Treat Me Like Somebody

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Authors: Nikki Simms

BOOK: Treat Me Like Somebody
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By Nikki Simms












2015 by Nikki Simms

Published by Shan Presents

All rights reserved



This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the autho
s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.


No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.







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“AHH GET THE FUCK OFF ME PRINCE” I tried to yell as I was being dragged to my bedroom by my hair. “You’re hurting me.” My voice was hoarse from yelling with his ass all morning. I had just got off from working a ten hour shift and had to come home to this bullshit.

Today has not been my day. First, my car broke down and I had to wait almost an hour for my best friend Samya to come get me. It was either that or walk 15 miles home. My administrator called and said if I don’t pull up my grades that she will have no choice but to drop me from my business classes. Then I had to come home to an ass whooping I didn’t deserve.
I swear to god I’m sick of this shit.

“Shut the fuck up, you gon’ learn to respect me. I told ya ass from day one about that mouth. What you thought I was playin’?” Prince said as he threw me on the bed like a rag doll. “You don’t think I know you were with Samya’s punk ass brother”.

“I wasn’t with him. Prince, I swear” I cried.

He reached under my knee length pencil skirt and snatched my panties off. He looked at them then threw them at my face. “Fuck you wearing lace panties to work for? Who you trying to look sexy for, huh?” He asked but before I could answer him he went in on me. “But you was at work tho, you really expect me to believe that Jaz? Coming in here all late and shit, thinking I was going to be cool, bitch you got off two hours ago. Now ima ask you again before I fuck yo ass up. Where you been?”

“I just got off Prince, I swear. My car broke down and I had to wait on Samya to come get me.” I tried to explain but the look he was giving me had me feeling like I was lying. “She took me to get lunch afterwards. I barely see her. Prince, I have no reason to lie, unlike you” I snapped wishing I could take it back as soon as the words left my mouth.

“Oh yea, well we about to find out” he said before pulling me closer to him and ramming two fingers in my tight hole. “Ahh stop Prince you’re scratching me!” I yelled out in pain with tears falling from my eyes. It felt like my insides were on fire, he was literally scratching them. When he removed his hand, I could see a small amount of blood on his fingers. I watched him put them up to his nose and smell.

The pathetic look on his face let me know I was right.
Why was I even scared in the first place when I knew I was right?
I had to ask myself. Prince had that type of effect on me. He led me to believe that he was always right and I was always wrong. Maybe it was because he was also right. I have been seeing Lamar but he was nothing more than a friend. I haven’t slept with him and wasn’t planning on to. I knew Prince had a feeling that I was doing something but today he was wrong because my car actually did break down.

“How I know you not just telling me this? How do I know it wasn’t a nigga that picked you up and took you to get coffee, huh?” He asked with his hands crossed over his chest.

“Call Samya, Prince. She’ll tell you if you don’t believe me,” I said getting up to go to the bathroom with him hot on my trail.

“I’m not about to call that bitch so she can lie for you, y’all probably in this mess together.” I could see him watching me clean myself; the blood was just leaking out like I was on my period. I know he was starting to feel bad because his face had softened and he looked like he felt bad. “Where the fuck the car at Jaz?”

“On the corner of Andrews and Park Street,” I said wishing he would just leave already.

“Don’t leave this fucking house!” he told me and walked out. A few seconds later, I heard the front door slam shut. I dropped down beside the toilet and cried my eyes out. I didn’t understand why I put myself through this, why I put up with all his lies and his constant cheating. The physical and verbal abuse as well. I lost two babies behind his deadly hands. Not to mention, the constant STD’s he brought back that he never had a clue on how he got it in the first place.

I’ve been with Prince since I was 18 and every day I had to ask myself; why? Why did I have to fall in love with a maniac? Why do I stay after all the shit he put me through and the only answer I could come up with is love. I hate to say it but I love Prince to death. That man is all I know and all I ever wanted. He was my first everything and I used to love to hear his voice but lately, I grew sick off the sight of him.  Don’t get me wrong, Prince wasn’t always like this but if I had known life would be like this when we first met, I would have told him to keep it moving.

I met Prince when my sister/best friend Samya and I were leaving South Park Mall. We were walking out when Prince and about three other guys was coming in. His friend, Quincy, held the door open for us. I walked out and he gently grabbed my arm. I looked down at his hand that was on mine then back at him. “Excuse you,” I said trying not to blush. He removed his hand and licked his lips.

