Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 (10 page)

BOOK: Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2
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Grant sighed. “Me too.”

They entered the kitchen and Dayne groaned when he saw all the dirty dishes still sitting on the table. “Crap. I forgot about this mess.”

“Shit. Guess we could clear it up while we wait for Miki.”

“Seems like a good idea. Especially seeing how we told her we could cook

Dayne began stacking plates while Grant grabbed coffee mugs. Together they made quick work of scraping the leftovers into the bin and loading the dishwasher. When Miki walked in, Dayne was giving the table a wipe down and Grant was throwing out the stale coffee. Glancing up, he froze.

She’d put his shirt on over the top of her dress, and instead of doing up the buttons she’d tied the sides at her waist. He swallowed over the lump in his throat. The sight of her in his shirt did weird things to his insides, but what really made him come undone was the image of her in nothing but his shirt that flashed in his mind. He’d have to remember to get her to wear it like that later. His cock hardened, pressed against the fly of his denim shorts.
. The bloody shirt wasn’t the only thing tied in knots.

Chapter Five

Miki lay on the hot sand and dug her fingers into the fine grains. She couldn’t move. After stopping by the C.S. store in Manly they’d headed into Sydney and had lunch in Darling Harbour. They’d eaten at a Thai restaurant, where her tastebuds had been subjected to the most exquisite food she’d ever eaten. Having never really had true Asian food before, she’d let the guys order for her, and boy was she ever glad she had. Her mouth still tingled from one of the spicy dishes but the flavours of each meal they’d sampled were amazing.

“I don’t think I can move,” she murmured.

“Me either, and I didn’t eat as much as you,” Dayne said.

She turned her head towards him. “You ate more!”

“Not if you do the whole percentage consumed to body weight thing.”


“I outweigh you by at least double, so I get to eat twice as much.” He gave her a cheeky grin. “And there’s no way I came close it eating two times what you packed away.”

At a loss for words, Miki’s mouth flapped like a fish out of water. Then Dayne started to laugh. A belly-deep, gravelly sound that flowed over her like a warm summer breeze. Her insides heated and churned as arousal began to simmer. All through the day she’d managed to keep her sexual hunger for them at bay. Managed, barely, to ignore the urge to touch and kiss. She hadn’t wanted to draw any unwanted attention and until now it wasn’t a problem.

Now she wanted to lean over and kiss those laughing lips. Wanted to dip her tongue inside his mouth and taste him.

“Do it.”

Her gaze darted to his.

“I can see it in your eyes, Miki. I know you’ve been holding back. Come on. I dare you.”

Miki wasn’t sure what shocked her more. The fact he could read her so well or that she wanted to take his dare.

Grant ran a fingertip down her arm. “Go on, Miki, kiss him like you want to, like you mean it.”

She licked her lips, the moisture cooling in the soft breeze. Dayne groaned and leaned closer. Their mouths were inches apart but Miki could feel his heat, taste his breath. With a sigh, she gave in to the craving. Her lips brushed his and that barest of touches set of a blaze of desire that consumed them both. His tongue stroked hers, fierce lashes that dragged her deeper. Miki rolled into him, chest, stomach, legs, pressed together, their mouths fused in a scorching kiss.

Heat exploded in her belly, dribbled down into her core to light a fire deep within. She ground her pelvis to him, her mound rubbing on his swollen shaft, the pressure not enough. Tearing her mouth from his, Miki gasped for breath and stared into lust-filled eyes.

“Jesus.” She licked her puffy lips. “What you do to me.”

“It’s mutual, baby.”

“Fuck!” Grant cursed behind her. “That has to be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Miki glanced over her shoulder to find Grant on his side, inches from her. The muscles in his neck were corded and sweat beaded on his forehead. She let her gaze travel down his body until it snagged on the bulge in his shorts.

“Oh, yeah. I’m just as hard as Dayne, and I haven’t even touched you.”

Her mind spun with the knowledge of what she did to them. Dayne was right. They may do unbelievable things to her, but they weren’t immune to her either. Twisting around to face Grant, she trailed a fingertip through the moisture on his upper lip and wondered how he would taste there. Would it be salty from his sweat? Would she taste the spices from lunch on his tongue like she had with Dayne?

“Don’t stop now, Miki. Go for what you want.”

