Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (9 page)

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The jury has reached its verdict,” he asked.

The foreman rose telling the judge they had.

Please pass the verdict to the bailiff,” Judge Bishop advised.

Carlo sat unimpressed, passive, and bored as they went through the motion of reading each charge and adding the guilty finding to it. At the end of the litany, Judge Bishop thanked the jury for doing their job and returned his attention to Carlo.

Mr. Cisneros,” he began as Carlo and his attorney’s stood.

The judge fixed his gaze on the man in front of him while his mind worked. He was slightly irritated by Carlo’s obvious lack of remorse or even casual respect for the proceedings. Glancing over the courtroom he saw the woman on the front row as usual, this time crying softly. He assumed this was the one relative left in the world who gave a damn about Carlo or his life. Returning his attention again to the task as hand, Judge Ronald Bishop passed sentence.

It is the ruling of this court that you be remanded to Federal Custody immediately for transport to the Leavenworth Federal Correction facility,” he told him as Carlo still stood stoically. “There you will remain for the sentence of three life terms, without the possibility of parole,” Judge Bishop finished sharply as Hope sobbed openly, causing some to turn and regard her in pity.

Do you have anything to say,” the Judge asked, hoping Carlo would at least address his family, perhaps simply say he was sorry.

Carlo sighed softly before opening his mouth and addressing the court, in fluid French. “The devil has walked amongst us. Locking me up will not help. I will still reign and I will still bring fear and pain,” he finished simply as a couple of people in the courtroom understanding his declaration, gasped.

One quickly made the sign of the cross on his chest and began to pray. The judge looked to the prosecutor who shrugged slightly having no idea what was said. Deciding it was best if they left it that way, the Judge quickly told the bailiff to take him away and dismissed court. He glanced once more at the woman on the front row, eyes red and puffy, as she stared at Carlo’s back. Judge Bishop noticed the slight pause as Carlo reached the exit door and him glance quickly back at the woman. The look he gave her was hate filled and evil, causing her to burst into tears once again, but not before she spoke in return, also in fluid French.

May you burn in hell for the pain you caused your own flesh and blood you demon,” Hope yelled at him. “He will devour you before you leave this life, watch and see,” she told him before the tears overtook her and the deputies urged Carlo forward out of the courtroom.

Judge Bishop sat still on his bench, drained and exhausted from the toll of this case. Sighing softly, he rose moments later and left the empty courtroom, preparing for a new day, and a new case.


Roderick wanted to be at the trial when they convicted Carlo. He wanted to see that smug arrogance wiped off his face when the judge sentenced him to life in prison. He couldn’t though. Today all he could think about was Faatin and the loss of his unborn son. Sighing deeply he walked into the den encountering the hostile demeanor of his oldest son.

When are you leaving,” the young man asked, no attempt to hide is disdain at his father’s presence.

Technically he was his stepfather, but that had never mattered to Roderick.

I don’t want to fight with you today,” Roderick replied calmly.

There was something off about the young man; something that went beyond simple grief over the loss of his mother. Roderick suspected he was using drugs but Faatin told him time and again he was wrong. Today, he was almost positive he wasn’t.

You don’t have to fight with me ever,” the young man quickly replied. “Just go back wherever the hell it is you really disappear to every time you leave us alone.”

Roderick allowed the young man to vent, knowing he couldn’t really defend himself. His job as an undercover depended on his keeping that fact very well hidden.

Hey dad,” his younger son greeted walking in on them.

How are you doing son,” Roderick returned amiably.

This son was more like him in temperament. It took a lot to make Roderick really angry and he was patient and kind to a fault.

I’m hanging in there,” the young man returned as his older brother scoffed.

Sighing deeply Roderick ignored the attitude telling them about the arrangements for their mother and sibling.

Yeah, then he’s running out on us afterward,” Hasaan added, giving Roderick yet another evil look.

