TITAN (8 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

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Chapter 10


They ate dinner on his back deck.
His personal chef made them his favorite dish, some kind of fish Jordy had
never tried, and grilled vegetables. They had wine with dinner and Jordy
couldn’t believe he was drinking it. She tried to poke fun at him but he wasn’t
having it.

“When you travel around the world
and still stick to the same shit, you have got a serious problem. There is so
much shit out there you adapt to whatever when you are wherever.  Some
things you pick up and put back down and some things you carry with you.”

He paused, but finished with “I
stay here, in this city, to keep myself straight, to remember where I came
from. I drive around sometimes and just look around, keeping myself familiar
with it so I cannot forget how hard I have worked and all the shit…”

His face went dark.

“It makes sense.” Jordy said,
guzzling her fourth glass of wine.

“Jordy, slow down, aren’t we past
that yet?” He was referring to her, pouring her fifth glass of wine, and the
fact that yesterday was the only time he had seen her sober.

“Well let’s see…” She surveyed the
backyard. It was bigger than an entire housing complex.

She was pretty intimidated by his
wealth and it was showing. But remembering her promise to be honest she kept
her reply short.



He just shook his head and smiled
and kept talking, he told her about his upcoming tour in Europe, just a couple
of dates, he would be gone a month.

She pushed down all feeling by
drinking more wine and nodding as he spoke.

She would throw in a sentence here
and there, but he seemed relived to be talking to someone and she was happy to
listen to him talk.

It was a beautiful night, almost
romantic. Everything was becoming fuzzy.

“Are you tired Jordy?”

The new, honest Jordy spoke. “Yeah,
a little.”

They had been talking for hours and
she was exhausted from today’s shopping trip, their little office episode and
her back breaking fall.

He gestured for her to come and she
did, following him through the kitchen, to a long corridor leading to the main
entrance of the house. The staircase was endless and behind it was an elevator.

“Let’s take the elevator, I could
do without the ER trip tonight,” he teased.

He pushed the P button.

She asked what it stood for.



He grabbed her and pulled her to
him as the elevator was opening. He saw her wince in pain and he apologized

“Don’t you dare,” she said loudly.

“What?” he

She pushed him back into the very
back of the elevator and said, eyes burning into his, “Don’t you dare take it
easy on me.”

That was all he needed. He grabbed
her hair and pulled her head back and exposed her throat. He pressed his lips
to her throat and whispered, “Careful what you ask for, Jordy.” He reached down
and pulled off her dress in one swift move leaving her in her sandals and
panties, which he ripped off her body with ease. He turned her around, facing
away from him, and grabbed her breast, rough, making her cry out. She heard his
zipper give way and felt him tap himself against her as he fumbled with the
condom wrapper and then she felt him dig his fingers into her roughly with no
mercy. She cried out and put her hands on the elevator railing. He entered her
so roughly she screamed a little. He pushed her head down to where she was
almost bent completely over and started to torture her with short, deep rough
strokes until she came then he turned her around, facing him, encouraging her
to wrap her legs around his body, so they were face to face. He plunged himself
deeper and deeper inside her until she had come again, muffling her screams in
his chest, biting his shoulders, begging him for more. He kept going, not
giving into her pleas to kiss her. Each time she went in, he pulled away,
ducking out and finding her eyes again, fucking her roughly with no emotion on
his face. He was hurting her now and he knew it. She let him. He kept fucking
her harder and harder until she almost had to stop him, when he finally
she came with him and lost consciousness.


“Jordy, dammit… JORDY! Are you fucking
kidding me?”

“What? What?” She said, realizing
she wasn’t in the elevator. She was in a huge black bed.  All around her
were mahogany walls and a huge one story mirror.

“You fucking fainted, Jordy,” he

“I’m so sorry! I have never fainted
before! I don’t know why I would."

“Here, take this,” he said, giving
her two pills and handing her some water. She thought she saw it was Advil, but
her eyes were still adjusting.

