Treat Me Like Somebody (4 page)

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Authors: Nikki Simms

BOOK: Treat Me Like Somebody
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I have been calling Jazmyn’s stupid ass all fucking morning. I had just got home a few hours ago with breakfast to apologize about not coming home last night. Imagine my surprise when I got home to find her and all her stuff gone. Mad wasn’t the word for how I was feeling. I was hurt beyond reasons. I knew she was getting tired of me and the shit I put her through but I never thought she would actually leave.

Ima fucking kill this bitch.
I thought as I listened to her voicemail for the 20
time this morning. Jaz knew how I felt about her and how much I love her ass. I hope she didn’t think I was going to let her leave me and be ok with it. I know she was trying to play me for that bitch ass nigga Lamar. He probably was the one to put her up to this. Out of all the shit we have been through together, she never got this mad to leave. That let me know another man was involved.

Jaz is my fucking world. I love her ass to death and I’ll be damned if I let Lamar or any other nigga have what belongs to me. I’ve been the only man that ever slid between those legs and that’s the way it’s going to stay. I know for a fact that Jaz ain’t give my pussy up to him. She’s not that fucking stupid for one and two, Lamar would’ve found his balls and approached me like a man. Jaz got the type of pussy that’ll have you hooked and make you want to kill a nigga. I’ve been with plenty of bitches and haven’t come across some pussy that can top Jaz’s yet.

I have been chilling with this little shorty lately though, to get away from Jaz and her bullshit. Malissa is like my home away from home. She cool as fuck too, the total package. She cooks, cleans and cater to my every need. She don’t complain or be on that bullshit when she don’t see me for weeks at a time. She don’t call me through the night or bitch about my girl like most side chicks. She knew her roll and that Jaz is wifey. The only problem is, she can’t see past my money. She claims she loves me and that I’m the only nigga she’s fucking with but I’m far from stupid. I can smell a money hungry hoe from a mile away.

I aint going to lie though, Malissa is part of the reason why I can’t seem to stay faithful to Jaz. It is something about shorty I can’t get enough of. Jaz and always stayed at it over Malissa. No matter how many lies I told or excuses I came up with, Jaz always knew the truth. I tried to call Jaz back but Grip called before I could dial her number.

“What’s up, nigga?” I answered.

“Man, why you on Facebook letting it all hang out?” he asked.

“The fuck you talking ‘bout? Nigga you know I don’t do social media.”

“Well it had to be that chick you fucking with. Bruh, it’s a video of you online getting out of the shower.” He laughed. “Your mans was out and everything.”

“Stop fucking playin’,” I chuckled.

“Word on everything,” he laughed harder.

“You dead ass?” I asked still not sure if he was joking or not. “And how you figured it was Malissa?”

“Because she was in it to.” I listened to him describe and tell me everything he saw in that video. To say I was pissed would be an understatement. I couldn’t believe what the fuck I was hearing. Malissa’s bogus ass got me good and here I was thinking she was different from other bitches and she’s every bit of them hoes. There’s no doubt in my mind she did this shit to get at Jaz. She was always telling me how she didn’t care if I had a girl or not as long as she was a part of my life that was all that mattered. This bitch even had the balls to tag my girl name in the shit.

“Dirty trick,” I said out loud. That’s aite, I got something for her ass. She aint never got to worry about me or my girl again because I’m through with this bitch.

“What you going to do, bruh?” Grip asked me as I grabbed my car keys off the counter to go confront Malissa.

“I ain’t worried about it. I’m on my way over there now.”

“Aite, I’ll get at you later then. Aye, you know Justice get out tomorrow, right?” He said refreshing my memory.

“Damn sure do. So what’s up? You already know he gone lock shit back down. That nigga Diesel thought he was the man ‘cause Justice was locked down and shit. I want to see his face when he see big homie.”

“Hell yea, you know Harlem throwing him a welcome home cookout this weekend at their moms crib.”

“That’s what’s up, but look ima get at you later. I need to go holla at Lissa about this stupid shit.”

“Aite one,” he said

“Aite, my nigga.” I ended the call and locked up the crib. I jumped into my car and headed over to Malissa’s, when it came to me.
That’s why Jaz left, she probably saw that fucking video.
I thought taking a deep breath. If Jaz’s mama wasn’t crazy, I’ll go talk to her and explain what happened. I don’t get it though, Jaz caught me plenty of times with Malissa and never left. It got to be something more serious than that and I was about to go find out.