Is that true,” Tariq asked calmly, looking into his father’s eyes.

Roderick sighed deeply telling them both they would talk about that later. He had to make some arrangements at least for his younger child. Tariq was only seventeen.

Man, I don’t care, we don’t need him,” Hasaan began again as Roderick truly took him in.

His eyes were glassy and red, his breathing erratic and his movements spastic.

What kind of dope are you on,” he threw out calmly as Tariq frowned slightly and waited for Hasaan to speak.

I’m on that fake ass daddy wanna be,” he replied evenly as Roderick’s temper began to rise.

He couldn’t leave Tariq with Hasaan, it would be a disaster. Deciding he would talk to Emin after the services about taking Tariq in until he was legal, he ignored Hasaan and left the room.


Baby, mm,” Blue moaned as he made love to Lauren.

They talked a little while upon returning to his place and he saw how down she was after the visit to her old house. They began to kiss and he’d undressed her.

Yes,” she breathed softly enjoying the things he was doing to her.

Lauren couldn’t lie. She was going to miss Blue and she was scared as hell going out into the world on her own, but what choice did she have. He returned to her lips chasing away any thoughts except him for now.

Lauren, you’re so special,” he told her breathlessly as she came hard and called out his name.

Blue felt himself getting closer and held her tightly, kissing her again. Lauren knew he was almost past the breaking point when she pushed him gently.

Blue, get up,” she told him urgently in his ear.

They were making love raw and she didn’t need to get pregnant before she ran.

Lauren,” he said hoarsely right as he came and pulled out in the nick of time.

Blue was still breathing hard trying to gather himself. It had taken everything in him not to cum inside her.

Thank you,” she told him sweetly as they kissed again and he held her close.

I know we’re not ready for a baby yet,” he replied, kissing her forehead.

Why don’t you come and stay with me,” he threw out as Lauren frowned slightly.

You know that wouldn’t work Blue,” she replied, as her fear screamed that it wanted too.

Why, I would never hurt you Lauren and I’d take good care of you,” he told her. “You do want to be with me right,” he asked, looking into her eyes now.

Blue, you know I do,” she told him truthfully. “But you also know the police would be looking for me, everyone would be looking for me, and you’re already on probation,” she reminded him.

Blue sighed deeply knowing she was right, but not wanting to hear or admit it.

I don’t want you at that house with him anymore,” he told her growing angry.

Because if he touches you Lauren, I’m going to kill him,” Blue finished as Lauren gently stroked his face.

I’m not going back,” she told him quietly.

He looked into her eyes trying to find the meaning behind her statement.

You’re running,” he asked simply as she nodded. “You weren’t going to tell me were you,” he added, the upset in his voice.

I didn’t want to hurt you anymore Blue,” Lauren replied honestly.

So where you going,” he asked again, his mind working.

I don’t know yet,” she told him.

OK, so stay here with me until you figure it out,” Blue tried.

He didn’t want her to leave him ever, but right now he had to buy time.

Lauren continued to sit silently pondering the thing Blue asked. She supposed she could manage to stay out of harm’s way, but there was Kenny. He knew who Blue was and she had no doubt he would run to the police station to give them the information and make sure they arrested Blue. He returned to the room handing her a glass of juice and drinking the beer he’d grabbed.

Blue, I can’t stay, but it’s not because I don’t want to,” Lauren began as he sat next to her and asked her to explain.

She told him the things she’d been thinking concerning Kenny as he cleared this throat and nodded thoughtfully.

I can take care of that,” he said simply as she regarded him again.

Blue don’t get in trouble, I can’t take you being locked up,” Lauren told him.

Blue kissed her gently and told her not to worry about that.

If I can shut Kenny up, will you stay,” he probed, kissing her again.

Against her better judgment she told him yes, watching the smile illuminate his face.

It’s going to work out baby, you’ll see,” Blue told her as he began kissing her neck and fondling her breasts.