“How long was I out?” she asked.

“Only a few minutes, but it took me
a second to realize. I am calling my doctor to check you out. Don’t you dare
give me any
I won’t be able to sleep unless I
know you’re okay. Fucking crazy bitch. I have never had a girl pass out on me
before.” He was half joking, but had a worried look on his face.

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have
tried to fuck me to death, Tite,” she was smiling when she said it, but it
didn’t ease his mind.

“Do you mind if I see the doctor
with clothes on?”

He almost looked embarrassed as he pointed
to her suitcase in the corner.

“Thanks, and Tite, I am sorry, I
have never fainted before, ever.”

Chapter 11


“It is stress,” the doctor
proclaimed, “She needs to take it easy for a couple of days.”

“Stress? She hit her head earlier
and I thought…”

“No sign of a concussion at all.
She’s fine in that respect. It’s stress. I take it you two have just started

“Yeah, something

“This is a lot to take in, Phillip,
she may be a little overwhelmed.” The doctor said, looking around.

“I get it, I get it,” he said,
knowing he was right.

“Give her this valium, twice a day,
for a couple of days. It should take the anxiety down a bit.”

“Thanks,” Tite said, taking the
bottle from him.

“You’re welcome, Phillip. Try to
remember how you would react in this situation. Put yourself in her shoes. It’s
possible that anyone would react this way. Perhaps too much, too soon?” he
said, raising it as a question rather than a statement. “I am not telling you
what to do, just take it easy, okay.”


She heard the doctor’s steps
retreating and then the elevator. Jordy heard the whole conversation. She had
just heard the verdict from the doctor herself. She knew it would probably tick
Tite off and make him resent her being there. She decided then to make him think
otherwise. She felt great and decided she wouldn’t drink any more or take any
more pills until she got a grip.


“Jordy, you are dangerous to be
around,” he said, taking off his shirt and unbuckling his pants.

“Take one of these,” he said,
shaking the bottle at her.

She took one and swallowed and he
took one as well.

“Might as well get some sleep if I
am going to have to hold the net under you tomorrow,” he joked.


She beamed at him from under the

She had undressed again and was
naked beneath them. She felt the soreness from their last session but didn’t
give a damn, this time when she came, she would be in control.


He slipped under the covers and
reached for her, but this time she was ready, she grabbed him in her hands and
whispered in his ear.

“This time baby, your turn.”

Before he had a chance to respond,
she put her mouth on him, swallowing him whole until she felt him rise inside
her, filling her mouth and moaning above the covers. She touched him everywhere,
knowing which points to put pressure on, hearing him moan, discovering what he
responded to. She licked every part of him that could feel pleasure and when
she was done, she lifted her head, still veiled with a black sheet, to a look
at him, making sure he was watching her fill her mouth again. She tortured him
as long as she could before her selfishness took over and she fumbled in his
drawer to find what she was looking for. Ah ha! Damn, there are a lot of them.
She filled her mouth with him one more time this time taking all of him,
watching his eyes roll back a little. She slipped the condom on him and
straddled him, positioning herself over him and easing herself onto him, making
sure he saw her do it and watched himself disappear inside of her. She then led
him into a steady rhythm not letting him work at all. She stopped him from
grabbing her, bouncing on top of him, faster and faster, until he ripped his
arms free and lifted her up. He transitioned himself into a sitting position,
she rode him hard and fast until they were both panting and sweating
uncontrollably. She did not stop, not for one second, and she could tell he was
close. Right before he came, she stuck her hand beneath his shaft and pressed
hard. He let out a loud long breath this time, when he came, and fell back onto
the bed, exhausted. He looked at her through hooded eyes as if to say thank

She picked herself up off the bed
and scurried to the bathroom to clean
taking her tote. After a thorough once over, she brushed her teeth and slid her
new slip pajamas on and joined him back in bed.

She kissed his chest and turned
over to sleep.

