Read Truth or Dare: Party Games, Book 2 Online
Authors: Rhian Cahill
“Where do you two think you’re taking her?” Frankie’s voice stopped them.
“Out back for fresh air,” Dayne offered.
“I think she needs to go home. If you guys will help me get her out front I’ll call a cab and take her home.”
“That’s okay, we’ll make sure she gets home safe. That way you can keep the party going.” Grant wanted to take care of Miki himself, and if she needed to go home then he’d be the one to take her.
Frankie eyed him before turning her gaze on Dayne. “Why should I trust either of you to look out for her?”
Grant stared at their old friend. Did she really think they wouldn’t look after Mikaila? Then again, a lot could happen in ten years.
“We’ll take care of her. You have my word.”
“And mine,” Dayne added. “In fact, we won’t take her home to her house. We’ll take her to ours.”
One of Frankie’s eyebrows arched high on her forehead. “Your place?”
“Yeah, we live next door, Frankie. You can both crash at our place for the night then drive home in the morning.” Grant held his breath and waited for Frankie’s response.
“Next door?”
Grant pointed to his right. “The house on that side is ours.”
Frankie whistled. “You two have done all right for yourselves then. Waterfront property in Avalon. That’s gotta be worth a packet. I guess I could always sue you if you failed to look out for Miki. Or kick both your arses so hard you couldn’t sit down for a week. Or break both your legs.” She cocked one straight, dark eyebrow. “Or all three.”
“That won’t be necessary. My life wouldn’t be worth living if I let anything happen to Mikaila.” Grant met Frankie’s gaze, the truth of his words straightening his spine. He would never forgive himself if something happened to Miki.
She gave them both one final look before turning on her heel and speaking over her shoulder. “Fine, take her to your place, but I’ll be over later to check on you.”
With that, Frankie Winchester disappeared into the crowd of drunken party goers.
“Yeah, Frankie hasn’t changed much at all.” Grant ginned and turned back to Dayne who all but held Miki upright. “Let’s get Miki home so she can lie down before she falls down.”
“I think she might need more than a lie down after the number of shots she tossed back.”
“I’ll put on some coffee, but it might be best if she just drank water and slept.” Grant followed close behind his friend, ready to catch Mikaila if she should slip from Dayne’s grasp.
Between the two of them they managed to get Miki across the back yard and into theirs. Grant slid open their patio door and punched in the alarm code. They may be willing to leave the place unlocked but not without some protection. He helped Dayne get her inside.
“Spare room?”
Grant led the way. The house wasn’t large, but it suited them. They’d turned the fourth bedroom into a home office and furnished the third with a bed and dresser. Not that it had ever been used in the three years they’d lived here. Actually, Mikaila was the first woman either of them had brought home.
Chapter Two
Mikaila opened her eyes and stared up at the ceiling. Where was her canopy? The light from the bedside lamp gave off a muted glow that didn’t hurt her eyes, but it did nothing to clear the fog in her head. Images and snippets of conversation swirled around but nothing made sense. The last thing she clearly remembered was heading to a party with her best friend. Damn Frankie and her need to drag Miki out of her protective shell. And where was her so-called friend anyway? Come to think of it, where the hell was
With care, Miki lifted her head and peered around the room. Definitely not hers, but the plain decor gave nothing away as to who the room might belong to. The simple wood dresser held no photos or knick knacks to offer up a clue, and the only thing on the walls other than white paint was a scenic picture of a beach. When her head didn’t protest too much, Mikaila pulled herself up and rested on her elbows. Her head was all floaty, her body felt as if it weighed a ton and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth it was so dry.
Oh shit.
She was drunk. Or at least she had been. Now she was hungover. Had she crawled into one of the upstairs bedrooms at the party?
. She didn’t even know her hosts, Frankie did. Sighing, Miki flopped back on the bed. She regretted the move the second her head hit the soft pillow and her brain reverberated around her skull like a ping-pong ball. Miki brought her hands up to cradle her head and closed her eyes. Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, she concentrated on stopping the pounding in her head. When it reached a manageable ache she opened her eyes once more.
