TITAN (6 page)

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Authors: Kate Stewart

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Chapter 8


She heard the box flip open behind
her and close quickly. He let out a slow whistle and walked over to the couch
and sat down.

“I like him.” Tite said carefully,
trying not to sound like the complete bastard he felt like.
and she was.

You called it man.

Well, now he was out of the way,
but even he hated himself for what he had done to them. He didn’t like the way he
was feeling and she was just standing there staring at her front door, he
couldn’t see her face but he knew she was crying.

He was tired from just listening to
it, so he knew she was done for the day.

Tite, get the fuck outta here, you
don’t need this bullshit drama, you got what you wanted and you ain’t getting
more today, that’s for damn sure.

This guy was going to marry her,
and she is pussy to you.

What the fuck was she thinking
right now?

He hated that he couldn’t see her

She seemed so cold to him, pretty
heartless too, but he knew he was the hypocrite who put her in that situation
and decided not to let his mind wander on how heartless she could be.

“Tite, I am going to take a shower,
you can see yourself out.” She got all the words out of her mouth and except
for the fact she sounded like she hated him, she thought she had done well of
keeping her cool.

“Jordy, look I am not a complete…”

“This expectations thing should go
both ways, don’t you think?” She turned around to look at him right in the eye
there were tears streaming down her face and she lifted her chin to him in

The look in her eyes and her
demeanor was one of pure hate and frankly, it made him uneasy.

“Both ways, Tite, that’s the only
way I am still in this, whatever the fuck this is,” she barked.

“Both ways, Jordy.”

He gave in, she looked beautiful in
that sundress, just fucked hair and mad as hell.

He wanted to get her under him
again but knew there was no way tonight.

“Good.” She walked out of the
living room and into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her.


He wanted to turn around. He really
wanted to care more than he did right now, but he knew better. He wasn’t going
down this road with her.

He was not the comforting

He jumped in his truck and started
to close the door when the first blow caught him in the jaw.


“You MOTHER FUCKER!” Tony screamed,
as he threw punch after punch at him.

Titan quickly regained his senses,
jumped out and pinned Tony to his truck, and punched him a few good times in the
nose until he saw red seeping out.

“Look, Tony, I gave her the fucking
choice and didn’t fucking touch her until she made it. I heard you cop your
plea and I respect you, but you touch me one more fucking time I am going to
fucking kill you.”

Tony looked at Tite and knew he was

“She is a piece of pussy to you.”
Tony yelled, almost at a girl’s octave.

“And what was she to you? A good
piece of pussy you could talk to, right? Women fucking change over time, I know
this. Do yourself a favor and forget her, just as easily as she is about to
forget you. Don’t come near her again motherfucker, because I held off tonight
out of respect, but seeing as you didn’t fucking man up before you put your
fucking hands on me, all bets are off.”

 He slammed his door and drove


This is exactly the shit he didn’t
need. He checked the mirror. Motherfucker, it’s going to be a black eye for
sure, and a fucking busted lip.


He swore he would never fight over
a bitch again after Sarah.


Well, technically he was defending
himself, but this shit was ridiculous.

He racked his brain on the number
of appearances he had that week.



He was done and had taken some time
off. Fuck, he forgot to ask Jordy to take time off this week.

Wasn’t a good time anyway seeing as
how she was crying over the punk that just hit you? Fuck, Tite you’re just as
bad as him.

Get a grip!

But he had to see all this as what
it was. You would have reacted the same way a long time ago, and you just did
him a huge favor.

He would take this round for her,
for what she had just done for him, but that was it. He drove home still
feeling like he had left something behind, but knowing it was her. He had left
at the right time and now she didn’t want to see him.

“Ahhh…,” he thought out loud.

When she put those lips around him
he thought he would lose his mind,
he remembered
Tony’s words to her.

I can make you come in less
than a minute.”

Tite knew better than to be
jealous, but it didn’t help, he was tempted to turn around and carry out his
threat to Tony, but he kept on driving.


Fucking idiots, why would anyone
settle for that?

It would never be him again, that
he was sure of.

He had managed to avoid a
relationship for almost 7 years after his divorce; he wouldn’t go down that
road again for anyone.

Marriage is just a slow painful
death of everything that could be exciting. Why didn’t anyone else see that?

Tony was going to marry her. If he
had met her a week later he is sure, no positive, she would have been engaged.

Would she have made the same

He will never know and hated
himself for wondering.

She seemed so cold.

He wondered how long it would take
to get her in bed again.

He drove up to his gate and decided
then that she would be in his bed when he wanted her to be. Wincing at the pain
from smiling, he pulled into the driveway and put the truck in park.

Empty mansion.

This fucking empty mansion, the only
downside of being alone without the bitch drama was this huge empty house, with
no one to greet him.

He had pulled up a million times,
buzzed out of his mind, wanting to set the place on fire. He pushed the door
open to hear the familiar buzz of the alarm.

If she was in your bed, it would be
a good place to start…..now he was really irritated. A text from Jordy lit his


Tite, I am sorry you had to hear that

it wasn’t the
way I wanted today to end.

I am going to bed, be safe

He wasted no time replying, what
was the use, because she really hadn’t done anything wrong.

Me too, that was fucked up

Night Jordy.


She read his text and began to
worry, she was still angry but not at him. She had to take the responsibility
for what she had done. He had given her the choice.

Exhausted again she retreated to
her bed, her only comfort, and let the emotions take over.