She heard him whisper before she
passed out, “Fucking Evil Kneivel.”

She smiled as she drifted away.


He stared at her for too long. Her
lips ware parted and her face was smashed into her pillow, wrinkling it around
her eyes and lips, and she was drooling a little. Those lips, he stopped
himself before he thought too far ahead and forced another taste of her. He
didn’t want to wake her up yet. He looked at the clock, just past her bare
shoulder, it read 11 a.m.

The room was almost completely
dark, except for a strong sun ray just behind her, peeking through his
curtains, falling on her hair and shoulder. He smiled and studied her. She was

Her long eyelashes were keeping his
attention and he realized she was snoring softly. He started to chuckle and
felt her stir.

Not yet. Stay asleep, Jordy.

He got out of bed quickly.

When was the last time he slept
that well?

He couldn’t remember.

It felt good to know that she was
in his bed, but he wasn’t ready for whatever fucking mess she would make today,
not yet. He needed to get his head around last night, especially the end of the

She was fucking unbelievable in bed.
She made sure he knew it too.

He was nowhere near tired of that
yet, he knew lust, and this was it at its finest.

She was fun, and her demeanor was
never serious, she was always playful and respectful, and appreciative of every
thing he did. He loved that about her, she had even made him feel a little
childish yesterday when he was venting in the car about the attention she was
getting from his crew.

This one was different.

She didn’t irritate him, not in the

He reached for a notepad and began
to write.


She awoke to see a life sized
Dallas Cowboy helmet on the nightstand, with a note attached.


safety reasons,

ask that you wear this helmet at all times to keep from injuring yourself



She smiled and buried her head
under the covers. What the hell was the matter with her? She was a klutz, this
much she knew, but it was one disaster after another with this guy. She had
made a fool of herself more than once. She peeked out from under the covers and
surveyed the room.

It was huge, the size of a small
house. No one needed a room this big. The bed had to have been special ordered,
she had never seen a bed this size, it was twice the size of a king bed and so
comfortable. She let herself sink a little deeper.

You are in

She smiled, touching the parts of
her that last had his mouth on them. I already love him, she thought. I already
love him. I will never tell him.

Her heart sank at the possibility
that this could be over soon, but she wouldn’t let herself dwell on it. There
were no pictures on the wall. The room seemed cold and very old world. Mahogany
lined the walls all the way up to the ceiling. The ceilings were at least one
story tall. There was an obnoxious, large mirror that ran up an entire wall of
the room.

She wondered who the hell had
decorated this place.

It’s not at all the house she had
in mind for him. It was all very English in taste and beautiful, but cold, like
a boarding house, rather than a home.

An idea suddenly popped into her head
that she couldn’t ignore, she grabbed her duffle bag and headed for the


Her high heels were loud as they
clicked against the floor,
pushed the elevator
button and her stomach fluttered with excitement. She felt sexy and confident
and couldn’t wait to see his expression. She wasn’t thinking of anything but
him inside her again and how badly she wished she didn’t have a craving for him

No matter, she thought, soon enough
she would find out if he felt the same.

She smiled as she heard the
elevator ding, and walked inside, adrenaline pumping. She pushed the button for
what she believed was the bottom floor.

She looked at the button pad, four

This place was a palace. She
couldn’t think about it now. She smiled to herself, thinking she was about to
pull off something brilliant.

When the elevator hit the bottom
floor, she was fully pumped. Wearing nothing but silver high heels and the
cowboy helmet, she couldn’t wait to see his face when he saw her.

As the doors started to open, she
heard his voice, and to her absolute horror, she heard someone respond!

She ran to the control panel to
stop the doors from fully opening.

She pushed the door closed button
over and over, begging God, but it was too late and the door opened slowly,
almost mocking her efforts.

Jordy knew this was going to be


“So tonight, make something
special, but for now, just a brunch. We should be down soon.”

