TITAN (7 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

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She scrubbed every inch of her body
until it was sore and then scrubbed some more. When she got out of the shower
she saw the dress was in good shape and proceeded to drown it in her new

When she heard the knock on the
door she was absolutely breathless and opened it to see Jessie smiling at her.

“Hi Jordy.”

She smiled back. “Hi Jessie, can
you give me five minutes?”

“Sure,” he said. “Can I take a bag
for you?”

“No, No. I’ve got it. I will be
right out.”

Once he was out of sight, she raced
to the bathroom, throwing lotion all over the place trying to get a manageable
amount on her body and feet. She smeared some foundation on her face and was
careful not to get it on her dress. She was able to do a semi-decent makeup job
and get the rest of her stuff together. Strapping on her shoes proved to be the
most difficult. When she finally looked up, she was a total mental mess.

Was this guy ever going to give her
a break?

It was like he knew what it took to
drive a woman mentally insane.


“Jessie, I need to make a stop. Do
you mind?” she asked carefully as she climbed into the black SUV.

“Not at all, Jordy. Where to?”

He smiled at her.

She gave him Jenny’s address.


When Jessie pulled up at the house,
she ran to the door.

“Hey girl! Where the hell are you
going looking that good at 11:30 in the morning?” Jenny greeted her before she
had a chance to knock.

“Jenny, listen,” Jordy said,
pulling forty dollars out of her purse. “I need as many Xanax as this will buy

Jenny happily plucked the money
from her hand and gave her a fistful of tiny peach pills but all the while
asking questions.

“Where are you going and why do you
need these?
SUV is that? ”

“I have a huge insurance conference
and I have to represent my office and run a workshop and do some public
speaking so… thank you. Does this not look professional?”

“Girl, you look like a fucking


“A pastry, baby, good enough to

This is why Jordy didn’t hang out with
Jenny, she was fucking nuts.

“Okay, so I will change in the car.
It’s a car service used for the conference,” Jordy answered while cramming the
pills in the small compartment of her purse and popping one right there.

“Thanks, Jenny! I have to run.”

She cut Jenny off before her next
question and ran back to the SUV. She had hoped that she bought it, but there
was no way she would believe the truth anyway.

No one would
what was happening.

Jordy still didn’t.


They pulled into the industrial
parking lot and Jordy’s excitement dwindled a little bit, she wanted to be
alone with him. She had hoped they would be going anywhere or doing anything,
she hoped she hadn’t screwed up taking that Xanax. She didn’t want to fall
asleep again.

Coffee, she would ask for coffee as
soon as she got there.

She gave herself a once over, her
hair was actually perfect today, and her skin was glowing. She was really happy
with her appearance today and felt beautiful. She hoped he’d like the panties
she was wearing and deep down she hoped he would make good on his word and tear
them off

Chill Jordy

This time the receptionist was in.
She introduced herself as Tracey and smiled at Jordy. She was a little bit better
than good looking and had an amazing figure.

Jordy secretly wondered which of
the staff she had screwed to get this job.

She walked down the hall and felt
Tracey’s eyes on her. She wondered how many women had drifted in and out of
these halls.


“Hey!” she heard as she walked past
a large office.

Hearing his voice, she backed up.

He was sitting behind a desk, going
through a huge stack of papers with scribble all over them. The walls were
covered in platinum records.

Fucking awesome
, Jordy
thought. He deserved all this recognition.

She was awestruck.

The biggest rapper in the world,
and he had called for her, told her to pack a bag. She was going to be with him
for a
few days

She still couldn’t wrap her mind
around it. She stood in the doorway, trying to read his mood. He was wearing a
black t-shirt and reading glasses.

She wasn’t surprised, she had seen
this look in a couple of magazines, the ones who had attempted to pry and ask
him for personal information he
gave willingly.

They would always ask him the same
questions to which he would reply, “No comment.” Or usually, “I am here to talk
about something else.” The exasperated writers would practically beg him to
open up, but he never did, always stating that” lyrics were the closest anyone
would get to hearing him talk about his life.”

He was notorious for cancelling
tours. She had even purchased tickets to see him and had to be refunded. He
canceled the last tour and stated
personal reasons
as an excuse.

His fans were pissed, including

She had always known he lived in
her city, and as big as the city was, he was known for his reclusive behavior,
barely making appearances. He hardly ever ventured out of his area and when he
did, he went as far away from the U.S. that he could.

She stared at him, studying his
lips, his expression. He was using the sun to light his office but had the
shades drawn so there was barely enough light to brighten the room. He was
notorious for fighting, for being versatile in personality, funny, moody, “a
woman hating asshole,” one female writer had put it after an interview.

