Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (3 page)

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Carlo of course took her up on the offer coming over and meeting Raven, as well as her best friend Auriel. He was immediately smitten with the dark haired mixed heritage beauty. Knowing that he was supposed to be with Sharaine, Carlo played it cool with Auriel, all the while plotting how he would get closer to her. Raven had a boyfriend as well and they all hung out together. It didn’t take Carlo long to get between Sharaine’s legs and inducted into the world of casual sex. He knew enough to protect himself and not get her pregnant, but the rest was basically on the job training from the sparse interaction he’d had since his seventeenth birthday and losing his virginity. Carlo recalled coming to Raven’s house one fateful day to meet her, only to find Auriel there with Raven and her boyfriend. “Hi,” Carlo greeted her softly. Auriel smiled slightly and returned his hello, rising and going into the kitchen. Carlo sighed deeply when Raven’s boyfriend spoke. “If she’s the one you want, then you should go let her know that,” he said calmly as Carlo gave him a look, immediately angry at his intrusion.

Who the hell are you,” he threw back gruffly, finally recognizing this wasn’t the same guy who’d been with Raven all along. “I’m Cartier,” he replied. “Do you know me, Cartier,” Carlo threw out, the warning evident. Cartier laughed and sat up, looking directly into his eyes. “No, but you don’t know me either,” he answered, the .45 poking Carlo right in the belly. As stunned as he was he didn’t flinch. “We don’t have to be enemies Carlo,” Cartier reasoned. “I actually think I could show you a way to get some cash without all this dime hustlin’ you been doing,” he added, letting Carlo know he did indeed know him somewhat. Carlo surmised Raven must have told him about the small time dope trading he did to survive. “What did you have in mind,” Carlo returned, intrigued with the man. Cartier smiled and told him they would discuss that later. “Let’s enjoy our ladies right now,” he replied, rising from the couch and pulling Raven by the hand. They went into her bedroom, closing the door behind them. Taking Cartier’s advice he wandered into the kitchen where Auriel was making dinner for everyone. “Did I offend you or something,” Carlo asked as Auriel frowned slightly. “No, why would you think that,” she asked perplexed. Shrugging he told her he must have done something the way she sprinted away when he said hello. “I didn’t mean anything by it,” she explained as Carlo stepped closer to her.

Not liking the closeness, Auriel tried to skirt away from him. “Why are you running from me,” Carlo asked softly, putting his arms around her waist and holding her stationary. “I’m not,” she returned unconvincingly. “I don’t want any trouble,” Auriel mumbled when it finally clicked for him. Carlo smiled slightly knowing she was interested but worried about Sharaine. “I want to be with you,” he told her honestly. “You have a girlfriend,” Auriel replied, giving him a look. Carlo chuckled and told her what he had with Sharaine was a simple arrangement. “Does she know that,” Auriel again questioned. “What if I show you,” he questioned, kissing her neck softly as she pushed him away. “I’m not like that Carlo,” she told him irritably. Smiling inwardly, he walked to her again and stood toe to toe with her, looking down into her beautiful soft brown eyes. “Tell me what I need to do to make you mine,” he asked calmly, never looking away. Auriel searched his eyes silently for a few moments before speaking. Carlo paid rapt attention, already planning his course of action in his head.

Lights out ladies,” the guard yelled, jolting Carlo mercifully from the memories.

He angrily wiped the tears that had fallen while he thought of Auriel, vowing never to let anyone ever see that weakness in him again. Stretching out on the bunk, he heard the loud clunk of the light switch before everything went black and Carlo blocked out the world.



Roderick sighed deeply as Faatin entered the room and stretched out on the bed with him.

What’s wrong,” she asked softly seeing the worry etched on his face.

Roderick assured her nothing, as he kissed her palm softly and touched her stomach. The baby moved under his touch as she smiled at him.

Another son,” Faatin announced proudly.

They already had two; this one was quite a surprise, but due in another month.

What are we naming him,” Roderick asked, kissing her neck now.