“What’s your name, ma?” he asked. I had to look away and try not to stare because baby boy was finer than fine. A pretty boy by heart, Prince looked like the actor, Laz Alonso. He had light brown skin with dark brown eyes, pretty pink lips and a sexy smile that can wet your panties even if he smirked at you. Prince’s body was even the same build as his. The only difference was Prince had abs for days. His hair was dark and silky with waves that could make you sea sick.

I looked him up and down and admired his thuggish taste. He was rocking dark brown khakis and a long sleeve denim True Religion button up. On his feet rested the new Denim Retro Air Jordan 7’s and his Gucci cologne invaded my personal space.

“So what’s up, you gon’ let me get ya name or you gonna continue to fuck me with yo eyes?” he said a little too cocky and causing Samya to laugh.

“Girl, this nigga a fucking clown. Lets go,” she said pulling me away. We got in her car and pulled off but not before our eyes locked and he blew a kiss at me.

A few days later, I ran into him again at club 935 for Samya’s 20
birthday bash that her brother was throwing her. I was dressed to impress in my red Gucci halter top dress that stopped right below my ass. My hair was curled and pinned up in a high bun. I wore no makeup besides my nude colored lipstick and my face was still flawless. Samya and I shut shit down in the club that night.- We were the baddest bitches there. I was on the dance floor turning up when I felt some hands around my waist. Instantly, I thought it was Lamar but was surprised when I turned around.

“Lamar, didn’t I tell..” I stopped when I realized it wasn’t him.

“I’m not your nigga, lil mama!” he said looking hella sexy.

“I don’t have one,” I flirted.

“Well in that case, dance with me.” Without saying anything, I turned around and continued to dance. Two songs later,   still dancing, he asked me to join him in the VIP section and I agreed. As I walked with him through the crowd, I saw Lamar staring at me. I looked his way and he shook his head at me-. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk with Prince.

We talked for the rest of the night and got to know each other a little better. He asked me to go with him home and like a dumb ass, I did-. That same night, I lost my virginity. It was so quick and he pumped so fast.  Before the pain could turn into pleasure, it was over.

We spent every day together after that. Samya hates him while my mother puts up with him. She said that I’ll have to learn on my own.  I hate to say it but she was right. It took me over four years to learn that Prince was no good for me. I was sprung off that man.  I failed to listen to my body after I looked in the mirror, almost every other month, at the black and blue bruises that rested along my face and torso.

I got up off the floor and looked in the medicine cabinet to get some aspirin for this headache. When I closed it, I was face to face with my own reflection.. My once beautiful and happy face was now covered in bruises, cold and lonely.

“Now ima have to take some days off because of this shit.-,” I said touching the bruise under my eyes. I could have any man I wanted but I chose to stay with one that couldn’t keep his hands to himself. To say I was bad would be an understatement-. I was beautiful. I had the softest honey colored skin. My eyes were light brown and my lips were full and plump to perfection. I had a small mole above my lip like Marilyn Monroe, long silky brown hair that is mine and dark long eyelashes. At  22, I had a body of a video vixen. My breasts were perky, my stomach was firm and my ass was fat. I had an ass that women only dreamed about. I am 5’6 and 140 pounds, work ten hours a day, five days a week.

I attend Queens University of Charlotte for business, which I’m currently failing.  If it wasn’t for Samya, I wouldn’t be taking the classes anyway. I know what y’all are thinking and I’m still trying to figure it out. I put up with Prince’s shit because I know that one day he would change and be a better man, the man I was once in love with.

The sound of my ringing cellphone broke me from my thoughts. I walked out of the bathroom, back to the living room where all my stuff from my purse was scrawled out on the floor.

“Hello?” I said bending down to pick up my stuff.

“Jaz, don’t tell me you let him hit you again.” Mya said.

Lord here she goes.


                                                        CHAPTER 2


I hated putting my hands on Jaz but I hate the fact that she thought it was cool to lie to me even more. I’m far from stupid and the sooner she realizes that the better. She knew how I was when I got mad, so I don’t understand why she would even push me to that point. Jaz thought she was fucking slick  until I caught on to her trifling ass. I knew she went to go see that bitch ass nigga Lamar, just like I knew all about how Samya sneaky ass was in on it. She must have thought because Lamar was her brother I wouldn’t cock back and end his shit.  All that’s  going to change when I see her punk ass brother. She knew off the bat  I don’t play when it comes to my lady, either that or she forgot who the fuck I was.

