Read Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 Online
Authors: Rhian Cahill
“You always smell so good.”
Miki laughed. “Yeah, right. Sweaty and sandy isn’t what I’d consider an appealing scent.”
“On you anything would be appealing.”
He let her go and reached for the soap. Dayne lathered up quickly, washing away the sand and sweat. Miki finished rinsing her hair and edged past him. With eyes only for her while she dried her body and wrapped a towel around her head, he finished up and switched off the water. She handed him a dry towel and he indicated the clothes he’d brought in.
“There’s a pair of drawstring shorts and T-shirt for you to wear. We’ll put your clothes in the washer before dinner.”
The shorts were miles too big, but she pulled the cord tight and managed to hold them up. His shirt fit better, but only because it was one of the smallest he owned. It would have to do for now. Besides, they’d have her naked again before the night was over.
“Where did Grant disappear to?”
“No idea. Let’s go find out.” Dayne curled his fingers around hers. “Hopefully he’s put a pot of coffee on. I could do with a caffeine boost.”
“I wouldn’t mind one either. I’m suddenly feeling very sleepy.”
“You can have a nap if you want.”
“Oh, no. If I sleep now I’ll never sleep tonight.”
He looked at her and grinned. “That’s not such a bad thing.”
She playfully punched his arm. “Stop that. Haven’t you had enough of me already?”
“Not in this lifetime.” He was dead serious, but Miki either didn’t get it or chose to ignore his intention.
“So where is your movie collection so I can pick out what to watch?”
The change of subject didn’t worry him too much. The topic did mean she was sticking around for the evening and that was a bonus as far as Dayne was concerned. “Let’s see what Grant’s up to first, then I’ll show you what we’ve got.”
“Okay, but I’m still not watching anything with blood and guts.”
Dayne sigh and tried to add disappointment to his voice. “All right.”
Miki giggled. “That was shocking. Good thing you didn’t go into acting or you would have starved to death by now.”
He smiled at her. “Yeah, owning C.S. is a hell of a lot more fun anyway.”
“You never did tell me what C.S. stands for.”
“Cool Shit,” Grant came out of the laundry. “Our clothes are in the washer.”
“What?” Miki gawked at them. “You named your business Cool Shit?”
Laughing at the disbelief in her voice Dayne said, “No, we called it C.S. No one but Grant and I know what the letters stand for.”
“And now that we’ve told you you’re sworn to secrecy or we’ll have to kill you.” Grant’s dead-pan face made Dayne laugh harder.
“Kill me how?” The smirk on her lips told him she enjoyed playing along.
“Well.” Grant rubbed his hand over his chin. “I was thinking we could start by seeing if we could kill you with orgasms, and if that didn’t work I seem to recall someone being very ticklish.”
They lunged for her together.
Chapter Six
Miki squealed and tore off down the hallway towards the lounge room. Dayne caught her by the arm and Grant quickly took advantage and grabbed her legs. Lifting her up, they walked over to the couch and sat, side by side, with her spread across their laps.
“So, what will it be? Death by tickling?” Grant’s long fingers wrapped around her ankle to hold her foot still while he attacked the sole of her foot with his other hand. She kicked but his forearm pinned her legs to his.
“No. Don’t. Stop.” Her words blurting out between panted breathes. Dayne’s arms banded around her middle and his fingers dug into each side of her ribs, sending her into peals of laughter. They each tortured whatever part of her they held until she gasped for breath.
“Or…” Dayne push one hand up the baggy leg of her shorts. “Death by orgasm?”
“Oh God.”
His fingers brushed her folds, searched out her clit and stopped.
“Tickle?” Grant renewed his assault on her feet.
“Or orgasm?” Dayne applied pressure to the tender bundle of nerves under his thumb and the move sent a jolt of pleasure into her core. “God, you’re so wet.”
A breathless cry followed the fingers he’d thrust inside her slippery pussy. “Orgasm!”
He probed deeper. “Does being chased down turn you on, Miki?”
“Jesus. Your muscles just squeezed the fuck out of my fingers.” He pulled out, pushed in. “Would you like it if we tied you down? If we caught you to keep? To do with as we pleased?” His fingers curled, found her G-spot and sent spasms through her core. “You’re so fucking hot.”