Lauren once again surrendered to his touch as they began making love yet another time and she prayed everything would stay good for a change.


Word spread quickly as the verdict and sentencing topped headlines on every major network. Cartier saw the press account of the proceedings from a chair inside the TV room at the prison. He knew it wouldn’t be long now before he and his partner were once again reunited. That was the only catch-22 in the whole case from the start; that both men, if and when convicted, would be mandated to Leavenworth. Of course none of them knew the reasoning behind it but Cartier did and once Carlo arrived they would begin to set their plans in motion. He sighed deeply hearing the accounts of his friend’s non remorseful attitude and a quick interpretation of the thing he’d said in court.
What the hell is wrong with you Carlo,
Cartier wondered internally. From the corner of his eye Cartier saw movement and turned slightly toward it. He saw Razor quickly scurrying away in the other direction having spotted him inside the room. Cartier smiled to himself knowing that situation would soon be rectified. He again had only been waiting for Carlo, wanting him to enjoy the man’s death as well.

Cartier thought about his sons, having gotten word they were flourishing in Alabama, setting up and running a small nightclub on the outskirts of town. Ian wouldn’t be eighteen for another few months, but obviously Ryan had found a way around that. Cartier appreciated the fact that his eldest son looked out for his baby brother.
What about Jalen,
his mind threw at him. He sighed deeply. He’d learned from conversation with Ryan that he hated Ian’s twin. He felt very much betrayed by their mother sending them with Eason and keeping Jalen with her. Cartier knew she did it both out of revenge and remorse. Looking at Ian every day reminded her of him, knowing that while Jalen and Ian favored greatly, he’d taken more of Raven’s features, where Ian looked like Cartier spit him out, literally. Ryan had his dark personality which Cartier was sure had shown up early in his development.
They’re going to be great though,
he thought again, smiling at Ryan’s entrepreneurial spirit and Ian’s drive to learn and keep up with his brother. Thinking about his own children immediately brought his mind to Lauren again.

Ernie was doing as instructed, being privileged to more information working at Erlanger than the rest. He was close to finding out the name of the foster family that had taken her in. Cartier wanted to tell them to check the Catholic school Carlo enrolled her in, but knew without him financing it; she wouldn’t be able to attend. Sighing deeply he prayed Ernie came up with a hit and quick. Lauren had a birthday coming soon and Cartier desperately wanted to know where his goddaughter was and that she was all right.
I also want some answers from Carlo when he gets here,
he thought angrily the entire custody matter coming full blown. He took a deep breath and calmed himself, just as Meredith entered the room and said hello. Cartier returned her greeting, almost immediately ignoring her. He’d seen her giving him the once over on several occasions, but he wasn’t interested. Even with women and sex being almost non-existent he wasn’t attracted to her. There was another guard however, Lonette, that he found extremely sexy. He’d planned to feel her out and see if she was interested. He of course definitely hoped she was, especially considering the alternatives.





Roderick was trying to tie up the still loose ends of the Hangman case some two months later. He was seeing Hope tonight, unable to break it off with her as he knew he should. Roderick needed her right now as much as she needed him, feeling very much alone and empty without Faatin. Emin graciously took in Tariq as Hasaan decided to strike out on his own, getting an apartment in the Southwest side of the city. Roderick offered him financial help but he turned him down flat, dismissing him from his life permanently. Not feeling the fight any longer, Roderick allowed it and turned his attention to his youngest son. Tariq was graduating high school in the next few months he reflected, making a note to buy him his first car. Sighing deeply Roderick’s thoughts returned to Hope and how deep he was now. He could tell from the look in her eyes she was in love with him. He cared for her true enough, but Roderick couldn’t lie and call it love. They had great sex together, but he wasn’t caught up to the point of settling down with her. His phone rang and he walked over to the table to answer it, hoping it wasn’t yet another call about Hasaan and some trouble or other he’d gotten himself into.

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