She cried herself to sleep.

She cried for Tony because she knew
she had nothing left for him and how bad she had hurt him and how heartless she
did it.


She drove to work the next day
without any radio, she didn’t want to take the chance of hearing anything Titan
related, and she used the quiet to let the crazy thoughts race themselves

She had called in for a one hour
delay this morning at work, she was nowhere near ready to face the day and she
needed to get herself together.

She needed to concentrate; she had
bills to pay and had been ignoring her responsibilities for a week.

She let out a long breath as she
walked through her office door; even the mundane task of her job seemed
comforting today.


Her intercom buzzed. “Meeting in
ten, Jordy.”

“Ok, thanks Chip.” She pretended to
be her perky, usual self but it wasn’t really convincing.

10 a.m.

At least the day was shorter.

“Long weekend?” Chip asked,
noticing her tone.

“You could say that,” she responded
quickly, smiling at him. He knew her well enough to know something was amiss.
She would have to tell him all about this one day, when she knew the direction
it was going.

She grabbed her notepad and a pen
and walked toward the conference room grabbing a cup of coffee.

“We are doing a quick overhaul of
the office this week.” Mrs. Schaffer announced. “So, take the week off, go home,
relax, commissions will be paid per the usual, and salaried employees will not
be docked as well, just think of this as a free vacation. We are putting in new
carpet and painting so we won’t really have the space for any of you to work.
Agents you can take emails at home but we will have a recording in place when
you leave this morning, so it really isn’t necessary. We will have a call
service taking care of emergencies. It is because of your hard work that we are
able to afford this renovation. And we know this is sudden and may cut a little
into your commission so we will be  issuing bonus checks according to your
typical weekly commissions and salaried employees will be getting a weeks pay
as well.

We hope you will use this time to
rejoice and refocus that our agency is doing well and we appreciate each and
every one of you. Chip will be passing out checks and you are free to leave.”
She beamed with excitement.

Everybody clapped and cheered,
except for Jordy.

Great, this was her one refuge.

She was happy about the money, but
the time off to be alone with herself; to be alone with thoughts of
was what really worried her.

She didn’t waste time texting him.


I got some time off of work,

I am leaving for a few days,

don’t have any
rules and I didn’t know

I should text
you so I

…the phone rang in her hand while
she was texting him, she deleted it all.


“Hello?” she squeaked.

“You off yet?”

“Am I off yet? How would you know?”

She stopped herself from the

He had done it, all of it.

The entire staff of her office was
on vacation because of him.

“I met your quota,” he teased.

“Ahh…I see, and how did you do that
might I ask?” She was a little annoyed, but not surprised. They had never given
a vacation or a bonus to any employee the whole seven years she had worked for

“Let’s just say my business manager
decided to diversify a little and invest in a small business.”

He was being cocky now and it
annoyed Jordy.

“Well, thanks for the vacation and
the bonus,” she beamed, getting excited about the free time and the extra cash.
“And if you think I’m going to stand on some stupid principal and not cash this
check, think again.”

“Good, I really don’t want to fight
about that.”

He sounded sincere.

“Oh we won’t. Matter of fact,
thanks for the trip.” 

She knew she had his attention.

“Trip, oh yeah?”

He sounded intrigued.

“Yeah, I think I will go kick it
with my family for a few days, my Mom isn’t getting any younger and I could use
a visit.” She almost laughed but kept her cool until she got his response.

“Bullshit Jordy, you know damn well
why I…”

She heard someone come in and
interrupt him.

“Alright, give me five minutes.
Fucking get out, man.”


She heard Jessie tease in the back
ground then there was a rustling noise, then and an “Ow, motherfucker!” Then
she heard, “fucking genius” then laughter then a door shut.


“Yes, Tite?” She was smiling now.

God this was fun, and she knew he
was having fun too.

It seemed like last nights’
disaster didn’t bother him at all and now they were right back where they

“A few days with me, then your
parents, alright? I don’t have much time left in the states and I wanted to
hang out before I leave.”

Hear heart sank.

He’s leaving?

She couldn’t do it.

She had been on enough of a roller
coaster ride last week. She was going to be happy today. She was ready to get
another hit of him and he seemed to feel the same.

“What are we doing then, Phillip?”
she teased.

“Before or after I rip off your
panties?” He congratulated himself.
She really thought she had control of
the situation?

“Oh, I, oh…,” She was speechless.

“I will send the car to your place
in an hour. Pack for a couple of days and… Jordy?” He paused for what seemed
like forever. “Wear that black dress.”

“Ooh, okay.” She hung up.

She had to bend over next to her
car to catch her breath.


She raced to her bank and cashed
the check. She hit Victoria’s
Secret first and bought every pair of sexy panties in her size. She stopped and
got some sandals that wrapped around her ankles into a bow to match the
sundress he wanted her to wear. Jordy added a $90 bottle of perfume to the

Thanks to him, she could now afford

She swooped into a department store
and bought several dresses in her size she thought would look sexy and begged
the salon next door for a quick wax.

She even managed to pay a bill or
two in the waiting room and got back to her apartment with fifteen minutes to
spare. She threw everything she bought into her small suitcase and couple of
pairs of jeans and shoes. She dumped her entire jewelry box and the contents of
her bathroom in a duffle bag.

Where is

It was on the floor, wrinkled to
hell and back, so she stuck it on a hanger and started a scalding hot shower.

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