TITAN (13 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

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“We don’t need labels, Jordy,” he
said, casually, “I picked up the girl who played video games with me, and
cooked me a shitty dinner and laughed and had fun and fucked me. Labels ruin
things, lets just stick with we are
” he said, grabbing her
hand and kissing it and putting it back down.


She was
happy as they pulled up to the studio. This felt right. She felt like it was
her place, too, not like the first time she came in.

“The wives are total bitches,
Jordy, but I know you’re strong enough to hold your own,” he said, warning her
and complementing her at the same time.

“And, the fun never ends,” she
teased. There was no way she was letting any woman ruin what she had going on

“Tracey?” she asked, almost sick at
the thought of seeing her.

“Promoted and moved to N.Y.,” he
said, with a smile. “I had to. If I fired her, I would have faced another

“Good, I don’t give a shit. I am
not the jealous type but there is no way I wanted to see her tonight,” she cut
herself off. Too much information, Jordy,
keep cool

“Yeah,” was all he gave


When they walked in, the party was
already roaring, she could hear music and laughter and lots of voices.

“JORDY!” Jessie said, smiling at

“Hi Jessie,” she smiled back. She
could feel the wives measuring her up. She fiddled with her purse just a little
but stood her ground, letting them get an eyeful, and then walked over and
grabbed a glass of champagne.

The studio was transformed somehow
into a really cool atmosphere of lights, food and music. She was shocked at
what a difference it was.

“Have you heard the song?” Jessie
asked, behind her.

“No, I haven’t been listening to
anything lately,” she looked over at Titan, who was chatting with his manager.
“I have been working out and reading,” she lied.

“It hasn’t been released, yet,”
Jessie said, “he wanted to wait until you heard it, I thought he might hit you
with it in the car first.” He was smiling at her like he had a big secret.

“Why would he need me?” She was
interrupted and the room went darker and an automated voice came on.

“In 5… 4… 3… 2…1 beeep.”


“Do dah dah dah
dah dah dah dah. Set adrift on memory bliss of you.”


Jordy almost fainted. She was staring
right at Tite through the glass and he was at he sound board in the next room
with whom she recognized as Tunez! His mentor! One of the biggest rap stars in
the world right along with him. Was this some sort of sick fucking joke? She
saw him scan the room when the song came on and find her.


The song broke into a rap beat and
she heard him start to rap, to
that song

Jordy’s legs were shaking. She
stood there staring at Tite, almost pleading with her eyes, are you hurting me?
She saw he was really worried, almost scared, looking at her.


Yeah I feel for her I really do/

Reality used to be a friend of mine

Night after night just a little ass
and rhyme/

Never needing shit from any girl/

 Never made the time/

And now I fucked up and got tucked up/

Inside of you/

Cause baby you baby you/

Send me/


I saw you raw, real, different,
honest too/

Then YOU fucking saw the real in me

It pissed me off I threw you off of
me as if you were used/

Took my breath away with everything
you’d say or do/

There was no real reality for me
and you/

Things got fucked up quick/

forth till we were blue/

And then I knew I had the best of

I normally would send a bitch off
and grab a new/

But you cast a spell on me, witch,
and now and now/

Baby you, baby you/

Send me/


Jordy forgot how to breathe. Jessie
was staring at her.

“Jordy you don’t look so hot. Don’t
you like it?” He continued, “It’s called
The Witch.”
Shit is all Tite,”
Jessie said, loving what he was hearing.

 Jordy’s eyes were still locked
with Titan’s. She saw Tunez lean over and whisper something to him and Tite
tore his eyes away like Tunez had just hit him and then looked at Jordy again
while Tunez kept talking. The lyrics blasted through the speakers again.


What we did how we felt it was
nothing new/

Just lust and then we would bust/

 Yeah baby you were so good

But then you would make think and

And dream of you/

And then it was over/

Bam, life without you/

I never thought I would want a
bitch by my side/

I never thought a fucking verse I
wrote /

me cry /

almost did/

how hard I tried I couldn’t shake it kid/

now I
am fucked inside/

inch and a fucking mile to see this through/

appreciated a fucking woman now I do/

you baby you /

Send me/


She couldn’t take her eyes off of
him. He had made a song about

She was
The Witch

Jordy felt the whiskey come up and
ran for the bathroom, tears streaming down her face. JESUS. She didn’t know if
she could make it. She did. She threw up and did her best to keep it off of her
dress. She was blown away. She cried and threw up and cried some more. When she
finally got herself together, she looked in the mirror and saw she had screwed
up her make up; she opened her bag and grabbed her mints. She rinsed her mouth
out over and over and threw a couple in. She fixed her make up and realized
Tite had been standing there the whole time.


“Not exactly the reaction I was
hoping for,” he said, with a little humor in his voice.

“JESUS TITE, you blindsided me with
that!” she said, almost screaming at him.

“I know, Jordy,” he said, holding
his hands up in defense.

She looked at the floor and
whispered, “I was surprised, and blown away, Tite,” she walked a little closer
to him and repeated, “Blown away.”

“Good,” he said, seeming pleased
with himself.

“When did you have time?” she
asked, still a little uneasy.

“The road,” he said, as if he was
recalling some horrible memory.

“What do you say to something like
this?” she rasped.

“I accept your apology, and please,
don’t have any more whores in your bed when I come over.”

She repeated it, word for word, and
then said, “I want to kiss you but…”

“Save that kiss, puke mouth,” he
said, teasing. “I will let you make it up to me. Now, you little drama queen,
do you mind heading back to the party and acting normal for a few hours, or do
I need to grab your helmet?” he said, chuckling.

