Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (4 page)

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He still hadn’t seen the set of twins she gave birth too, only her oldest Ryan. Cartier looked for anything on the child that would prove he fathered him, but Raven never gave him that much time alone. He only saw the child in passing with her shooing him immediately away when he stopped by. They were still having sex and Cartier prayed he could talk her into leaving Eason and coming back to him. He thought of their last time together when Ryan was 10 years old and the argument they’d had. “Raven, I love you and you know it, so why the fuck are you still with him,” Cartier growled. Raven calmly replied she loved Eason and she was going to stay with him and raise their children. “How come you won’t ever let me see the kid, or the twins,” he asked, giving her a suspicious look. “Why do you need to see them,” Raven returned calmly. “Because I don’t give a fuck what you say, those babies are mine, just like the one you’re carrying now,” he accused, noticing the changes in her body. “I’m not pregnant,” Raven lied, undone that he knew. “Liar,” Cartier returned flatly. “I want to see my children,” he told her, unraveling her lies even more. “That will never happen,” Raven told him evenly, giving him the answers he sought. “Oh I’m going to see my children, all of my children,” Cartier told her the meaning evident. “Over my dead body,” Raven replied as he sighed deeply.

True her word, Raven immediately talked Eason into moving to another city in the state and kept her whereabouts secret. It took him another six years to find her, learning that Eason, as well as the daughter he’d fathered, was dead. Stricken with a fast paced cancer that took his life in less than six months Eason passed painfully. The daughter Cartier had made with Raven was stillborn causing a breakdown that she never quite recovered from. Ryan was a teenager now and the lure of the city called as he answered. Cartier found his son hustling on the south side of Chicago, his younger brother in tow. Seeing the youngster there was no more doubt that his seed had created him. Later learning his name, Cartier knew that Ian was his mirror image and Ryan was himself reincarnate. Spreading the word quickly on the street, everyone knew the Bailey boys were off limits and their protection deadly. He kept an eye on his sons from a distance watching them learn and hustle as their money and enterprise grew larger than life. He finally got the opportunity to talk to Ryan one evening as the young man; now 17 worked a quick drug deal that threatened to go bad. Ryan had quickly ended any threat by pumping two .38 slugs into the dealers head and calmly taking his money and product from him.

Nice work,” Cartier said calmly, watching from the alley. If the young man was shocked he didn’t react. “Thanks,” Ryan said simply, putting his ill-gotten goods in his pocket. “How’s your mother,” Cartier asked casually. Again without reaction Ryan regarded him and shrugged slightly. “Who are you,” he finally asked as Cartier stood directly in front of him. The young man was almost as tall as his own 6’5” stature. “I’m Socrates, your father,” he replied calmly. This time the shock did register. “Man, stop bullshitting me, I got work to do,” Ryan replied tersely. “First of all, watch your tone,” Cartier returned, all business. “Second of all, I know who the fuck I fathered,” he added as Ryan swallowed hard. “Come ride with me, I want to talk to you,” Cartier threw out as they got into the car and began to ride.

Socrates,” Quenton whispered in the dark.

He worked for the other facility but he had friends here as well.

Yeah,” Cartier replied, reeling his thoughts in.

Heated in the city,” Quenton replied as Cartier voiced his understanding and the two men said nothing more.

Sighing deeply, he closed his eyes and prayed sleep found him quickly.



Make sure that door stays locked,” Roderick ordered.

It had taken them almost two weeks but they finally found Lauren. She’d been staying at various broken down hotels in the city, the kind that only needs cash as ID. They had a foster family lined up for her. Since Dr. Ross’s death the mental hospital had immediately asked the state to transfer her to another facility known for its violent and inhumane treatment of residents. Roderick couldn’t let the child end up there. It was through no fault of her own that she found herself in this predicament. They’d gone through almost twenty families before they found one willing to take in Hangman Cisneros’s daughter. Later this afternoon they would transport her and hopefully help her start a new life away from all the madness of her father’s trial. Sighing deeply Roderick went back to his apartment and called Faatin. He needed to hear her voice and know that she and the children were all right.

Hello,” she answered sweetly.

Roderick returned her greeting and continue to converse for a few moments more before telling her had to head back, to the office for a meeting. Faatin graciously told him that was fine and to call her when he could before disconnecting.

The soft knock on his door came almost instantaneously. Roderick walked to the door opening it without question, already knowing who was at the door.

Come on in,” he told Hope sweetly, hugging her once he closed the door.

Are you all right,” he asked looking into her eyes concerned.

No, not really,” Hope returned going on to tell him about Lauren and the state placing her in foster care.

Roderick fought hard to keep his face neutral seeing the hurt and hearing the pain as Hope talked.

She’s my niece and I love her to death,” Hope told him, crying now. “She’s going to think I didn’t want her, that I didn’t fight for her,” she continued to lament.

Roderick felt three inches tall, but had to remember his assignment. He’d personally screened the foster family and while they weren’t blood they were, on paper, good people. They had no complaints against them and have been fostering for the last 10 plus years.

Baby, I know,” he told her, hugging her now.

Damn Carlo,” she swore as Roderick continued to hold her.

Do you think they would at least let me see her,” Hope asked as he sighed deeply and told her he wasn’t sure.

I guess you could ask,” he told her, already knowing the answer she would receive.

Hope stopped crying as Roderick helped her dry her tears and told her she should try the Department of Children’s services first thing in the morning. She nodded and accepted the drink he’d made for them. Sipping the liquor gingerly Hope asked about his day and Roderick told her the crafted tale making it very believable. They continued to converse until both their glasses were empty.

Would you like another,” Roderick asked.

