Treat Me Like Somebody (9 page)

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Authors: Nikki Simms

BOOK: Treat Me Like Somebody
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“I told you to come correct.” I said when she charged at me then we went at a full out brawl. Her little punk ass hits wasn’t doing shit to me. I had one hand wrapped around her hair, giving her face the business. Justice tried to pull us apart and called Harlem to come help.

“You gone help me nigga?” he asked Harlem, who was walking over.

“Hell nawl, let lil mama fuck her up.” he laughed before pulling me back.

“Get the fuck off me.” I pushed his hands away.

“Yea you better get off her.” Everybody but Harlem looked back at Samya.

“Didn’t I tell yo happy ass to stay in the car?”

“Whatever nigga, I was until I saw Jaz. You alright, sis?” Mya asked me.

“I’m straight. I’m just ready to go.” I replied.

“Look bruh, do me a favor and take Jazmyn home for me? I need to handle Tammi before mama come out here shooting.” Justice asked.

“Didn’t she drive!” he said and Justice gave him a look.

“Aite bruh.”

“See you later bitch.” Tammi said when I walked by.

“Sooner than you think boo. Yo nigga won’t always be around to save that ass, trust.” I said before getting in Harlem’s car.










I haven’t seen or talked to Justice since the day I fucked his baby mother up. He did call me that same night apologizing but that was the last time I talked to him. I like Justice but I’m not about to sit around and wait on him to make up his mind. That’s why I was going out tonight with Brandon and Mya. After I told them how I was feeling and that I needed to get over Justice, they wasted no time coming to my rescue. I had just stepped out of the shower when my phone rung. I smiled before answering it.

“Hello,” I said walking out of the bathroom.

“What’s happening Ms. Lady? What are you doing?”

“Nothing, just getting ready to go out with my friends. What’s up with you?” I said dropping my towel and walking in my closet.

“Just calling to check on you and to say I’ve been thinking about you?” Knowledge said and I smiled.

“Aww that’s sweet, why don’t you meet me at the club tonight? I would like to see you again beside on campus anyway.” I asked him and he agreed to come. After talking for about 5 more minutes, I hung up with him to find me something to wear. I took out my Ms. Chelsea pencil skirt and crop top set I ordered online and laid it on the bed.

Knock, Knock, Knock

I heard somebody knocking at my door, so slipped on my shorts and shirt to go see who it was. I peeped out the hole and opened the door. “Hey Brandon,” I said when he walked in and showed me a big bottle of Patron.

“Hey bookie, why wait to get to the club to drink when we can start now?” He said and twirled. I slapped his hand and walked over to the mini bar to get us some shot glasses. I sat down on the floor, while Brandon poured us a shot. My front door opened and in walked Samya with a sad look on her face.

“What’s wrong, Mya?”

“Nothing, I see yall turning up. Jaz, who is this?” she asked looking at Brandon.

“Oh damn. Mya Brandon, Brandon Mya. Brandon is my friend from school.” They both said hey and started talking like they been friends forever. We drank and smoked on a couple until it was time to get ready. I told Brandon he could change in the guest bathroom while me and Mya went to my room. “Damn Mya, I see you.” I said when she walked out the bathroom. She had on a red Gucci dress and some Black pumps. Her hair was in a high bun. After she was done, I walked in took a shower then proceeded to get ready. After I was dressed, I took the rollers out my hair and styled it to perfection with a side part.

We arrived to the club 935 around 11. The line was wrapped around the building. It was a good thing Mya knew the bouncer or else we would’ve been going back home because I damn sure wasn’t waiting in that line. We weren’t going to come here at first because Mya said this is Harlem’s favorite spot. I was just about to say fuck it and go home but I looked too damn good to let one bad apple spoil my fun. I just prayed I didn’t run into Justice while I was here, especially knowing that I invited Knowledge to come. All eyes were on us when we stepped in, bitches gave us dirty looks while the men grabbed at my ass and pulled at my arm trying to holla with their thirsty ass.

We went to our VIP table and told the bartender to send us over a bottle of Hennessy and Peach Ciroc. I was supposed to be saving for a car now that I got my apartment but fuck it, I’m trying to have a good time. We were dancing and enjoying ourselves when Knowledge and three other guys walked over. They asked if they could join and I said yea. Knowledge sat down beside me and put his hand on my lower back.