I was on my way to go see about Jazmyn’s car and to make sure it was where she said it was at, when I got a text on my trap phone saying 911. I whipped my car around heading back towards the warehouse. I had just pulled up when my phone started to ring. I looked at the screen and ignored her call. I powered off my phone and walked inside. I didn’t have time for her bullshit, I’ll just handle her ass later. I had bigger stuff to deal with and from the look on everybody’s face, I knew then my shit caught up with me. All eyes were on me and I could tell that they were talking about me because of how quiet it got when I walked through the door. I walked over to the table and took my seat beside my nigga Grip, even that nigga seemed a little off. I was just about to speak when Harlem beat me to it.

“Good to see you can finally make it,” he said.

“Yea my bad about taking so long. I was on my way to go check on my girl car; it broke down across town, so I drove from over there to get here.” I said and he looked over at Damion, who was staring a little too hard at me. I mugged him back, never breaking my gaze. I wish his ass would try me; I got a bullet just waiting for him. Ever since the big homie, Justice, went to jail and that shit happened with Diesel, Harlem stepped up and took over. I don’t have a choice but to respect Harlem; he puts money in my pocket but this nigga Damion had another think coming if he thought I was going to bow down or turn into a bitch for him. He thought because he was Harlem’s right hand, he had the right to give orders and shit. He might pump fear in the rest of these niggas heart but not me, I don’t scare easily.

“Who the fuck you looking at like that, my nigga?” I said never taking my eyes off him. I gripped the handle on my pistol just in case the nigga wanted to act stupid. He didn’t say shit just like I thought he would. He looked over at Harlem and chuckled. That ain’t do shit but piss me off more. I was itching to squeeze this trigger and let his ass have it. I didn’t like the fact that he was sitting up in my face laughing like he couldn’t get touched. It took Harlem to say something for me to relax a bit.

“Aite yall, calm that shit down. Prince, if I were you I wouldn’t even want to be talking right now. Care to tell me why you and Grip been stripping my shit?  Before you come up with an excuse, I already know the truth so don’t get yourself fucked up over a stripped key.” I looked over at Grip. When he turned his head I knew he was the one who told Harlem. What I didn’t know was how much he told and if I could get myself out of this or not.

“I don’t want you thinking I was trying to steal from you. I was trying to see how it would sale being double down and if we could make more money by stretching the proceeds. That’s all, bruh.”

“And how did that work out for you?” he asked and I shook my head letting him know not too good. “Nigga, you don’t think I know that! Justice never stripped his shit. He sold it like it was cut and packaged it like that because of the quality. These fiends go after the strongest shit, the purer the better. When you start mixing and adding shit, you are diluting the profit.” He went on and on about what Justice would’ve done. I was so ready for that nigga to come home so these motherfuckas would stop dick riding. All you hear about is Justice this and that. I have never seen so many homophobic ass thugs in my life. After listening to Harlem complain and go over some more shit that didn’t concern me, he finally said something I was looking forward to hearing.

“Now that we got the bad shit out the way, I got some good news. Big bruh finally coming home.” Everybody started cheering like he scored the winning touched down at a football game or something. “He called me this morning said his lawyer was put on about some false evidence and that he’ll be home in a few weeks.”

“That’s what’s up. I can’t wait to see big homie.” This little nigga KeKe said. He never even met Justice and he was talking like he knew him.

“Nigga, you ain’t even meet him and you can’t wait to see him. What type of shit is that?” Grip said laughing.

“So, just because I never met him doesn’t mean I don’t know him, nigga. I might not know him personally but the streets talk.” Keke replied.

Harlem finished telling us what he wanted done, what traps to close and where to reopen. This was something Justice always did every six months so 12 won’t have a reason to run up in his spot and to keep from getting jacked. Harlem fined me 3 g’s for that stripped key and I expected that. I wasn’t going to argue about it. Hell, things could’ve gotten a whole lot worse. My biggest concern was Justice and if Harlem was going to tell him about it or not. I didn’t want to deal with him or get on his bad side about it. All I could do was hope and pray Harlem don’t say shit.

I got up from the chair and powered my phone back on. I had a total of 12 missed calls and 27 text messages.
This bitch gone make me kill her,
I thought while getting in my car and heading to see why the fuck she blowing me up.

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