She squirmed on their laps but he didn’t let up, and when Grant’s hand joined Dayne’s, Miki knew she would be seeing stars before they were done. If they kept this up she surely would die. Her pussy was still swollen and sensitive from their sex in the car. The pleasure so intense it bordered on pain. In seconds, she was screaming over the edge and coming hard. Panting for breath, she slumped, splayed across their legs.
“Christ, your responsiveness blows me away.” Grant removed his fingers from her body and brought them to his lips. “And you smell and taste divine.”
Miki watched from under lowered lids as he proceeded to lick his wet fingers clean. Her pussy clenched, his obvious enjoyment tightening her lower belly.
Dayne wiggled the fingers still buried in her core and a second less powerful orgasm rocked her. Her back arched as the wave of release broke over her. He gentled his strokes, eased her down until the buzz of pleasure hummed in her veins. Miki closed her eyes and let herself drift with the contentment their magical touch made her feel.
Cradled against Dayne’s chest with Grant massaging her calf muscles, Miki could easily believe she’d died and gone to heaven. In fact she’d be quite happy for them to kill her again and again. Just not yet, but definitely later.
“I checked the DVD’s while you were in the shower. We have
No Strings Attached
“You do? Good.”
A clap of thunder shook the house and Miki’s eyes popped open. The room had darkened considerably and a flash of lightning was followed seconds later by another boom that made her jump. They turned to look out the windows. The sky was black and the trees were swaying violently in the wind which was picking up by the minute. Rain started in an avalanche. There was no sprinkle to downpour, just a deluge like a dam had burst.
“That’s one angry storm.”
“Good thing we made it home before it started,” Grant said.
“I think it’s our cue to get dinner happening.” Dayne stood, taking Miki with him.
“Shush. What do you want on your pizza?”
“Do you have pepperoni?”
“Of course. What decent pizza parlour wouldn’t?” Dayne set her on her feet. “You can help Grant get the toppings ready while I make the dough.”
Miki followed Dayne into the kitchen and waited for them to tell her what to do. All three of them bumped shoulders as they washed their hands and playfully fought over the handtowel.
“Here.” Grant pulled out a stool at the island bench. “Sit here and I’ll get you a chopping board and knife.”
She studied them as they pulled ingredients from the fridge and pantry. Dayne cleared the counter next to the sink and took bowls, measuring cups and spoons from cupboards and drawers. He worked quickly, turning flour, water, salt and some other spices she couldn’t see the name of into a ball of dough.
“How long does that have to rise?” she asked.
“It doesn’t.” He smiled at her over his shoulder. “That’s the secret to my perfect thin crust.”
“Oh, I would never have thought to make a base like that.”
“Here. Don’t slice the pepperoni too thin.” Grant laid a long roll of processed meat on the board in front of her.
“Not a problem. I prefer it on the thick side too. Do you want the whole knob sliced?”
“Yeah, between the three of us we’ll need it.” Grant pulled out a food processor and started grating the three cheeses he’d pulled from the refrigerator.
“What’s with the different cheeses?”
“That’s another secret to the perfect pizza,” Grant said.
“It took years of experimenting to come up with the right combination,” Dayne added.
“Isn’t mozzarella the perfect pizza cheese?” She glanced between them.
Dayne turned to face her, his expression serious. “It is. But there is so much more to be added, and we would not be true pizza connoisseurs without searching out the right combination of taste, texture and smell.” He bowed low. “It’s our duty to discover the best.”
“I’m humbled by your sacrifice. It surely must have been a trial to eat all those pizzas.” She couldn’t stop the giggle breaking free. Dayne’s shenanigans got sillier the more time they spent together. But Miki wasn’t really surprised. He’d always been the one to make her laugh in high school. And him paired with Grant only made sure the good times were doubled.
“Do you mock us, woman?” Dayne took a step towards her.
“No, no, really. I appreciate all you’ve suffered.” Grinning, she ducked her head and got back to cutting the pepperoni.
“You’ll keep.” Miki peeked at Dayne through lowered lashes. “And when you least expect it…”
If it was anything like the last time they’d come after her, Miki was sure any punishment they dished out wouldn’t be too hard to take. She finished slicing the meat and curiosity got the better of her, she slipped off her seat and headed over to where Grant was mixing the grated cheeses in a large bowl.
