TITAN (10 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

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She was over it already and decided
not even to mention it to Tite. She knew they were definitely having sex, and
she would make sure to mention it before she left so he would know she wasn’t
stupid, but they had already left the roller coaster ride today.

She didn’t want to fight.

She wanted to be under him again
and talk to him and laugh with him.

Just a little longer, before he
kills you. Jordy knew this would all end badly. She knew and he knew it, it was
just a matter of when and how.

For now, she would be happy with
him and have fun with him.

With the Xanax hitting her
strongly, she smiled.

God, it felt good.

 She checked herself in the

You look good, baby.

She smiled again and did a little ‘brush
your shoulders off’ movement that she knew the Xanax had everything to do with
and headed for the bedroom door.

When she got there she heard
muffled, angry voices.

Fuck, she thought, now what?


“Jessie, is anybody hurt, dying or
dead?” Tite asked, aggravated.

“No, Tite, but…” This time Jessie
wasn’t acting sheepish or like an employee, his face was harsh and he wasn’t
backing down.

“Listen, someone is making waves,
you need to fucking hear this.”

“I have a fucking feeling I know
who it is and what they are doing or about to do, but not today. I will call
you tomorrow to get the details. Am I going to be pinched?” he asked, sounding
semi concerned at the thought of being arrested.

“I don’t think so, so far it’s just
a threat, but if he makes
, Tite, I need to know
what happened,” Jessie said, looking concerned.

Tite snapped. “You will say no
fucking comment and not available until tomorrow

do you fucking hear me?” 

A short pause, then, “Does Jeff

He was trying his best to keep his
voice steady, but he was livid. Jessie shook his head no and Tite ordered,
“GOOD, keep it that way for now.”

This was going to cost him.

A woman was going to cost him and
this was going to cost a lot.

He saw Jordy coming down the stairs
out of the corner of his eye and started to calm himself down immediately.

He wasn’t blowing up again today,
even if Tony was fucking suing him.

“Hey there, Jessie.”

She smiled at him, he was a little
dazed when he looked at her, as if under some spell and just stood there a
brief second and smiled back.


“Hey Jordy!”

“Jordy, go eat. I am going to talk
to Jessie for a minute. I will be there in a bit.”

He said it in a fatherly way and
Jordy just smiled, rolled her eyes, and proceeded to the kitchen


“I should punch your fucking jaw
for bringing that whore in here!” He was mad again.

“I am sorry, man, no one thought,”
he cut himself off again.

“Thought what? It would last more
than a day?”

He was sure that was what would
come out of Jessie’s mouth.

“It’s not for you motherfuckers to
decide or guess, and I appreciate the info, really, I do,” he snapped, “but
that’s what a fucking phone is for.”

He snapped again, calm Tite,
down, Tite.

“I have called you no less than one
hundred times!” Jessie snapped back.

“And yes, no one thought this would
last a fucking day, she probably didn’t either,” he said, whispering so Jordy
wouldn’t overhear.

“And you have a standing order for
Tracey, but we came together, so what the fuck, boss?” he said, sarcastically,
as if he were talking to a plantation owner.

Jessie was fuming. They had been
friends for too long and he wasn’t used to Tite being so rude with him. It was
wearing on him.

“Fine, alright, fine, thanks for
all your hard fucking work,” he said, sarcastically. “Just leave and take that
bitch out of here. I did take time off for a fucking reason.

I will call you tomorrow and check
my phone tonight. Call the house phone for emergencies only,” he barked.

Jessie, headed for the door and
turned to him saying, “No comment, unavailable. I got it.”

“And Jessie,” Tite finished, as if
this was a closing argument in a courtroom. “I can change my mind anytime I see
fit. That bitch is no longer invited to this address unless I change my mind
again, alright?”

Jessie stared in the direction
Jordy previously walked and back at Tite, as if to say Tite was hooked already.

Tite immediately took offense and


Blueberry waffles...
. God, she loved food. Food was good.

She loved the
she loved everything in this place.

She started humming as she chewed.

“Mmm mmm mmm send me. What a
gangster, HA!”

She laughed with herself as no one
was around to entertain her and noticed champagne set out with orange juice for
mimosas. She helped herself to one.

It tasted so
she was on her second by the time Tite walked in.


“Your face looks mean, you need
mimosas,” she slurred her words.

Fuck, she was fucked up again

“Jordy, come on, really? Already?”
he said, tired of this shit. This woman was steadily getting fucked up.

“No more champagne, I promise,” she
said in an almost sober sounding voice.

“But it’s been a crazy fucking day
already, ha HA, and it’s only 1:00! Ha ha ha ha-ha,” she laughed so hard she
thought she was going to pee her pants.