Granted, she had asked all the
questions that irritated him, “Who are you seeing?” and “Do you ever talk to
Sarah?” his ex wife.

She had written an eight page
article slamming him, calling him insecure and full of shit. He had sued the
magazine stating she had made advances at him and when he turned her down, she
started to ask inappropriate questions and he cut the interview short leaving
her with nothing but a few words for her article. She had lost her job over
this, claiming his accusations were untrue and sued him for slander. She had
lost the suit, and her job which also included losing her credibility.
his current #1, told the whole story and she could see why any woman in the
world would try to get under him.

She had only had him once and could
not wait for the next round.

Her thoughts led her to do an
uncomfortable shiver in the doorway.

She felt herself getting excited,
but was thankful for the Xanax flowing through her now.


“Shut the door, please, those damn
clowns are riding me today,” he said, almost irritated. He made a face at
Jessie as he poked his head in and gave him the thumbs up.

Jordy turned and smiled at Jessie
who pulled the door closed for her.

She turned around again and his
eyes were on her.

He scanned her up and down and then
motioned her to come to him.

She walked over to him as he turned
in his chair so she was fully in front of him. Grabbing onto one of her legs,
he set her foot on the chair in-between his legs.

Sliding her skirt up and admiring
her shoes, he plucked at the bowtie but did not unravel it. He traced his
fingers up her leg, past her knee to her thigh, and then slipped his fingers
beneath her underwear. She lost the ability to breathe, tilting her head back
and a small moan erupting from her throat. He moved his fingers in and out, in
and out until she started to moan louder. When she realized she was getting
loud, she stopped herself. She was afraid that someone would hear. She grabbed
his head and pulled it to her chest. He pushed his paperwork on the floor and
laid her on his desk. He walked over to the door and she heard the lock click.
It was only seconds until he was back in his seat in front of her and he lifted
each of her legs onto his shoulders. He grabbed her panties and she lifted her
lower half slightly and so he could take them down. He did this slowly,
releasing and exposing her. He stood up and towered over her, resting her legs
on his chair and pulled at her sundress, releasing her chest into his mouth. He
sucked on her nipples until they were hard and then planted a quick kiss on her
mouth. Shoving his thumb between her lips he used his other hand to stroke her
between her thighs. He stared at her, sucking his thumb, stroking her. She
heard him take in a breath as he slid his fingers in and out, she was so ready
for him and he felt it. She was about to lose control when he started kissing
her chest again and then swiftly sat in his chair. He leaned forward and kissed
her, then began to lick her over and over again. She went with him, moving her
hips with his rhythm letting it lift her higher and higher until she came hard,
having to place her hands over her mouth to keep from screaming out.

When she regained her strength, she
braved a look at him.

The look in his eyes was pure sex.

She was no longer embarrassed, she
wanted to please him.

She lifted up and leaned over and
kissed him. She started with his pants and he stopped her.

“Not yet, Jordy,” he said, with so
much sex in his voice she thought she would faint.

“I just wanted to, to…” She was cut
off by his curious stare.

“What baby? Say it,” he said.

“I am not shy, Tite. I don’t know
why you think I would be.  Just wanted to fuck you.”

He smiled and reassured her, “You
will, but that was for you, I will tell you when it’s time for me.”

“So there are rules for this too?”
she snapped.

“Jordy don’t get sensitive, I told
you I have plans,” he pulled her into his lap and gave her a long kiss. It
almost went to that place before he pulled back and looked at her.

“Thanks for wearing that dress.” He
smiled at her and pushed his seat back. He lowered her onto the floor, standing
before him.

He grabbed her panties and put them
back on her, one leg at a time. Planting a kiss on her navel and admiring her
panties he traced his finger around the top of them.

“Now, you little tramp, get out of
my office, I will be out in a little while and we can leave,” he said, studying
her face carefully, hoping she wouldn’t be over sensitive to what he had just

Jordy just stood there for a
second, grabbed her purse and turned to walk out, then turned around to face
him again.

“I am not an innocent girl, Tite. I
have a track record, and like all women I am not proud of it, but if you think
you are teaching me anything new here, you’re not.”

“I just wanted to make you come in
less than a minute,” he said smugly.

That had done it.

Her face went to pure fury. He
congratulated himself.

“Are you fucking serious?” She
stared at him and saw the satisfied look on his face. She wasn’t about to let
him get away with this. She smiled at him before she walked out, but it was
forced, and he could probably tell, she thought.

She opened the office door and left
it open.

