Treat Me Like Somebody (8 page)

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Authors: Nikki Simms

BOOK: Treat Me Like Somebody
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Justice has been at my place for four days straight. He’ll leave to go change clothes or handle his business but will be back over there with me by the end of the night. He even brought his sons over to stay a night with us. We haven’t had sex yet, we’re taking everything slow. We really haven’t even made us official yet. I don’t know if it’s me or if he just looks at me more as a friend than anything.

He hasn’t taken me on any dates or even came on to me like most men do. All we do is sit in the house, smoke and chill. I really like Justice and I’m starting to develop feelings for him but I don’t think he feels the same way about me. We do talk what the future holds for the both of us but even that seem like it’s on a friendship level. I didn’t know if I should talk to him about the way I felt or not.

You are not his only friend with feelings Jaz, get over it.
I told myself taking down notes. I knew I wasn’t the only chick in Justice’s life but I’m pretty sure Im the only one that hasn’t given up the goods. I saw mad pictures of half-naked women or I love you text messages from girls in his phone. He never locks it and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t snoop. Don’t judge me. Every woman does it, whether you are his friend or not. I’m a bad bitch but looking at the pictures of the women in his phone had me second guessing myself.

“Hey boo-boo,” Brandon said taking a seat beside me. I met Brandon when I signed up for classes. Yes he’s gay but he’s not your average gay man. He doesn’t dress like a woman but he does wear long weave like one.

“Hey hunn, I was starting to think you wasn’t going to come today.” I said giving him a hug.

“Girl, I started not to. Im already failing this class.” He said taking his laptop out.

“I know that’s right.”
“Bitch shut up, you aint failing shit with yo smart ass.” He laughed. “Oh yea and that reminds me ima need to borrow your notes later on.”

“Aren’t you about to take your own notes?” I asked.

“Girl no. I’m about to inbox Von’s disabled ass and tell him I’m through with him.” He replied.

“Did you just say inbox?” I said laughing.

“Yes, he aint even worth a text message. The only reason why I was fucking with him is because he gets a check.”

After listening to Mr. Johnson talk for what seemed like forever, he finally dismissed the class. I packed up my stuff and asked Brandon if he could give me a ride home. Justice had to drop me off this morning. Even though I knew he didn’t mind, I still felt uncomfortable asking him. I wouldn’t have this problem if Prince didn’t take my car.

I’ve never felt so humiliated in my life. Prince makes it his business to embarrass me every chance he gets. It's like he likes to hurt me, like he gets pleasure out of seeing me cry. But what he did to me at Justice’s cookout opened my eyes to the man he truly was. After four whole years being with Prince, I was blinded by love to see that he wasn’t the man for me. The love I had for him was no longer there. There is nothing I want or need from Prince. I just wish he’ll stop calling my phone, threating my life or begging me to come back to him. If his dumb ass didn’t catch the hint, I don’t know what would.

“You ready?” Brandon asked me. I picked up my bag and Michael Kors purse then walked out behind him. We were too busy talking that I didn’t notice I dropped my folder until someone tapped my shoulder.

“Excuse me Ms. Lady, you dropped this.” This fine specimen of a man said.
I thought smiling and looking him up and down. The man wasn’t no Justice but he was still fine as hell. He was light skin with juicy pink lips, dreads that stopped at his shoulder, and his light green eyes are what drew me to him. He had an athletic build and was a little over 6 feet.

“Thank you,” I said taking the folder out his hand.

“No problem, Ms. Lady, Knowledge.” He said holding his hand out for me to shake.


“Nice meeting you, Jaz.” He said before walking off and leaving me speechless. Brandon snapped his fingers in my face while shaking his head at me.

“Bitch pick yo lip up. I got better stuff to do than watch you drool over that nigga.”

“You know him?”