  So just pop a couple of bands with a nigga like me

              Loving aint the same with a nigga like me

                  You use to then but aint no loving me

       I hear what you say and girl, it’s clear to see

You should just drink a couple drinks with a nigga like me

                 You probably go insane with a nigga like me

              Let’s just party till we can’t, aint no loving me

                            And I’m the one to blame, aint no loving me

                                          So don’t come looking for love

I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth and about to get dressed when I heard Samya’s phone ringing. I knew it wasn’t mines because of the ringtone. I walked out the room and called her to come get it. She was down stairs cooking with the music blasted, so I know she couldn’t hear me. I was just about to take it to her but it had stopped ringing. I went back to in the bathroom to finish getting ready when it rung again. I walked back out and removed it off the charger.

Bryan? Who the fuck is Bryan?
I thought and put it back on the charger. I had to go help my mother finish setting up for the cookout this weekend. My big bro was finally coming home. I couldn’t wait to get shit on and popping again. With Justice back on the scene, I know for a fact we finna shut it down.

Before Justice got hit with that 7 year bid, he left everything to his fraud ass best friend/right hand Diesel, until he came home anyway. This hoe ass nigga waited just as good until my brother got locked up to show his true colors. The same day Just turned himself in, Diesel changed his whole operation up. He moved the stash houses and all 12 traps. He fucked up when him and his so called goons pulled their straps out on me when I went to confront him about it. He must have thought I was going to bitch up and apologize like he was that nigga. Diesel knew me and he know I don’t scare easily. So when he tried to play me on that level, had me heated.

The only reason that nigga still breathing was because Justice wanted to toe tag his ass personally. Now the other three nigga’s that tried me, vanished without a trace. With his homies dropping, Diesel beefed up security making it harder to get at him even if I wanted to.

Since Justice couldn’t touch him physically, he hit him where he knew it would hurt. He pulled his plug Juan from under the table and told him what was up. No connect means no work and no work means no paper. Justice also put word out for nobody to fuck with Diesel. But somehow he still managed to find a connect, running half of the city. I locked down the other half taking most of Justice’s workers with me, the loyal ones anyway.

To keep it 100, I never really hustled before. I never liked it, it wasn’t my thing. I’ll take watching a nigga beg for his life as it slowly slipped away over moving dope any day. But because I didn’t want Justice to lose what he started, I did what I had to do with help from Justice. Now three and a half years later, I was practically committed to this shit.

After I finished getting dressed, I sat down on the edge of my bed to put on my Timberland boots. Mya’s phone started to ring again and this same nigga was calling her. I’ve been fucking with Mya for almost 6 months and she never mentioned she had a nigga. But the way this Bryan character keeps blowing her up had me thinking otherwise.

I’m really feeling Mya and what not and I’m ready to take things to the next level but if she got a man she need to let me know what’s up and not lead me on. She’s what I want right now but I aint for the games. It’s too many bitches out here for me to be chasing behind one that’s already taken.

I aint the one to brag on myself but a nigga was smooth with his shit. I’m a woman’s dream and her man’s worst nightmare. I’m 6’0 and 197 pounds, I aint buff but I can’t still hold my own. I had caramel colored skin, kissable six pack, light brown eyes and silky shoulder length hair that I kept pulled back into a ponytail that drove women wild.

I started to brush my hair back when Samya’s phone started to ring again and it was pissing me off. I stopped what I was doing just to go take it to her. I walked down stairs and turned the radio off. “Mya who the fuck is this nigga that keeps calling you?” I asked when she turned around looking good as hell in one of my wife beaters. I could see her fat ass cheeks playing peek-a-boo and her nipples was hard poking through the tank top.

“What are you talking about Harlem?” she said sliding a plate of food in front of me. I love when Mya cooks. She can cook her ass off too. She fixed turkey bacon, egg whites with feta cheese, shredded hash browns and buttered toast. I sat down on one of the bar stools and blessed my food.

“Some nigga name Bryan done called like 7 times this morning. What that’s your nigga or something?” I asked ready to dismiss her ass if she said yeah.

“No, he’s just a friend that’s all.” She replied.

“Mya miss me with that bullshit, aite. Friends don’t call friends at 9 in the morning back to back unless they fucking. You fucking him?”

“No,” she got loud. “And if I was that’s none of your concern. We are not together, I’m free to do as I please and fuck whoever I want.”

“You are the reason we not together Mya. Fuck you mean? I’ve been here waiting on you to make us official. I told yo selfish ass plenty of times how I feel about you. Talking about you can do as you please? Six months Mya, six fucking months and you still not ready.” I stated mad as hell, I couldn’t believe she even came out her mouth at me like that.

“Harlem, I…”

“Man whatever yo, I aint even hungry no more. Go get dressed so I can take you home. I need to be heading over to my mom’s anyway.” I had cut her off so she couldn’t say something I didn’t want to hear. She didn’t say anything just walked off with a sad look on her face. I didn’t give a fuck though. I’m sick of playin’ these games with her ass.