Grant’s words spurred her on and she pushed her tongue out to lap up the dampness on his skin. He moaned beneath her and she went farther. She probed the seam of his lips until he opened to her. Salt and spice. The combination was more tantalising than any gourmet meal and Miki ate her fill. Heat covered her front as he pulled her to him and took their kiss deeper. Dayne made a strangled sound behind her a split second before he pressed his front to her back.

For long moments she indulged in kissing Grant while Dayne nibbled at her neck. Nothing but her need and the men who could satisfy it mattered. Caught in their erotic embrace, the sound of children playing barely registered until sand was sprayed over of them. Abruptly brought out of her lust haze, Miki stilled. The shock of knowing just how carried away she would have gotten without the interruption scorched her neck and face.

“Don’t.” Dayne’s lips brushed her ear. “They’re just kids running past.”

Grant eased away and looked into her eyes. “Relax, Miki. We won’t do anything you don’t want, remember?”

She nodded. Her brain knew neither of them would push her for more, but it wasn’t them she had trust issues with. Their little interlude had just given her some eye-opening insight about herself. No, she knew she could trust them. It was herself she was no longer sure of.


“You promised no holding back.” Dayne was leaning over her shoulder so he could see her face, his concern written in every crease on his forehead.

Miki glanced back at Grant, his face a similar mask of worry. “I’m okay.”

Neither man seemed convinced by her softly spoken words but she didn’t have it in her to argue her case because Miki suddenly wasn’t sure if she’d ever be right again.

“Come on. Let’s go build sandcastles.” Dayne got to his feet and offered her a hand.


“What? You’ve never built one?” Grant asked as he stood and brushed the sand from his legs and arms.

“Sure but not since…” When was the last time she’d played in the sand?

“All the more reason to do it now.” Dayne grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the shoreline.

“How are we going to build a castle without the proper tools?”

Grant put up his hands, waggled his fingers at her. “These are all the tools I need, fair princess.”

She laughed. “Princess?”

“Every castle needs a princess.” Dayne knelt in the damp sand and tugged her down with him. “And if anyone deserves to be a princess for a day it’s you.”

Miki’s heart turned over. She didn’t doubt his sincerity, but it was hard to adjust to their caring when she’d been used to none for so long now. Frankie was the only person left in her life who cared about how she was or what she wanted. And even her best friend couldn’t make up for everything that was missing in Miki’s life.

“Hey.” Grant placed a finger under her chin and raised her gaze to meet his. “Why such a serious face? This is meant to be fun, Miki.”

“Royal decree.” Dayne mimed blowing a trumpet. “The kingdom is only allowed to have fun between now and sundown, by order of the royal court.”

Miki laughed at his silly accent and even sillier acting skills.

“That’s better.” Grant let go of her face and dug his hands into the wet sand. “Now, let’s build us a castle.”

“We need a moat.” Dayne began digging a trench. “How big do we want this thing?”

“A couple of feet for sure.”

“Okay.” Dayne curved the channel he was working on.

She sat back and watched the two of them playing in the sand like little boys. They made her smile, even when her heart felt like it might explode and her mind whirled with a thousand and one confusing thoughts, they managed to take it all away and make her laugh and enjoy the moment.

“Come on, you.” Grant poked her with a sandy finger. “Just because you’re the princess doesn’t mean you don’t have to work.”

Miki dug her hands into sand and scooped up a pile to add to the tower Grant was building. Slapping the wet mix against the small structure, she grinned. She patted the side and used her fingers to push it into the right shape. With each handful their castle took shape, and Miki forgot all about her worries. They had two towers and the outside walls built when Dayne’s moat caused a cave in.

“Hey, watch it.” Grant worked quickly to push the wall back up.

“Sorry, got a little too close there.” Dayne grinned, not sorry at all.

“If you’re not careful I’ll have the guards throw you in the dungeon,” she said. Where the frivolous words came from Miki didn’t know and didn’t care. It felt good to play.

Dayne gasped and placed a hand on his chest. “My humble apologies, my princess. I will strive for it not to happen again.” He affected a ridiculous half-bow.

Laughter bubbled up her throat and burst free. The carefree sound was strange and unfamiliar to her ears. She pushed at his shoulder. “You’re such a clown.”

“More like the court jester,” Grant said.

“You’re just jealous that I have the princess’s attention and you don’t.” Dayne stuck his tongue out at Grant.