“Jessie, can I get some coffee?”
she barked. Not meaning to, she softened her tone, “Or can you show me where I
can make some?”

Tite heard their voices recede as
they wandered down the hall.


Tite smiled at the thought of her, mad
and pouting through his studio, less than five minutes after she got there. He
lived for that shit. He got off on it.

Go ahead Jordy, show your ass.

That’s what they are used to,
jilted bitches lurking about.

Usually it was the crews’ women
checking up on them, raising hell about all the other women in the studio. Tite
had put and end to that when one of his crew almost hurt a groupie in an all
out brawl and told his crew only wives and girlfriends allowed and it had to be
cleared with him first.

Within minutes he heard her
squealing with laughter and it irritated him.

What the fuck is she so happy

He almost got up but decided to
hold his ground. Damn.

He wanted her nice and pissed off
for tonight’s escapades.

He had decided just how to handle
this one.

He heard laughter again but this
time louder and harder along with other voices and more laughter.

This time he got up, almost pissed,
to see who was making her laugh like that.

Chapter 9


“So by the time we reached customs
we were so fucked up none of us could speak!” Jessie said, bursting into


By the time he reached the room, he
heard Onyx start in on another road tale.

He couldn’t believe it, every
single one of his crew was in the lounge room, surrounding Jordy, swapping road
stories, and she was eating it up.

It was as if she wasn’t bothered at
all that he was doing his best to be a prick.


The whole room stopped laughing as
soon as Tite walked in. His face was stone cold and serious and he looked like
he was in a rage.

“I don’t pay you motherfuckers to
entertain my guests!”

He grabbed Jordy’s hand, almost
yanking her off of the couch and said, “Come on, we are leaving.”

Jordy let him lead her away and
looked over her shoulder, trying to save face, saying, “Bye guys, and thanks
for the stories!”

Titan jerked her arm a little,
surprising her, making her walk quicker toward the front door.

“Tracey, I am out. Unless Ben
calls, I am out of town until Monday. If he calls, tell him to hit me up

She barely had time to give him the
okay when the front door closed.


“Tite, what’s wrong? You almost
fucking jerked my arm out of socket!”

 She was scared.

What the hell could she have
possibly done to make him so angry?

“Those motherfucking clowns never do
what they are supposed to.” He continued to mumble and curse something
inaudible. Jordy couldn’t tell if she was the ally or the enemy at this point.
She decided to play it safe and save her words.

“SO, you like stories, huh?” he
said, shutting her door and jumping into his side without waiting for a

“Once upon a time there was a guy
named Phillip who was young and stupid and he fell in love with this beautiful
brunette and married her, they loved each other and tore each other apart for
as long as they could stand it. Then one night Tite goes into his studio and
sees his wife fucking his manager. Then he got a divorce. The End.”

Jordy sat there for a long silence.
She had known about his ex-wife.

Tite put everything in his songs,
he poured his heart out at times, it seemed, but you never really knew which
songs were true and which ones he was playing around. She knew he had switched

She knew all about the divorce. She
just never put the two together and she was fascinated. She kept quiet. She
knew his hostility would eventually go away, and he wasn’t mad at her, this
much she knew.

Was he jealous?

No way! He was jealous!

This guy was a total mystery.


She wasn’t upset that he didn’t try
to comfort her last night when she cried, truth be known she wasn’t that type
of girl, she didn’t need constant attention from any man. She knew it was one
of the good things about this whole arrangement. She didn’t need to be cuddled
or told she was loved or even the little things like holding hands. It wasn’t
something she wouldn’t do and of course it didn’t bother her, she just didn’t
need it.

Tony held her hand all the time.

Poor Tony, she hoped he would find
someone who erased her memory completely. A twinge of guilt tugged at her as
she studied Tite’s face. It was a good thing to keep from Tite, too, she
decided. It would make her seem stronger, less needy.

She would keep this from him for
her advantage, but because he felt so strongly about women and deceptions and
didn’t seem to trust anyone, she decided she would never lie to him.

No matter what, she wouldn’t lie.


“Did you look at the ring?” he
asked, out of nowhere.

“Yes,” she
very matter of fact.

“Did you try it on?” he asked,

“No, I just looked at it. It’s
still on my counter,” she said, as if she was offering some excuse.

“Would you have said yes a week
ago, Jordy?” he asked, taking his eyes off the road for a brief second and
giving her a hard look.

“No, No. I am not doing this with
you,” she said sternly.

“Doing what Jordy? It’s just a
fucking question,” he snapped.

