Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (25 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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Are you going to kill me now,” he asked quietly.

No,” Carlo replied almost immediately. “I’m going to give you what you came here for,” he added cryptically.

Rait wasn’t sure what it meant, but he held his peace and waited on Carlo’s next move.

I did some research while you were away,” Carlo began matter-of-fact.

I think you may be partially correct about the schizophrenia,” he told him diplomatically. “But you’re entirely off base about the personality disorder,” Carlo went on as Rait frowned slightly.

Seeing the man’s expression Carlo sighed deeply, pulling his chair right in front of him, sitting down and looking directly into his face.

Doc, I am Carlo Hangman Cisneros, one man, no split anything,” he told Rait who nodded slightly but said nothing.

Remember the boy I told you about as a child,” he inquired and Rait nodded yes.

That was true,” Carlo told him. “He did tease me, and I did beat him up finally,” Carlo continued.

What I didn’t tell you was that I attacked him later on and injured him badly,” he began anew. “He of course never told anyone and I was never punished,” Carlo said simply. “I decided then that I liked hurting people and making them fear me,” he told the frightened man. “I set my sister up to be raped, and I enjoyed every minute of watching that man fuck her,” Carlo raged, his teeth bared in a bizarre and crazed smile. “I killed because I enjoyed it doctor, every moment of it,” he continued, never taking his eyes from Rait’s face.

The psychiatrist was visibly trembling as Carlo continued to talk and he finally began to see what he’d missed all along. Carlo wasn’t crazy, he was evil. Pure and personified evil dwelt in this man. He had no soul, no conscience, no remorse.

So you enjoyed fucking your own daughter and killing your wife,” Rait threw out wanting to see if Carlo would finally discuss what’d happened that day.

The smiled vanished and the eyes grew dark with fury again.

You want to know why I killed Auriel, doc,” he challenged as Rait nodded yes.

Because she lied to me, betrayed me, and if I hadn’t killed her she would have done the same thing to my daughter,” he growled.

Feeling he had nothing left to loose, Rait pressed forward.

You said that before, but what exactly did she lie about Carlo,” the psychiatrist asked and held his breath.

Carlo grew quiet for a few moments more before opening his mouth and answering Rait’s question.

She lied about loving me and being faithful,” he told him, growing quiet once again.

So Auriel had an affair,” Rait questioned yet another time.

Mhmm,” Carlo replied as he rose and stretched.

We’ll talk about that more after dinner,” he threw out letting Rait know that for now the discussion was over, as he casually walked out of the room and left the psychiatrist handcuffed to the table.


Hope had reason to be excited these days. Her cancer was in remission and Roderick was once again in her life. She felt badly for neglecting Stefan, though she did continue to date him off and on during the three months since Roderick returned to her life. Hope had no intention of being left high and dry again should he decide to once again pull a disappearing act. Stefan shared with her the leads he’d gotten on Lauren during their time together, unfortunately each turned out to be another dead end. Hope sighed deeply thinking about her niece, as well as her own daughter, whom she’d named Piper, after her and Carlo’s mother. She fleetingly thought of Carlo and violently pushed the memory away. As far as Hope was concerned he didn’t exist anymore. She was still filled with so much anger and bitterness toward her brother. Changing her thoughts she began to think about Roderick again. At least this time she knew going in that he was a cop.
Is he on assignment again, is he trying to find something new about Carlo from you,
her mind pressed.

Hope loved him with all her heart, but she didn’t trust Roderick; not at all. She was simply enjoying the time they spent and getting her needs fulfilled this time. Sadly to her disappointment she hadn’t become pregnant again, at least not yet. They still made love regularly and Roderick always stayed inside her, void of protection. She thought back to the hurt she’d seen in his eyes as she told him about Piper and their losing her.
He would have been a wonderful father,
Hope mused but still didn’t allow herself to get caught up. Her phone rang distracting the thoughts.

Hello,” Hope answered amiably.

Hi,” Stefan greeted sweetly. “I was wondering if you were up for dinner this evening,” he questioned as Hope accepted his invitation.

Thanking her and telling her what time he would pick her up, he disconnected. Hope was still holding the receiver trying to sort out what she actually felt for the man she was having dinner with again tonight. Stefan had been extremely kind and attentive when they spent time and she knew from the look in his eyes, he wanted more than just a casual friendship from her.
What about Roderick,
her mind asked. Sighing deeply Hope did what she always had, pushed the questions away deciding to address them when or if she was forced to do so.


Stefan was still smiling as he headed to the shower. His talk with Keith had been extremely productive. Tomorrow he would continue gathering what he needed to permanently destroy the relationship between Hope and Roderick.
He’s connected though, I’ll need to be careful,
Stefan thought as he stood under the spray. The game he was playing was definitely dangerous, but Stefan hated to be one upped and this man had swooped in and effectively blocked any chance of him being with Hope the way he wanted. As long as Roderick was in the picture, Hope would never seriously give their relationship a chance. She would never allow Stefan to kiss her, undress her and do all the sensuous things he wanted to do to her. He wanted to marry her and lay next to her every night when he came home. Hear her laughter and see her smile as they talked and spent time.

Stefan also wanted the notoriety that came with being married to Hangman Cisneros’s sister. All his suspicions about the man’s power and prowess had been confirmed when he met with Ernie and was asked for his help.
Hangman will reward me well when he gets out,
he mused smiling as he continued to shower. Stefan also thought about what he wanted to do to Roderick. He was going to make him suffer for lying to Hope and hurting her. He also wanted him to see and know that Hope was with him now and they would always be together. Smiling malevolently, Stefan began plotting. He still had a lot more information to gather, but with Keith already under his thumb, and Jake soon to follow, it wouldn’t be long before he had all the ammunition he needed to expose Roderick Aames for the lying, manipulating, scum that he was and permanently eradicate him from Hope’s life. If he played his cards right, Stefan figured he could end up second lieutenant to Carlo personally.
Wouldn’t that be the showstopper,
he thought as he began to sing and enjoy his shower with renewed vigor.