Tite couldn’t stop himself from
smiling once she started laughing, and then he was laughing too, hard.

 He grabbed the bottle of
champagne and turned it up.

“Atta boy, we might as well cut our
losses and chill out the wrong way.”

 She was still laughing and
picked at the last of her waffle.

“Would you like a Xanax?” She
smiled, almost kicking herself for offering, then thinking it might just work
wonders on him. It was so relaxing.


He jiggled the bottle of Valium the
doctor gave him, for her, in her face and said, “But I can see
all set for the day.”

“It’s true,” she said, as serious
as she could muster, “This is too much, too soon, fucking period.” She slurred
her words again. “Any woman would have a hard time dealing with all this.”


“Oh, yeah?” He said, smugly. “Well,
maybe you should take it fucking easy on the pills and drinking, Jordy.”

“Maybe your furking right.”

She laughed again, hearing herself
slur. She laughed so hard this time, she thought she would puke.

“Join ‘em.” Tite muttered, as he
downed the bottle of champagne.

He ate a couple of things off the
buffet and looked at Jordy.

“You okay?” he said, almost
disappointed that she had gone that far to numb herself. He was sure she
wouldn’t make it that much longer until she passed out. It wasn’t sitting well
with him they might miss the rest of the day so she can sleep.

“Actually, I ate 4 waffles,” she
said, regaining her senses. “I am good to go, do you want to go for a walk or
something?” she said, perking up.

“No, I am not a stroller, Jordy,”
he said, as if he had just smelled bad garbage.

“Well, at least show me the grounds
you horses’ ass,” she said, surprising herself with her remark. But this was
her normal personality. This is how she would talk to anyone she was getting to
know or wanted to know.

His eyes were wide with disbelief,
and then came a smirk of satisfaction. He liked her! Oh yes, and he would be
putting that mouth to good use.

“Come on you drunken, drug addict,”
he said, tugging at her t-shirt. “Why did you change?”

Truth Jordy. Never lie to him.
“Because I felt like a slut being caught by a slut,” she said, not expecting
him to understand.

“So you admit you’re a slut, then?”
he teased.

“No Tite, I admit that, at this
point in time, today, right now, I am your slut,” she said, her lashes
fluttering on her cheeks. She looked up at him and smiled.

God, how she wished she was under

Well, as long as you’re my slut,”
he said and grabbed her hand, “come on, I have a compromise.”

Chapter 12


She was standing at the garage,
waiting, for what?

She had no idea.

She heard Tupac’s “
nuttin’ but a gangster party” come on, loudly, and she
immediately started to laugh.

What the hell was he doing?

She started slightly moving her
head. She loved rap. She didn’t understand how anyone didn’t like the music. It
made her tick. She understood the love of it.

It started with the Beastie Boys in
grade school then she graduated to NWA. She listened to Snoop, Cypress Hill and
Ice Cube her entire
and Senior year of high
school. She loved all music, but it was always rap for her, always would be.

By the time Titan hit, she was well
versed in most rappers’ music, but she knew she had found her favorite.

He was different than anything she
had ever heard and she related to him on levels she could never explain. She
guessed that’s how most of his fans felt. If only half his lyrics were honest
then she loved that half of him already, she was sure.

He was so damn volatile.

She really didn’t like it. It left
a bad taste in her mouth.

He was almost touchier than a
female. She wished he would just chill.

She had hoped he would pop a
it might do his moody ass some good. But she knew she
would take him in any package he came in, at any time.

She was totally into him. The sex
was unbelievable. She ached in that parts he had touched and had to calm
before she did something else to look stupid.

She heard an engine fire up, it
wasn’t a car or a motorcycle, it didn’t even sound like a 4 wheeler.

What the hell was that?

She didn’t have to wonder long when
he skidded up sideways next to her in the biggest race cart she had ever seen.
It was like a sand dune buggy with monster tires and his logo on the rims.


“This is your compromise?” She
yelled over the noise of the motor and the song, laughing as she said it.

“You get to see the grounds and I
won’t be bored or have to make conversation,” he yelled, holding out a helmet
for her, smiling like a deviant.

“Where is yours?” she asked.

“Let’s just be honest here, Jordy,
about who needs the helmet.”

“Fuck you, Tite,” she teased,
grabbing the helmet.

As soon as she sat down, he tore
out like a bat out of hell, jumping the stairs that led to the lawn. Jordy screamed
at first, really scared. She was sure she would need more than a helmet, but
when she realized he knew what he was doing, she started squealing with
delight, laughing and screaming at the same time.