“Who don’t know Knowledge? Trust me if you looking for Mr. Right he aint the one.” He gave me brief details on Knowledge until we got to the parking lot. I started to walk with Brandon to his car when something told me to look to the left. Justice was propped up on the side of his car entertaining his little groupies. He couldn’t see that I had come out the building because of the women surrounding him. I didn’t want to be mad over a man that wasn’t mines but I still felt disrespected. I marched over towards him ready to go off.
Be cool Jaz, he ain’t yo nigga.
I told myself trying to calm down. He saw me and smiled. I smiled back even though I didn’t really want to.

“Where are you going?” Brandon asked me.

“That’s Justice.” I replied.

“Oh my damn. Jaz that sexy piece of chocolate is you but yo crazy ass was lusting over Knowledge? Bitch please, if you don’t want him pass him to me, mm hmm.” He said and I nudged him.

“What’s up, bae?” Justice said kissing my lips when I got closer to him. His little flunkies said bye and walked away.

“Why are you here?” I asked confused. After he dropped me off this morning, he said I wasn’t going to see him until tomorrow.

“What are you talking about? I can’t come pick up my lady.” He smirked.
I thought trying not to blush.

“I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just that when left this...”

“I know but shit ain’t fall through like I thought it would. So I’m here. You wanna go get something to eat or ask a million questions?” I hit him in the chest and smiled at his stupid ass. He pulled me closer and looked me at me with so much lust in his eyes. The way they were roaming over my body, had my pussy getting wet. He wanted me and the feeling was mutual.

“Umm mm” Brandon cleared his throat. I laughed and introduced the two.

“Justice, this is my friend Brandon and Brandon, Justice.”

“What’s up bruh?” Justice nodded his head.

“Mm hmm, don’t forget what I said.” Brandon said to me before winking at Justice then walked off.

“What the fuck did he mean by that?” Justice said opening the door for me. I got in and he did the same.

“Not only do you have women chasing behind you but men too.” I laughed and the look he gave me let me know he wasn’t feeling what I said.

“Make sure you tell that nigga to keep that shit that way. I don’t mind putting a slug in his ass.”

“Aww,” I laughed. “Don’t take it so personally.”

“Yea whatever, where do you want to eat from?” he asked when his phone ranged. “Hold that thought bae, this my mother.” He said and I told him to go ahead. “What’s up mama?” he answered. “Calm down, now what’s going on what happened?…Hell nawl don’t call Harlem. I’m on my way…just hold on I’m coming.”

He made a slight U-turn I guess heading to his mother’s house. I could tell whatever the caller just told him had him upset. The grip he had on the steering wheel tightened and he looked like he was ready to kill a nigga.

“Umm, is everything ok?”

“I need to go check on my mom’s real quick.” He sighed. “I’ll take you home after I find out what’s going on.”

“Oh ok” I said actually kind of disappointed. I was looking forward to finally going out on a date with him but that wasn’t about to happen. Justice was the type of man that’ll drop whatever for his family and I can’t say that I blame him. I was the exact same way and would fuck anybody up when it came to my mother or Samya.

When he pulled up in front of his mother’s house, I saw a chick in her front yard and Ms. Rochelle and the twins was on the porch. The windows were already down so I and Justice could hear what was being said.

“Where the fuck he at Rochelle?” the chick yelled.

“Tammi, you better take yo ass on now before I fuck you up.” Rochelle yelled coming down the stairs.
Tammi. That must be the boy’s mother.
I thought watching her pick up a beer bottle and throw it on the porch.

“Throw another bottle bitch and see what happens.” Rochelle yelled and Justice hopped out the car.

“Fuck you, I want to know where that nigga you call a son at.” She said before throwing another bottle on the porch but this time missing Jordan’s head by an inch.
This bitch is crazy.
I shook my head.

“Aww hell nawl.” Rochelle yelled and ran towards Tammi. She got close enough to grab her by the hair when Justice yanked Tammi back. She hollered out from the raggedy tracks being ripped out and tried to run up on Ms. Rochelle until Justice blocked her path. I don’t think she knew it was him because she was still trying to get to Rochelle.