The childish behaviour only made her laugh harder. Her sides hurt and tears stung her eyes. “Stop. You’re killing me.” She spoke between giggles.

“Never.” Dayne lunged for her, tackling her to the wet sand and finding the ticklish spots along her sides.

“No. Stop. Don’t.” Each word was a gasp as she fought for breath.

“Are your feet ticklish too?” Grant lifted one foot and began running his finger on the underside.

“No!” She wiggled in Dayne’s grasp but his grip on her was too good. “Oh, oh. Stop.”

Miki laughed uncontrollably. Tears streamed down her cheeks and still they didn’t stop. She was almost out of breath, the fight gone out of her when they finally let up on their attack. With a sigh she slumped in Dayne’s arms.

Grant stared at her. “God you’re gorgeous.”

Her gaze met his. “What? Wet, sandy and probably bright red to match my hair because you two just tried to tickle me to death?” she snorted. “Yeah, right. Gorgeous like a pile of shit.”

“You really don’t see it do you?” Dayne asked.

“See what?”

“How beautiful you are,” Grant said.

“I’m not saying I was beaten with the ugly stick, but I’m not beautiful. Passably pretty maybe, on a good day, but definitely far from gorgeous.” Miki wasn’t one to delude herself and she’d come to terms with her looks a long time ago.

“The ugly stick? Where the hell did you get that from?” Dayne asked.

“It’s something my dad used to say when I was a kid.”

“What? To you?” Grant scowled.

“No!” She smiled, remembering. “He used to say it about our dog. That thing was the ugliest little mutt on the planet and Dad used to say how his mother must have beaten him with the ugly stick.”

“Just as well. I think Grant might have been thinking of committing some beating of his own.” Dayne gave her a squeeze.

“He’s dead.”

“What? The dog?”

“No, my dad. He and Mum were killed in a car accident five years ago.”

“Oh, Miki.” Dayne pulled her back into his arms. “I’m so sorry; I remember how close you all were.”

It had taken her a few years but she was finally over their early deaths. She still missed them like mad, but it no longer hurt to talk about them like it had in the beginning. “We were close and I have all those wonderful memories to cherish.”

The mood had turned serious again and Miki wanted to get back to the carefree abandon of earlier. “Come on. This castle won’t build itself.” She crawled from Dayne’s lap and started working on another tower.


Grant sat in damp pants watching his best friend and the woman he thought he might be falling in love with play like a couple of three-year-olds. Miki’s face was lit up, her pale skin glowing, the multitude of freckles standing out. He’d meant what he said. To him she was gorgeous. Her red hair burned brighter under the hot sun and the tint of scarlet across her cheeks showed she’d caught a little sunburn. They hadn’t thought to bring hats or sunscreen, but it was late in the day and the UV rays had lost some of their sting.

Miki’s denim shorts were wet in patches, the sand sticking to them in clumps. She had her hair pulled up in some sort of clip that no longer appeared in control of the burnished mass. Ropey strands hung about her face and down her back like dark streamers. His fingers itched with the remembered feel of tangling with all that spun gold. There was no doubt in his mind she’d need to wash her hair again after today. He could see a smattering of fine yellow grains on the top of her scalp.

“Hey, are you helping or freeloading on your arse?”

He grinned at her. “Just admiring the view.”

She turned towards the sea. “Yeah, it’s pretty spectacular.”

Dayne laughed. “Somehow I don’t think that’s the view Grant is referring to.”

“What?” Miki faced him again. “Oh.”

Her cheeks flushed a darker shade of red and she tucked her chin against her chest as she turned away from his stare. It pissed him off that she would want to hide, but at the same time it charmed him. There was no artifice with Miki. What you saw was what you got. Everything about her was natural, the colour of her hair, the make-up-free face, the breasts plumped up in her tank top and the words that came out of her mouth. She was a refreshing change from the women in his recent past. Grant was ashamed to admit his choices hadn’t been the most well thought out when it came to women.

Like most young men he’d been after one thing, and until Mikaila stepped back into his life he’d been content. Not any longer. Now he wanted far more than the hollow physical satisfaction he’d limited himself to experiencing. Grant couldn’t deny the selections he’d made had decided the outcome before any of his previous relationships had begun. But Miki was different in every way that mattered, which meant he couldn’t coast along and enjoy the ride. He had to take control or risk another crash and burn. That wasn’t even an option with Miki.

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