He was talking with his chef, his
back to the elevator door, as if he was about to come up. She saw the chef peek
around his shoulder and get an eyeful of her, fully naked except for the high
heels and the helmet.

She had her hair in pigtails and
there was nothing sexy about her stance. She was horrified and the chef could
see it.

His eyes widened and Tite turned
around to see what was distracting him.


He rushed to her, covering her with
his body, gesturing the chef to go away.

He turned to make sure he was gone
but he was just standing there, dumbfounded, mouth hanging open.

“Fuck off, man, before I fuck you

He nearly ran away at this point
and Tite turned around to face her. He was madder than she had ever seen him
and she was scared.

She quickly took off the helmet and
dropped to the floor, she didn’t want him or
anyone else
seeing her
naked for that matter.

WHY did I do this? You stupid girl,
you knew he had a staff!

But she wasn’t thinking, she was so
wrapped up in him, she wasn’t thinking at all. She was humiliated and didn’t see
herself getting out of this one unscathed.


He punched the elevator door behind
her and she could see him visibly shaking. She didn’t mutter a word, not a
single word. There was no sense in trying. She had ruined everything and he was

Less than a minute ago, she felt
like she had the best idea ever, that it was brilliant, now she had no idea if
she could ever recover.

The elevator sounded and she ran
out toward the bedroom, grabbed her duffle bag and headed for the bathroom
door. She locked it and started the shower.

Grabbing a handful of Xanax, she
popped them in her mouth and got under the water. She stayed there crying,
embarrassed, until the water ran cold.

She got out of the shower and
stared at herself in the mirror.

She looked awful.

She had felt so beautiful yesterday
and now she felt like and idiot. Ahh, the Xanax had kicked in. How many did she
take 3, 4? This was bad. She regretted it instantly, but the way she felt
somehow made it ok.

Fuck it, she thought, all you were
doing was trying to make him laugh, give him some ass.

It backfired.

The chef saw you naked.

Shit happens.

Yes, she liked the way Xanax made
her think.

She toughened up and put on a
dress, this one way more revealing, but still classy enough to wear in public.

She would wear this out of spite,
even though he hadn’t said a word to her yet, she knew it was coming and she
was spoiling for a fight, now.

The red dress heavily exposed the
curves on her breasts, covering just the nipples. She cupped them and pulled them
further out, making them fuller and more available. She pulled the matching
blood red panties up beneath the hem of the super short skirt.

She twisted her hair into two
ponytails and turned them into more modern Leia-like buns.

If he was going to look at her like
the whore she expected him to look at her like, she might as well look the
part. She grabbed the deepest shade of dark red lipstick she could find and
carefully painted her lips. She layered on the mascara, making her eyes ‘pop’
and sprayed on several shots of perfume.

She took a deep breath and opened
the door.


 He was sitting on the edge of
the bed and refused to look at her.

She walked past him and grabbed her
new sandals, carefully putting them on.

Watching him, waiting for him to start
ripping into her.

Finally, he looked up at her.

He went deathly still for a long

He surveyed her and she looked him
right in the eye.

“If you have something to say,” she
said, “
then  just
say it.”

She commanded his attention with
her demeanor.

He seemed absolutely shocked at her
attitude. She guessed he had expected her to come out and start groveling.

Well, FUCK HIM, she wasn’t going to
do it.

She guessed she had her limits too,
but in truth, it was the Xanax, and she knew it, and she

“Good morning?” he said, with no
humor in his voice at all.

“More like afternoon,” she pointed
out, as her chin gestured to the clock behind him and continued.

“So, I am assuming you are through
with me now and want to take me home. I am sure you are pissed at me and
embarrassed. I am sorry, I feel stupid. I am happy for your chef, though, looks
like he’s going to have a good night with the Mrs.,” she said coyly.

That had done it. He was up and in
front of her in a flat second.

“Jordy, I have a horrible temper
and I am warning you now, shut the fuck up.”

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