The open blinds and sheer curtains revealed a dark sky beyond so it was still night. Maybe she could sneak out of here—wherever here was—and no one would know she’d taken a little siesta at all. Plan set, she scootered to the edge of the bed and sat up, her head spun a little but not enough to stop her. Her flip-flops sat on the floor beside the bed but before Miki could slip her feet into them and stand a creaking noise drew her gaze to the other side of the room and the slowly opening door.
. Escape without detection was not on the cards tonight.
Miki braced herself for a confrontation, but the slam to the gut she got wasn’t what she’d expected. Larger than life, wearing only boxers, stood Dayne and Grant. Memory flooded back. The party, seeing the guys again and the outrageous game of Truth or Dare Frankie had roped them all into. Jeez, and the numerous shots of tequila Mikaila had thrown back when she wouldn’t answer any of the questions. No wonder she was feeling a tad out of it. Not that she was drunk now, a little tipsy maybe but not drunk. Well, not on alcohol anyway.
Her gaze travelled over every inch of the two fine male specimens standing in the doorway. Devouring all that naked flesh in front of her had certain parts of her anatomy drunk all right, but not on booze. Oh no, lust was rapidly taking over. And Miki’s common sense and brain had been sufficiently drowned in intoxicating liquor for her to open her mouth and comment before she could think better of it.
“God, you’re both gorgeous.”
She spoke in a low, breathy voice that hung on the air like molten sex. No, wait. That was the scent of her arousal. Moisture coated the tender folds between her legs and she squeezed her thighs together to relieve the pulsing ache their presence had produced. The thin layer of panties and sundress were no shield against the aroma they wouldn’t fail to detect if they came any closer. Neither man spoke, but they stared at her with an intensity that had her stomach flipping and her heart racing. That look coming from one man would be enough to melt any woman’s underwear, but double it? Miki shuddered.
Silence charged with electricity surrounded them, held them motionless for several heartbeats. Miki’s body throbbed with need. Her libido had lain dormant for so long that the sudden return to sensation took her breath. Every part of her wanted with a raw-edged desire foreign to any she’d ever known. Even in the heady first days of her relationship with David, Mikaila hadn’t felt like this.
Dayne broke the spell. He shook his head and cleared his throat. His whole body shook as he snapped out of his trance-like state. Miki watched each muscle twitch as the wave rolled over him. The urge to walk over and follow the same path with her tongue was almost overwhelming and she clenched her fists in the bed cover. Swallowing hard, she dragged her gaze away and stared at the floor in front of her.
“Would you like some water? Coffee?” Dayne asked.
The mention of fluid had Miki’s bladder twinging and she crossed her legs, the heated skin sticky with the slight sheen of sweat coating her from head to toe. She didn’t want to think about the slick cream seeping through her panties.
“Um, can I use the bathroom?”
“Oh, of course.” Grant stepped back out of the doorway. “It’s straight across the hall.”
Mikaila stood, the need to relieve herself more pressing now she was upright. Careful not to touch either of them as she passed, she more or less ran to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her as she entered. It wasn’t until she’d finished her business that she took notice of her surroundings. The room was opulent without being ostentatious, and Miki again wondered where she was. The memory of Grant and Dayne in their underwear and Grant directing her to the bathroom made her think she might be at his house, but she couldn’t recall leaving the party.
Flushed with arousal, Mikaila took a moment to calm down, but her cheeks still burned hot. She forgot about her make-up and splashed her face with water in an attempt to cool off. The sight that greeted her in the mirror when she looked up made her groan. Spying a box of tissues on the counter, Miki grabbed a handful and quickly used them to clean off the rest of her cosmetics, not that she’d worn much, a thin layer of foundation to hide her freckles, a stroke of mascara and a little lip gloss. It took a bit of effort to remove the smudged mascara from beneath her eyes, but she finally felt confident she didn’t look a complete wreck and left the bathroom.
Stepping into the hall, Miki found herself faced with a wall of solid male chests. There might only be two of them, but they were a couple of the broadest torsos she’d ever laid eyes on. She stumbled back a step and both men reached out to steady her, but she avoided their touch. If either of them managed to lay a hand on her she’d be back to where she started before splashing her face with cold water and she wasn’t ready to go there yet.