“You know you could’ve came over to my VIP table. I don’t want you thinking I’m trying to leech off of you or anything.” He whispered in my ear.

“No, y’all good. I invited you remember.” I replied while sipping on my drink.

“You looking good tonight Jaz, you on your sexy, huh.”

“I try and you ain’t too bad yourself.” I said and he smiled before asking me if I wanted to dance. I gladly accepted by taking his hand and leading him on the dance floor. I saw Mya and one of his homeboys following behind us. Trap Queen by Fetty Wap came on and the club went crazy. Everybody was turning up and having a ball until Slow Motion by Trey Songs came on. It slowed down a bit and Knowledge wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. We slow grind while he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

“So Jaz, I never got a chance to ask you but why you don’t have a man?”

“Who said I don’t have a man?” I smirked.

“Well, let me rephrase my question. Where ya man at?” he asked.

“I don’t have one and I’m trying to focus on me right now before getting in anything serious.”

“I feel you; all Im saying is if you was my woman I’ll never let you leave the house. I would keep that ass bare foot and pregnant.” He said and smirked. I turned around to keep him from seeing me roll my eyes.
It’s a good thing you ain’t my man then. I already had that problem once and didn’t need it again.
I finished dancing with him until the song went off. I walked away shaking my head. I came to have a good time not to find a man.



Me and Harlem walked in Club 935 like we owned the bitch. This was my first night being back in the club since I been home and I really didn’t want to be here. I let Harlem talk me into it. I would rather be getting my dick wet in some pussy than be here. “Aye, I know that ain’t my big homie Justice that just walked in this bitch.” The DJ said over the mic and tilted my head up. “Welcome home baby.” I saluted him walking towards the VIP. This pretty dark skinned chick grabbed my hand and asked if I would like to dance. I told her maybe later and for her to slide me her number. I stored it in my phone and walked away.

I had just sat down when I saw Samya walking our way. She must have saw us walk in because she looked pissed. Harlem had some chick sitting on his lap. I tapped him and said that Samya was coming. He patted ole girl on her ass for her to move but she wasn’t quick enough. Samya snatched her up by her short hair and pushed her towards the exit.

“Bitch, don’t be grabbing me.” The girl said snatching her arm away.

“Your best bet is to get the fuck on, you don’t want this problem.” Mya threatened. The girl looked over at Harlem, he smirked and shrugged his shoulders before laughing. She flipped him the bird before walking off.

Me, Damion and Keke was cutting up laughing. Harlem grabbed Samya’s hand and pulled her on his lap. “You really want to see me show my ass, don’t you?” she said and he kissed her to shut her up. They was doing too much lovey dovey shit for me so I got up and poured me a drink when I heard Harlem ask about Jaz.

She hasn’t called me since that incident with her and Tammi. I know she was probably mad at me and I didn’t want her feeling like I lied to her. That shit Tammi said about me and her together was a lie and I didn’t want her thinking that’s the reason why I haven’t been calling. 

I sat back down with my drink and bobbed my head to Freak No More by the Migos when Harlem said some shit that pissed me off. “You said Jaz over there with some nigga, feeling on her ass and shit.” I cut my eyes over at him and he smiled like that shit was funny. He knew how I felt about Jaz and the reason why I was trying to stay away from her. I was falling in love with a chick that was scared to love me back. I didn’t want to fall too deep for her only to be accused for everything that nigga Prince did to her. And I damn sure didn’t want to be like Harlem in love with a chick that was too scared to commit. But actually knowing she was in the same building as me with another nigga had me feeling some type of way.

“I didn’t say all that! But they were, freaking each other on the dance floor.” She said and Harlem asked me what I was going to do.

“Nigga, go get yo girl” Harlem said sipping on his Hennessy. I tried to knock the feeling but it was killing me thinking another nigga was touching on her. I know she wasn’t my lady but I’m going to change that shit. I asked Mya where she was at and left to go find her. I don’t know how I might act if I saw something I don’t like.

I walked over to where Mya pointed to but didn’t see Jaz anywhere. “Well, hello Mr. Justice.” I looked over at Jaz’s friend Brandon and asked where Jaz was at. He pointed over at another VIP table and I clenched my jaw to keep from getting mad. She was letting some random nigga touch on her. He had one hand on her lower back and the other caressing her thigh. I wasn’t about to show out over a chick that wasn’t mines but I was about to let my presence be known. I walked over and took a seat beside Jaz. I could tell she was shocked to see me but was trying to play it cool.