Rait obediently finished the meal provided, remarking to himself that it was delicious. He’d been fed the standard prison food during his time in solitary and it took horrible to a new standard. His mind continued to race wondering what fate Carlo indeed had planned for him. He was dead as far as anyone outside knew and the guards in this place were definitely all under Carlo’s spell. Movement broke his thought as Carlo returned to the room and sat down once again.

How was dinner, doc,” he asked casually.

Rait replied that it was delicious, thanking him for it. Carlo waved it away, telling him everyone deserved a treat now and then.

So where were we,” he began rhetorically.

Rait quietly waited for him to start talking, know his input was not needed or desired as yet.

Auriel told me she loved me,” Carlo began. “She told me she would never cheat on me or leave me, but she did cheat on me and she was planning to leave me,” he continued as Rait paid rapt attention.

I came home early that day,” Carlo started anew. “It was around 11AM or so I guess, Lauren was still at school,” he continued. “I walked toward my bedroom and I heard them, the sounds of people making love,” he spoke, his voice beginning to tighten.

I at first wanted to believe Auriel was perhaps watching one of my porno movies and pleasuring herself, but then I heard the second voice and knew that wasn’t the case,” Carlo told Rait, pausing now as the doctor nodded his understanding, but didn’t interject.

Sighing slightly Carlo continued.

The door was ajar so I was afforded the opportunity to peek inside,” he told Rait. “My worst suspicions were confirmed when I saw them,” Carlo told him, the anger returning. “My wife, mouth open, moaning in ecstasy as Megan, my fuckin’ maid, ate her pussy,” he continued, eyes glazing over, as his breathing grew rapid.

Rait was stunned. He semi understood why Carlo had gone off the deep end. Finding out your wife was cheating would be bad enough, but to a man like Carlo, another woman was an extreme insult to his manhood.

I couldn’t move Doc, it was as if my feet were glued to the floor,” he continued once again regarding Rait. “I watched as she came and then began kissing Megan, pushing her onto the bed and beginning to return the favor and eat her pussy as well,” Carlo told him. “I guess Megan felt my eyes boring into them, because she opened her own and looked at me standing there,” Carlo told him.

Rait swallowed hard, knowing they were about to hit the gruesome elements of the story.

She tried to push Auriel away, warn her that I was there, but I didn’t give her time. The .45 made a nice hole in her head as I shot her,” Carlo chuckled.

Auriel heard the gunshot and looked up, screaming in horror as she found herself eating out a dead woman,” Carlo told Rait still smiling slightly.

Just as quickly it left and Carlo returned to his story.

I grabbed her and beat the hell out of her, I made her tell me how long she’d been licking pussies and lying to me,” Carlo raged angrily.

Do you know these two bitches had been fucking each other, in my damned house, for the last two almost three years,” he addressed Rait.

As before, the psychiatrist said nothing, simply nodding his understanding.

I beat her some more, I wanted to fuck her, but I couldn’t, I couldn’t bring myself to touch her ass ever again after that,” he began anew.

After I grew tired of beating her, I grabbed the machete I kept in my closet and dragged her dead pussy into the bathroom. I went back and grabbed Auriel making her come inside and watch as I hacked the bitch limb from limb,” Carlo told him, smiling once again.

If Rait ever doubted before, he didn’t now. The man was evil, no question.

She puked on my floor and I made her ass eat it,” Carlo told him as Rait himself fought hard to keep his own stomach from lurching.

Time got away from me and I heard Lauren come home,” Carlo began anew. “I punched Auriel and made her nasty ass tell me if she’d ever told Lauren about the shit she and Megan did together,” he went on. “She said she didn’t, but she was such a liar, I couldn’t trust that. I couldn’t let my daughter think it was okay for some woman to be eating her pussy and pretending to fuck her like a man should,” Carlo told Rait.

I dragged Auriel into the sitting room, it has a clear view of the kitchen, and I tied her ass to the chair, gagged her so she couldn’t interrupt me when I talked to Lauren,” he went on.

Rait’s mind was spinning. He was getting everything he asked for, but his own psyche was about to shut down from the horrors being exposed and explained.

I called my baby into the kitchen,” Carlo told him, his voice changing and taking on a gentle loving tone.

She always told me the truth, always,” he told Rait who again nodded without comment. “I asked her if she’d ever seen two women together,” Carlo told him.

She blushed deeply and shook her head yes,” Carlo informed as Rait caught his breath.

Carlo smiled as his reaction.

Exactly doc,” he replied effectively reading the man’s thoughts. “She’d seen them, even though they thought they were so slick and secret, my baby had seen them with their filth,” Carlo told him.

I asked her to undress and she was a little shy, as a proper young lady should be,” he went on. “But after I told her I was her daddy and it was okay for me to see her naked, she complied,” Carlo told him.

Rait summoned courage and spoke again. “But how was your raping her supposed to help her Carlo,” he threw out as Carlo sighed deeply.

I regret how much I hurt her the first time,” he told Rait honestly. “It wasn’t supposed to be like that, I was only going to teach her about love, and that only a man should ever be inside her like that,” he explained in his warped sense of logic.

Auriel made me so angry with her deception I took it out on Lauren,” Carlo explained as Rait saw actual tears in his eyes.

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