He drove her like a lunatic all
over the grounds. With jerky moves, he was weaving in and out of the yard
through the trees, making her laugh so hard she was scared she was going to pee
her pants.

“Damn, Jordy, chill out.”

He said it harshly, like he was
getting onto her, but she could see his smile on the sides of his face as he
continued to drive and do the things that were making her laugh the hardest.

“Tite, stop, really STOP, I am
going to pee my pants.”

Laughing uncontrollably, she
screamed as he took a turn and they almost flipped over.

Fuck, that
was close.” He sounded a little scared, kind of laughing it off, but knowing
how serious it could have been.


He slowed to a stop on a hill
overlooking more land that she assumed he owned. It wasn’t touched. It was full
of trees and made for a really beautiful view.

He turned off the radio and they
walked up to the edge of the hill and sat down.

“Is this where you let me down
gently?” she said teasing, but praying to God there was no truth to that

“Drama?” he asked.

“Hell no, no thanks, not from me
and that
so fun!” she said, still giggling a

“I really like your laugh.” He said
staring at her.

“Good, let me hear yours, I will
let you know,” she said in her smart aleck tone.

“Ha, fucking ha, Jordy.  You know
this shit that happens follows me. It’s because of who I am. Crazy bitches, you
included, and greedy, jealous motherfuckers who only want to take what I work
for. I am not that bad,” he said, almost as a question. “This all costs way
more than you think it does,” he said, his face turning dark.

“I agree, and if I think about it,
yeah, everything that has happened is exactly because of all of that,” then she
added carefully, “and because of your temper.”

“I know,” he said, sounding
resigned. “You know I have to admit that, too.”

“Hmm, a mouse pushing, crazy bitch,
drunken, drug addict,
slut,” she giggled, “You hit the
jackpot, baby.”

She looked over at the view of the
trees then at the view next to her.

He was staring at her. He rubbed
her lip like he did the first time and then leaned in and kissed her for a very
long time. When he pulled back they were both so dazed at the feeling they went
right back in, this time they groped each other to the point of exhaustion.

When they pulled away this time,
she whispered to him, “More.”

He took her hand and lifted her off
of the ground. “Let’s go get more.”


He flipped the radio back on, but
this time he kept it low. He drove straight back to the house and they
practically ran to the elevator.

They were kissing and panting,
almost completely undressed by the time they got to the bedroom, ripping at
each other’s clothes as if they were a nuisance.

When they got to the bed, they both
came to a screeching halt. It was if they had read each other’s minds.

This time they would take their

This time, they would appreciate

She thanked God she had sobered up.

All she had left on was her panties
and he, his boxers. She started first taking them down, placing kisses down his
perfect chest, over his tattooed naval, taking care to hit the most sensitive
spots. When it came to his turn, he rubbed her above her panties working his
way down. He sat on the bed, caressing her in her sweet spot on top of her
panties, feeling her warmth and thumping her lightly so she cried out. When he
pulled her panties down, she kissed the top of his head. He looked at her like
she had just done something forbidden, but then pulled her down, laying her
across the bed. He got on top of her, kissing her longer than he had outside.

He looked her in the eye and said,

She nodded yes, enthusiastically.
He kissed her again, this time she couldn’t resist, she grabbed him and felt
him in her hands. She waited for him to do whatever he wanted to this time. It
was almost torturous for them both, they both waited as long as they could and
as soon as he thrust himself into her, she came. He was rough, she looked at
him every time she came and could see he was happy about it. The look in his
eyes made her crazy and he was watching her so intently, she thought she would
lose her mind. She just kept giving into him, over and over, and finally he
leaned over and whispered, “More?” Expecting her to say no, he had exhausted
her and he knew it, but she begged him, “Please?”

He pulled her up on top of his lap
and they were face to face. They both worked together and exhausted each other.
When he finally came, he fell back on the bed. She smiled, knowing she would
for the rest of her life.


When he woke up, she was gone. Her
bag was gone.

“What the fuck?”

He wasn’t relieved at all, he was
upset. Why would she just leave?

Fucking women and their schemes.

Did she think he was going to call
her, ask her where she was, and demand that she come back?

She thought wrong.

I will never beg a woman for
anything, he thought.

But hadn’t the bad day turned good
when they were alone?

It was always good when they were
alone with no one around to fuck it up. He decided he was thirsty and started
toward the kitchen.

Why? Why Jordy?

What are you trying to prove?

There was no fucking sense in it.

Unless… was there was an emergency?
Maybe he should call her. He would call just to see why she left, if it was a
dumbass reason, she was done.