Hope chuckled and told him no.

You know I can’t drink like that,” she added as he smiled and kissed her softly.

I really need to feel loved today,” Hope told him quietly as Roderick kissed her again deeply.

He pushed the guilt away as Faatin’s image came screaming into his consciousness, and continued arousing Hope. Quickly undressing her and himself, Roderick placed his lips on her nipple as she moaned softly. He loved the way she felt under his touch, the way her skin tasted to his tongue. He left her breast returning to her lips and kissed her deeply as he placed himself inside her and began thrusting into her.

Mmm Roderick,” Hope groaned, enjoying every moment of him.

He began thrusting harder and deeper, consumed with her firm tightness, his body aching for release.

Damn,” Roderick murmured as his end got nearer and nearer.

Yes, mmm, yes, don’t stop,” Hope told him gripping his butt and pulling him deeper inside.

All caution left him as Roderick felt his seed rising and escaping, the deep guttural moan escaping his lips as he came hard and collapsed atop her.


Lauren was standing stoically to the side as the social worker introduced her to the foster family that had agreed to take her in.

Lauren, this is your new family,” the worker told her sweetly, receiving a blank stare in return.

This is Matthew and Rose Frey,” she went on.

The husband and wife smiled at the young girl, who simply nodded her understanding. Another person entered the room as Lauren turned to regard them.

This is our son, Kenneth,” Rose explained.

Kenny,” the young man corrected.

Again Lauren simply nodded and said nothing else. The social worker went into the dining room to talk to Matthew and Rose, explain Lauren’s medication and dietary restrictions.

Hmph, so what’s your story,” Kenny asked looking her over and licking his lips.

He considered every new foster kid they got a potential sex mate, unless of course they were male. This one was definitely fine and sexy. Lauren didn’t answer his query as she continued to regard him.

Doesn’t matter,” Kenny told her slyly, walking closer. “You and I are going to get very well acquainted after dark one of these nights here soon,” he said softly, audible only to her.

Lauren raised an eyebrow, but said nothing.

Everyone came back into the room as Kenneth casually sauntered away from her. The social worker bid Lauren a final goodbye before walking out of the door to her own vehicle.

Come on Lauren, I’ll show you around,” Rose told her kindly.

Lauren took the woman in as they walked. She seemed pleasant enough. They were an older couple and she assumed they’d had their son late in life or he was a foster too.

This is your room,” Rose told her as they entered the small, modest, closure.

Lauren smiled slightly thinking back to the palatial estate she lived in with Carlo.

If you’d like to decorate, we can do that,” Rose offered.

She hoped to get some sort of verbal response out of the girl. She could only imagine how traumatized she had been. The court had only shared so much information with them, but Rose surmised the portion they weren’t told.

It’s fine,” Lauren replied as Rose smiled slightly.

Are you hungry,” she asked as Lauren told her yes.

Smiling again they put her small bag down and headed back to the kitchen.

Matthew smiled as she came into the kitchen, asking if she liked meatloaf. Lauren gave him a small smile and told him yes. Her plate was prepared and placed in front of her. She began gingerly eating after everyone was seated and grace said. Rose and Matthew were okay so far, but Lauren knew Kenny was going to be trouble. He’d already set his mind on something she had no intention of ever giving any other man against her will again. She caught him making crude gestures as they ate, Rose and Matthew oblivious as they chattered pleasantly with each other. After dinner Kenneth cleared the table.

You’ll have a few chores too Lauren,” Matthew told her kindly. “But you don’t have to start now,” he added.

I don’t mind,” she replied amiably, heading into the kitchen and starting on the dishes.

Rose brought the rest from the table as Kenneth came along.

Thank you Lauren,” she told her. “Kenny will show you where they go,” she added and left them alone.

He wasted no time. As soon as the door closed to the kitchen, Kenneth grabbed her breast. Lauren slapped him hard.

Mmm, feisty,” he replied grabbing her and kissing her hard.

Lauren bit his lip and punched him hard to the chest. Angry now, Kenneth recoiled ready to slap her when the knife sliced across his palm and he cried out in pain. Rose and Matthew were in the kitchen almost instantly.

What happened,” Matthew asked, seeing the blood and Kenneth’s hand under the faucet.

My fault,” he said through gritted teeth. “Trying to show Lauren a trick and messed up,” he added as Matthew shook his head and sighed deeply.

That’s what you get,” he told his son checking the wound and seeing that it was superficial.

Lauren stood next to the sink stoic once again.

It’s okay honey, it’s not your fault,” Matthew told her gently seeing the worry etched in her face.

He repeated it again as she finally nodded slightly and began washing dishes all over again. Kenneth left with Matthew and Rose as Lauren slipped the paring knife into her pocket, sure she would need it again soon.


Cartier was restless. He’d been thinking about Raven and his boys all day long.
“What makes you think your seed is strong enough to get me pregnant three times, while I’m married to someone else,

Raven challenged as they argued yet again. He’d found out that she and Eason had separated right after the daughter she carried was stillborn and that he’d taken Ryan and one of the twins with him. “Maybe because I knew for myself that the muthafucka was sterile,” Cartier replied calmly, never taking his eyes off her. Raven caught her breath but said nothing. “Where are my children,” he asked yet again. Jalen came into the room and Cartier looked down at him, seeing himself once more. “Why would you send those two away and keep him,” he asked of the now seven year old. Raven sighed deeply, telling him he wouldn’t understand. “Try me,” he replied. She finally came clean and told him Ryan and the other twin had been with Eason since they separated almost five years ago. “What,” Cartier boomed. “My sons have been with this man all these years and you didn’t think you needed to tell me,” he yelled.

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