“Can I help you, bruh?” This cornball ass nigga asked. Him just talking to me had me wanting to body him.

“What’s up, Jaz?” I said ignoring him. She could tell I wasn’t feeling this shit because I never called her Jaz.

“Hey Justice,” she said dryly.

“Jaz, you know this nigga?” he asked her.

“Can talk to you for a second?” Jaz asked me. “I’ll be right back.” She told him when he stood up to stop her from leaving. “Just give me a minute, aite.” She said before walking off with me behind her. I grabbed her by the waist, so she could lead the way. I looked back at dude then at Jazmyn’s ass and shook my head. There was no way I was going to let him get with Jaz, especially if I had something to do with it. I know what I said earlier but seeing Jaz with another nigga, let me know how bad I really wanted her. I was ready to make us official. The only thing was if she would forgive me.

She walked me down the hall passed the bathroom. Before she could say anything, I pushed her up against the wall and stuck my tongue in her mouth. She gave in at first and we were kissing for a good minute until she pushed me back.

“Justice, no. I’m not doing this with you. I haven’t heard or seen you in weeks and then you do this. I came to enjoy myself, not for the drama.” She said.

“Listen ma, Im sorry for not calling. I got caught up in some shit that had m…”

“Like your baby mother?”

“It wasn’t even like that Jazmyn and for you to believe Tammi after all the shit I told you about her, let me know you don’t trust me. I’ve been nothing but one hundred with you since the day I met you. To be honest, I care about you a lot and the fact that you’re here with another nigga fucked me up. I want you to be mines, for real. I want you to know I’m sorry about not calling and I don’t apologize to nobody for shit. You forgive me?” I asked pulling her closer to me. She was quiet so I asked her again and she nodded yea. I kissed her lips and she kissed me back.

“Can we make us official tomorrow? I can’t just leave Knowledge hanging like that.” She said and I looked at her like she bumped her head.

“I don’t give a fuck about that nigga or his feelings, fuck him.”

“I can’t do that to him, I invited him here.”

“Jaz, you can miss me with that shit because I aint having it.” I gave her a look that let her I was serious. She shook her head and walked off.

“I can’t with you.” She said and I smacked her ass. She turned and tried to hit me but I pulled her on the dance floor. The Dj announced that the next song was for twerkers only and I wanted to see if Jaz knew what to do with all that ass or not. Tyga Make It Nasty played and Jaz looked back at me and I licked my lips. She winked causing my dick to jump and pulled me to the middle of the floor.

When the beat dropped, she made her ass clap. She bent over and I was in heaven. We haven’t had sex yet but the way her body was calling me had me wanting to bend that ass over on the dance floor. When she started twerking, I was sold. Prince’s biggest mistake was letting her go but I wasn’t about to make that same mistake. A nigga dick was harder than a rock when the song went off.

“Come home with me?” I asked kissing her lips.

“I’ll think about it, like I said I do…” she said before she was roughly grabbed.

“Nigga, are you crazy.” She said snatching away.

“You foul as fuck yo! How you going to tell me to come chill with you tonight but with this nigga. What he your man?”

“Yea nigga, this my lady and I don’t appreciate you grabbing on her either.” I said without giving Jaz a chance to speak.

“Don’t you see I’m talking to Jaz, my nigga? She said she didn’t have a man and until she say she does, stay the fuck out of it.” He said and I was ready to take his head off. When he tried to pull on Jaz again, I snapped. I moved her out the way before punching him in the nose instantly breaking his shit. He fell back into Harlem and he pushed ole boy back closer to me. I connected two vicious blows to his face and one in the ribs before he grabbed me. I chin checked him causing him to fall to the ground. I saw some nigga run up behind Harlem and before I could warn him, dude punched Harlem in the back of the head. He stumbled but quickly regained his balance. He hit dude with a mean left hook, knocking him out. Me and my niggas was in a full out brawl with Knowledge and his homies. I was kicking Knowledge in the face trying to snap his shit when I heard Jaz scream for me to stop. It wasn’t until security came over to break it up that I let up. They grabbed ole boy and his boys and threw them out. They knew not to touch me or Harlem or they would’ve had a problem.

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