“Okay, what the fuck, Tite? Do you
want to make this easy going or do you want to have this conversation. This
feels like a fight. We haven’t even been together a complete hour yet. I know
this whole thing kind of started out of my relationship ending, but it had to
end. Let’s not fucking
the fun we are having by
beating a fucking dead horse. Tony and I are done. You gave me the decision to
make, and I made it. I haven’t given you any reason to believe I regretted it.
I am here with you, now. Not him. So let’s have some fun and put the serious
shit aside.”

Just then, she noticed his lip was

“Your lip, it’s bleeding! What
happened to your lip?”

She reached into her purse to find a
tissue but all she had was a receipt, she folded in thirds and reached over to
the driver’s seat and starting dabbing his lip, soaking up the little amount of
blood that was leaking.

She realized it was swollen.
Inspecting him further, she saw a trace of green under his right eye.

“Your eye! What the hell happened
to you, Tite?”

“Nothing, it’s nothing,” he said,
knowing she would not accept it.

“Tite, you left my house last night
and got into a fight?”

“I left your house last night and a
fight found me. Now, drop it,” he snapped.

“Please, at least tell me you’re
okay. Are you hurt anywhere else?’


He wasn’t irritated by her concern,
but he knew he had gotten the best of Tony and if it had gone any further, he
might have another lawsuit on his hands.

Hell, he might have blown the
whistle last night.

“I am fine, the other guy is fine,
we just kind of got into it and then it was over, no big deal, okay?”

With that, he ended the

“Where are we going?” she asked, as
if to confirm that he won that battle.

“My house,” he replied, almost

Jordy was shocked, excited, before
she even had a chance to process they were at the gates.

His gates.

The gates opened with a sweeping
motion, opening opposite of their direction toward a ridiculously long
driveway. She saw the mansion in the distance and gasped, it was
It almost looked to be the size of an industrial building, but with character.
The roof was slanted sharply on all sides.  There was a perfectly
manicured front garden and a large staircase leading to the front door. It
wasn’t all at what she expected. In front was a circular drive which they
bypassed and drove into a five car garage.

“Come on,” he said, heading out of
the driver’s seat to the garage door.

She unbuckled her seat belt and
opened her door.

She was so dazed by she had just
seen that she missed her step and fell out of the truck, smacking her head with
a loud thump on the car door as she went down. 

She fell flat on her back, smacking
her head a second time on the garage floor.

“Jordy!” He ran to help her up.
“Jesus, woman, what the fuck?”

She was so embarrassed she couldn’t
move for a second. Her dress had fallen short of exposing her panties and she
was flat on her back on the garage floor. It had knocked the wind out of her
and she made no attempt to get up. He was hovering over her at this point, eyes
wide, and cursing her softly and she started laughing uncontrollably.

“Jordy, are you okay?”

“Ow, ow, ow, fucking ow!”

She was laughing and he was so
shocked that he just sat next to her, leaning over her, until he couldn’t hold
it in anymore.

They both laughed so hard, they
couldn’t get her off the ground for a solid minute. He picked her up, gently,
still sitting on the floor and held her to him, still laughing. She wrapped her
arms around his neck and his chuckle slowed as he stopped to look at her. She
pulled him in for a kiss and he hesitated, but gave in and kissed her. They
were still chuckling as they entered the house.


“Damn woman, what was is it this time?
Crack, cocaine?” he teased as he helped her up.

“I am a very clumsy woman, Tite.
You should know that before we enter your house and probably hide your

She followed him in and winced as
she felt her forehead start to pound. He led her to a huge kitchen fit for a
king. He picked her up and put her on the counter.

“Let’s check you out my drunken,
drug addict,” he turned to the freezer and grabbed a frozen vegetable package
and handed it to her.

“Here,” he said, “you have a knot
on the side of your head.”

 Jordy jumped off the counter
and went to the same freezer and grabbed another bag of frozen veggies.

“Here,” she said, “you have a black

She chuckled at what a mess they

They both sat there looking at each
other surveying the damage and sharing a smile.

“No fighting, no bickering, and no
bullshit ex talk, just us, okay?” she begged.

“What the fuck else would we need
for entertainment besides you, Jordy?”

He smiled at her and she knew he
had agreed.

“Fucking Evil Knevil! That had to
have been a four foot drop flat on your back. Are you okay?”

“Do you want to play doctor?” she
said, her voice raspy.

“Well, you sure the
hell aren’t
going to be
nurse. I wouldn’t make it
out alive, even if you were just taking my temperature,” he chuckled.

Jordy laughed too, snorted in fact,
and he paused to catch her doing it and laughed harder.

“Fuck you Tite, you are flawed too,
I just have to find them.”

“Oh, you will.”

He sounded more scared than joking.

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