“Fuck wrong with you Tammi?” Justice pushed her back.

“Fuck you Justice.” She said trying to catch her breath.

“Beat her ass dad, over her starting shit with my Nana.” Javier said laughing.

“Dirty broad over here stanking and she tried to hit me with a bottle,” Jordan said pointing at Tammi.

“Who in the hell y’all think you talking to? I birthed both of you and I’ll tear yall little asses up too.” Tammi roared.

“I’ll like to see you try.” Jordan and Javier said at the same time. I couldn’t believe this dysfunctional family. It was like I was watching a lifetime movie. All I was missing was some popcorn.

“That’s enough. Mama get them in the house please.” Justice said.

“Serve her ass right, looking for you but not saying two words to her sons.” Rochelle said mean mugging Tammi.

“You won’t let me say two words to them, you old hag.”

“Mama, just do like I asked,” Justice replied.

“I want that bitch out of my yard in the next five seconds or I’m calling Harlem to dispose of her body. Think I’m playing if you want to and see what happens.” Rochelle said pushing the boys in the house. Justice waited until the door was closed before he went in on Tammi.

“If you ever come out your mouth and disrespect my mother or my fucking sons again you are going to hate it. Do I make myself clear?” He said snatching her neck. Any other time I would’ve been against men laying their hands on a woman, especially after experiencing it myself but this bitch here deserves her ass whooped. I shook my head at the drama unfolding before my eyes, this was some straight up Jerry Springer shit for yo ass. I need me a blunt to sit through this shit. I opened my purse and pulled out a pre rolled blunt of white widow. I got out of the car to smoke because I didn’t know how Justice felt about people smoking in his car. I lit the tip and inhaled deeply. I hit the blunt a few more times then put it out. I looked back at Justice and he winked at me. I smiled before getting back in the car. As soon as I closed the door, I heard Tammi go off.

“Who is she?” she slurred.

“None of your business, that’s who.”

“Who the fuck is that bitch Justice sitting in your car looking at me like she the shit, with her ole ugly ass?”
The nerve of this bitch.
I thought smiling. I might not be the shit but I’m far from ugly. I saw Justice laughing shaking his head because even he knew that was a lie. Tammi was cute or whatever but she ain’t have shit on me.

“So you not gon’ tell me who that hoe is? Ok I’ll go ask the bitch myself.” She said walking towards the car.

“Man don’t take yo ass over there fucking wit her yo,” he said pulling her by her arm.

“I wish this drunk bitch would,” I laughed. “She better be glad he pulled her back because I fight fucked up bitches.”

“And then you got this hoe sitting up here laughing at me. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CAR BITCH.” She yelled jumping and swinging her hands around like she was going to do something.

“Look at this drunk bitch,” I said taking out my phone to record this crazy chick. “This shit is going on WORLDSTAR.” I laughed then hurried to put my phone away when Justice looked over at me.

“That’s what the fuck I thought, sit yo scary ass in the car, scary bitch.” She taunted and pissed me off. I was nowhere near scary and about to let this chick know.

I hopped out the car and walked over to them when Harlem pulled up. “Nah boo, what you was saying about me being scary? I let all that name calling you was doing slide but when you call me scary, that’s another thing.”

“Bitch you heard me, over there sitting in my man’s car like you own it. This all me baby girl, always have been always will be.” She said touching on Justice. I looked over at him and smirked. From what he was telling me, I thought him and his baby mother was through but his quietness spoke volumes.

“I don’t give a fuck about Justice being yours, I approached you about me. If your issue is with him, keep me out of it because I don’t have nothing to do with yall drama. Now if you got a problem with me, address it but make sure you come correct because I aint the one.” I chuckled.

“Like I said, fuck you and you’re not going to do shi...” was all I let Tammi get out before I reached back and punched her in the mouth.

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