“Tite, you are going to be the
death of me!” she said, regaining her senses and gesturing for him to get the

“I mean it, Jordy, I am sorry I
hurt you,” he said, behind her.

“And I mean this, Tite, you will
hurt me, a lot, I know you will. But I will never let you hurt me like that,
ever again,” she said, sure she was telling the truth.

She took off, walking in front of
him, and stopped and waited for him when she realized she might be too far

She wasn’t trying to be a bad ass.
She just didn’t want him to think it was that easy to run over her.

She loved him, she wanted to show
him that first.

She had to turn around to see him.
He was still at the bathroom door.

“What?” she asked, smiling? “Let’s
not get all serious now, let’s go have fun,” she said, gesturing him to keep up
with her.

“I’m coming,” he said, still
looking a little dazed.

“What is it?” Jordy asked, worried.

He grabbed her butt and said, “You
really, really, have no ass at all.” He swatted it and continued. “Did you hear
that? No cushion.”

“Well, maybe my rich, millionaire
boyfriend will get me ass implants,” she chided.

“That would be a fuck no,” he said,
firmly. “I am having too much fun at your expense.”


“Tite, they all fucking love it,”
Jeff said, approaching them in the hall.

“Hi, Jordy.”

“Good.” It was all Titan responded

“Tunez said it was just as hard as
your other mushy shit and no one would be able to tell…,” Jeff trailed off,
seeing Tite's expression change.

“…Tell that it’s about his current
girlfriend?” Jordy chimed in.

“Guys, this is business. You have a
girl, you disappoint fans. I am not about to start issues with your career,
Tite. You can ‘spank thank’ me later. And keep your distance would you, Tite?”
she teased, and patted Jeff on the shoulder.

“I really fucking like you, Jordy,”
Jeff called down the hall after her.

She just waved behind her shoulder,
as if to say
don’t worry about it


Tite introduced her to Tunez and
she was so excited she rushed through her sentences.

“I am so happy to meet you. Are you
staying long? Will I see you again? Do you have a place here?” Tite squeezed
her hand as if to say,


She was introduced to only a few
people in the room, but noticed the wives continued to stare at her. She made a
quick decision and grabbed a tray of champagne from one of the caterers.

“Ladies, lets drink,” she said,
approaching them with an calm that surprised even her.

“Well, look at this clown,” one of
the girls said.

To that, Jordy replied, “More like
jackass if you make one out of me.”

She shoved a glass at the woman’s

 She took it, seeing Jordy
plead with her eyes.

“I see it like this, ladies. It’s a
choice you have to make. Now, you can either hate me as the flavor of the
month, thinking what you want about me, and telling each other so.
can try to get to know me. I just need one of you as a friend. It doesn’t have
to be all of you. Just keep in mind, you were new to this once, too, and
probably just as fucking scared as me.”

“Well,” one of the prettier wives
replied, “we all came up together, we weren’t here after the fact, but that was
bold. I like bold. I will drink a glass with you,” she laughed.

The rest of the girls followed suit
and laughed along with them, taking champagne off the tray.

Jordy looked around to see if Tite
saw this exchange, and he did.

He smiled at her and shook his head
yes, as if to say
good job

“I am Tina, Jessie’s wife,” she
said, nonchalantly.

“Jessie is my favorite,” she said,

“He’s a motherfucker,” she said,
acting as if she had been through a battle.

“Tite likes you, I can tell, fuck,
everybody can tell,” she said, half laughing.

“Good. I like him. He’s a
motherfucker, too,” Jordy said, truthfully.

They all started to laugh, a little
shocked from her vulgarity.


Title saw her grab the drinks and
bring them to the wives. Smart, he thought. He kept staring at her as if she
would vanish. He had to get a grip. He remembered Tunez’s words earlier to him
when he played the song for her.

“You have got to let it go
sometime, Tite.”

Even his best friend was
behind this. This had to be good. He knew it was. She would never try to hurt
him. He could only hurt her. This time, he would do anything to keep from
hurting her. This time, things could actually be different for him, if he let


After the party, Jordy was beat. All
she wanted was a toothbrush.

“Well, Jeff likes you, that’s a
first,” Tite said, starting the truck.

“Because I assured him I wasn’t
interested in the spotlight and that this wouldn’t impact your career,
therefore hurting the cash flow,” she paused, “Sure he does.”

“What the fuck woman? Jeff hates
me. Take it as a compliment,” he teased, knowing she was dead on.

“I need a toothbrush, Tite.”

“I need that dress off, Jordy,” he
said, putting his hand between her legs, running it up her thigh.

“OOOHHHHH,” she cried out, really
loud. “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that.” She leaned over, putting her face in
her hands.

“Do you want to hear the song

She clapped her hands together,
like a child, and said, “YES! YES!”


Jordy knew the song was all about
them. Him not wanting to get trapped, but instead this witch bewitched him. She
was the witch! She was in total shock. He felt for her and admitted it in a
song, to the world, to his friends. No one else would know, but it didn’t
matter. She was immortal now. She felt like crying the whole way home, but
didn’t want him to see. She was so happy. She never wanted the night to end. It
was unbelievable, it was better than good. Jordy knew it would be big when it
hit the rest of his world.


“And, this is going to be on the
radio?” she said, almost scared.

“Yeah, eventually when the album is
finished” he said, looking at her, smiling at her reaction.

“Tite, I love it, I love….,” she
trailed off. “I love it.”

He took both hands off the steering
wheel and put them on her face when they reached the stoplight.

“You are worth the shit I went
through to make you mine, Jordy, and now you are mine,” he said, almost as a

“You know the answer, ego maniac,”
she said, smiling.

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