“Are you going to tell me what types of cheese you use?”
“You’ve already guessed one.” His fingers worked through the shreds of yellow, tossing and mixing them together. “Mozzarella, tasty and parmesan. In equal portions.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever had pizza with anything but mozzarella before.” She tried to sneak some cheese but he slapped her fingers away.
“Then you’re in for a treat. In fact, I’d bet money you won’t have tried anything better.” Grant smiled at her and Miki leaned up and kissed his cheek. “What was that for?”
She shrugged. “Just because.” Miki couldn’t even tell herself what had prompted the impulse.
“Hey, bring that ‘just because’ on over here,” Dayne called.
Smiling, Miki walked over and planted a kiss on Dayne’s bristly jaw. “Need help with anything else?”
“Sure, turn the oven on hot. I’ll grab the stone out in a second and you can put that in to heat.”
“It’s a ceramic tile that you heat and cook your pizza on. It imitates a pizza oven,” Dayne explained.
“Oh, you mean like the wood-fire ones where the pizza is slid onto the bottom of the oven?”
“Wow. I can’t wait to try this. I love wood-fire pizza.”
Dayne grabbed her chin with his hand. “Well, you’re going to be in love with me and my pizza before the night is out.” He pressed his lips to hers, in a hard smacking kiss.
She was sure his words were meant as a joke, but her stupid heart flipped in her chest and butterflies swarmed in her stomach. Miki didn’t want to fall for either of them, but it was hard not to. Both men appealed to her for different reasons as well as the same reasons. The boys she remembered with fondness had grown into men worth knowing. They were men who took life seriously while still being able to have fun, unlike her husband who’d never taken anything serious in his short life. In some ways David had reminded her of Dayne and Grant, which, Miki was ashamed to say, was probably part of the reason she’d been drawn to him in the first place.
Dayne studied her, stared into her eyes as though he could read her mind, and Miki quickly shut down her thoughts. When he finally let her go he gave her a pat on the arse.
“Go turn the oven on high.”
Miki walked on unsteady legs. Her insides a swirling mass of emotion she didn’t know how to untangle. She needed to talk to Frankie. It was strange of Frankie to not call her. At home earlier today, she’d rung her friend’s home and mobile numbers. Left messages on both voicemails for her to ring Grant’s number, but she still hadn’t heard from her. Miki cursed herself for leaving her phone in Frankie’s car last night.
“Grant, Frankie hasn’t rung has she?”
“No, but my phone is in the bedroom. We might not have heard it ring over the storm.”
“Can I go check?”
“Of course you can.” Grant’s brow creased. “I told you there was no need to ask me for my phone.”
“I know but…” She shrugged. “I feel funny not asking.”
He frowned at her. “Go get the phone and if she hasn’t rung give her a call. We’ve got dinner under control.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
Miki strode down the hall. She couldn’t tell if the anxiety churning in her stomach was because she hadn’t heard from Frankie or because of the situation with Dayne and Grant. Either way, a few minutes conversation with her best friend would help right about now.
Grant turned on Dayne. “What the hell are you doing?”
“What?” Dayne’s ignorance just pissed him off more.
“Are you
to scare her out the door?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“That ‘going to love me’ bullshit.”
The puzzled expression on his friend’s face managed to pull his anger back a notch. Did Dayne really have no clue about Miki’s reaction? “She froze up when you said that.”
“I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. Well, I did, but it wasn’t intentional. It just slipped out while we were mucking around.” Dayne shook his head. “I can’t censor my words or my feelings because Miki might freak out. It’s not natural and you know it.”
With a sigh, Grant leaned on the counter. “I know. I just don’t want to fuck it up, man.”
“And we won’t.” Dayne crossed his arms over his chest. “As much as I want to let the cards fall wherever, I can’t. If I’m not already in love with her I’m well on the way and I want to share that with her. I’m not asking for her to return my feelings, but I want Miki to know how I feel about her.”
“Yeah, I get that.” He scrubbed a hand down his face. “But I still think you need to back the truck up a bit. Things are moving fast and they could easily spiral out of control if we’re not careful.”