. If anyone had seen her giveaway look they’d think she was just taking the shot instead of answering when she reached out and tapped the glass. Not about to do anything that would reveal what he’d discovered, he eased back in his seat and waited for Miki to down her penalty for not answering.

He chuckled when she picked up the glass with one hand and blocked her nose with the other. A grimace crossed her face as she brought the liquor to her lips. Eyes scrunched closed, Miki swallowed the tequila in a rush. She wriggled in the seat next to him and placed the glass back down.

“God, that stuff is foul.” A shudder rippled through her as she leaned back against the couch. “Okay, Dayne, truth or dare?”


“Mmm,” Miki’s mouth kicked up in a sexy little smirk before she asked her question. “Have you ever made out with a girl?”

For a second Dayne just stared at her before laughter erupted. Frankie snorted before joining in at the same time Grant did.

“Jeez, come on, answer the damn question and get on with the game,” Mike grumbled.

“Yes, Miki, I’ve made out with a girl a time or two.” Dayne tweaked Miki’s nose before turning to Mike. “Truth or Dare?”


Mike almost bounced in his seat waiting for Dayne’s dare. Grant thought the guy was in his late twenties, possibly early thirties, but you wouldn’t guess it from the way he acted.

“Okay, how about you try sucking your own dick?” Dayne asked.

“Can’t. Tried.” Mike turned to Frankie. “Your turn. Truth or Dare?”

“Christ, Mike, you’re disgusting,” Frankie said.

“Truth or Dare?”

Grant could only imagine what the dickhead would come up with once Frankie picked her poison. He might have to take the shot on his next couple of rounds just to make the game a little more interesting because it certainly wasn’t proving much fun sober, but with a haze of alcohol under his belt it wouldn’t matter.


Grant tossed back his latest shot. The burn of tequila seared his throat until it hit the bottom of his stomach and exploded in a ball of fire. He shook his head to try and clear the haze fogging his mind.
. He was drunk. Frankie Winchester had done it again. After a rocky start she’d taken control and turned the game around and he’d actually enjoyed playing. The woman knew how to have fun. The problem was you always paid for it later. Dayne wasn’t fairing much better, but Grant’s biggest worry was the woman sandwiched between them. She was plastered.

“Miki, your turn. Truth or Dare?” How Frankie managed to speak without slurring her words was beyond him. He thought she’d downed as much as he had, then again maybe not. He could only remember her refusing one dare.


Oh yeah, Mikaila was plastered.

“Hey, how come you never pick dare?” Mr. Obnoxious across from them—Grant couldn’t remember his name—shouted.

Mikaila stiffened beside him, every muscle taut as she sank back against the couch. He felt the shudder travel through her and heard her sharp intake of breath.

Frankie’s eyes widened and, God love her, she slapped the guy on the back of the head before Grant could get up and deck him. He had no idea what the hell had just happened, but when he turned to look at Miki the frightened, freaked-out woman staring back raised every protective instinct he had. Leaning over, he shielded her from the rest of the room.

“Are you okay, Miki?”

With her blue eyes wide, she looked like a deer caught in headlights. If it were possible her normally pale skin had lost even more colour and every freckle stood out in stark relief. Grant wanted to play join the dots with his lips. Her gasp pulled him from his lustful thoughts.

“Let’s get out of here.” Dayne rose from the couch. “I think Miki needs some fresh air.”

“Well, good riddance, she plays shit anyway.”

Grant turned to growl at the ignorant prick but Frankie came to the rescue again.

“Piss off, Mike. It’s not like you’re the life of the party anyway with your crappy questions and dares.”

Dayne pulled Mikaila to her feet and Grant joined them. Miki swayed and he steadied her with a hand at her waist.

“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Dayne held her hand and guided her around the coffee table and towards the back of the house with Grant close behind.

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