About an half hour later she came back down fully dressed and walked right past me to go stand by my car. I shook my head and locked up my spot. The entire ride to her mother’s was quiet; she didn’t say shit to me just played in her phone. I wondered who she was texting but then quickly remembered her words.
She’s not yo bitch!
I had to tell myself.

When we pulled up to the house, she got out without saying bye or nothing. I watched her walk inside and slam the door. Something was telling me to just drive off but I didn’t want to leave yet knowing we had bad blood. I got out of my car and walked up to the small frame screen door. I knocked twice and waited on for it to open. I was just about to knock again when the door swung open.

“Yes?” a short lady said blowing smoke in my face. I figured she was Mya’s sister because she looked too young to be her mother.

“I’m here for Samya.” I said.

“You can come in.” She opened the door wider for me to step inside.

“MYAAA,” she yelled down the hall.

“Yes Mama.” I heard her voice say.
Mama? I know damn well this not her mother
I thought to myself. Her mother called her to come here and she came from the back with another chick that looked even finer than the mother. “Damn this house filled with beautiful women.” I said under my breath. I licked my lips as I looked all of them over.

“Lord have mercy, My-My. I see why you was hiding him. Hi I’m Jaz, her sister.” She waved.

“Harlem,” I nodded.

“So Mr. Harlem, how old are you?” their mother asked me.

“25,” I stated.

“Got any kids or ratchet ass baby mothers?”

“Um no and no,” I chuckled.

“Umm hmm, aint no need for me to ask what you do for a living. I know a dope boy when I see one.” She said.

“Mama,” Mya yelled.

“What I do? He a low key one too.” She said pulling on her blunt and winked at me. I don’t know why but I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

“Mama, you always thinking somebody selling work.” Jaz laughed.

“I was right about yo punk ass nigga, won’t I?” she laughed. “And I’m right about this one.”

I didn’t like the fact that she was trying to pull my card. It was time for me to get the fuck up out of there before I said something I would regret. “Can I holla at you, outside for a minute?” I asked looking over at Mya. She said yea and walked me to the door. “Nice meeting you ladies.” I said on the way out.


After fixing Samya’s attitude, I headed over to my mother’s. When I pulled up, there was an old red minivan in her driveway. “This bitch here!” I said when I saw Tammi standing on the front porch. From the looks of it, her and my mother where in a heated argument. I parked my car and walked over to them. The closer I got, I knew why Tammi was over here.

“Tammi, I’m not going to tell you twice. Get the fuck off my porch, gone now.” My mother said.

“Rachelle, I just want to see them. Please they’re my boys.” Tammi begged.

“You are not getting close to my grand babies again, especially after what happened the last time I let you take them. Now, I’m sick of tell..” My mother stopped when she saw me. “Harlem get this bitch of my porch.”

“Harlem please, I just want to see them. You know Justice would have a fit if he knew yall was keeping them from me. He said I can come spend time with them as much as I want.” She tried to explain.

“Tammi that was before you did what you did. If Justice knew about that you would never see them again.” I said stepping on the porch.

“I took them to the park.” She snapped.

“And bitch you left them there.” I had to remind her.

“But did they die, though.” She replied and I was ready to slap her ass off the porch.

“Oh hell nawl, I’m going to kill this drunk bitch.” My mother was trying to grab at Tammi but I blocked the path.

“Man get the fuck off my mama porch before I beat yo ass for saying some stupid shit like that.”

“That’s ok, Justice coming home soon and when he do; I’m getting my sons and there aint shit you can do about it but live with it.” She walked off and got into the van. I walked in the house behind my mom and closed the door.

“What’s up Uncle Harlem, man?” Javier said and I looked at my watch to see what time was it because he was supposed to be in school. Jordan walked out the kitchen with a sandwich and said hey.

“Don’t hey me, why yall asses not in school?”

“This nigga tried to get buck, so I had to put the paws on him.” Javier said.

“That aint how I remembered it. You was about to get jumped for talking to that older kid’s little sister and I had to come save yo ass.”

“Ayee, what I tell you about that mouth boy?” My mother said.

“Sorry, nana.”

“Anyway, they couldn’t see me Unc,” Javier said.

“Yall some little bad asses.” I said smacking the both of them on their heads. After I finished helping mama set up, I had to meet up with Damion and Keke about opening up another spot.

“Well, I’m out mama.” I said kissing her cheek.

“Aite baby, be safe.” She said and before I could get to the door, Jordan asked me if they can go. I told him yea and to go get Javier. They both came out the door running and pushing each other. I shook my head and told them to calm down before getting in my car.

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