He loved his wife with all his heart, making the thing he was doing now all the more complicated. Roderick was deep in the DEA. So deep in fact that not even Faatin knew his real occupation. She thought he was the Electrical Engineer his cover afforded. Sighing softly as she drifted off in his arms, Roderick thought about the dangerous game he was playing. Carlo Cisneros was no joke. Neither was his right hand Cartier. If either of them had half an inclination he was the common denominator that had dethroned their empire and now had them sitting in a courtroom facing life in prison, Roderick knew he and his entire family would be annihilated from the earth.

His mind again went to Hope. The woman was as sweet as could be and Roderick despised having to hurt her, but his job was his job. The most unfortunate part was the fact that somewhere along the line of playing his role; Roderick had actually fallen hard for the beautiful woman.
She’s an assignment, you’ve got to stay objective,
his mind told him as his heart called him a hypocrite and a liar. He’d been dating Hope secretly for the last year and a half as they gathered evidence. It wasn’t as hard as it seemed since he’d sent Faatin and the boys to live with her family in Atlanta. He came and spent time with her at least twice a month and being the good woman she was, she never questioned his absences, simply accepting his explanation of his job keeping him hopping. Roderick had collected names, addresses, and laundering connections just by being with Hope. She didn’t really understand everything Carlo was into, but she made getting access to the man’s personal records simple. Thinking back to his conversation with Carlo days earlier, he was repulsed by the man’s demented comments concerning his own daughter.

Roderick felt immediately sorry for Lauren. The young girl was traumatized for life. He could only imagine the things deep inside her that raged wanting to surface and get out. Hope told him early in their relationship she couldn’t have children, and that was fine with him considering his true identity and occupation. They made love still using a condom though, him telling her he believed God had the final say and that she may indeed be able to have children. Hope had smiled then, returning the smoldering kiss as he made love to her and asked silent forgiveness from Faatin. His cell vibrated and Roderick gingerly rose from the bed, leaving his wife asleep and heading into the den. He read the text and returned the call.

Yeah,” he answered calmly, having a sinking feeling already.

Crazy shit going down,” the reply came instantly.

Cisneros still in jail,” Roderick asked immediately as the party assured him both Carlo and Cartier were in custody.

What then,” Roderick asked waiting to hear the bad news.

Dr. Ross is dead, and Lauren Cisneros is missing,” the party returned as Roderick swore aloud, furious.

I’m on my way back, put every Undercover officer we got on this shit, we gotta find that girl,” he growled, disconnecting as his mind whirled.

There was no doubt in his mind Carlo had ordered the hit. He’d seen the hate and malice in the man’s eyes during the trial. They had to find Lauren and fast, she held an even bigger key to the darkness that truly was Hangman Cisneros.


Carlo smiled with satisfaction as Quenton told him the orders had been carried out.
he thought of Dr. Ross. Carlo hated how the woman tried to make him out to be a monster because he loved his daughter.
Carlo you fucked your daughter, there’s a difference,
his sanity tried once more. Frowning deeply and dismissing the thoughts he concentrated instead on the words coming from Quenton’s mouth.

The firebomb went through the front window,” he began as Carlo nodded. “All the doors had been secured with steel bonding glue, windows too,” he continued. “She was already dying of course,” Quenton told Carlo.

The order had been to shoot Kaitlyn in the legs rendering her unable to free herself from the house.

She screamed a lot at first, then she quieted right down,” he finished as both he and Carlo chuckled aloud.

I have bad news though Hangman,” Quenton told him, using his street name.

The smile immediately vanished as Carlo regarded the jailer with an unwavering stare. Uncomfortable, Quenton rose and stepped away from the man he was addressing before telling him about Lauren’s disappearance.

Where the fuck is my daughter,” Carlo growled, low and cold.

He was dangerously close to Quenton and the jailer began to fear for his life. The man was insane without a doubt, and three times as deadly.

She slipped away from the hospital while everyone was talking about Dr. Ross,” he replied, praying Carlo didn’t flip on him.

I want everyone we got on the street and on the inside looking for her,” Carlo barked.

I don’t want any excuses and no bullshit, find my muthafuckin’ daughter,” he raged, the veins in his neck standing on end.

I’m on it Hangman, I swear,” Quenton replied quickly.

Here, take this, it will calm you down,” he told Carlo, handing him another packet of heroin.