“Y…you mentioned coffee?” Miki’s mouth got drier the longer she stared at the gorgeous men in front of her and she needed a distraction if she had any hope of controlling the urge to jump both of them.
“I did. We can have it on the back patio. It’s still a lovely night and the fresh air might help.” Dayne turned and led the way.
“Um…” She turned to Grant. “Is this your place?”
“Ours. Dayne and I live together.”
“Not in that way.” Grant chuckled. “We were spending so much time on building the company that it was easier to live together, and then as the business grew and we could afford to buy a place it just seemed natural to purchase together.”
“So, where are we exactly?” They walked into the kitchen and Miki’s breath caught. “Oh my, it’s beautiful.”
The view beyond the glass walls was breathtaking, but the kitchen itself was every cook’s dream. She ran her fingers along the marble countertop, the stainless-steel free-standing oven and the colourful tile splashback. An island bench separated the space from a huge rumpus room complete with wall-mounted flat screen that had to be at least ten feet wide. Miki had never seen a TV that big outside of a shop, but it was the ample preparation space and state-of-the-art cooking appliances that appealed to her more. What magic she could weave in here.
Miki stopped short when she saw the time on the microwave.
? It’d been barely dark when she last looked at the time. No wonder the affects of the alcohol she’d consumed were wearing off, nothing like a sleep and a few hours to sober someone up. Although she still wouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car. Good thing she’d left hers at home and come with Frankie.
“Is the time on that right?”
“Yep.” Dayne walked by with three mugs held between his large hands. “I’ll take these out back.”
“I guess I slept for a while, huh.”
“You needed it. You were getting pretty drunk.” Grant motioned for her to go ahead of him.
“No need to sugar-coat it. I was trashed, but in my defence I haven’t had more than a glass of wine at one time in a few years.” Miki started after Dayne. “Hey, you never did say where we were.”
“Next door.”
“Next door to the party. Which, by the way, is still going strong. Frankie came by a few hours ago to check on you, said she’d pick you up in the morning.”
“Oh, she left me here?” Miki stepped out onto the patio and marvelled at the beautiful view of the ocean.
“You were crashed out and we weren’t about to wake you.” Dayne pulled a chair out from the table for her.
Miki sat and reached for her mug. “I guess it makes sense that she left without me.”
The guys exchanged a look that had her wondering what had gone on when Frankie had checked on her, but the aroma of strong coffee drew her attention and she took a sip. Sweetened exactly as she liked it, Miki took another mouthful before something occurred to her.
“Hey, how’d you know how I like my coffee?”
“I asked Frankie. I wanted to be sure we had what you liked when you finally woke up.” Dayne took a sip from his cup.
“We weren’t sure how you’d wake up after all that tequila,” Grant added.
Miki groaned. “Don’t mention that word.” She placed a hand to her forehead. “I never want to taste that foul stuff again.”
Grant laughed. “Sure thing, anything to aid your recovery.”
“God, I don’t think I’ve been that drunk in years. Possibly never.”
“It wasn’t that bad. Had more to do with the number and how quickly you consumed them,” Dayne said.
“Yeah, kinda went overboard.” She leaned back into the padded chair and sipped at her coffee. “Remind me never to do that again.”
Dayne sat back and drank his coffee. It was his third. Unlike Miki, he hadn’t slept since they’d come home. There was no way he could go to bed with her under the same roof—not unless they were sharing that bed and sleeping was the last thing on their agenda. The little encounter in the guest room had proven him right. One look at her all sleep rumpled sitting on the bed and his cock had gone stiff as a post. Good thing his boxers were loose fitting or he’d have suffered some damage. His limits had never been tested like they were when Miki was around. She drove his body to extremes with no more than her presence.
Even now, sitting out under the stars, every nerve was on high alert. Heated blood pumped through his veins and filled his cock. The driving pulse was a beat of sexual need he hadn’t experienced in a very long time. He wanted nothing more than to strip Miki out of her flimsy dress, toss her on the table and fuck her senseless. His imagination conjured up images to torture him further—Grant thrusting between her sweet cherry lips while he drove himself deep into her tight cunt.