“This was fucking stupid,” he


As he rounded the corner to the
fridge, he heard her singing with the kitchen CD player. “Girls. To do the
dishes. Girls. To clean up my room. Girls. To do the laundry and in the

He smiled broadly, both in relief
she was there and because she had picked that song. How she made him laugh.

She sang using her spatula and
jamming it toward the pot with every word.

She was cooking on her tiptoes, in
her tighty whities, and a t shirt.


“Hey,” she said, smiling, seeing
him out of the corner of her eye.

“Before you freak, I sent the staff
away until morning. It just seems easier for us to… um… I guess…
get along
and have fun without people around. Plus, you know I am leaving tomorrow and I
wanted tonight to be cool. Do you like Greek salad?”

She was fucking glowing. She looked
so damn good in those whities he almost took her right there, or was it because
he was so relieved she was there? No matter, he was happy, yes, happy.

“Yeah, sounds good, and your right,
it’s easier for us without people. Where is your bag?”

“Oh,” she said, happy he didn’t
have a bad reaction to all she had done. “I set it in your closet, at least I
think it was a closet, so you wouldn’t wake up thinking I was trashing your

“Why are you leaving tomorrow?” he
asked, curious.

“Well, you said only a couple of
days and I just assumed you meant two, so I thought…” she trailed off,
pretending to be busy.

“Do you want to go?” he asked,
wanting an honest answer.

“No,” she said, not lying. “But I
don’t want to screw this up.” She pointed her index finger between him and
herself, in several short gestures. “Good vibes, good feelings, and good sex.”

“Good sex?” he said, knowing that
was a huge understatement.

“What do you need, Tite?” she
asked, coyly, “A confidence boost?”

She slapped his ass with a kitchen
towel and chuckled with delight when he screamed out.

“You bitch,” he said, grabbing the
kitchen hose, spraying her a little, and then when she gave him the warning
eye, he doused her good.


She picked up some of the dressing
she was making and threw a spoonful, missing his face by an inch. It landed,
dripping down his neck then down his shirt.

“You aren’t fucking right. I am
going to get your helmet,” he stated and turned and walked away.

“Dinner in twenty,” she chimed,
behind him, antagonizing him.


When he came back showered and
clean, she had jeans on.

“I thought we would eat in your
third or fourth living room and watch TV.”

“No dinner banter, no conversation,
no  ...”

“Expectation,” she reminded him.

“Not bad, Jordy.”


They ate, watching a rerun of
Everybody Loves Raymond.

The food was perfect and Jordy was

She would have been terrified to
feed him, but she was pretty happy with the day and felt comfortable enough to
cook for him, even though she was sure the Chef made her dish

They laughed together at the show
and finished their food. She grabbed his plate and hers and handed them to him.

“You have the dishes, right?” she

“Fucking no way, I earned my way
out of dishes about twelve years ago.”

“Oh Mr. Big Rap Star won’t do the
dishes, eh?”

“No. More like Mr. I have a fucking
staff of 6 won’t do the fucking dishes. Seriously, Jordy, leave them, I pay
them for that.”

“And everyone is taking the night
off; I will see you in a minute.”

She took off with their plates and
was midway through doing the dishes when he came in and grabbed a rag. Almost
whining he said, “Are you always this much of a fucking mess when you cook?”

“Yep,” she said, plainly.

“You need a helmet to breathe,

“You ate it.” she piped.

“Yes, and it was edible,” he said,
almost throwing a childlike fit as he wiped the stove.

“What a spoiled ass,” she said,
laughing at him. “I will do the dishes, Tite. If I really cared about your
help, I would have tried harder,” she said, letting him off the hook.

“I just missed your tighty whities.
They really are tight and white and ugly.”

“Thanks, they are my favorite,” she
said, as she unzipped her jeans and took her pants off, despite his comment.

“Anything else, sir?”

“You snore.”


“Oh, come on, I do NOT snore,” she
said, embarrassed and defensive.

“Yes, you snore and drool while you
sleep,” he chided, still holding his wash rag, pretending to help.

“What? Are you watching me sleep, stalker?”
she said, hoping he
watching her.

“No, it’s just hard to ignore
someone drooling and snoring in your bed.”

“Whatever, you’re a stalker.
Stalking is what started all this,” she said, teasing him again.

He would bite.

This was the first time in a long
time he was game to entertain a woman. The last one pissed him off so badly he
had stayed obstinate for almost 6 months, a record for him.

“Yes, I am a stalker and I am
stalking your whities. I need them, I want them. In my fireplace.”

“Well, that would be a hell no.”

They finished the dishes and headed
back to the living room. She spotted an old Atari and Nintendo in the curio.
“Fucking please tell me we can play this. I haven’t played this in years!”

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