Accepting the drugs Carlo retreated to his bunk effectively dismissing the man from his presence. As he smoked, Carlo’s mind again went on an unwarranted journey into his past and he endured, helpless once again to stop it.
“No Carlo, I can’t,” Auriel told him trying to pull away. They’d been a couple now for almost three months since he officially broke up with Sharaine. It was one of the conditions to Auriel dating him.

Finally he’d managed to get her alone in Raven’s apartment, as she and Cartier went out for the evening. Carlo was tired of waiting. He wanted to make love and Auriel kept pushing him away. “Why, what are you scared of,” he asked, kissing her lips again as his hands squeezed her breast. He knew she wanted him. He could feel her breathing grow uneven and saw the lust in her eyes. “I haven’t ever, you know,” Auriel returned as comprehension dawned for him. Carlo kissed her again telling her it was all right. He was amazed that she was still a virgin at 19. Most of the girls he knew had been having sex for years. It made him want her even more knowing he would be the only man to ever touch her. He and Cartier had talked at length as their partnership grew admitting how much they cared for the two women. “Relax Auriel, I won’t hurt you, I promise,” Carlo replied smoothly as he undressed her. She stopped fighting him finally when his lips found her nipple and began sucking gently. His other hand snaked between her legs, under her panties, finding her wet with excitement.

Carlo quickly removed her underwear, kissing Auriel deeply not allowing her movement. He placed himself between her legs and pushed himself inside her. “Carlo, stop,” she tried as the pain came. “Shh baby, it’ll only hurt for a minute, I promise,” he assured her, moving slowly and gently inside her. Auriel kissed him back when he placed his lips on hers and their lovemaking continued. She was moaning softly moments later as Carlo brought her to orgasm. He felt himself getting closer as his movements became more intense. Neither of them remembered the condom as Carlo came hard inside her. They would be reminded of its absence two months later as Auriel told him she was carrying his child. Carlo was ecstatic, immediately proposing to her. Auriel was slightly reluctant, having a general idea of the things that Carlo and Cartier did together, but allowed his charm to sway her. They were married two weeks afterward, Lauren Nicole was born seven months later and Carlo’s world was complete.

Where the hell is my baby,” he growled coming out of the drug induced trance momentarily.

Hearing the words lights out once again, Carlo promised pain and death to anyone who brought harm to his child.


Cartier was anxiously awaiting sentencing. Unlike Carlo he didn’t see the need to waste time with a trial. He was guilty. He knew it and so did they. His attorney got as many of the charges dropped as possible, the death penalty thrown out, and his choice of prisons complete before Cartier would agree to the deal. He didn’t want to serve time in Chicago. He wanted to be sentenced on the Federal charges and go to a Federal prison. He thought about Carlo and sighed deeply. He knew the only reason his friend was enduring the trial was his love of the spotlight. Carlo didn’t want to go quietly into obscurity and no one remember his name. He’d planned to make as many headlines as possible. They were deliberately being kept apart, not that it stopped Cartier from finding out what was going on with his friend.
Why is he using that bullshit,
he thought tiredly of Carlo’s heroin habit. Sitting alone in the darkness of his small cell Cartier began to reminisce on his life and how it ended up here. He thought of Raven and smiled to himself. He’d loved the woman with his whole heart, but it wasn’t meant to be.

Who is she,” Maxine screamed. Cartier was sick of the arguing. He told her to shut up and leave him alone, warning of the consequences if she didn’t. He was only still with her because Raven was married to someone else. He remembered her telling him like it was yesterday, not the five years that had passed. “Why you marryin’ this asshole and carrying my baby,” Cartier asked calmly as he seethed inside. True he was dating Maxine as well as Raven, the latter was his heart. Maxine was more of a business arrangement being some twelve years older than he. “Eason is my baby’s father, not you,” Raven told him smartly, breaking his heart. “You’re lying Raven,” Cartier argued, praying she was. “He’s the father,” she told him yet again. Cartier couldn’t blame her for being angry. He’d been telling her he would marry her for almost three years. Carlo and Auriel were happily raising his goddaughter, and Raven told him she wouldn’t wait anymore, proving it by marrying Eason Bailey and supposedly giving birth to three sons from him.

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